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Everything posted by Vorlonagent

  1. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    It all depends on when you're on the roads...
  2. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    Arguably not all experience is equal. It's not that time spent as a girl must be bad, but that it could be and from there how Ed Verres might perceive it. People have a remarkable ability to be open or closed to new experience. In the case of a cisgender Tedd, does being a girl built exactly to any and all fethish quirks improve his ability relate to women or make it easier to objectify them? Tedd himself gives mixed signals. One the one hand, Tedd has a history of modding video games in lewd ways. On the other,Tedd also has a history of trying to disable the "X-Ray" function in his glasses.
  3. Things That Make You Happy

    Falcon heavy launch cost is $90 million. I'm sure Elon would take a pottery urn full of gold...
  4. Things That Make You Happy

    The Falcon Heavy just successfully launched a Tesla roadster into earth orbit, preparing for an eventual Sun-Mars orbit. The high point was watching the two boosters do a synchronized landing at Cape Kennedy. Unfortunately they lost video to the core and ended the stream before letting us know if it landed safely on its target barge.
  5. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    You can boil WW2 down to "Too much hubris on one side, not enough on the other." But then you have to unpack it again to make it explain anything. The idea is Tedd's emotional development was crippled by Noriko leaving. Arguably spending time as a girl might not be doing him any favors in moving toward emotional growth and maturity. But at the same time Tedd came out of his shell in order to have the chance to work with the TF gun to begin with, so Verres also doesn't do Tedd any favors by taking it away. Verres also has a gruff demeanor in general, which by itself could adversely affect Tedd.
  6. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    I went through a half-second of thinking "Now that you mention it, it does sound strange", too.
  7. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    Exactly. Human do excel at seeing what they want to see. But there's enough there to suggest to an alert Ed Verres that his assessment of Tedd might not be complete anymore. That would be me. Over 70 City of heroes characters total, 70% of them female. (I knew I had more female than male, but I didn't realize it was that much more till I did a census) There are some guys for whom the concept of men playing female characters (and the reverse) grinds their mental gears. My brother may have been/may be one of those. He once looked at me funny after I finished playing a female toon and I came up with "whose butt would you rather look at?" on the spot without ever having read it anywhere. Maybe 2 1/2 hours the way YOU drive.... Most CA freeway speeds tend to be 65 MPH. If IL highways are standardized on 55, that changes things.
  8. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    General immaturity, withdrawing from the world rather than coming to terms with it. Being a girl rather than dating one. Again, all I am suggesting is "cause for concern". Verres expresses disapproval but does not at any point attempt to stop the actions he disapproves of. If "immaturity" is the label applied to explain why a theoretical cisgender straight Tedd transforms himself, Tedd's maturity in other areas suggests this explanation might be incomplete or incorrect.
  9. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    I admit there is enough latitude in Ed Verres' presentation that he could harbor a prejudice against being non-cis (or distorted perceptions of it), but I suggest there is also enough latitude where his actions don't require such attitudes. While we know Tedd is genderfluid, we have no canon proof that Ed Verres does. Tedd's actions might be more concerning if they were done by a cisgender child, not a genderfluid one. The counterpoint is that Tedd is maturing greatly every way else.
  10. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    The point is Ed Verres has to realize Tedd is not cisgender straight. Then things get clearer.
  11. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    Dan is too kind to his characters for Ed Verres to be outright prejudiced. If he was willing to take the time to rehabilitate Melissa, to say nothing of Pandora herself, then there shouldn't be something irredeemable about Verres either. It has to be that Verres doesn't realize how much damage his disapproval is causing, or something like this. His private talk with Nanase about why she shouldn't tell Tedd about Noriko should be enough to tell us he is very concerned about his son and doesn't want to see avoidable hurt inflicted on him (even as he, presumably unknowingly, inflicts hurt himself). Verres' willingness to test Tedd's watches outside Moperville's magic buildup and his willingness to let Tedd's researcht pretty much unsupervised and unrestricted suggests Verres respects and supports his son's work too. Even as Verres disapproves of Tedd transforming himself, it's important to remember he never tries to stop Tedd, when he could easily do so if he wanted to. So we have these important ways Ed Verres does not answer to the the description of the judgemental parent who refuses to accept their child. I don't know what Ed Verres' deal is or what Dan will give us when it comes time to work out that father-son relationship. My best guess is Verres never made the connection that Tedd was genderfluid. The counterpoint is that Ed Verres is nothing if not observant. He and George could have observe-offs and the result might be in doubt (though I'd probably bet on old age and treachery), so as Tedd matures and continues to spend time as a girl, a simple narrative of "straight Tedd" should be creaking under the weight of assumptions that it can't support.
  12. EGS Strip Slaying

    Later we'll discuss the rules of algebra changing...
  13. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    I hope so too. I don't think Ed Verres has put 2+2 together and realized Tedd is genderfluid. I think he's seeing what he thinks as a bright but traumatized (straight) kid spending a lot of time as a girl among other things. Despite being out to pasture these days, Verres might still not be home enough to internalize how much Tedd has matured.
  14. NP, Friday February 2, 2018

    That works out to about 60.1% chance of landing on a square she can steal. And that chance is going up over time, so OK. This is about as early as you'd want to see the "magician" card.
  15. NP, Friday February 2, 2018

    ...but to steal a space she has to land one one that's already owned.
  16. NP, Friday February 2, 2018

    ...BUT if she can't take a new space that way.
  17. NP, Friday February 2, 2018

    The fascinating thing here is this combination allows Susan to defend territory but not get new spaces. To get new stuff she has to transform herself and break her combo.
  18. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    I think there may be some propaganda at work here. Moperville isn't exactly bubbling over with friendship...
  19. Story, Friday February 2, 2018

    Voltaire seems to know a lot about Pandora. he gave the "pithos" medallion to Dex to control him, which tells us he knew she was around and who she was. He knew Raven was an elf, which suggests he knew who Adrian's mother was. So if he knows all that, he might also know what Pandora did to the Earth's werewolf population. so: provoke Pandora to do something so egregious that Immortals have to call a Rule Committee together. A magic reset lobotomizes earth's mages, leaving the place a playground for Immortals. As a completely different aside, it took me this long to see that Dan had built a pretty solid "Parent, Adult, Child", or "Superego, Ego, Id" trinary out of Arthur, Tedd and Van. As another completely different aside, the way to cut beck the number of seers weighing in on the next magic change, broadcast what the Seer's second function is across the internet.
  20. Story Monday January 29, 2018

    But it wasn't all that long ago that Dan spent a lot of EGS: NP time explaining Ellen's magic is great detail. Purely playing the meta game, that information is not likely to be invalidated, so some magic and spells for some people are likely to be salvaged into whatever changes occur. Besides, we don't know what spell Elliot got after he reached transgender nirvana. That spell is likely to come into play dealing with Sirleck, so at the very least magic can't change anything too drastically until sometime after that Big Reveal. EDIT: As an aside, I mildly surprised myself, rediscovering that I pulled my avatar from the comic I linked to.
  21. NP: Wednesday 31 2018

    Y'all have gone and done it now, Ashley...
  22. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    Agreed. the situation would be extremely fragile and prone to coming apart at the seams very easily. ...IF magic continues to be theoretically open to everybody.
  23. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    ...blowing a battlecruiser-size hole in Arthur's argument. it's kind of sad to say but a plan that depends on a group of people instinctively doing the right thing always ends with everybody dead, the dirigible in flames and at least one lost hat.
  24. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    State secrets are the most fleeting of all. If anybody could still get magic after a major revision, the ability to get it will spread like wildfire through the internet. Arthur is betting on a losing horse. That's before we talk about what happens if some Seers refuse to go along with secrecy. It just takes one "Information wants to be free" Seer. If magic wants to make a massive change, a part of that change must be to limit who can get magic to some select group. magic cannot be open to everybody anymore.
  25. Story Monday January 29, 2018

    Or in keeping with the conversation, a Niven ring?