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    • Robin

      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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  1. Thanks
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Sad news   
    As boomers and silent generation age, we are losing them at a faster and faster rate.  As a boomer, granted a late one, this is unsettling to me.
  2. Haha
    mlooney got a reaction from Amiable Dorsai in Comic for Wednesday, Jan 1, 2025   
    Blink.  Why did I forget about that?  Bad reader.  No doughnut!
  3. Like
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Cats, Dogs, Other pets.   
    “The Human got up sorta late and is grunting in the chair.  I think his back is bothering him today.  I'll get on the desk to help soon!” - Explorer the Cat.

  4. Haha
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in What Are You Ingesting?   
    Now I want a hot dog.
  5. Haha
    mlooney reacted to Darth Fluffy in The Weather.   
    The rain, it's plain, gives mlooney pain;
    The rain, it's plain, gives mlooney pain;
    And where is this blasted rain?
    I'll explain, on the plain.
    And does his pet get wet?
    No, not yet, not yet.
    Then why is it such a pain; this rain, this rain?
    I don't know, but he feels it in his vein, and in his brain.
  6. Sad
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Things That Are Just Annoying   
    This is more than just annoying

    People suck. Some kinds of people suck more than others. People that endanger others for “clicks” suck a lot.
  7. Like
    mlooney got a reaction from ProfessorTomoe in Cats, Dogs, Other pets.   
    Today is Explorer's “Gotcha” day. Can't believe it's been 5 years now.
  8. Haha
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in What Are You Listening To?   
  9. Like
    mlooney got a reaction from ChronosCat in Comic for Friday, Jan 3, 2025   
    If the US dollar collapses, I don't think gold will be doing much better.  Cans of beans, on the other hand…
  10. Haha
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Cats, Dogs, Other pets.   
    “All of those require going outside.  I Don't Do Outside” - Explorer the Cat.
  11. Haha
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Random. Just Random.   

  12. Like
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Cats, Dogs, Other pets.   
    "Get The Dot!" - Explorer the Cat.

  13. Haha
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Comic for Wednesday, Dec 18, 2024   
    WotC making a bad business decision?  Can't happen.  Look at how well they handled the OGL last year.
  14. Like
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in NP Comic for Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024   
    So, my 3 chocolate chip cookie bet:
    Cinderella will be fem Tedd.
    The prince will be masc Elliot.
    The Fairy Godmother will be Hope or Pandora.
  15. Like
    mlooney reacted to ProfessorTomoe in Cats, Dogs, Other pets.   
    Our female tortoiseshell cat, Pretty Girl (we didn't pick the name, she was a rescue from a hoarding situation) and me, relaxing together in my recliner,

  16. Haha
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in D&D (And general fantasy stuff)   

  17. Like
    mlooney reacted to ProfessorTomoe in Things That Make You Happy   
    It's not much, but Mrs. Prof and I hope you still enjoy them. Maybe they will help you hit your daily calorie goals. Om nom nom. In any case, If I don't hit up FB today, have a very Happy Birthday, kind sir. You deserve one, by all means.
  18. Thanks
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Things That Make You Happy   
    I opened my package from @ProfessorTomoe this afternoon because, it's my birthday and I didn't want to wait until Christmas.
    Two bottles of Curry wurst ketchup!  Will try them out tonight!
  19. Haha
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in D&D (And general fantasy stuff)   
  20. Like
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)   
    Got my NAFO pin!  2 days early for my self-birthday present.

  21. Haha
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Comic for Friday, Dec 6, 2024   
    I plead brain fart.  Yes, Stooges is better than Muppets in this context.
  22. Like
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Comic for Friday, Dec 6, 2024   
    She used the name, talking so someone off pannel.  Presumably the "real life" person that the Immortal took his name from.
  23. Like
    mlooney got a reaction from ChronosCat in Comic for Wednesday, Dec 4, 2024   
    Crack theory:  Dragons, as species, don't exist.  The Dragon was an immortal and the only one of his kind.  Immortals are allowed to attack other Immortals, or the whole thing about auto-reset falls apart.
  24. Like
    mlooney got a reaction from ProfessorTomoe in Things That Make You Happy   
    I got a package from the River Store, with a gift inside.  Thanks @ProfessorTomoe.  I'm gonna open it on my birthday, the 11th, and not wait for Christmas.
  25. Haha
    mlooney got a reaction from Darth Fluffy in Comic for Friday, Nov 29, 2024   
    It's almost like there was some guiding force behind their actions…