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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. NP Tues March 17 2020

    Regular explosives probably not. However, two tonnes of poison, delivered without any warning due to the rocket being faster than sound, could be worth it. Not speaking about biological warfare. Those B-52 would be hard to get above Moscow without anyone noticing ...
  2. NP Thur March 19 2020

    If it was christian temple, then yes. However, we can't be sure what religion that is. Note that if it would be christian temple, it wouldn't be so likely that head of the temple would have different gender than the other members, would it? (Also note previous page with "some others did certain things together anyway" ... so, either mixed genders, or same-sex relationship, or both)
  3. NP Thur March 19 2020

    Given her apparent simplified knowledge within this story, if she has any concept of sexual intercourse at all, it is of the tab-A-into-slot-B nature, so she may not have a concept of how two women could do it with one another. Actually, considering everyone in the setting has underwear which is impossible to remove, tab-A-into-slot-B might be more than ANYONE in the setting knows. Maybe kissing is really all they can do. That is, unless the unremovable underwear is actually possible to remove off-panel, just like the farms work off-panel.
  4. NP Tues March 17 2020

    The top motivation for progress was always survival - which, in war, meant having better weapons. The second most important motivation was laziness. There is plenty of people who would spend lot of time working hard on something which allows them to avoid the work they are supposed to do. Usually, it only pays of when the invention gets successful and more people starts using it, but hey, that inventing work was more fun and it didn't looked as SO much work originally ... Note also that both US and USSR build their rocket program based on German V-2 rocket. Which Germans fired in large numbers despite not having the nukes to put as payload. I think that even without nukes, the rocket program would continue under assumption that they will find SOMETHING to put inside.
  5. NP Tues March 17 2020

    I, on the other hand, would find it odd if no one ever tried. This is close, bombs, not shells. Oops, nope, they have shells; about half way down, WW II; picture of guys loading them. Don't need to speculate. We are rather inventive critters when it comes to mayhem. Someone has tried it. Yeah, I don't care what "it" is, someone has tried it. Interesting. I knew that there were leaflets distributed from planes, but I sort of assumed they just drop them without the bomb around them, utilizing the fact that sheet of paper falls quite slowly (unlike the bomb). Also, I imagined more like classical cannons, front-loaded ones. Those probably wouldn't be able to deliver the canon readable, at least not with original technology. Thinking about modern cannons, I don't see any reason why should it surprise me ... I should've though about them sooner Rule 34 says something very similar about porn. I suppose it would be true about sex itself as well, although SOME porn was likely just drawn / done using CGI ... like, we don't have any extraterrestrials we know about ...
  6. NP Thur March 19 2020

    D'awwwww ... Considering it seems that Rhoda's knowledge about dates ends with kissing, I don't think they get on it anytime soon. Hopefully, there will be some timeskip. After they kiss. ... or, alternatively, maybe Susan can find them? Also preferably after they kiss. Now, regarding Dan's commentary ... I'm pretty sure self-driving doesn't require the cars to be sentient. We definitely wouldn't know how to do that. And that thing which meanders would be river.
  7. Story Thur March 19 2020

    I don't recall it being like this when SARS or H1N1 were making the rounds, but then I don't recall certain organizations being this disorganized either. There were just 8000 people infected by SARS. H1N1 still has more, but at no point anyone feared 70% of people will catch it. I guess future will tell if it was disorganization or if it's really that much more dangerous.
  8. Story Thur March 19 2020

    If not now, few more moments like this and she realizes it. But you're right, she's unlikely to calling her out. Good point, there would be very few countries not affected yet and US definitely wouldn't be one ... ... so confirmed. It's closest to apocalypse from everything they lived through. Well, they MAY be infected. It's just ... the test will not be reliable in such case anyway ... and better to assume you are infected anyway, not like you can get tested every hour - and you can be INFECTED every hour. Definitely. However not enough to tell us what happened I'm not surprised. No, real men can't let their lower jaw fall all the way to the ground, they won't get steam coming from their ears and they're eyes probably stay in their sockets. I think that would be all differences, or did I forgot some?
  9. NP Tues March 17 2020

    Like catapults and catechisms. You could have a shell full of propaganda leaflets and have both; a canon cannon. Or doctrine on the use of cannons, that would be cannon canon. You could. However, I suspect that unlike catapults, which can deliver the catechism in usable state, canon fired from cannon would be unreadable. Meanwhile, I don't see any problem with cannon canon.
  10. Story Thur March 19 2020

    And Tedd was worrying she's already revealed ... although, that question was dangerously close. Based on commentary, was Dan affected by coronavirus? Like, not catch it, probably, but maybe city he's in did something to limit spread? Definitely.
  11. NP Tues March 17 2020

    And in my defense I get Cannon and Canon mixed up all the time. Sounds dangerous. Cannons are used for physical defense. Canons are used for ideological defense. Mixing those two wouldn't be pretty ... There was some memo-technic based on what you want to have more of ... oh wait that was dessert.
  12. NP Tues March 17 2020

    In my defense, I just copied mlooney's mistake. Of course! I'll start work on it soon. OT23 needs update! (Or maybe not. Not that much changed since it, did it? Well, Lucy is missing ...)
  13. NP Tues March 17 2020

    Like I've said before Rhoda + Cat is my favorite EGS couple that isn't part of a threesome, or at least a threesome in my head cannon. So, did you forgot https://www.egscomics.com/comic/2013-12-20 or did you just not accepted into head cannon?
  14. NP Tues March 17 2020

    And with how she looks at her, she certainly hopes for "yes". I said that two comics ago Rhoda wasn't just trying to be nice. Now ... "did certain things together anyway" ... that's VERY open to interpretation. Of course, if Rhoda wasn't one of them, she likely can't be more specific even if she wanted.
  15. https://www.egscomics.com/comic/party-128 ... actually, pointing out the problem with circular definition is quite nerdy thing to do. ... did the "they are rebooting" already entered mainstream or is it still considered nerdy thing to say? ... that's all I have for comics. Now the commentary: I don't think I have ADHD ... however reading all that ADHD Alien comics made me feel like I know what they speak about. Like, I don't have it that serious or that often, but lot of it sometimes happen to me. Now ... does it mean I do actually have some very weak case of ADHD? Is it also sideefect of something else I actually have? Or do neurotypical people also feel that way and just need it to be pointed out to realize it? Wait. ADHD is medicated with stimulants. Maybe I get ADHD-like symptoms when tired? I do often complain that the more tired I am the harder it gets to stop what I'm doing and go to sleep ...
  16. Story March 16 2020

    While being jerk about it, Diane has a point. Ashley's measure for when "it matters" is skewed. She should speak up more often. I'm more surprised that Grace didn't picked how Ashley's reply wasn't really sincere. Oh wait she doesn't have her antenae out. Everything is possible if you are willing to cheat a bit. For start, someone who's shapeshifting isn't limited to mix&match of existing forms. And who doesn't require organs. Like Odo or other Founders. Isn't fight more something for bars? Also, I would expect it's how things gets to END.
  17. With the number of politicians constantly talking, it's virtually inevitable that every now and then one will say something sensible. Predicting which one, and when, is left as an exercise for the student. Note that it's not like they come with it independently. They just repeated what someone who actually knows something said. It's still rare, but you have point.
  18. I suspect that if there would be real risk of being cut off, only one who remain unbanked would be the undocumented ones. Of course, that may be even bigger advantage for government. (Note that personally I find hard to believe AND quite a "success" of the privacy violators if the number of real unbanked is really as high. I would expect lot of them would be using prepaid/gift cards, prepaid SIM or burner phones.)
  19. Actually, that can still be helpful. Say (making numbers up) that we have capacity to put a million victims in the hospital at one time. If we have two million cases who need hospitalization this week, that doesn't work, and we have people dying who could have been saved. If we have a million cases who need hospitalization this week, and a million cases that need hospitalization two weeks from now, that works, and those people end up OK. Heck, even if spreading it out means we have a THIRD million cases another two weeks after that, we're still ahead. That's so good point it's surprising it's also official explanation from OUR politicians. Probably because noone would be believing them if they tried to claim they can stop it. Not sure which are you willing to avoid, but little hint of a social activity which may not be possible for the rest of your life: elections. The problem with virus will eventually be solved: even if we don't find any cure, people will eventually build better immunity, and even if reinfection is possible it wouldn't be that serious third time. However, lot of governments were already limiting people's rights and privacy ... and this might give them excuse. On the other hand, this will also be a big push for home office and electronic communication in general. So, pessimistic view, there wouldn't be any elections. Optimistic one, they wouldn't be social event, as they would be online ... with "who voted for whom" no longer as secret as is now. Sure, it is technically possible to do secret elections online, but only if government wants. The ability to pay by cash is also in danger. They already recommend not using cash as temporary measure in my country ... possibly because they don't believe cash will survive disinfection ... possibly because it's harder to track cash for tax purposes.
  20. Well, yes, but didn't Italy already done something similar? We are already closing some shops but so far, workers are supposed to show up in factories. Yeah sounds half-assed. People who were skying in Italy and returned home recently are not popular now, but so far, none of them died either from the virus nor from someone with strong opinion about it. I don't have any other option than working for home for years already. Well, unless you count the option to work from anywhere else with WiFi. Now I just need to guess correctly which day wouldn't be safe to go shopping ... too late and I get infected. Too soon and I run out of food, will need to go shopping later and get infected.
  21. NP Friday March 13, 2020

    I would say it was the latter as I would expect a gas explosion would probably have, in a best case scenario, put Dan in the hospital. Not if he was outside at that moment.
  22. Oh ... those tends to be literally surreal ... meaning, as from different universe. Yeah. That's what I mean by more infectious. I've read only some countries are this pessimistic (like Germany) but that doesn't mean they are not right. That's not how infections work. Sure, if those 100,000,000 would be distributed randomly, I would likely know some of them, but the spread of virus highly correlates with who knows who, meaning that if I'm lucky, noone who I know die, while if I'm not, it's likely multiple of them would BECAUSE they catch it from each other or even from me. In addition to that, there is high correlation between who dies from the virus and age and previous health. I know exactly which two of my relatives have lowest chance to survive. Aaaaand there is definitely high probability both would be infected if one of them would. Sure, that doesn't mean it can't end differently, but ...
  23. NP Friday March 13, 2020

    Even if there wasn't an explosion gas based emergencies are nothing to mess around with. Of course there are nothing to mess with. There are just two kinds of gas-related emergency repairs: the ones done after the explosions and the ones done to prevent the explosion. Yeah. I would expect demon tails acting more like cats but that wouldn't explain this case. Although ... a slowly waving tail indicates the cat is focused on something (i.e., about to pounce on a toy) would have some potential ...
  24. I beg to differ; I've never been a farmer, I'm guessing neither have you. I've been around plants and livestock enough to know that being successful at either is knowledge intensive. Not to mention that especially pre-industrial, many of those folks were jack-of-all-trades around their homes. Many built their own homes. I wasn't farmer but I was taking care about plants before. I'm pretty sure it was physical work intensive more than knowledge intensive. Just as building a home ... and thinking about it, you were speaking about mechanics. Not that they could be completely stupid, but I would say the job requires mainly manual dexterity. When I'm thinking about education, I'm thinking about science, medicine and similar stuff. We would need more of it, but I'm sure people capable of that are not doing car assembly. ... well, unless they decided to study something humane and then didn't found work in what they studied in because there are a limited number of jobs for experts on 16th century painters. In that case, doing car assembly might be nice alternative to McDonald. Anyway, back to what industrial revolution did: It did caused more specialization definitely. In many cases, it was necessary because the amount of knowledge went up and people couldn't become professionals in so many areas as before. However, that "jack of all trades" stuff? That definitely went down and I don't think it was necessary. Sure, people couldn't do as many thing professionally as they could in past, but some general range of knowledge would still be useful. Not directly in employment, but to not get fooled so easily. And that's DEFINITELY missing in education. That and some critical thinking. In past, lot of jobs involved some general knowledge. Now the specialization means that you divide the knowledge to multiple experts, each better in their own field but worse in seeing the whole picture. Yeah. It might be even more useful if they had some IBM stocks, but neither would be something you can quickly pay in shop. ... yeah ... if you look just at surface, USA and Russia won WW II and then Russia lost the cold war. However, it gets significantly more complicated if you look at details. It doesn't look democracy is winning ... We might be heading into era of last dictatorships of countries. Followed by cyberpunk future of dictatorship of megacorporations. Which ones? I mean, the coronavirus-related ones are surely something unexpected. Nothing like this happened for centuries. Luckily it seems the disease is not as deadly as some of previous ones (like H5N1 or SARS) but it's significantly more infectious. And as if the disease wouldn't be serious enough, the impact on economy and on society seems to be even worse. I really hope some of those temporary measures to limit it's spread won't end up permanent ....
  25. NP Friday March 13, 2020

    In my headcannon, Susan was looking at them for fifteen minutes. Hopefully they will still be there later so she can continue ... I think this was completely necessary. ... emergency repair situation in Dan's home which involved gas? So, there was a gas explosion and Dan needed to hire someone to re-add fourth wall (pun intended) and part of ceiling to kitchen and install new stove? Or was it bathroom that blow off? Obviously, it's winter, he couldn't let it wait.