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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story Friday, June 10, 2016

    MtG has long had starter packages that include a deck barely competitive against other MtG starter packages. I mean, what percentage of experienced MtG players routinely play five-color decks? Not many. Even three-color decks are unusual. There's a reason for that. The starter decks, last I looked, were ALL five-color decks. Well MtG is not even CLAIMING it, is it? And yes, starter deck having some theme (color/faction) is obvious prerequisite.
  2. Story Tuesday, June 14, 2016

    Yeah we don't know everything about Archie, but what we did see suggests that Archie was more interested in a non sexual relationship which is why his relationship with second life Ellen failed. Like ... it's possible that it was the ROMANTIC part of relationship he didn't liked. I'm not sure where exactly are boundaries between cuddling and sex (for Archie) and how much against sex he is (and how much he just doesn't care). Ellen thinks he break up with her because of the sex, but she also said it was doomed from the start ... maybe it was something else. Maybe she started to be possessive or something and THAT was the reason he wanted out. Yeah sure ... I mean, while I personally don't believe that, yes, based on canon information it is possible. Her romantic interest is certain and yes, it's true we didn't saw Archie kissing anyone ... on the other hand, she also kissed Sarah and we are not sure how much it meant for her. It's really hard: our only other example being Archie, we can't really say what's normal for her, what could be influence of her childhood and what she might just pretend. (On the other hand, it's not as easy as people usually think for humans either, based on how often are guesses like this wrong.) Based on what they said, it seems SHE didn't take that as "sexual activity", while Tedd sort of did ... Since the tech support part, everything makes sense. But this start really looks weird.
  3. Story Friday, June 10, 2016

    They still won't give you a playable game right out of the box, so to speak. I playtested a few CCG at GenCon, and my feedback was usually the same -- Give me a package that has two or three playable decks to start with, and then make all the extras and additions collectible. For example, the Highlander CCG. If they had given me a "Connor" deck, an "Amanda" deck, and a "Duncan" deck, with a few basic weapons and moves and such for each one that suited their character. Give me enough to actually start playing a proper game. Once I've had a chance to see it's fun, then tell me my character can get cool new weapons and moves and home bases and such. Some CLAIM to give you a playable game from starter packages. But as I'm not playtesting them, I can't confirm that. Well, I can't comment about how Pokemon CCG is popular on GenCon. ... sounds interesting. Although not for reasons having something to do with Pokemon.
  4. Story Tuesday, June 14, 2016

    Unless you LIKE to search, use our wiki. This was there already, I just added the Tedd is cute link.
  5. Story Tuesday, June 14, 2016

    While we can't prove that, it's very likely this is true for whole universe. The statistics would look considerably worse if people would commonly spend the time of thunderstorm waving with metal sticks while covered by sweat (which is very conductive). Or even better, flying kites. Obviously, no. That would be spoiler. Are you sure it's just coincidence? Similarly to Archie, Grace may take physical closeness very differently than humans. ESPECIALLY with how screwed her "home life" was. On the other hand, where exactly are the boundaries? The story with Archie was extremely short, we are not really sure what was the problem.
  6. Story Friday, June 10, 2016

    I completely understand why you don't like Magic: the Gathering. What surprised me is that Pokemon is considered same case. I can't claim to not know Pokemon CCG exists, as I played some version of it on emulated Gameboy. But I don't remember it ever being that much popular (compared to Pokemon on Gameboy OR to MTG). Also, the years don't match: Magic: The Gathering appeared on 1993, Pokemon for gameboy in February 1996 - and thats in Japan, and Pokemon CCG ... October 1996 in Japan ... ... I'm not saying your personal experience couldn't happen, I'm not sure how fast MTG spread, but it would be surprising if it will be common occurrence all around the world. Also note that while MTG is crazy regarding how much cards you need to buy, there are CCG with much more reasonable card set size. Although I'm not sure if it's deliberate or due to small commercial success.
  7. Story Friday June 3rd 2016

    Only twice. That's nice, but not THAT important. THIS is important. I'm not physics expert either, but I don't think humans reflects so much light. Grass reflects 25% - do you feel more reflective than grass? ... I mean, do you usually wear clothes lighter than grass? I don't think Vlad did. Might actually be negative. Solar wind makes MOST of particles around you, and it moves in the direction you want to move. Still, the idea usually involves BIG sail, because more surface -> more acceleration. Sun is not free, you will see in few billions of years There are actually concepts of using lasers to accelerate something. I don't think there is only one kind of magic particles. Also, they may easily behave differently based on spell. And they don't really need to conserve momentum - they don't conserve energy either. Remember that what we SEE as a spell is not the spell itself - it's photons emitted by spell. Only Tedd sees the spell itself.
  8. Story Friday, June 10, 2016

    Well, what's more important, destructive firepower or school? Also, while Ash seems to never return, perhaps it's supposed to be like for summer holiday, with return to school for winter? (It's not like Ash is aging either, is it? Maybe it's STILL the first holiday.) And you might actually NEED Pokemon in school. Especially if it's Pokemon school, which is the only kind shown in the series. Oh, wait, there was also that school for Chansey, wasn't it? ... yes, I would totally expect they can wait at least for onset of puberty. But I guess most of them would then pursue the other gender instead of pokemons.
  9. Story Friday, June 10, 2016

    Agree. In Pokemon, the world was never in danger. In Digimon, every season finale. It would be fascinating how in Pokemon the society somehow adapted to children usually having pets capable of mass destruction if not for the fact that they didn't even attempted to explain how. And the only gun shown caused the episode be banned in US, because being shot is much more dangerous than 4rd degree burns from Charizard - wait, actually it might've been, considering it happened to Ash multiple times ... Also, ANYONE playing the game proved to be better trainer than Ash in first hour of play.
  10. NP: Monday, June 13, 2016

    Oh. Right. Does he even really HAVE that companion in-game or just on the character selection screen?
  11. NP: Monday, June 13, 2016

    I only know about Team Fortress 2 from NerfNow, which turned half of cast into female ... ... but if I actually played it, I might be if it involves looking at men ass all the time. If it has first-person view camera, then really, what's the difference? In fact, why there is no mod which would switch opponents gender on your screen, without them knowing? Don't tell me it's because the collision/hit area is detailed enough to matter.
  12. Story Friday, June 10, 2016

    Well ... Tedd did said he now knows how to make permanent transformation wand ... and Lord Tedd likely actually tried ... Funny as it is, I suspect Dan simply don't know. The difference only appeared in Diamond/Pearl.
  13. Story Thursday June 9, 2016

    Of course, in another show how webcomics are superior to mainstream movies because they are done by someone who care, example of comics where it IS being though about (by which I mean, the shapeshifters there actually speak about how to solve the problem, this is not the sort of comic where author though about it and as a result the characters end up naked all the time. Might even be SFW, although frankly I'm not sure why it's considered safe to browse comics in work even if it's Garfield.)
  14. Story Thursday June 9, 2016

    Re-download from soul? People actually DO have tails - or at least tail bone. It can be argued that the TFG just enlarges it to true tail. And Nanase's guardian form is NOT product of TFG and TFG is unlikely to be able to copy it. ... yeah ... somehow, in movies, shapeshifters have unrealistically little problems with clothes because rating needs to be kept low.
  15. Story Friday, June 10, 2016

    I'm not sure if how good a half-anthro character looks have ANYTHING to do with the animal part. I mean, look at anthro zergs here.
  16. Story Friday, June 10, 2016

    If it will be as good as Hammerchlorians, then great!
  17. NP Friday June 10, 2016

    True ; she will just be too shy to laugh loudly.
  18. NP Friday June 10, 2016

    That's a BIG if (I suppose there is point in the movie where all three girls will be like "I can't laugh at this, others would recognize I played the game" ...)
  19. Story Friday, June 10, 2016

    I'm more interested in the ACTUAL incident - how it canonically happened - than this "original". EDIT: Found the sketchbook entry
  20. NP Friday June 3, 2016

    Midichlorians are very similar to mitochondria, only they produce Force instead of chemical energy.
  21. NP Friday June 10, 2016

    If the imagined sequence which includes Andrea isn't supposed to be BIG coincidence, then obviously.
  22. Story Friday, June 10, 2016

    To answer the question: "Was EGS always supposed to be so weird?" - No, it was supposed to be weirder. It's true that it was already mentioned ... somewhere. Possibly in sketchbook? But it definitely wasn't DRAWN as good as this. I'm not convinced how pokeballs work fits into the pokemon world.
  23. Story Tuesday June 7, 2016

    Unless it has to do with cutting things of course. Well there are lot of cases where I would bet on Tara, but I was specifically talking about the "having working classification of magic/spells". Tara likely heard that classification (from Andrea), but I wouldn't bet on her remembering it correctly.
  24. NP Friday June 10, 2016

    I second this. There wasn't that many astronauts in space ... I guess we can check if there was someone between them who was NOT sci-fi fan previously. She has no interest in vampire romance. She might enjoy some of more traditional vampire fiction where the vampire ends up with mouth filled with garlic ... and head detached from body. (Might.) Become? It's possible she always was one. Probably not with the enthusiasm shown in last panel, but I CAN imagine there will be need to carry experienced vampire hunter somewhere ... or at least, that's what I would tell Diane to get her to train
  25. NP Friday June 3, 2016

    Aren't the midichlorians all over the body and not just in the blood?