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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. STORY: Wednesday April 27, 2016

    Uryuom can have multiple parents. Hell, maybe Susan's mother, Susan's father, the blonde father cheated with AND Raven are all Susans and Diane's parents. ... wait. Can Uryuom have twins?
  2. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    I'm not sure it's embodiment of Elliot's idea of perfection. It may also be embodiment of Tedd's idea of perfection (through FV5). And Tedd doesn't fail the test. ... yup, hard to compete with that. In fact, it's not even makeup. You may think that the goth secret identity have makeup, but she's doesn't, just like Heidi is not really drunk. She just LOOK as if she has makeup. Not sure if over THE hump but it definitely helped a lot.
  3. STORY: Wednesday April 27, 2016

    I would also like to see summoned ranged weapons, but I'm not sure if it's possible. (It's not possible with Susan's spell, of course Diane can get different one ...) Why not? Or Jerry can mark her. Isn't it sort of something Nanase isn't supposed to tell anyone? I actually think she's not going to BECAUSE Susan is not asleep YET. On the other hand ... maybe she does and that's why Susan isn't smiling despite being surrounded by fairies. With him not only denying it but also directly denying he's protesting too much? I would be very surprised. Hey, turtles are awesome Also, they allow much better explanations of the world than tortoises.
  4. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    I didn't noticed any example of him considering himself a girl. I think he just went from "I'm a guy transformed to a girl, WTF, fix this" through "I'm a guy transformed to a girl, mildly inconvenient" and "I'm a guy transformed to a girl, it has it's advantages" to "I'm a guy transformed to a girl and I like it". Obviously, his answer to "how exactly you still considers yourself male" will be another "um ..." (or I'm not sure, I ... I havent' really though about it) but still.
  5. NP, Wednesday April 27, 2016

    Yup, I have a habit of saving up Legin coins (from killing his soldiers and some from Casinos) until I can load up a combat shotgun with Coin shot, so I can kill Caesar by shooting his coins into his face from point blank range. Sounds much better than memorizing every single Legion spawn and encapment. Also, the game get points for allowing to load shotgun with coins.
  6. NP Monday April 25, 2016

    Your account only got deleted because the forum server suffered a massive crash (I think Thom said it fell down some stairs as he was trying to move it?) so we all had to create new accounts and start over from 0 posts. No, it wasn't hitting any stairs. It was hitting Thom.
  7. NP Monday April 25, 2016

    Well, there are only two reasonable ways to get on orbit. One needs better spiders and other Heisenberg compensator. Despite the surface similarities, shuttle launched on top of missiles and regarding landing, there were called flying bricks. So, not so similar to jumbo jet.
  8. NP, Wednesday April 27, 2016

    I'm not sure this faction counts as "people" from the viewpoint of peace and pacifism. Note that you will need necromancer for that. I hope someone will deal with ISIS in way which prevents them from returning back.
  9. NP Monday April 25, 2016

    "We're sitting on top of four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon; in a thing that has two-hundred-thousand moving parts, and was built by the lowest bidder. Makes you feel good doesn't it." -- Armageddon ... if you look at it like this, it starts looking crazy for 21th century people as well. Except the shuttle never made it on Moon.
  10. NP Monday April 25, 2016

    Deliberately playing a character who considers everyone she associates with collateral damage waiting to happen, and had already been kicked out of the NCR for too-many "accidental" friendly fire incidents? I guess in this case you won't COMPLETE the game as their ally. I can totally see someone wanting to double-cross them and finding out it's not option too late, though. Sure they were better than the barbarians. It's just that "better than the barbarians" is not particularly high goal. Even if you include Egyptians in the "barbarian" definition, like Greeks did. Many things we now see as "uncivilized" was so normal noone even THOUGH about changing it - the idea would be as crazy to them like the idea to use big metal house to fly to Moon. Possibly more.
  11. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    How? ... wouldn't such spell be more powerful than Nanase's guardian form? Considering the number of people who want to change their bodies' apparent sex in spite of being made social outcasts for doing so (hundreds of thousands in America alone), I would expect that easily ten times as many (or more) would do so if it were reversible, safe, and not a source of social rejection. Everybody has had at least idle curiosity about how "the other half" lives, even if they don't want to transform on a permanent basis. I wasn't even including Trans people in that statement, I would imaging if the ability was available, they'd probably use it in a heartbeat. But certainly many cis people would be curious about it, me for instance, I'm a guy, I'm totally comfortable being a guy, there's a lot of things about being a girl that I wouldn't want to deal with, but if the option to switch back and forth safely and easily was available, I'd be curious enough to try it for a bit. Whether I end up liking it or not is something I can't answer because I don't know what it's like so it really could go either way. Being curious is not the same as becoming genderfluid. The number of people who would try would be definitely big (and likely includes everyone reading this comics) but without the additional advantages of FV5 form only the people who are already genderfluid and just not realizing it would keep doing it. With the FV5 form advantages, though, I can easily imagine people using it to solve other body shape problems. I mean, if I had 20kg more ... Wouldn't this mostly depend on that girl?
  12. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    Is there any reason for him not to? He doesn't train enough to get all things for which there is no reason for him not to. Think about it this way: If he HAD heat vision, he wouldn't use it in this story anyway. So, he doesn't NEED it. It would make more sense for him to get teleportation based on his travelling. Or permanent GPS, independent on the phone. Or windshield, to fly faster. (For record, I still thinks the reasons for these things is weak and he likely got something else. But it's more likely for him to get something from this list than heat vision.) All 4 instances was when he realized something. The love for Grace was red herring.
  13. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    Look again. Did you see the flash? Tedd doesn't just THINK that magic was confused. Tedd used his dangerous rarity to get this information. (Although otherwise it sounds very logically.) Agree. His new spell won't have ANYTHING to do with changing gender. Either the cat form will be revisited, or something else he need ... hmmm ... maybe he will now get some hiding spells? Although considering he already have plenty of transformation-based options, maybe not. Frankly, I'm not sure what Elliot is missing now ... I don't think there is any reason for him to get heat vision.
  14. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    Considering there are likely multiple videos online with Cheerleadra flying AND being called Elliot, I'm not sure how could the flying be problem. Unless he will fly high enough to meet airplanes. There IS Neverending Story II movie ... also III. There MIGHT be flying mode for paragliders or something like that. ... and I doubt he is flying that fast, without shield and with eyes open. Possibly. Or not. Magic might have something like a mind on it's own, unlike gravitation, but the power of spell likely doesn't depend on what magic thinks about you, but stuff like how much you train (remember Elliot was transforming every night). So ... I wouldn't think the POWER of Cheerleadra spell is due to trying to find spell he liked. The COOLNESS, on the other hand ... (It's also possible that normally, he would get several smaller spells instead of one big.) Disliking and NOT CASTING them, maybe. Casting them every night despite not liking them? I would be confused too. (Elliot was forced to do that because of energy buildups, which are not supposed to happen when awakening normally ... and, would possibly not happen ANYWAY if not for the higher levels of ambient magic.)
  15. Sketchbook: Thursday April 21 2016

    Or, possibly, have a variation of copy beam spell which ONLY changes her clothes to whatever the target is wearing.
  16. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    About first part of comics: Actually, it is pretty believable that his phone navigation doesn't have any better option. But, while the "cargo pants full of hardware" should only be done for testing, installing few more useful applications on your smartphone will be very good idea. Let's hope he will be interested in what the book says about him merging with phone. Technically, both: the GPS navigation is likely voice in his skull now. I want to think that Elliot's spellbook was always titled "A Perfectly Normal Book" and the final panel means Elliot got something new. Definitely. Remember what was the title of Susan's spellbook. It wasn't "opposite" to anything. Magic simply assumed that the FV5 spell he got from the Dewitchery diamond is part of book's owner's personality. He did. Changing how someone feels is not so easy. I read it as that the last page of the story will be the page he originally wanted to make now.
  17. Story: Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    It's obvious that Abner was never at the mall as he told Sirleck. So Abner doesn't know that Voltair was called out on manipulating Tara into thinking Elliot was responsible for her wife missing. I'm hoping that Abner is smart enough to know that something is janky when an Immortal claims to be doing stuff for the "greater good" while being vague about it. He wasn't there, but he "hear" what happened there - which likely includes or soon will include seeing the videos. Something may be missing, but the part about manipulating Tara seems to be exactly what he is referring to when he says "the greater good angle's looking a bit murky".
  18. Sketchbook: Tuesday April 19, 2016

    Hmmmm ... good point. While designing clothes is much easier than designing body parts, there are likely subroutines for body parts already in program while things like fishnet would need to be programmed ...
  19. NP, Friday April 22, 2016

    Maybe he has light sleep. But that doesn't mean the option shouldn't be there, just that the attempt to leave would fail.
  20. Sketchbook: Thursday April 21 2016

    Wouldn't surprise me if a new variation of Ellen's beam turned out to let her modify clothing.... Well, her copy beam IS able to modify clothing ... I'm not sure if his uncomfort came from transformation or just seeing big boobs.
  21. Sketchbook: Tuesday April 19, 2016

    ... watches wouldn't work for Grace, though ...
  22. Story: Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    It was other way around: he cleaned up some magic symbol, or maybe even worse, cleaned it up partially. Ok. I have two answers for this: 1) unlike Dame Tara 2) tell that to the spider vampire and the other six vampires. People who says they want to make the world a better place and are implying they know how are not trustworthy no matter what face expression they have.
  23. NP, Friday April 22, 2016

    I never played Mass Effect but this is not first time I hear about Liara T'Soni. Case in point to the "players would complain if the option will be missing". ... with or without the gender of the jerk reversed? ... wait, I shouldn't ask that. Also, correct answer is definitely
  24. Story: Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=196 Actually, Phlogiston theory is older than the knowledge of oxygen and when oxygen was first discovered, it was thought to be dephlogisticated air. The Phlogiston theory was invalidated when they realized that the phlogiston must have negative weight. Not only that, the Ptolemy's planetary model with epicycles was giving better results than original Copernicus theory, because until Kepler added elliptical orbits, it didn't really matched.
  25. Sketchbook: Thursday April 21 2016

    Either he learns quickly, or there really IS some magic support for boobs in the FV5 form. Would explain the ineffective bra choice.