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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. NP, Friday April 22, 2016

    I though the reason videogames are not constantly pushing the boundaries is that they run out of places to push them to. If this is the slippery scope Dan is on, I'll bring some butter to make it more slippery. Maybe he has enough experience to know that if he don't, players would complain he is forcing them to do something they didn't wanted.
  2. Sketchbook: Tuesday April 19, 2016

    He might saw it on deviantart ... in comics itself, Dark Sarah was wearing fishnet ... ... I still wouldn't be surprised if Tedd would have Zatanna Fishnet Tux WATCHES.
  3. Story: Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    Magic. ... at least according to dream wizard. Who might be as trustworthy as Voltaire AND/OR might be misinterpreting something. Wait. Dream wizard wants the world to stay as is. We have one. The main problem with this idea is that I don't believe Elliot will be able to kill Tara. Otherwise, I agree that it seems possible that the plan A was actually rejected BECAUSE griffins told main 8 the informations. Hmmmm ... if not for the "solved with one murder", I would suspect that he would want Elliot to be killed by Tara and THEN Tara being killed by rest of main 8. Maybe it wasn't supposed to be Elliot who needs to do the reshaping. It could be Tedd or Nanase, although it would be harder to explain how can Magus replace them. Not exactly. The world would hopefully start filling up with *inexperienced* superheroes just as fast as it does with *inexperienced* supervillains, perhaps even faster if you subscribe to the "more good people than bad" outlook. People seem to be quick to point out how many bad guys might get powers, but then assume that they'd somehow be more competent more quickly than their good-guy counterparts. Also, Pandora may think she can influence the situation. Maybe if she marks enough "good" people - like Catalina and Rhoda - and give them headstart compared to the "bad" people, the not-Tengus will be caught fairy quickly. The results will be certainly more interesting and less safe world, but might not be as bad as if the reveal of how easy is to get magic happened without her plan. I don't think she is THAT far from reset.
  4. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    I still don't agree. That would be the act of a man seeking to blame someone else for his own actions, fully along the lines of "The Devil made me do it", and I have a far higher opinion of Mr. Verres than that. If anyone knows the power of Mr. Verres' temper, it is Mr. Verres himself. I think he has enough self-honesty to not do that. My angle is that I don't think he have that much experience of being this angry. Also, the "devil made me do it" excuse would sound much less crazy if you would KNOW that the devil exists and is really making people do things. Like Pandora in case of Dex. I'm not surprised you don't agree. I just wanted to correct your assumptions about my assumptions. True: it would be more likely for others to suspect this. Sooo ... if he tells them about both of those cases, which may not be best idea itself, and they will manage to remember how that happened, which they may not, and if Edward confirms that no dizziness and memory lost occurred in his case, it would be argument for why he didn't do it, but still not proof, as the sideeffects may only happen sometimes. It's much easier to get to the correct conclusion from our point that from within the story. Also, Magus may want to play it safe instead of risking the bet on honesty.
  5. Story: Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    He may TRY. He failed with Tara. Disgust ... disguise ... We are not SURE. But his behaviour is very different.
  6. Story: Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    He is already curious. Question is if he will be curious enough to try some digging. Not having any other job might help. Which volume of Narnia he wrote it in? (Yeah, I know: God in the Dock)
  7. Story: Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    Hmmmm ... Volty shouldn't be ALLOWED to remove his head ... and Sirleck will probably not risk coming in Moperville to do it. How much does Abner really know? Wait. He doesn't even know what Sirleck is. That's really "blinders on". Is there someone who wants it to stay the way it is? Frankly, Pandora's idea doesn't sound THAT bad. Except the strong hints that something will get very wrong with that plan. There may be no way how can Elliot prevent Pandora from succeeding. On the other hand, if that is the case, why should killing him help? Whale ... are we sure whale is not another immortal in disguise?
  8. NP: Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    Well, on the jerk's place I would expect that she wants to get me somewhere without witnesses and then torture me. Grace herself is merely being gamerrific. This isn't the first, last or worst example of how playing a game's quirks and limits for advantage produces bizarre character behavior. Dan's stated before that the seduction skill seems to work out of context with and regardless of the actual situation. Even if you don't actually play a (known) game's quirk/limit, the mere fact it's game means you can try much crazier things that you would do in real life just to see what will happen. Behaviour of Grace the player is completely normal here. Behaviour of the courier character is very disturbing, but looking on other stuff game characters often do, not really extraordinary. And I mean normal game characters: for maximal craziness, remember "twitch plays pokemon" ...
  9. Sketchbook: Tuesday April 19, 2016

    Howsabout Nanase and Ellen wearing the classic Zatanna Fishnet Tux? We know Tedd has at least one of those suits... We don't. It might've been result of his experiments with clothes morphing. ... actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Tedd would have Zatanna Fishnet Tux WATCHES.
  10. Story: Monday April 18, 2016

    I don't think it's hereditary trait. In fact, I'm surprised it wasn't mentioned to be based on The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries. So, more likely, Abner is using rules which will later be collected into that famous book.
  11. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    Yeah, no. Mr. Verres arrived angry enough to attack and badly injure a man who had already surrendered and been taken into custody. You are presupposing that Magus had shadowed him all the way from where he got the news, manipulated him into that stage of rage, and then stopped -- and on top of that, that this level of rage would not register as completely out of character for his friends and employees. I am not buying it. They did say "What the Hell, Verres?" but they still accepted it as him. They are not idiots. They must know what he is like when he is angry from previous experience. No I don't. Read what I wrote. I'm saying that Magus will not be able to PROVE that he didn't do it. Of course we know it was not his fault, mainly because we SAW where he was and what he were doing. But Verres didn't saw that, and admitting that he has ability to amplify emotions may easily result in suspicion ...
  12. Story: Monday April 18, 2016

    See Dan Commentary... That doesn't need to mean he's retconning the aberration name. Can mean either that vampires would be used as kind of aberrations, or that main eight will start calling them that without changing it's not "official" term, or can refer to griffins calling them vampires ... we will need to wait for what Edward will say.
  13. Sketchbook: Tuesday April 19, 2016

    This is her apology for another crazy plan like the one with Elliot. You can always add few cats. But it may be cutest sketchbook so far. Why should Nanase wear tuxedo? Maybe it's already after the wedding?
  14. Story: Monday April 18, 2016

    While Dame Tara and Andrea seem to use "Vampire" in this sense, they are also talking about "Ancients" instead of "Immortals". Different terminology on other half of the Earth seem like simpler explanation than retcon.
  15. Story: Monday April 18, 2016

    There is also the possibility that Pandora may have told Helena and Demetrius that Magus is dangerous and thus they need to kill him. or both. that way if one side didn't believe her the other side would "prove" her "right". Also, we are still not sure if his plan wouldn't have some sideefect which will be really dangerous (and good for Pandora). Helena and Demetrius may be able to identify that sideefect. "Almost?" In the "body snatcher is worse kind of aberration than vampire" sense.
  16. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    Yes. While convincing for us, I don't think it would be good idea trying to explain it to Edward. Especially considering that he will not be able to prove than he didn't "helped" making him angry enough to be fired.
  17. Story: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    Agreed, and a very good example! And with a similar limitation -- it worked fine as long as it dealt with ordinary humans, but add in the superhuman Mule and suddenly it fell apart. It worked bad for single ordinary humans as well, and wasn't able to predict other sapient species. It was only able to predict large groups of humans.
  18. Story: Monday April 18, 2016

    Hmmm ... involved ... Carol is still single as far as we know, right? ... would she be enough femme fatale for noir?
  19. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    Even if Magus saw it get moved, wouldn't telling it to main eight be too revealing? (But yes. Unless someone finds the note I though I remember, we can't rule out that the diamond is still in same facility. Which probably raised security since last time: it got glass in windows at least on first floor and the guard got actual nightstick to supplement his flashlight.)
  20. Story: Monday April 18, 2016

    While not comparable to Pandora, 280 might be crazy enough. I though the facepalm was "Yes I'm aware vampires exists, I'm almost one of them." Well, I totally called that Sirleck is not aware that the informations are coming from another immortal and that the person on phone totally didn't sounded like Voltaire. I hope he's not an elf. He looks too much like Raven. For comparison His ears LOOK round ... Get rid of him HOW? Empower and guide, remember. Arranging some accident would likely be too much work. Well they certainly can't be old friends if Abner is mortal. ... and if Dan didn't wanted us to speculate like this, he shouldn't make Carol Sarah's sister. (Although ... isn't he too young to be Susan's father? ... maybe he's her older brother. And regarding Nanase, he doesn't look asian.)
  21. Story: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    Yeah a lot of the clairvoyance would be in looking at "If A does B then C should happen, if D gets involved then E or F could happen, but if I do G to A then D should go to H." Having higher clairvoyance would mean being able to see more possible outcomes and even speculate a number of "what ifs". Being able to predict outcomes like that isn't the kind of thing you'd use to buy lottery tickets but it is more like "I saw that coming a mile away." which is why Pandora is so easily bored. ... personally, I don't think existing lotteries are using random enough mechanism to not be predictable by Pandora. Paradoxically, stuff like roulette started by human would be harder to predict than fully automatic mechanism. On the other hand, maybe guessing all numbers at once is hard enough, but still boring.
  22. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    That's assuming the diamond got moved after the incident, the facility was extremely low security as it was, the guard was probably like "well, those kids probably learned their lesson and won't come back." ... weird. I though I read somewhere that the diamond was moved, but it's not on end of Sisters nor Sisters II and wiki specifically says we don't know if it was moved, so maybe I misremember it ...
  23. NP Monday April 18, 2016

    Sure. He didn't died, he just went home.
  24. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    ... you're right. It is entirely possible that if Magus will omit few details like almost making Edward kill Abraham then main eight will actually try to help him. Although convincing Mr. Verres will be crucial: I doubt the main eight would be able to find the Diamond again on their own. This would be tricky. He will need to warn them about Sirleck soon enough if he would want to argue that he wanted to. On the other hand, he MIGHT claim that he didn't realized what Sirleck is. Or, he might hope his relationship with Sirleck will NOT come to light.
  25. Story: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    While Hari Seldon's Psychohistory was nowhere near as good, I think it should be mentioned. Immortal precognition can't be "true" seeing of future events, because that would be equivalent to information traveling backwards in time, which is forbidden in EGS. I think it's more like "ultra-accurate weather forecasting"--as Immortals grow more powerful and perceptive, they can integrate finer and finer details until they develop a Sherlock Holmes-like ability to get a whole picture from just a few obscure-seeming clues. At Pandora's level, she can probably also "see the threads of fate"--i.e. fully construct entire alternate scenarios based on options A, B, C, etc., and determine their approximate probability of coming to pass. Technically true, but note that even if universe is not completely deterministic, events which are both important AND random are rare. If you take weather as example, it seems that the hard part isn't to actually compute how it will change - the hard part is to describe present correctly and in enough details, because small inaccuracy in what you put in the algorithm as "current state" will have gigantic effects on result. Also known as Butterfly effect. Grace surprised Jerry because he didn't knew her good enough to predict her, despite her standing just in front of him, under his likely supernatural senses. It was much less surprise for us and it wasn't really random. Also, Sherlock Holmes already often seem clairvoyant despite certainly not having ESP or seer abilities. Any better perception, while technically not seeing future events, is easier to describe as clairvoyance instead of trying to explain HOW did they found out. But it's true Pandora herself uses terms like predicted and see everything coming.