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The Old Hack

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Everything posted by The Old Hack

  1. Story: Monday, May 8th, 2017

    The Moderator: Thread locked due to the fact that if I answer the last response the way I desire to, I will be violating my own forum rules.
  2. Story: Monday, May 8th, 2017

    I doubt it. Said purpose is almost certainly related to what happens in the case of a system change. And since Mr. Verres does not seem to be aware that Arthur is aiming for forcing a system change, it seems very likely that he is not even aware that system changes might occur. The knowledge can't be common; even Pandora only realised because she had to dig around in the memories of previous incarnations. I might be wrong, of course; the above is merely my impression.
  3. Story: Monday, May 8th, 2017

    Certainly. But my opinion of the characters is informed by the way they have acted and how they presently act, not of how they may potentially act in the future. Wouldn't it be rather irrational of me to consider, say, Diane an irresponsible driver because she might in some future comic hit somebody in her car and then drive off without helping? I was not stating that Edward's ignorance was deliberate, merely that of the two forms of ignorance I despise deliberate ignorance the most. Not that I have much fondness for the lazy and careless form of ignorance that stems from not bothering to discover if you might be missing something. As to intentions, they are worthless on their own. Results count. In fact, they are everything. And the present result we have is that Mr. Verres is alienating the son/daughter he is responsible for. If he later on wakes up to his mistake and deals responsibly with it, I will be relieved and far more inclined to think favourably of him. As it is, the parents that send their child to reparative therapy to be 'cured' of being homosexual/transsexual may have the best of intentions. They are still harming their child and making matters worse.
  4. NP Friday May 05 2017

    A friend of mine played in a LARP where "talking is a free action" was deliberately disallowed and replaced with a five-word speaking limit per combat round. On his turn, he said, "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, tintinnabulation,floccinauccinihilipilification, antidisestablishmentarianism, trinitrotulurene." He got mobbed by the referees and the other players. I told him I was very disappointed that he hadn't included 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.'
  5. Story: Monday, May 8th, 2017

    Deliberate ignorance is still ignorance. In fact, it is worse, because it will not accept correction. The entire point of Tedd's feeling is that Mr. Verres is NOT accepting. And again. "Stop whining just because your dad keeps beating you. There are other kids who get much worse beatings and far more severe abuse, so BE HAPPY!" Yeah, definite Father of the Year material there. Last: I despise Edward Verres not simply for his failings but for his failure to realise even that he has a responsibility he is not meeting. And I do not need to justify that. You may find it acceptable. Fine. I do not want to dictate how you should feel. But I find his flaws all the more offensive for the fact that he COULD do better but is too intellectually stagnant or lazy to even try. Yes, the man has good traits and has done good things. But they do not cancel out the ill he has inflicted and still is inflicting. I expected and expect better of him. And until he finally wakes up to what he is doing and starts to correct himself, I will remain angry at him.
  6. EGS Strip Slaying

    Or maybe you are simply too honest to accept that rationalisation. The difference between magic and science is even worse than that. If you used science to gain illicit knowledge, it could be traced. With magic, it cannot be. The difference is that it is all going on in your mind and no-one save you could ever know what you learned. The camera cannot be uncovered, its film cannot be stolen or copied. There is no easy explanation or justification. It is an act you must live with. Perhaps we should be glad that we do not really have magic in our lives.
  7. Story: Monday, May 8th, 2017

    Maybe the fact that his son is CONSTANTLY SWITCHING GENDERS might provide him with an important clue. Maybe the fact that HE HIMSELF is concerned about it might provide him with the motivation to look into the matter. And a parent does not have to choose prejudice over a child. All they have to do is to display it repeatedly and constantly. Alienation and estrangement will take care of the rest. As to the 'some parents are worse' argument, well, that's just bollocking wonderful. We can give Mr. Verres the 'Not Quite As Big An Arsehole As He Might Have Been' medal. Against all the excuses offered for Mr. Verres, I have just one reply. His child no longer trusts him. His child is afraid of explaining their feelings to him. All other judgments, be they apologia or condemnations, are utterly irrelevant. Tedd is in pain, and Mr. Verres is its cause. I posit that this is consequence enough, and more than enough.
  8. EGS Strip Slaying

    I'm not sure it can be rationalised. Maybe it is simply the level of temptation and the knowledge that you are not doing it in the real world but only in your head. That way it becomes a sin of thought rather than a sin of action, and churches and religions notwithstanding, it is hard to convince the self that they are the same thing. I personally would likely also find the temptation irresistible, for that matter.
  9. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Heh. Yeah. This is the sort of thing where you find yourself growing numb from all the punches. I am really sorry. But we are still with you and I believe you can still find a way to hold on and eventually get better. I have faith in you, and I have faith in Mrs. Prof.
  10. Story: Monday, May 8th, 2017

    I also disagree with you. When it comes to parenting, ignorance is NO excuse in the information age. Mr. Verres is well off, in a government position, has full access to the Internet and last but not least HE IS A PARENT WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR A CHILD. If he is worried about how his son develops, he has plenty of options. He could read parenting books. He could pay minimal attention to media debate about gender identities. He could do a bollocking Google search on 'gender issues' or 'gender identity.' I just did and found a MULTITUDE of links and resources that the man could spend, oh, as little as half an hour on reading if he thought that his son was worth that much time. Or he could, like, go the classic route and just assume that he knows best, that he alone knows what is good for his son, try to 'straighten him out,' completely ignore his son's viewpoints. This method is amazing and I highly recommend it for any parent who wishes to completely alienate their child and drive a wedge between them that may take years or decades to work free again, if it is even possible. My father used it to great success, for example. I am sure he got a great deal of enjoyment from all the times I slammed the phone on him or all the mail I returned unopened. When the wedge between us was finally removed, it took outside intervention from someone I held in high respect to even begin to work it free. If that hadn't happened, my father and I might have been estranged to this day. Also, you are getting things upside down. I am not hurting Mr. Verres -- I cannot. He is a fictional figure and I am completely certain that Dan could care less what I think about him. However, he is a character in a story where he is abusing and hurting his own son. I can despise a character who does that, even if he does it through well-meaning ignorance. And I do.
  11. Things You Find Amusing

    I am not particularly eager to gamble on that.
  12. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Ouch. I am very sorry to hear. *sigh* The blows just keep coming, don't they. Dammit.
  13. Story: Monday, May 8th, 2017

    This is also called 'straightsplaining' and is absolutely no defence. "His actions process differently if one simply assumes that gender is binary only and that homosexuality is a choice."
  14. Story: Monday, May 8th, 2017

    At this point I am just about ready to say 'screw what he thinks.' By now I can't be arsed to coddle transphobic codswallop. I've had a bellyful of it lately. If Mr. Verres insists on alienating his child, I can't stop him.
  15. Story: Monday, May 8th, 2017

    That was more or less what I wanted to say, too. :/
  16. NP Friday May 05 2017

    Meh. A bit anemic opposition, I'd say. Then again, in Amber Diceless, the DM wouldn't have much use for a d20.
  17. NP Friday May 05 2017

    You can always kill a player character. But, ah, the opportunities to humiliate them, crush their dreams, and delight in their wails and lamentations... seize those when you can, for once they are dead, they will not come again.
  18. Last Post Wins

    Okay, okay, but can I at least feed them my gnu?
  19. Things You Find Amusing

    Well, the picture doesn't show the Black Death and the Pandemic switches.
  20. Last Post Wins

    All right, all right! I'll just tend to my knitting and let you tend to yours.
  21. Last Post Wins

    Even so, we've woven it into quite a tangle.
  22. NP Friday May 05 2017

    Yes, but you need those exact odds for that. The chances of rolling an unmodified 20 on a well-balanced d20 is one out of twenty.
  23. What Are You Ingesting?

    I am now wondering whether it is hedgehog burger, very fast food or both.
  24. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Prof, once again, no need to apologise. Anyone not interested in assisting can skip this thread. That is a very intimidating medical schedule and I can understand why you find it more than a little overwhelming. But as long as it does its job and keeps you among us so you can continue to make these forums a better place, I am all for it. Thank you for keeping us posted. Never hesitate to vent here.
  25. Story: Friday May 5, 2017

    Well, once there was a soap opera where a character near the end of the episode announced that he was going to the toilet. Between that episode and the next he got written out of the show. The character was never seen again. Moral of the story: don't go to the toilet if you are on a TV show. It isn't healthy.