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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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The Old Hack

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Everything posted by The Old Hack

  1. Three Word Game

    a Dalek horde
  2. Last Post Wins

    It seemed oblivious to me.
  3. Three Word Game

  4. Three Word Game

    the Doctor exited.
  5. Story Friday March 16, 2018

    Ooo, that's creative. A power that interacts synergistically with others. I like that.
  6. Questions for Q&A 8

    As we well know, Squirrel Girls are very powerful.
  7. Story Friday March 16, 2018

    This is the ideal weapon if you want your enemy to get licked in a hurry.
  8. Story Friday March 16, 2018

    Look at the scene starting at about 1.17 and behold the glory of the WRIST MOUNTED DOG LAUNCHER.
  9. Story Friday March 16, 2018

    I want him to take out a Gatling crossbow, yell "CONTACT!!!" and fill the air with bolts.
  10. Story Friday March 16, 2018

    I wonder if this will be the launch of a new Inu-Yasha series with some sort of infinity gem splitting into pieces and the heroes gotta find them all. Inu-Yasha meets Ranma 1/2. It ought to be a fit. They have the same manga-ka.
  11. Story Wednesday March 14, 2018

    I did, actually. It was the only way I could explain why Sirleck was so agitated at learning of Adrian's existence at the time. Also the way Colonel Sanders seemed to stress that it was only a weak pair of Immortals who were guarding him, as if wanting to lure Sirleck to him. It seems almost certain Sirleck's motivation is different now. But I'm still not sure precisely why Sirleck became so agitated when learning of Adrian's existence.
  12. Things That Make You Happy

    Actually yes. It was the Easter of 1920. After the Treaty of Versailles, Denmark was offered all former Danish territory held by Germany all the way down to and including Hamburg back. But the very intelligent government we had at the time rejected this idea and instead proposed that a plebiscite be held where the locals were asked where they wanted to belong. This was done and a new border was drawn as mathematically close to the 50/50% division of whom preferred one side to the other as was possible. This proved remarkably successful in quelling unrest in the region and apart from that little incident in 1940 to 1945 it has been peaceful down there ever since. Of course, no good deed goes unpunished so the outraged King Christian X who was drooling for an expansion of Danish territory reacted by sacking the government. This caused an immediate Constitutional crisis and the King quickly backpedaled when he realised that he 1) had no support whatsoever and 2) faced a potential communist revolution. Given what had happened just three years before in Russia, he felt it prudent to ask for a do-over. The plebiscite remained in force and the new border was drawn as planned. I suppose you could call intelligent political action a once in a lifetime event, or maybe a once per century event. In the latter case I feel hopeful as we are now only two years away from the century mark of the plebiscite and Denmark seems overdue for another competent government.
  13. The Album, and Other Music

    By taking a ride with Buzz Lightyear. Then it would go beyond, too.
  14. Things That Make You Happy

    *grumblemuttergrumble* It's my bloody birthday and still it is that bollocking mathematical formula that gets all the well wishes. Weren't some lawmakers trying to change it into 4 for ease of use anyway?
  15. The Weather.

    Please tell me that you are keeping a careful eye on Gomer Pyle. If he steers the hovercraft into the negative polarity they will need to build additional pylons again, all just so he can escape through a crack in the event horizon.
  16. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    The Moderator: This is getting pretty deep into political territory and I am worried about where it is going. Could you please resolve the rest of the discussion in private messages? ~tOH.
  17. Questions for Q&A 8

    I guess that means I was way off base when I offered, "Eight if they are skinny, four if they are fat." *scratches head*
  18. NP Monday Mar 12 2018

    Show me round your fruit cakes 'Cause I will be your honey bee Open up your fruit cakes Where the fruit is as sweet as can be...
  19. Questions for Q&A 8

    It is possible Zeus is a good dancer. At least he seems very eager to go to parties, so maybe he likes to dance?
  20. Les XXIIIes Jeux olympiques d'hiver

    When all you have is an orbital strike cannon, every problem looks like a target zone.
  21. Questions for Q&A 8

    I have a question for the next Q&A. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could and would chuck wood?
  22. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    Due to my own condition not being very well understood I was misdiagnosed at first. I spent seven years on an antipsychotic that did nothing for me save slowing me down and making me gain weight. I finally rebelled against my doctors and stopped using it, which immensely improved my quality of life -- relatively speaking. Unfortunately it also undermined my trust in medical professionals so I refused to take any medication at all after that. It took my wife-to-be four years to persuade me to try again with an antidepressant this time. Doctors are not perfect and patients are not always reasonable. Nonetheless we have to work with what we have. Superstitions about how mental illnesses affect their sufferers and how medication acts do not make this easier, unfortunately.
  23. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    My mother suffered from clinical depression as well. No medication was available for her. She dealt with it through alcohol and eventually drank enough to ruin four lives. My paternal grandfather was somewhat more fortunate. He suffered from bipolar disorder. While his marriage still fell apart, he eventually (in 1960) was fortunate enough that a working medication for his illness was invented. He lived out the remainder of his life far more stable and content. Still earlier, of course, people with such problems were merely assumed to be malingerers or possibly suffering from lunacy. If they gave trouble enough they tended to be locked up, driven out or simply left to die. I would suggest you look up early asylums or medieval bedlams, but do so only if you feel confident in the strength of your stomach.
  24. Story, Friday March 02, 2018

    I've tried to find it. It was posted in the forums, quoted from Facebook or possibly Tumblr, not sure which. I haven't been able to yet; I am still looking.
  25. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    This has been true of medicine as long as it has existed. The opinions of those directly involved don't count. I remember reading about how Dr. Semmelweiss became the laughingstock of medical professionals in Austria because he recommended that you start washing your hands before assisting with births. He had learned this from observing midwives deliver babies, noticed that the fatality rate in births they oversaw was much lower and determined that it was the hand washing and clean environment that made the difference. This was clearly ridiculous because he had learned it from women and after all, what do women know about giving birth?