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The Old Hack

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Everything posted by The Old Hack

  1. Les XXIIIes Jeux olympiques d'hiver

    Reminds me of a minor scandal a long time ago -- someone had foisted off some really substandard t-shirts on the Danish Olympic team resulting in a couple of Captain Kirk moments for our athletes. At least one of our local gossip rags commented that at least it gave the ladies something to look at.
  2. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    We have a similar expression in Danish, 'myldretid', or directly translated, 'throng time' or 'crowded time.' What is hilarious is that the Danish verb in question is an old relative of 'to mill' (as in 'milling about'), so I guess it also translates into 'Miller time.'
  3. NP, Wednesday February 7, 2018

    No, next strip she will complete the transformation and turn into a hippiepotamus.
  4. Things that make you worried.

    No. Clearly it should be part of curling, ice hockey and bobsleigh.
  5. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Not good. Keep us posted, Prof. I hope you will be okay.
  6. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    It is the time of the day where traffic moves the slowest and they call it rush hour. *scratches head*
  7. Last Post Wins

    Perish the thought. The last thing in the world I would want is to contradict anything James Bond has said.
  8. Les XXIIIes Jeux olympiques d'hiver

    I didn't know that was in connection with the Olympics. I thought that was just United in general.
  9. Last Post Wins

    No it isn't. It falls apart in that the albatross' natural habitat mostly lies on the southern half of the globe, with a few exceptions mostly in the Pacific and none of them near Egypt.
  10. Les XXIIIes Jeux olympiques d'hiver

    If Sparta were hosting the games, everybody participating would be required to run the full Marathon wearing armour and full kit to prove their manliness as a preliminary event before the games started.
  11. Last Post Wins

    With thy crossbow thou didst shoot the albatross!
  12. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    The argument is that "it can't be healthy." And I still do not see it. Experience as a girl could be both good and bad. Arguably, so can experience as a boy. But focusing on the girl experience, that explicitly goes against "it can't be healthy" as there is a chance of good experiences that may be learned from as opposed to purely harmful and damaging ones. Mind you, I can see that from a purely pessimistic viewpoint it might barely float -- but it would still be based on ignorance.
  13. Story, Monday February 5, 2018

    Magic is arguably millenniae or even dozens of millenniae old. But in terms of human experience it has nothing at all except what it can glean from its very tenuous encounters with human minds.
  14. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    I don't see why it wouldn't. Time spent as a girl would allow just as much accumulation of experience and understanding as time spent as a boy would. In fact, it might even widen perspective -- in fact, it would pretty much be guaranteed to. I am still not getting it.
  15. Les XXIIIes Jeux olympiques d'hiver

    Denmark never wins medals in these things so I rarely pay attention to them. But tell me if Asterix and Obelix decide to participate again. That ought to stir things up.
  16. Last Post Wins

    Someone must have read a wee bit too much of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner. And a thousand thousand slimy things Lived on; and so did I.
  17. NP Monday Feb 5 2018

    I have seen a few games where 'winning' was a mere end condition and the outrageous events underway were the real purpose of the game. They have always been a favourite of mine. And in a good tabletop roleplaying game, things will go like this. Ironically enough, some of my greatest successes ever of this kind as a storyteller was in the crapsack World of Darkness. Since the true enemies were basically unbeatable we didn't have to worry much about winning so we had awesome fun with drama, (sorta) heroic sacrifices and occasional downright absurdity. We even had a campaign end in utter tragedy and when it was over we sat looking at one another a few moments. Then one of my players said, "That was awesome. So who feels up for starting a new campaign? And how about pizza while we discuss it?"
  18. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Nevertheless. If you start developing an urge to bite people, don't wait. Head straight for the nearest PetSmart outlet and buy a doggie chew toy you can safely take any unwanted masticative desires out on. (It could have its upsides, though. If you do turn into a werewolf, CritterKeeper will finally be legally allowed to assist you. Part of the time, anyway.)
  19. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    Also, forget the 2.24 timestamp. That was wrong. I should have put 3 minutes 10 seconds instead. Arrrrrrghhh.
  20. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    Dammit, forgot the link. Here it is. http://sfdebris.com/videos/startrek/v886.php
  21. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    But the best description I ever heard of WW2 may be found on the second video of this SF Debris page, starting at about 2 mins 24 seconds into the video. I apologise for being unable to directly link to that moment but I add that it will be well worth investing the two or three minutes of time in watching this masterpiece. Come to think of it, Barbara Tuchman made a quite decent attempt at this in her Pulitzer-winning The Guns of August. I can only highly recommend it.
  22. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    I don't know about that. I hear lycanthropy can get pretty concerning.
  23. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    This reminds me of Peppermint Patty getting a history test. She reads the test question, which goes, "Explain World War Two." She stares at it in disbelief a moment and then reads on, "You may use both sides of sheet." Our high school history teacher used this strip as part of a collage he had made to introduce us to the subject.
  24. NP: Friday January 26, 2018

    Infinite mathematicians walk into a bar. The first orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third orders a quarter of a beer. The fourth an eighth of a beer. And so forth. The bartender calls them all a bunch of idiots and serves them two beers.