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Everything posted by ProfessorTomoe

  1. Story Wednesday February 22, 2017

    Forgive me if I'm repeating something through brain fog, but I think Tedd's main worry was that his gender-fluidity would weird out his best friend. When he learns that Elliot supports him no matter what, and in fact expects it given Tedd's explanation, Tedd breaks down and goes into "Thank the Maker" hug mode. I pity the potentially judgmental fool who accidentally stumbles across the two of them (unless it's Ashley).
  2. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    'Sokay, I stocked up on brain bleach during my /4chan/b/ days. * dips into reserves * Meanwhile, day four of the sinusitis, and I'm not feeling any better. My Nest thermostat says it's 74°F, but I could swear it's 63°F. I'm coughing up stuff, but thankfully nothing like when I had pneumonia back in the late 80s. I've been waiting to take my hydrocodone (yep, the spine and the Chronic Pain Syndrome are still in full play) so that I don't run out of it before my pharmacy and my doctor think it's been 5 days. Translation: I'm farking miserable, even after a cup of Tarrazu coffee. Going to say screw the schedule and take my morning pills anyway (24½ this particular morning).
  3. Things that make you go WTF

    I'd say three, minimum. ... what?
  4. NP Monday January 20, 2017

    I think I will go and fix myself a Vegemite sandwich. Haven't had one in a couple of weeks, and I need some comfort food.
  5. NP Monday January 20, 2017

    Minnesota and cheese curds. I rest my case.
  6. Pinup Double Tue Feb 21 2017

    I read this right as Mrs. Prof entered our living room and, surprisingly, removed her pants. Not something you see in this location every day.
  7. Pinup Double Tue Feb 21 2017

    ... and I am certain they thoroughly enjoyed practicing prior attempts.
  8. What Are You Ingesting?

    Crystal Light lemon tea with a pill of hydrocodone. Mrs. Prof ate all of the other munch-worthy stuff in the house. Not that hydrocodone is munch-worthy, mind you ...
  9. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Something in your brain is misfiring and causing you to experience that sensation. It's a binary neural pathway: brain misfires and tells butt to move, butt moves, butt tells brain it's moved, other parts of the brain wonder WTF is going on. It's complicated.
  10. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    That is a common variant of the "zaps." Some feel them as brain zaps, as I did. You got the muscle zap version instead. Very disembodying experience, either way. Good luck getting through them, seriously. In other news, the MRI that was supposed to happen yesterday? Didn't happen. I wound up catching a bad case of bacterial sinusitis—probably what Mrs. Prof had. Since she was laid out bad, I took the risk and drove myself to the doctor, who BTW reassured me that he had not decreased my hydrocodone dose (even showed me the scan of the script). He put me on Augmentin horse pill antibiotics. I spent the remainder of the day trying to cancel/reschedule other medical appointments. You should see the pile of notes I've got now.
  11. Pinup Double Tue Feb 21 2017

    purr purr purrrrrr
  12. NP Monday January 20, 2017

    That movie was made in Austin, TX. Keep Austin Weird. Florida's already weird enough.
  13. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Hey, I resemble that remark. Primary care doc took me from 2 hydrocodone tabs down to one every 4-6 hours. Had to go pick it up from the after-hours staff. Also had to deal with Mrs. Prof being sick with an upper respiratory infection. We went straight from my doctor to the CareNow center (no, we don't share a doctor—never have, don't ask me why), where she got prescriptions for antibiotics and codeine cough syrup. My painkiller began wearing off rapidly at this point. We finally wound up at the pharmacy, where we waited for the scrips to be filled. My pain got worse with each minute that passed. The medicines weren't ready until a good thirty minutes later. As you can imagine, the walk out of the pharmacy was excruciating. Mrs. Prof didn't quite get how bad it was—she asked if I wanted to go somewhere for food. I told her I just wanted to go home. She tried again, suggesting that we go to a Sonic, where I could get food and drink to chase down the hydrocodone. I finally begged her, "Just please take me home." She didn't argue with me after that. The fun starts over tomorrow. She's going to have to drive me to the MRI appointment around noon and a separate doctor's appointment after 4pm, all while she's still sick and I'm unable to drive due to the hydrocodone and the pinched nerve. Oh boy, what a wonderful day it'll be.
  14. Story Comic Delay

    Can't you spare him a minion or two from your court ... or would they do the text bubbles in hieroglyphics?
  15. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Forgot about this. I used VEDIT from the days of my first 80286-12 computer in 1992. Now using VEDIT Pro64. My weirdest software had to be Enable/OA from Enable Software (previously known as The Software Group). It had word processing, database (with programming), and spreadsheet functions. It was the de facto software used by the IRS at the time. Mrs. Prof bought me a copy of it before she let me buy a computer (the little teaser - still, we got an IRS discount on it).
  16. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I was a PC Tools man myself. Used it with 386Max (later switched to Helix Netroom) and IIT's XtraDrive (instead of Stacker - XtraDrive was faster). I really loved messing around with the old DOS utilities.
  17. What Are You Ingesting?

    A slice of toasted bread, cut in half. One half has clotted cream, while the other has Devon double cream. Both have cherry jam. Nom. I know I'm committing a heresy when it comes to the classic cream tea, but I've nary a scone in the house.
  18. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    She appreciates your support as much as I do. Thank you, everyone. Got back from the spine specialist around an hour ago. He verified a small compression fracture in my L1 vertebra as the source of my left side pain, and said he thinks the right side pain is due to a pinched nerve just below the fractured vertebra. I'm scheduled for an MRI on Monday. I'm also on a gradually increasing Topamax dose along with the hydrocodone (which may be switched back to Tramadol, depending on what my primary care doctor decides). I'll find out about the MRI results on Friday of next week.
  19. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Try installing OS/2 v2.1 from 5¼" floppies. I literally had to call IBM's Dallas area office and have them send out a tech who helped me put it on a work machine (for testing Apogee games on the DOS side of it). Thank goodness OS/2 Warp (v3) came with a CD. I went the Windows Commander way (later renamed Total Commander after MS bitched about the name). Still using it (license #224 from back in 1993) and still getting regular updates on it from Christian Ghisler, the original author.
  20. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Battery replacement is rather bulletproof with this particular device. You get a flashing red light on top of the mouse when the power is low, and there's no Bluetooth re-linking required after a battery swap.
  21. Story: Monday February 13, 2017

    I had to abandon Arch Linux on my main computer when I went back to writing music. I didn't want to run the risk of Cakewalk SONAR, the Waves Gold plugins, and Adobe Audition CS6 not working under WINE with all of their copy protection schemes, and I didn't want to have to deal with a steep learning curve for Linux programs Ardour, Rosegarden, and so on.
  22. Things That Are Just Annoying

    You'd think that I'd have the same problem, given my history (as Mrs. Prof would tell you), but 'tis not the case. I have a Microsoft Bluetooth Arc Touch mouse linked to my laptop. Works quite well, and I have yet to misplace the mouse.
  23. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Spine doctor appointment tomorrow (Thursday) at 1:45 p.m. at an office somewhere east of us. Meanwhile, I've managed to keep my hydrocodone usage down to three two-pill doses today. Damned stuff still gives me a bad headache at that dosage, so I have to mix in a couple of ibuprofen tablets each time I take the stuff. Meanwhile, I've filled in the new patient online forms and printed out my medicine and operation lists (not enough room for either in the online portal forms). I'm scheduled for an X-ray at the end of the appointment. Mrs. Prof is going to have to drive me, since there's no way I'm going to try and make it through the day without the help of pain meds (I learned that agonizing lesson when I picked her up after her flight home after the Caribbean cruise). She may also have to drive me to my psych doctor appointment on Monday, so it's a good thing that she telecommutes 4-out-of-5 days a week.
  24. What Are You Ingesting?

    Tastykake red velvet donuts with powdered sugar, topped with some Double Devon Cream. There goes my diet for the day.