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Pharaoh RutinTutin

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Everything posted by Pharaoh RutinTutin

  1. NP: Monday, April 11, 2016

    Geese are usually recognized as the best poultry guards. From ancient Roman Legions to modern nuclear reactors. Put a flock of geese between the inner and outer fences and you will know if anyone enters that area.
  2. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Even so, Ellen DID go back to the Dojo when Grace became serious about her own martial arts training, And, as far as I know, we still don't know the status of the ASMA Dojo, Has Greg closed it or sold it? Is he keeping it going until he finds a buyer? Is he teaching at another dojo? Some time ago, I proposed a wild theory that Ed Verres recruited Greg to help train Grace's siblings. Nothing in the comic so far contradicts that idea. Grace and Ellen may have been training at the same place.
  3. The Association Game

    Three Dog Night
  4. NP: Monday, April 11, 2016

    In panel 2, Tedd's appearance reminds me of a sit-com mom that is a deliberate parody of Florence Henderson.
  5. What's in the Lost and Found?

    A detailed plan based on advanced genetic study and Lamarkian evolutionary theory that could cause most humans to develop elephant-like proboscides in less than four generations.
  6. The Association Game

    People who think they are smart
  7. Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    Nanase began this evening researching the mysterious cloaked figures in Moperville and then forwarding that information to her Uncle. This is a vital update to that research and she is now reluctant to share that information? And I know horror film standard operating procedure would demand that the young people face the danger without assistance from the authority figures. But I think the relationship between the main eight and Edward Verres has progressed beyond that stage.
  8. Sketchbook: April 7, 2016

    Wendy's did not have a huge international presence in 1984. They may not have shown that commercial outside North America.
  9. The Association Game

    History of the World, Part I
  10. What Are You Watching?

    Louis Prima Gigolo / Nobody Way back when in Las Vegas, Louis Prima had the late show the other performers went to watch when their shows were over.
  11. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Is it possible that Tedd's missing sibling is an older brother? If Noriko had a son with another father, she may have left that boy in his father's care while she concentrated on her relationship with Edward. Then she and Edward had a child thinking that might help save their marriage. A desperate cliché that rarely works out well in fiction or real life. This other man may was probably also an acquaintance of Adrian Raven and is yet another significant reason he feels guilt and responsibility towards Tedd. If this other man was also in the monster hunter business, he could have been disabled (or worse) in the line of duty and was unable to keep raising his son from Noriko on his own. As their marriage was already falling apart at that point, rather than bring Tedd's half brother into Edward's home, Noriko decided to raise him on her own.
  12. The Association Game

    ID-10-T User Error
  13. Three Word Game

    Amelia years ago.
  14. Things that make you worried.

    The fear of pants?
  15. The Association Game

  16. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    Tedd talked himself, Sarah, and Grace into not sharing information with his father. Pandora put a lot of effort into convincing Sarah not to talk to Tedd's father. Ellen and Nanase talked themselves into circles justifying a decision to withhold information from anyone. It would be the hopelessly honest Elliot making a talk with Agent Verres the first option.
  17. Story: Friday, April 1st 2016

    When described that way, Pandora sounds a lot like a child molester. Conning the victim into believing that she (the victim) will be punished if she tells someone about the molestation.
  18. Sketchbook: April 7, 2016

    Clara "Where's The Beef" Peller of course
  19. NP: Friday, April 8, 2016

    From a certain point of view... If anyone doing the job is likely to die, why risk a highly trained expert or someone you know is loyal to you?
  20. Sketchbook: April 7, 2016

    From Dan's commentary... If the ship has gravity (or simulated gravity) and a sufficient capacity to recycle water, there is no problem.
  21. Is EGS:NP becoming too important?

    Comic books frequently have crossover stories that span multiple titles. TV shows likewise have crossovers that include several series. If Dan has more than one story to tell that take place at about the same time, and he has established multiple platforms from which to tell those stories, why wouldn't he use them?
  22. Three Word Game

    Amelia died in
  23. Story: 2016, April 4th (Monday)

    Susan would be the expert on any sort of Data plan.
  24. NP: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Grace is quoting Anthony McAuliffe? A military reference for her pacifist game?