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Everything posted by ijuin

  1. Story Monday March 21, 2016

    Anyway, the point I was trying to make is that Mamase would mostly hear about Sarah through Sarah's connection to other people, since Nanase has only started hanging out with Sarah one-on-one fairly recently (e.g. where they were meeting to discuss Sarah wanting to break up with Elliot just before Christmas).
  2. NP Wednesday March 23, 2016

    Adrian Raven already stated that the giant boar was clearly violating the square-cube law, so it is implied that any living things enlarged by Rhoda's spell would be likewise. The magical energy within the spell apparently maintains its targets against such problems.
  3. NP Friday March 25, 2016

    Star Trek is bigger in the sense that there are some six hundred episodes among the five television series, so watching them all on any reasonable sort of schedule for somebody who has school, a job, and a love life would take several months.
  4. The next NP story

    Aside from some people being generally offended by the mere thought of transgendered people, there is the ongoing narrative that nobody with male genitalia could possibly restrain themselves from lewd conduct in the presence of unclothed hypothetically-potential sex partners.
  5. Story Monday March 21, 2016

    Mamase may have known that enemies were hunting her daughter, but the not-Tengu incident stood as proof that such enemies were starting to find and attack her in situations where Edward and other "protector" figures are unable to reach her immediately. Keeping Nanase safe thus requires either getting more/better protectors, hiding Nanase from enemies, or else building Nanase's strength so that she can hold out in such confrontations until the protectors can arrive. Mamase is likely at least aware of Grace as "Tedd's live-in girlfriend", if Nanase has spoken of her at all beyond simply acknowledging that Tedd has a girlfriend. Mamase seems to maintain at least some contact with Edward, so she may know whatever he is willing to tell her. Sarah however is somebody whom she might not know much about directly except vague descriptions from Nanase about "Elliot's girlfriend"/"Susan's friend"/"Tedd's new lab assistant".
  6. Story Wednesday March 23, 2016

    Yes, overriding a being's free will to the point where they will obey a command to commit suicide is likely one of the most heinous things that Immortals can do to non-Immortals.
  7. NP Friday March 25, 2016

    Yeah, but remember that she missed the first 10 years of formal schooling, so there are huge gaps in her education.
  8. Things That Make You Happy

    D'awww, so cute. You have my sympathy about the two who didn't make it.
  9. Things that make you sad.

    Awww, poor kittens.
  10. Story: Friday March 25, 2016

    Perhaps she is enjoying the thought of being able to solve the issue by striking at a single weak point (the "puppet master" who is manipulating the Vampires) instead of having to play whack-a-mole with potentially dozens of monsters over a span of weeks. Anyway, I agree that the list of top suspects, among those characters whom we already know about, consists of Pandora, Col. Glowy, and Sirleck. Hmmm, if it is Col. Glowy, then that would provide a motive for him to manipulate Tara and thus keep her separated from Andrea, as Tara would be able to curbstomp many of the Vampires if he didn't keep her distracted.
  11. Story Wednesday March 23, 2016

    Given that the Immortals have laws among themselves that they take seriously, it follows that they probably have some means of enforcing them and enforcing punishments--even if there are no Immortall "Sheriffs" (i.e. persons tasked specifically with finding and arresting violators), there is probably some sort of Immortal Court/Council that would be empowered to sit in judgement of accused violators. The fact that they worry about violations instead of dismissing them as improbable says that their laws are not enforced solely by a geas placed upon them forcing them to obey the letter of their oaths (if not the spirit), but rather that their society bears some or most of the burden of enforcement.
  12. NP Friday March 25, 2016

    I love how the narration breaks the fourth wall, as though it were Tedd doing the narrating as Grace starts the game.
  13. Story Wednesday March 23, 2016

    Hmm, a thought: Might the spike in vampire attacks be part of Sirleck's plan to keep Helena and Demetrius occupied? Sirleck would be ensuring that they encounter every Aberration that comes into the area, both to keep them busy, and to keep them distracted from noticing him (as he said, body snatchers are even more hated than vampires, given that they not only steal a victim's life but also impersonate the victim and steal the victim's reputation and relationships).
  14. NP Wednesday March 23, 2016

    LOL Rhoda and giant ants! I hope she's not too scared of bugs . . . As for Washington D.C., I would expect that any hardened military defenses would survive (the Pentagon and other military bases, and the underground bunkers for protecting key government personnel and records), but most of the above-ground structures would be destroyed. A low-yield nuke would probably have an effect similar to Hiroshima (buildings and people destroyed for a half-mile radius, and a firestorm beginning over most of the area within a one-mile radius, possibly spreading if weather is favorable to it and firefighting is ineffective), while a higher-yield nuke would be the same but over a much larger area, possibly the entire city. Craters only happen if the bomb is detonated close to ground level--an airburst like Hiroshima or Nagasaki would leave no crater.
  15. The next NP story

    Most actual transgendered persons, as opposed to false claimants, would rather forget that they have the "inappropriate" set of genitals. A MTF person is far less interested in having access to nude women than in being one of them--wanting to feel like and be seen as "one of the girls". She would not want to display or use her male parts for unwelcome sexual encounters, and would in fact prefer to pretend not to have them at all.
  16. Ah, I think we are talking about two different groups of Japanese suicide pilots. Scotty is speaking of the pilots who crash their airplanes into enemy positions as a last resort when their normal attack fails. I, on the other hand, was speaking of the Special Kamikaze Force, who were tasked with flying the manned flying bomb, the Ohka. Those pilots were sent on a mission where they were not only expected to die, but where death was essentially mandatory--if a pilot failed in his attack run and survived, he would sometimes be executed as a coward and a traitor. I was not speaking metaphorically about them being welded into their cockpits, either--those who showed reluctance to carry out their missions were often physically restrained from being able to bail out of their aircraft so that they would not desert in the face of the enemy.
  17. NP Friday March 18, 2016

    I forget the soirce, but. . . "Tragedy is when I stub my toe. Comedy is when you fall in a sewer and die." In other words, comedy is heavily based upon schadenfreude.
  18. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    The fact that he hesitated definitely means that he was about to say something other than "father". Most likely is either "mother" or "parents", but it might have been somebody we aren't thinking of . . . Hmm, might Jerry know about Adrian Raven? In that case he might also know that Pandora is Tedd's "Fairy Grandmother", who seems to regard Tedd as being the closest thing she has to a grandchild.
  19. Pressured? More like coerced, as in "We will weld your cockpit shut so that you can not escape".
  20. Things That Make You Happy

    D'awww, I hope you will be willing to share pics of the new kittens.
  21. Story Monday March 21, 2016

    Assuming that Edward told Mama Kitsune who not-Tengu was, then we can assume that she is now aware that there are magic-users who are actively hunting her daughter. Under such circumstances, there are really only two sane responses: 1: get Nanase much MUCH better protection or 2: ensure that Nanase becomes as strong as possible. If Mama Kitsune is also aware that Nanase's closest friends are all magic-users, then she can accomplish both of these ends by doing whatever she can to have all of the Main Eight develop their strength. Of course, most of it would be done behind-the-scenes, since she is not yet willing to let Nanase know how much she knows about it all.
  22. NP Friday March 18, 2016

    I think the intended meaning was "tragic for Tedd that (s)he is dealing with all of these internal conflicts", not "tragic for the readers that a joke is not funny".
  23. NP Monday March 21, 2016

    That's how it should work in anything resembling real life, which is why I said that it was a flaw in the game that you are not allowed to complete a production chain where even one step in the chain is a net loss even if the chain as a whole is profitable.
  24. The next NP story

    It's also an extension of the "bait and switch" narrative where a heterosexual male becomes attracted to a female but then, after becoming emotionally invested, finds that the object of his attraction has male parts. The revulsion at this notion is thus extended to any hypothetical scenario in which a "woman" turns out to be a "man".
  25. Story Monday March 21, 2016

    It's largely a matter of how much the Vampires' strength/toughness is enhanced by their magic in comparison to a Griffin's--in other words, who is the stronger Mage. A form like not-Tengu's enhanced muscular form (when he "bulked up") would probably be very resilient to physical and magical attack even from a Griffin, in addition to having extreme physical strength, but his apparent lack of ranged attacks could leave him vulnerable to a "death by a thousand cuts" by an opponent's ranged attacks. Speaking of Griffins, it does appear that they are naturally magical--at least, they have some inherent magic that allows them to fly, etc., even if they need training to become Awakened spellcasters the way that humans do.