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Don Edwards

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Everything posted by Don Edwards

  1. Softwares & Hardwares

    It's supposedly tied to several things simultaneously - if I remember right it's the hard drive, the motherboard, the processor, and maybe the video adapter. The intent being that the software can tell the difference between "same computer, replacing a component" and "whole different computer". Details of what can be replaced under an existing license, and what hoops must be jumped through, may vary from one licensee to another. The retail license is probably broader in what is allowed than some OEM licenses.
  2. Syndicate of Colour

    I'd be hesitant about some of these as they are currently done. Not saying they are wrong, but because they are not necessarily always right. For example, the chart lists Ellen's fur color based on one specific time she had fur, but she's had fur on at least two occasions and the colors may not have been the same - the fur color is not person-specific, it's form-specific or person-and-form-specific.
  3. Story: Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    He'll number the spaces the charts could be in, move each chart to the space with the number 2X the number of its pre-move space, and have an infinite number of odd-numbered spaces left vacant for more charts.
  4. Story: Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    Well, that is vastly easier.
  5. Word of Dan Discussion

    You insisted on being thoughtful and contemplative when everyone around you was in a frenzy? Yeah, that's pretty bad... I guess... according to some people.
  6. Story: Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." -- C.S. Lewis
  7. Deepart.io

    Link gets redirected to a login page.
  8. NP: Wednesday, April 20, 2016

    Is HE a courier? I know SHE is the courier who was supposed to deliver the chip. And he shot her and stole it.
  9. Story: Monday April 18, 2016

    When all I could see was the first row, I was wondering if the detective was Jerry. (Now I'd be rather surprised if it is.) Indeed he could be, but if the Immortal named himself for the musician, then he is pretty young. Or changed his name recently. Magus gave Pandora the name "Chaos" and she decided to add it into her name. But yeah, I think he's named after the writer. What's interesting is the assumption that Helena and Demitrius were BOTH watching Elliot 24/7. Together. Every moment. Aside from being obviously unnecessary, we know it isn't true and they even say they're only "keeping tabs" on him. Even if they intended to maintain a 24-hour on-the-spot guard, it wouldn't require both of them at every moment.
  10. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    If Sirleck is considering Elliot, or anyone known to be a close friend of Elliot, as a possible next host, he's a complete idiot. There are several fairly-high-power magic users in there - just among the human teenagers, and Sirleck should be aware of a minimum of one and possibly four or more. At least two of Elliot's friends have family connections - one of them extremely obvious - to DGB and full-blown wizards, There are three Immortals involved that we know Sirleck is aware of. That's a firing squad already assembling itself; stepping in front of it and yelling FIRE! would be Darwin-Award-worthy. So what does Sirleck want with Elliot? To get rid of Magus.
  11. EGS Strip Slaying

    Well, there would be a serious problem with the size difference.
  12. Story: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    Also, just because the Colonel is aware that Pandora has been manipulating Elliot, doesn't mean that this fact has anything to do with why he planned to get Elliot killed. Personally I think that their use of the hammers thing for the aberration hunt was pretty clever and quite justified. It's their shoving the jobs onto a couple of barely-teenage kids (or at least leaving the kids thinking it was up to them) that's a problem. They could have done everything they did with Nanase and Susan, and said "But all this is so you can defend yourself in case the monster gets to you again first, before the proper authorities - whom we're about to go notify - get to the monster. They are better equipped, better trained, more experienced in magic, and PAID, to handle things like this. If possible, stay out of it." I would have had no problem with that.
  13. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    I disagree. Duck is MORE likely than Noah is to be Noriko's child. (But it's still a very low probability. The only way Noah makes sense is if someone got a sample of Noriko's DNA and put it into a Uryuom egg without her knowledge or consent - and that works exactly as well for Duck. Other options, Duck at least has a more plausible age difference as compared to Tedd, but still, why is Duck in Moperville rather than with Noriko?)
  14. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    And there is a theory that Greg is dating Vladia. There's no evidence either for or against this theory.
  15. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    Actually I see several circles in some degree of contact with one another - ranging from "aware that there's another bunch that can be contacted through this person" to "have several members in common". They are separate circles because within each one everyone knows a good bit about everyone else's magic, but for each pair of them - in at least one direction - there's a substantial body of important information common to all the members of one circle that isn't similarly shared in the other circle. In approximate order of first appearance the circles I see are: DGB the dojo: Greg, Elliot, Justin, Nanase, Grace, and Ellen the Main 8 Raven and Noah Luke and at least three friends Charlotte's Angels Ashley and Elliot Luke's group is the most isolated. The only thing we've been shown they know about any other group is that Justin is part of a group - possibly along with Grace and/or Tedd - that is fairly knowledgeable but doesn't know everything. The only thing we've been shown that anybody else knows about them is that Luke is in a group of at least four people who are trying to figure out what the heck is going on. On the other extreme, Charlotte's Angels and Ashley/Elliot each have 50% overlap with the Main 8. And the head of the dojo is the only member of that circle who is not part of the Main 8. Now as for Mr.V's request to keep the size of the group down to 8. I assert that - so far - this has been done. The closest they've come to an exception is not Ashley, but Charlotte and Diane - those two know a fair amount about Ellen's, Elliot's, and Nanase's magic, where Ashley doesn't know much about Nanase's or anything about Ellen's. C&D have Mr.V's phone number; Ashley doesn't know of his existence. (On the other hand, Charlotte and Diane were previously aware of magic; Ashley was not.) But none of those three know anything about Susan's magic, or Tedd's, or Grace's, or Justin's. It would not make a lot of sense, at this time, to bring any of them completely into the circle.
  16. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    If it's white-on-white text, click the "Source" button and you'll get to see and edit your text. (And actually you CAN edit it without seeing it, or you can highlight sections of the white-on-white to make them readable for a moment... but it's vastly easier to edit if you can actually see all that's going on.) If it's something else, you'll have to tell us what.
  17. NP: Friday, April 8, 2016

    A decently well-made gun in good condition being competently handled, the chance of that happening is negligible. Something, you know, about not having a finger on the trigger - and with some guns, where the safety is easily reached, having the safety on - unless you positively intend to fire the gun in the next couple seconds.
  18. Dream a little dream.

    I once had a dream where, as it ended, I thought "this is a really weird dream". And that's the ONLY thing I can remember about it.
  19. Things that make you worried.

    I once sent something to my mother-in-law that would take a signature on delivery. They claimed to have attempted to deliver it at a certain time and found nobody home to sign for it. If they had attempted to deliver it at that time, they would have literally stepped over her before getting to the door - she was working in the garden next to the front door. And her housemate was also home. This was on the fifth day after I paid for next-day delivery.
  20. Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    I discount the importance of Diane dismissing the idea of a resemblance. It seems to me that quite a lot of teenagers who aren't aware they have an identical twin would have that reaction even upon meeting that twin. Particularly relatively egotistical ones like Diane. "NOBODY's quite like me!" For reference I suggest either version of the movie The Parent Trap. (Link is to the 1961 version which I think was better.)
  21. Story: Friday, April 1st 2016

    So could Ellen, but she'd probably choose not to use that label.
  22. Is EGS:NP becoming too important?

    If there's a page every MWF, then one month is at least 12 pages (most Februaries), usually 13 pages (most other months, plus a February about once every ten years on average - leap years where February begins on a comic-release day), and, twice a year on average, 14 pages (a 31-day month beginning on Monday or Wednesday). It doesn't take much to make 13 pages take more than a month.
  23. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Well, we know she's been active outside the USA. Which is confirmed here.
  24. NP: Friday, April 8, 2016

    In an old computer game I've been playing lately, there's this dragon who says that there's only one creature in the world that can threaten it, and wants me to go kill that creature. If the creature can threaten the dragon, and I can kill the creature, am I not theoretically able to threaten the dragon? (In the game, in fact, I am not - there are creatures I am incapable of attacking, period, and there are other creatures that will attack me. This particular dragon is in the former category. So far I've found only one creature in both categories, and none that are in neither.)
  25. Is EGS:NP becoming too important?

    Sabrina Online this month (April 2016, the first part of this archive page, for anyone coming in late) is a particularly good example of how bigger (but less frequent) releases help with multi-threading. The comic does four newspaper-comic-style strips a month... all released at the same time. This month the first two strips are one scene, the third is in an entirely different thread, and the fourth is a some-hours-later aftermath of the first two. I don't think it would have worked nearly as well if there were one strip a week. This isn't saying that I think EGS or NP should be published in a similar fashion. Doing so would have consequences, and they may not be to Dan's liking (or, less importantly, ours). Just that different manners of publication, even seemingly-mild differences, change constraints on what works and what doesn't.