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Don Edwards

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Everything posted by Don Edwards

  1. Things that make you worried.

    You're an optimist.
  2. More Speculation.

    Which raises the question of WHO asked them to and WHY that person thought it was a good use of the time of not one Immortal, but two. With a good enough reason to convince said immortals of it as well.
  3. Story Wednesday March 30, 2016

    I don't think there ever was any preparation for both of them coming over to this half of the world. I think the plan was for Andrea - and not Tara - to make a quick trip and then come home.
  4. Story Monday March 28, 2016

    As to the problem Diane was pointing out, I have no doubt that Ellen can just pick Nanase up and carry her. (No, moving her is not a problem. When they were having a movie night at Susan's and she went fairy, she was moved to a guest room.)
  5. NP Monday March 28, 2016

    Well, he took the macguffin she's supposed to deliver. The first step in delivering it, now, is to get it back - and the logical first step in getting it back is to either find HIM, or find where he's likely to have taken it (which may amount to the same thing).
  6. Favorite Quotes

    "If you're the sort of person who believes everything you read, then don't forget you owe me $20."
  7. NP Wednesday March 23, 2016

    The square-cube law is not only about oxygen supply to the cells. Its about food supply to the cells, bone strength, muscle strength, ability to get food into the stomach, ability to get nutrients from the food into the bloodstream... (editing white-on-white text is a pain.)
  8. The next NP story

    If the law is as described here, what about trans people who've had bottom surgery?
  9. Story: Friday March 25, 2016

    If 20 vampires came out at the same time but were not organized, I'd expect Tara and Andrea - possibly assisted by Elliot, Nanase, Ellen, and maybe Susan and/or Diane - to defeat them. But they'd make a heck of a mess and kill several (I'd guess at least 30) people before the last of them went down. If 20 came out in an organized cooperating group, then maybe Griffins & Company would be in trouble, but (unless and until the latter lost) there'd be a lot less mess and fewer fatalities.
  10. Story: Friday March 25, 2016

    The Pig War actually didn't quite happen - the only casualty was the pig. A Practical Guide to Evil, in which a villain is appalled at how many innocent people are dying as a result of the heroes' actions. (While acknowledging that it's her fault one of the heroes isn't already dead.) (She recently made up for it by probably-killing another hero... in such a manner that it probably significantly increased the average IQ of the heroes.)
  11. Story Monday March 21, 2016

    No, they don't need two rounds. One is sufficient for competitive purposes. However, for other purposes there are advantages to having multiple rounds.
  12. The next NP story

    Unfortunately, it is close enough to true of a sufficiently large minority of men - rarely that they are compelled (and those few have a duty to recognize this flaw in themselves and avoid, not seek out, such situations), but more often that they think they are entitled to take what they see - to make it a reasonable concern. That minority is well under 1% in civilized societies, but there are far smaller dangers that large numbers of people are seriously upset over. I suspect that genuinely transgender people are vastly UNDER-represented in that minority, but it seems to me that the assh*les who do are also more likely to be the sort to go to, say, a public gym they've never been to before (and probably will never go to again) and falsely claim to be trans in order to gain access to the women's locker room. And if I were, say, a high-school principal, I wouldn't want a trans kid who's presenting as their gender to undress in EITHER the boys' or girls' locker room - not to protect the other kids from them, but to protect them from the other kids. (This policy would also remove any temptation for other teenagers - who are more prone to do stupid things than adults are - to falsely claim to be trans in order to get some free peeks.)
  13. Story Monday March 21, 2016

    I assume that all of them know at least the generalities of what happened to any of them unless: It's very old, from before they were at all aware of each other's magic; or It's very new, they haven't had time to share it; or There's some agreement or expressed desire to not share it. So Ellen and Nanase know things about Noriko that the others (particularly Tedd, Elliot, and Grace) don't know. And I doubt that Sarah has told any of them, except maybe Susan, about her power - even if there has been sufficient time, which isn't clear. And of course most of the group know nothing about the current contact with griffins except maybe what has been on the local news, yet, but they presumably will be told about them soon. I wouldn't say it's a compulsion, beyond a sense of duty ("these horrible things exist, most people can't fight them, I can, therefore I must" or alternatively "this is the tradition of my ancestors, I must uphold and continue it"). Combine that with Primary Protagonist Syndrome, or alternatively the monsters' ability to detect who might become a threat, and you get a line of monster-hunters.
  14. Story Wednesday March 23, 2016

    I'd say Nanase's anger is over the concealing of information. I seriously doubt that Andrea was in significant peril at any point (with the possible exception of when she was trying to protect Diane and Charlotte as well as fight Spidey) - and whatever peril she did face, she was probably at least as well equipped to deal with it as Guardian Nanase. But is it believable that the immortals didn't know Tara was in the area? Not to me. But now? The only ones in peril, I think, are Helena and Demetrius. They aren't innocent. And Nanase going Guardian would increase their peril. (If they show up, I predict that Andrea will go fangirl over Nanase's magic again. Specifically the fae punch. And the ability to do a rapid-fire barrage with it.)
  15. Story Monday March 21, 2016

    You are probably correct... ... for at least one of the two applicable possible values of "he".
  16. NP Monday March 21, 2016

    But it's easy. What's really happening is that the railroad is buying logs from the loggers at $21k/load and delivering them to the furniture factory at $30k/load, with an intermediate stop for processing. Exactly what bookkeeping goes on at the intermediate stop doesn't really matter as long as it costs the railroad less than $9k/load. Without that processing stop the railroad can't sell the logs to the furniture factory. In principle it would work the same if, instead of selling the logs to the mill and buying the lumber, the railroad retained ownership of the logs and paid the mill a fee to cut them into lumber.
  17. Story Monday March 21, 2016

    Primary Protagonist Syndrome: the story is interested in you. It's an aggravated form of the more common Protagonist Syndrome, where it never occurs to you to call the relevant authorities and then go hide while they deal with the problem (and you may even actively go hunting for the story). Both forms are also known as Player-Character Syndrome and Main Character Syndrome. However these terms also have other, only vaguely related, meanings.
  18. NP Monday March 21, 2016

    Well, she is - and she has a really neat squirrel costume. But she won't share her costuming tricks with other furries.
  19. The next NP story

    That could be amusing, but Greg closed his dojo. Of course, it could be out-of-canon.
  20. STORY: Friday March 18, 2016

    You're assuming that the magical terrain is flat - like the bottom of a sink or washtub. If there are hills and valleys, and the drain in one valley is clogged, the magic will accumulate in that valley until it reaches a low spot in the surrounding hills and can run into the next valley. (Or the pressure gets high enough to blow the clog out.) Of course, we have no idea what these hills and valleys actually are... or even if this is a decent metaphor.
  21. STORY: Friday March 18, 2016

    Also, if Tara was not expecting Andrea to go back home by this other route (i.e. not the clog) there would have been no point in going there many times to see if she was there.
  22. STORY: Friday March 18, 2016

    I doubt it. The preferred way to get from the top of a waterfall to the bottom is not by riding in a canoe.
  23. STORY: Friday March 18, 2016

    "I'm basing my theory on the possibility that there aren't any other drains close enough to catch the overflow. " That isn't theoretically possible unless there's only one drain. If there are two drains then eventually the buildup will reach the other one. The functional definition of "eventually" matters a lot, though.
  24. STORY: Friday March 18, 2016

    Here's a little smug, and you can pet it if you like. x There's another concern. An area can be very comfortable with a certain flow of water, but if that flow is blocked so there's a buildup and then the buildup is released it can be extremely damaging. (Think of a dam breaking.) Is the same true of magic?
  25. NP Friday March 18, 2016

    Everyone knows hair dye in all sorts of colors is readily available and hair is easily restyled. But when that person shows up with their hair in a style far different from normal and dyed that color, it's still shocking.