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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by CritterKeeper

  1. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Ah, yes, the referral phenomena of "all the basic grunt work is already done by first doctor, leaving second doctor with a much smaller, easier list of differentials" that lets second doctor look like a genius. Sometimes, first doctor would have done the exact same thing as their next move, if they'd gotten the chance; other times there's just one or two things they missed. I'm glad she's better!
  2. Loudmouth's Journey Inside

    Glad the meds seem to be doing their job, then! Try wrapping the half-pill in a very small amount of Pill Pocket, or even just mush a tiny bit of cheese, turkey, butter, anything that would both taste better and smooth off the rough edges of the half-pill. You definitely do need to follow a cut pill with water; cats have been known to get pills stuck in their throats and end up with esophagitis. If pilling is too difficult, they might be able to order a compounded flavored liquid instead, just might cost a bit more than pills.
  3. What Are You Ingesting?

    Hmmm, tea plus spices plus milk? You've reinvented Chai!
  4. NP Friday August 4, 2017

    I guess I haven't seen the same anime/manga as Dan, then, because none of them ever hit my Uncanny Valley buttons the way that this one squicks me.. Most anime/manga girls I've seen are cute!
  5. NP Friday August 4, 2017

    Ugh. Sorry, but she just looks too weird to me. The comic equivalent of the Uncanny Valley, maybe.
  6. Story Friday August 4, 2017

    One or two more pages, then the shot of Edward on the stairs, just out of sight, a tear in his eye as he realizes for the first time how important genderfluidity and acknowledgement are to Tedd.
  7. What Are You Ingesting?

    LOL, nope. Current renewal is until 1/31/19, after that the count resets to zero. And if you hadn't guessed, I love CE! It's fun to learn new stuff, and it helps make me a better vet. If I won the Powerball, I suspect I'd go to half a dozen CE conventions every year.
  8. Loudmouth's Journey Inside

    Gorgeous cat, as always! Sorry to hear he's been havign tummy trouble. It's not unusual for the cat whose territory is, from his perspective, being invaded, to have a problem with the situation, Something to help reduce his anxiety sounds good. There are several meds commonly used; let me know which one your vet is trying! Just be careful not to overshoot the mark! Google "Body Condition Score" and look at some of the charts to see how heavy is too heavy and how thin is too thin. :-)
  9. What Are You Ingesting?

    For lunch, mostaccioli in garlic and olive oil, with spinach, mushroooms, roasted red pepper, and strips of grilled chicken. It's my standard/favorite order from the choose-your-own pasta place near me. For dinner, a suture company rep hosted a continuing education talk on sutures and they served Italian beef, fried chicken, and some sort of penne red sauce, of which I had the first two, plus some garlic bread, Got a few free samples of suture to try, at least! Filing away my CE certificate....Ye gods, this puts me at 72.5 hours of Continuing Education credits for this year, so far. It's only August. There's a six hour Trauma day I'm already signed up for, and at least one more six hour ChicagoVMA CE day. I could well break 100 hours this year! (The license requires 40 hours every two years.)
  10. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    Beckett and Calavicci in 2016 -- Putting right what once went wrong!
  11. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Sounds like a very productive appointment, with at least reason to be optimistic that you will finally get the help you should have gotten from the start! Hooray! I'm always amazed how many medications have widely varying uses and effects. There's a wonderfully effective anti-vomiting drug which Ih have learned is also good for both pain and coughing. there's a med good for nerve pain, storm phobias, and anti-epileptic. Even valium, given I V to a cat, can stimulate the appetite!
  12. NP Weds July 26, 2017

    And poisoning the water supply for the rest of the town for decades to come with a giant rotting corpse.
  13. Story, Monday July 31, 2017

    It's quite possible that Sirleck just doesn't know that the pair are either young or recently reset, let alone both, and just thinks he's capable of handling a couple of normal immortals. He didn't seem too eager to tangle with Pandora, though.
  14. Story, Monday July 31, 2017

    Yes, but it has to be specifically a million to one. If it's two million to one, or 999,000 to one, it won't work. Ah, but he thinks Adrian is the son of either Helena or Demetrius. He's going to expect a reaction from an immortal who only recently reset, and improperly at that. Instead, he's going to get an immortal who hasn't reset in several centuries. Wasn't I just discussing that book in another thread? ;-)
  15. Story Wednesday August 2, 2017

    That wand made a lot more noise, I wonder if it was enough to carry upstairs? It still feels like Tedd's dad waking up and coming in should happen at some point. Maybe not this visit, maybe another night, but before the night of Hell Rains Down seems more appropriate. Only question is whether he'd come in wand blazing at the very idea of an immortal with his son, or whether he'll pause on the stairs long enough to overhear the conversation, perhaps just as Tedd is explaining that he doesn't want to tell his dad and why. I can definitely picture Edward hearing that, and quietly backing up the steps again, needing time to digest this new information. Hopefully not leading up to a tearful deathbed forgiveness for one of them.... :-P
  16. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    You do sound more together! I hope it continues and that you can be an active participant in your appointment. I think you've put up with the Lyrica's effects better than I would have, but then again I don't have a Mrs. Prof to help me if I were to fall apart. Here's hoping the pain management guru knows what to try next to get a more reasonable yet effective response! *hugs*
  17. Story, Monday July 31, 2017

    Actually, wild dolphins apparently only enter deep sleep in one half of their brains at a time. They have to surface to breathe, so if they're too deeply asleep they wouldn't be able to do that. They can doze both sides, while staying awake enough to use their tail to surface enough to breathe and be aware of predators, but deep sleep on both sides at once apparently just doesn't happen in the wild. I'm guessing that means no snoring, but I don't know for sure; do people snore when half-asleep dozing, or only when deeply asleep? Hmm, another reason they might not snore is that the airway and GI tract are separated -- if snoring is in the oropharynx then dolphins likely don't have the anatomy for it. Sounds like a question for The Straight Dope! Snoring comes from vibration of soft tissues within the airway. Dessicated throats aren't soft any more. They might rattle, I suppose....
  18. Urgent request: Please read.

    Okay, just tried to edit a post and was reminded why we switched from white to blue last time. Typing was invisible again.
  19. Story, Monday July 31, 2017

    Oh, please tell me she got video of it!!! (Cell? Camcorder? 8mm?)
  20. NP Monday July 31, 2017

    ETA: I'd forgotten how good/creative that video was, and videos in general back when they were a new thing.
  21. Story, Monday July 31, 2017

    I've heard all sorts of pets snore. If it's a little pet, the snores are proportionately quiet. A rat snoring is adorable.
  22. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Sounds like Mrs Prof will once again have to save the day! Tell her her cats are gorgeous and she's a wonderful human being.
  23. Loudmouth's Journey Inside

    He's handsome and he knows it!
  24. Things You Find Amusing

    It's kind of like curb cuts. When I was on roller skates a few decades ago, you had to go onto the street via a driveway before you got to the corner, or you'd end up having to jump down the curb and risk crashing. Then you'd have to continue on the street past the corner until you got to a driveway to get back onto the sidewalk. Now, curb cuts are so ubiquitous you don't even think about them, unless you come across an exceedingly rare corner without one, and then you wonder what the heck is wrong with whoever screwed up the corner.
  25. Urgent request: Please read.

    *blinks* So...much....white..... It's different, but I don't think that's a bad thing. We'll all need to live with it a little bit to get used to it. :-) Thank you to Thom et al for their efforts on our behalf!