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Everything posted by CritterKeeper

  1. Story Friday April 14, 2017

    I used to have a Chick Tract parody version of this essay, probably still have it in a drawer somewhere. Basically, Cain went to the land of Nod, to the east of Eden, and found a wife there. Adam and Eve weren't the only people on the planet, they were just the pets of a local diety, Yahweh, who was one among many Elohim dieties who created a great many more people than just that pair.
  2. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Keep calling them. They'll either be convinced you need more immediate attention, or they'll want to get you out of their hair and get you to leave them alone. And if you only call once, there's always some chance that a message got lost or shuffled to the bottom of the pile and they need you to call them back.
  3. Story Friday April 14, 2017

    All of the characters need more pinups as themselves! :-D
  4. Story Friday April 14, 2017

    We don't actually know whether Elliot had an affinity of his own, before the Diamond imposed its own slant. If he does have an affinity, we might see it start to emerge now that the girlie-morphs confusion has apparently been satisfied.
  5. What Are You Ingesting?

    Nothing like a good cucumber sandwich....
  6. Story Friday April 14, 2017

    Worse yet.... If Adrian has known, as a certainty, that he cannot have children....then what would he think if the lady he was in love with turned up pregnant? I can just imagine the accusations and denials, the rejection and tears. Adrian would think that someone he loved dearly had lied to him and betrayed him, and would react accordingly. Imagine if Adrian finds out, now, that he was wrong? That she had never betrayed him, and he had accused her and left her unjustly? It was likely far too long ago to be able to go apologize now, so there's no closure, just bitter regret. And I'm pretty sure he'll see it as all Pandora's fault.
  7. Things You Find Amusing

    More things spilled in water begging for bad jokes....lyrics pos NSFW depending on your boss's sense of humor.... *Buys mlooney's /me a couple of extra pens...You'll be needing these*
  8. NP: Wednesday April 12, 2017

    That linked scene actually helps convince me that maybe Tedd and Grace haven't gone as far as most people generally assume. Tedd's pretty embarassed by Grace's taking his clothes off, making me think they don't make a habit of getting naked together deliberately. (Incidentally naked while experimenting is another matter.) I could definitely see them leaving it at cuddling and kissing for now, agreeing not to take things "all the way" until they're both ready for the potential consequences. I can even see Grace, who Tedd always says knows him better than he knows himself, being the one to explain to Tedd that he's not as ready as he thinks he is, in a way that neither makes him feel inadequate nor gives him any doubt that she'll be enthusiastic when they are both ready.
  9. Story Friday April 7, 2017

    Well, if he'd really been looking for the most bad-ass men to portray, then the Sacred Band of Thebes reportedly once made the whole Spartan army back off and retreat just by standing at rest. Well, okay, with a few Athenians to help. At the Battle of Tegyra the Sacred Band routed two morai (one mora = about one-sixth of the Spartan army), the first time the Spartans had been defeated in a real battle, proving they weren't invincible after all. The Sacred Band was 300 men, composed of 150 committed gay couples. There were a lot of suggestions to use them in a sequel to The 300 when that movie was a big hit. :-D
  10. What Are You Listening To?

    Sounds like a good candidate to be put up for adoption with someone who only wants one cat at a time.
  11. What Are You Ingesting?

    Dark chocolate peanut butter cups from Trader Joe's. And before that, Coq au Vin from Trader Joe's. Now I want to go eat there both to see the ceiling and to support a business with a sense of humor and the knowledge and willingness to play with the English language like that. :-)
  12. The NP section update

    Hooray! Those of us who like to re-read in the order of publication can now tell when to read which NP as well as sketchbooks. :-)
  13. NP Monday April 10, 2017

    Well, they already knew some pretty weird things happen at Tedd's house. Short of taking away his son's best friend, there's not a lot Mr. Verres could do to prevent Elliot finding out, and I can't help but think Elliot wound up coming home either changed by something Tedd did, or accompanied by a changed Tedd. Not to mention stuff like their science class Goo coming to life, which their teacher seemed to see as par for the course.
  14. Story Monday April 10, 2017

    In the story I'm familiar with, originally biblical but declared apocryphal by the Church in one of their big editing splurges, God created Adam and Lilith together, from the same materials at the same time. But when Lilith expected to be treated as an equal, Adam complained to God, who, instead of telling Adam to be a good husband and accept an equal companion, kicked out Lilith and made Eve out of spare parts with a message from day one that she was subservient to Adam.
  15. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Have you tried heat or cold on your back? I know the last Pain Management class I took, they emphasized how useful simple things like massage and hot or cold compresses could be. I wish I were closer so I could smuggle you in to work to try the therapy laser on you.
  16. More Speculation.

    I've long thought that if Magus ever gets the chance to explain his situation, the gang would be happy to help him. I can even see Mr. Verres getting them access to the Dewitchery Diamond for that very purpose. Most likely that either won't happen until after the main story is over, and Magus has helped them in some way (thinking he was sacrificing his chance at getting home by doing it), or it will come when they think it's all over, and someone will then either (try to) take over Magus's new body or have some other nefarious use for the DD that they were just waiting for it to be brought back out of wherever it is now to get to it. Hmm, if they do get Magus a new body with the DD, I wonder what ability Elliot will gain?
  17. NP Monday April 10, 2017

    We've hardly seen anyone's parents except Tedd's, because he's involved; Nanase's mom, who is also plot-relevant; and the Dunkels, because Dan has so much fun with their calm acceptance of everything. Susan's mom appeared once when they went over for videos, and a couple of times very briefly in flashbacks, and that's it. Even Nanase's dad has barely gotten five lines, and most of those quite recently in Marker/Escape From the Mall. Sarah's dad woke her up early on a Saturday and called from another room after she screamed. Justin's uncle made one appearance and his dad spoke once on the phone. Ashley's dad is already ahead of Justin's and Sarah's moms, as he's been in one flashback about buying a Ranma 1/2 comic. I do believe there is a Trope about kids' parents being absent from their adventures....
  18. Story Friday April 7, 2017

    The great big book he's holding it titled The Collected Works of Frank Miller. It's not a spellbook, it's a source of feminist indignation, something to allow summoning the hammers. I wonder if we might be confusing cause and effect with Susan and her attitude towards men. Les Immortels had to teach Susan how to summon the hammers even when there wasn't an offensive remark being made, with proxies such as Miller's blatant sexism. Perhaps being exposed to all that sexist material, and having to be able to take offense enough to summon hammers, at the proverbial drop of a hat, caused her to become more cynical and hostile towards men. She was already somewhat prejudiced against men because of her mother's attitude, and being taught how to put her feminist outrage in a hair trigger only made things worse.
  19. Story Monday April 10, 2017

    Hmm, given your name, I would have guessed you'd already read The Dresden Files, but perhaps it's just a coincidence. If you'd read them, then you'd already know just how freaking dangerous and scary traditional faries are. ;-P
  20. Corrupt a Wish

    Great, now the forum has a fix, but the game is broken. I wish the next Star Wars movie is even more successful than the last one.
  21. NP: Friday April 7, 2017

    I'm rather fond of my leather tophat with red plume.
  22. Story Friday April 7, 2017

    Well, it is more distributed.
  23. Things You Find Interesting (reborn?)

    We have an aviary in the lobby at work, which wound up empty through attrition this past winter. The boss went out and got two Lady Gould's Finches and two Society Finches. The gouldians were clearly a male and a female; they're color-dimorphic, so you can tell the girl by her pale chest. The societies had one dark and one paler, too, but then the paler one started singing up a storm, which is a decidedly male trait. The Goulds had a clutch of three shortly after moving in. The societies claimed the other nest, being a species that's well-known for liking to crowd a whole bunch of birds into a small space (hence the name) and I joked that they were the babies' "uncles" because they helped feed them once they were out of the nest. Then the Goulds had another clutch, five this time. In maybe three months, we went from four birds to twelve. The boss started thinking about separating out the male Gouldian and doing DNA feather sexing on the babies so we could split up the sexes. She said they usually raise two clutches in a row per breeding season. Except now they seem to be raising yet another clutch -- last week we started hearing the little cheeping noises from their nest again, and as both parents work hard to raise the babies, we can't take him away yet. And.....almost the exact same day, we started hearing little baby bird peeps from the society nest, too. The pale one may have been singing up a storm, but in hindsight, I don't think the darker colored one has been nearly as vocal. Guess they just didn't feel like breeding quite as early in the season. Ah, well, at least they seem to be happy!
  24. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    You'd think by now we'd have thermostats smart enough to switch between heating and cooling on their own, instead of making us flip a switch or press a button. What's so hard about "If it's over 75, turn on the A/C; if it's under 68, turn on the heat," or whatever range the homeowners desire?
  25. What Are You Watching?

    A TV series on PBS called The Nine Months That Made You, episode titled "One of a Kind". The episode is about how a fetus becomes an individual person, and the first segment is about the hormone surge that makes a male develop a penis. The way they're covering it is fascinating, because they're visiting a village in the Dominican Republic where 1 in 90 male babies didn't respond to that surge properly and didn't grow a penis before birth. These kids are assumed to be girls, and their families treat them as girls, until they hit puberty, and the second testosterone surge causes their testes to descend and their penis to grow. It's so common in this village that they have a name for it, which translates as penis-at-twelve. They seem to be very accepting, that it's just one of those things that happens, and it's no big deal. And just like trans kids, the "girls" often show a distaste for wearing dresses, a tendency to want to play sports and get into fights with friends, various indications that they may be a penis-at-twelve long before they actually reach that age.