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    • Robin

      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Everything posted by ShinyAeon

  1. Story Wednesday Nov 16, 2016

    Way to blow my big dramatic hypothetical question!
  2. Story Wednesday Nov 16, 2016

    ...Voltaire was behind Tedd's mother leaving, wasn't he?
  3. NP, Monday October 17, 2016

    As long as they can scan the tag, they'll let you wear stuff out. But I was actually thinking Rhoda would pay for it and bring it back while Catalina dawdles in the dressing room. Though, Catalina wearing it out makes me think, Well, she could attempt to explain what the clerk really doesn't care about by muttering "Bad hair day," only maybe it would come out "Bad ear day," and oh, what hijinks might ensue....
  4. NP, Monday October 17, 2016

    GIRL, BUY A SCARF FOR YOUR EARS AND STUFF YOUR TAIL UP YOUR SWEATER! When fictating becomes loud enough to startle your dog....
  5. Story, Wednesday September 21, 2016

    I think "swimming with the big fish" is a great twist on two familiar metaphors ("big fish/small pond" & "swimming with sharks"). It's concise, fresh, and the meaning is instantly understandable to anyone who's heard the earlier two. Voltaire IS a troll, no question...but assuming he's not just off his immortal rocker like Pandora, why is he targeting Elliot? He just happens to decide to pick on the heroic best friend of Pandora's grand godson? I suspect it's her whose attention he's really after...