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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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4 hours ago, ProfessorTomoe said:

Besides, hell, I'm a longstanding Native Texan who lives on cream gravy, not one of these newcomer MAGA types who couldn't spell gravy if you filled a fountain pen with the stuff.

This is a practice I have never observed in my few years living in San Antonio. What do you use it for? Sign your hams? I don't imagine it covers very well, is it for secret writing? Can you use any off the shelf fountain pen, or do you need a special culinary pen?

I could see this with gel icing for cakes. I think they have squeeze tube for that, but a fountain pen would give you more control and a finer line.

Are there other Texas uses for cream gravy we should know about? Spackling? Rinse your hair? Wash the S.U.V.? Dip your chips while you watch the Super Bowl?

Dammit, now I have to look online for a fountain pen so I can try this.

Do I need to spell 'Gravy' in cursive, or are block letters OK?

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Putting way too much thought (so to speak) into this, I think this would work much better with an airbrush than with a fountain pen.

I thought of a use, though. Do you use them to sign hand crafted smoked meat? That would almost make sense.

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Did some cooking last night. Made Japanese curry. My son was over, so he helped. My wife helped cut some of the carrots as well. My main jobs were to dissect the three very nice New York Strips I'd bought from Walmart (surprising place for them!), to get everything together (except for the koshihikari rice - that was my son's job), and do the main cooking duties.

We used Vermont Curry Hot roux, in the large size. We normally use S&B, but I wanted to try Vermont for once. It's nice, but it's got no heat to it. I like S&B better for that reason alone.

All in all, it came out great. The koshihikari rice is definitely worth the money and the hype. It's fantastic stuff. Can't wait to try it with just some goma shio furikake on it. I *almost* messed up the meat by overcooking it, but I rescued it at the last second and instead just got a wonderful fond that left a great flavor behind in the pot.

One downer is that I got a bit ill toward the end of cooking and had to let my son take over for a few minutes. He pronounced it finished, and my wife brought me a bowl. I ate several bites, then had to surrender to whatever was making me feel sick. All that work, and then I couldn't even finish a bowl. Bummer. At least my wife and my son went back for seconds.

I take solace in the knowledge that the flavors in my bowl (which is in the fridge, under plastic wrap) will have commingled and will be even better when I'm finally able to get to them.

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I splurged at Hmart today, tried Korean sushi, which is less fish based. It was yummy, and not entirely like the sushi I'm used to. I also bought a curry pastry from the bakery/coffee shop, it was good, would buy again.

I tried a yellow dragon fruit, curious if it tasted different than the other ones I see at Food Lion, a.k.a 'white dragon fruit', although the outsides are not white. (They also had red, but it was twice the price, so, no.) The yellow dragon fruit was essentially similar, but sweeter and more flavorful. These are not Asian, but Hmart has the best selection of produce of any supermarket in the area.

I spent more than I intended, but am happy with my purchases.

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I have, this morning on my first mug of tea, made what may be the ideal of tea. Perfect mix of tea strength, sugar, and milk. This only happens once every other year, if that often.

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An orange shake from Arby's.

The flavour resembles the old creamsicle.

This is not healthy or natural.  It does not resemble anything growing on any tree in Florida.  But I can't walk into Arby's without buying one.

Hopefully this promotion will end soon.


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19 hours ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:


An orange shake from Arby's.

The flavour resembles the old creamsicle.

This is not healthy or natural.  It does not resemble anything growing on any tree in Florida.  But I can't walk into Arby's without buying one.

Hopefully this promotion will end soon.


There is a yogurt with that flavor, I don't remember which brand. As you say, unnatural, but yummy.

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I've been taking to ingesting Equate brand Meal Replacement Shakes as of late, at the behest of my Home Health workers. Just recently, I've discovered that they make it significantly easier for me to swallow the multitude of pills I have to take each morning and evening. There's something about the viscosity of the drinks that helps each pill go down without me gagging like I do with just about any other liquid. I hope this isn't something that wears off after a few days' use - I really need it to keep working this way.

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51 minutes ago, mlooney said:

In what universe is six asparagus spears a serving?

That depends on how large they are. A portion larger than about 150 grams (5 ounces and a bit) would definitely count as a serving for any food that is not considered to be a full meal by itself. Smaller than that, and they are probably trying to either inflate the perceived number of servings or reduce the perceived calorie count per serving.

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85 grams is what they were saying.  Of course the whole bag was just 50 calories,  so there was much need to tweak serving sizes.  Of course I put 150ish calories worth of blue cheese dressing on the whole bag, so it was enough, more or less, to be lunch.

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I got a box of mixed flavored instant grits to have some breakfast food.  Today I pulled an "original" i.e unflavored bag.  Added a dash of Mongolian fire oil to it.  Will do that again when I get unflavored.  Just hot enough to be interesting, not hot enough to bother my white boy taste buds.

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A while ago I got a box of mixed flavor instant grits.  Just had my first "cheddar cheese" package.  I liked it so much I went and bought a box of just it.  And don't give me crap about instant grits 
1) I'm not a real southerner
2) I want my breakfast NOW not in an hour

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Instant can be good

The slow way can also be good 

I have a favorite way of making Oatmeal over night in a crock pot using pinhead oats that I learned from Good Eats

Good, but pretty much requires making at least half a gallon.  Not exactly a single serving.

Also, Grits are OK.  But even though I live in Florida, I would rather have Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat or White Rice with lots of butter and sugar. 


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In most areas not near the coast, Red Lobster was among the better seafood restaurants, and quite possibly the best that's part of a chain.

And it wasn't the "endless shrimp" that wrecked the company - it was the mindset that kept "endless shrimp" permanently on the menu even after they figured out that they were losing money on every order.

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Red Lobster was good.  Then they started reheating frozen meals more and more and the quality dropped.  This lead to a drop in customers, which lead to more cost cutting, vicious cycle.  While not on the cost, Tulsa has several good "fish" restaurants.  I'll grant they tended more to local fresh water fish.  White water fish company and Bodeans being the ones that come to mind.

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I've had 540 calories today.  I need to have roughly 4 times that by bed time.  It's too to eat any thing hot or warm.  Looks like I'm having a lot of snacks this afternoon.

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Despite brewing for way over 4 minutes today, my tea is remarkably good.  Not the best I've ever made, but in the top 20 easily.  Might increase the brew time on purpose tomorrow and see what that does.

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21 hours ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

The next step will be Chicken & Waffle flavoured coffee.

Don't say that out loud.  They might hear you and think it's a good idea.

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