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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Story Wednesday, November 29, 2017

    Funny you should mention that, but back in 2003-2004ish, a number of farmers in my area imported a ladybug relative from Japan that was more aggressive in the hopes of controlling aphids. But their population went out of control as well. The hotel I work at had to deal with them getting into the rooms when the weather started getting colder, there'd be large clusters of them huddled in corners of doors and windows outside the rooms, and same with inside near heating units, some of the rooms that had combination A/C+heating units had them nest inside so for several years we had to deal with them cropping up again and again. I think we finally got rid of them last year when we the last of the original units broke down and was replaced. Also that initial year's winter had a January thaw that saw temps in the mid 20's (celcius and remember I'm in Ontario, Canada, not known for summer like weather in the middle of winter ) for a a good week which allowed for all boom in population such that I was walking through clouds of them while cutting grass. And don't get me started on the tent catapillar boom a couple years later, that's the stuff of nightmares....
  2. Story, Monday December 4, 2017

    You know, I wonder if Adrian knows that Melissa knows, though we're not entirely sure how much Melissa knows. She at least knows that Noah can use magic, but it's unclear if she knows about his heritage.
  3. Story Wednesday December 6, 2017

    I dunno, maybe her fairies do come with other features like fae punch and stuff, or maybe Susan just plans on using to run distraction for her, make the vampires swat at it while she comes in with the sword. Then again, people have speculated that unsummoning them in the vampire's face would have a flashbang effect, but I'm uncertain if that can be repeated frequently, might be more of one off deal.
  4. Story Wednesday December 6, 2017

    Judging by Sirleck's instructions to the aberrations, it does seem like he accounted for the possibility of vampire hunters being around, whether or not he knows about Susan being one is another thing, I doubt Magus would have wanted Elliot's friends to be harmed or killed either, but since Magus isn't aware that Sirleck added more vampires to the plan, there might be other things Sirleck altered. I just had a thought...what if Pandora already talked to Magus? If she apologized for screwing him around and promised to help him get his body back, no strings attached, no riddles, no jumping through hoops, would Magus reveal to her what he had done in the time since she left him alone? Maybe they could have formulated a new plan with the expectation that Sirleck would doublecross Magus and soo far Magus has been putting up an act for Sirleck.
  5. Story Wednesday December 6, 2017

    So I guess Susan's hair wasn't permanently made dark blue by her awakening? Is this the return of Vladia Hair? Also definite confirmation that it was Pandora that nabbed Jer....Zeus in Susan's room. Also guessing Nase is the default fairy summon if Susan isn't trying to a particular fairy like Suze. Makes sense since Nase was the first.
  6. Story, Monday December 4, 2017

    There's no indication that Hanma was ever involved in making the artifact, and her awareness of if could just be non canon. Heck, her previous self may have been aware of it, but not interested at all and it was only her current self that associated it with the anime fandom.
  7. Story, Monday December 4, 2017

    Though note that Dan wrote the commentaries for those 12 years after he made the comics, and he was commenting on how he had Susan state that she taught Sarah. This is the issue, if people had to be taught how to use the hammers, that would mean that Jerry had to show a bunch of women to get it started.
  8. Story, Monday December 4, 2017

    Elliot wasn't taught, Gillian wasn't taught either, being "taught" was just being told about them and the instructions from Susan was probably as simple as "if you feel offended enough by a guy to the point you want to smack him, you'll be able to summon a hammer", the hammers when the artifact was still powered would have fallen under the same mechanics as other magic spells in that someone could accidentally use it under the right conditions.
  9. Story, Monday December 4, 2017

    It's unclear if Helena and Demetrius have the power to mark anyone yet, for one, they were improperly reset and we don't know what effect that would have beyond their knowledge being jumbled up or lost, they could have also taken longer than usual to "respawn" as it were. Abner reported what Voltaire told him to report. And it wasn't so much that to say that they were fully distracted, but that they were getting pulled away for brief periods to deal with them, the way Andrea talked about them about to say something about Tara but running off probably meant they were trying to juggle watching Elliot and advising Andrea. That report was basically confirmation that the idea of using vampires was sound and that continuing to do so would give Sirleck and Magus a window of opportunity, Voltaire's additional mis-info about Adrian gave Sirleck motivation to take the plan a step further to guarantee it's success. Here's a thought, maybe Helena and Demetrius tipped off Pandora? They barely remember. Though it's uncertain if they've remembered anything else recently. We know from Magus that they were following him to France because they felt he didn't belong and were trying to get rid of him, but we don't know if they remember yet. Jerry knows because Sarah and Grace told him what Susan told them about the France trip after Susan had her major angst-induced awakening. Pandora should know what Susan is capable of since she's known as the Hammer Queen at school and she would have likely been told by Jerry2.0 recently as part of why he had been watching over her. Susan hasn't used her hammer spell since the events of Hammerchlorians. The reason for it can be explained by her not wanting to perpetuate what the original purpose of the hammers was, it also seemed like usage of the hammers by women overall had diminished considerably if it ever saw widespread usage. The fact that no one really questioned how Susan could summon hammers and why no one got sent to the hospital should speak to how normal it seemed to people but then her not using them anymore wasn't questioned either so I'd say that much of the population of Moperville is both easily impressed and just as easy to pass it off as natural. From "That Susan is soo intimidating with those hammer!" to "That Susan hasn't hammered anyone in a while, why's that?" "Eh, she probably got bored of it."
  10. Someone on Patreon said that if it wasn't for the Trek theme and hammer insignia, you wouldn't know it was Susan, I kinda agree, but it's really the hair that does it, it looks more like Grace's style than Susan's.
  11. NP Monday December 4, 2017

    Diane would likely ask about it though if she was there. She's already had experience with underaged drinking, Ellen too. sort of. Also some confirmation from Dan about the use of 2-type cards for a 1 space: And then a response to my question about Catalina: Athough: And then in relation to stealing spaces, Dan apparently was tossing around an idea I speculated on earlier in the this thread:
  12. Story, Monday December 4, 2017

    Maybe he could claim it as a battle form? As an interesting side question, would Elliot's superhero form and secret IDs age with him? I dunno if Pandora would be using him at all really, we saw earlier that while she did struggle with the idea of Noah being family, in the end I believe she knows it's true that Adrian thinks of Noah as family and would treat him as such herself. And with Adrian, Susan and Diane being in danger, she might want as many able fighters available and having family fighting together would seem appropriate, and getting Noah to go help Adrian would be the same as getting Adrian to help Susan and Diane. Though I do wonder if Pandora got word to Edward about the vampires, having him show up and fight alongside Adrian would be interesting too, maybe with the side effect of getting them to reconcile?
  13. Story, Monday December 4, 2017

    Don't know where Noah is, maybe at home, or maybe Pandora told him about the vampires as well and he's on his way over? Don't know about the whole wheelhouse thing though, he might be capable of fighting them, but this would likely be the first time he's done so (if he does join the fray). Hmm this brings up an important question though. If Adrian does die, where would Noah go? Considering his background children's aid would be out of the question and he's likely old enough that they wouldn't need to get involved anyway. It's also uncertain whether Edward or anyone else in the paranormal division knows about Noah, I'd like to know more about how Adrian ended up adopting him though, but I do wonder if Edward would end up taking Noah in as well. Maybe Melissa's family has a spare room and wouldn't mind helping out. ::shrugs::
  14. NP Monday December 4, 2017

    Catalina used an animal-clothing card to steal Rhoda's first spot, at first I thought that one would need to use more types to steal a space, but then I got thinking that if there's only 3 TF types, if how would stealing 2 and 3 point spaces work, if it required spending double what the space cost, one would need to have an effect like Ditzy and all 3 of the cards would need to be 2-type cards in order to steal a 3 point space, that would difficult to do unless you were really lucky on the draw. If you only had to spend 1 extra TF type for the space (2 for 1, 3 for 2, 4 for 3) it's still tricky to steal a 3 space, but at least it's doable with 2 2-type cards or a 3-type+1-type with a Ditzy like effect for both. But then again it was only assumed, it's possible one would only need to pay the same to steal the space as it did to buy the space, but there's no restriction to what cards you can use so one could use a 3-type to buy a 1 point space if they really wanted to use it.
  15. Story, Monday December 4, 2017

    Yeah, Pandora's here, and her urging Adrian to go protect Susan and Diane is certainly telling that they're related as earlier meetings had Pandora criticizing Adrian for wanting to protect people. Those earlier criticisms could easily be chalked up to Pandora's reaction to Blaike's death, he went out to protect people and died for it. To Adrian, the lack of any attempt to stop him from fighting might be a bit of a shock, but she has yet to tell him why it's important that he protects Susan and Diane. Best guess is she doesn't want him distracted by the revelation that he could and does have children/grandchildren/etc, but yeah, it might still end up being too late to reveal that to him. Though I really do hope he survives because I want to see how Pandora reconciles with him. We know that Mysterious Scarf guy is there along with Kangaroo guy is at the mall, I assume that the creepy beast guy is also there, Sirleck said their were 6 of them so where the other 3 are, probably will be there soon. Or maybe the 3 that Pandora mentioned are the ones we haven't seen yet and the 3 we have seen haven't attacked or been noticed.
  16. Story, Monday December 4, 2017

    Well we know Pandora has gone by many names in her current life, but we don't know if any of them were used in her previous life. Some Immortals might embrace resets more thoroughly, sure they'd take whatever knowledge their previous self passes along, but they'd view a reset as a clean slate, which would need a new name for whatever new identity they want to create for themselves. Not saying it's always the case, but Jerry2.0's protests lean towards it.
  17. Story, Monday December 4, 2017

    We did have a hint that Jerry2.0 didn't want to be known as Jerry. I doubt he would agree to being called Jerry2.0 either, but until we learn what name he's chosen for this life, we have to call him something.
  18. Looking at the article, the player took the Marshal out with the intention of losing it, but at least wanted to see how much damage he could do before it happened. And he apparently got a faction fit Bhaalgorn for his sacrifice, so I'd said it went pretty decent overall.
  19. Hey @mlooney, thought this might be of interest to you: There's a friend of mine that's played Eve for years. He hasn't played much in the past while though but still has 1 of his accounts subbed so that he could pop in from time to time. About an hour ago he became aware of CCP's 20th anniversary promotion where if you buy tickets to both Fanfest 2017 and EVE Vegas 2017, you would get a free Marshal Concord Battleship. Not wanting to buy tickets, he checked to see if anyone was selling theirs. He dropped 35 billion ISK on one that was on contract in Jita. It costs 300 million to fully insure with a 1 billion return. He said he'll only unpackage it to sit and spin if he feels like it.
  20. Things You Find Amusing

    Had been wondering for a if TWB had forgotten to do any of it's usual holiday gimmick comics. Well.. Guess it was good to get those out of the way before Christmas and New Years needed to be added.
  21. Story Wednesday, November 29, 2017

    I've mentioned before, when Diane first learned of Elliot she though he'd be perfect in a way that fit her "everything's about me" attitude at the time, he'd give her attention when she wanted and wouldn't pressure her into doing anything, a doormat as she called him. Then she got watching the review show and she started seeing him as a nice and funny and likable guy and she actually started to care about feelings and stuff. When she learned about his date, she panicked, the first guy she actually had feelings for snapped away. After seeing Elliot with Ashley as well as finding out about his abilities, Diane questioned a lot about what she wants and whether Elliot was the right guy, it's uncertain if she still plans on trying to seduce Elliot, but her behaviour lately seems to point to the possibility that she won't.
  22. Story Wednesday, November 29, 2017

    Not just face, but the use of multiple arms in that made it great as well.
  23. Story Wednesday, November 29, 2017

    Not quite on the level of Susan, but this page didn't call for that level, still, I firmly believe Diane is quite capable.
  24. Story, Friday November 24, 2017

    I'm pretty sure Picard lied. According to Moriarty, there's still some awareness after the program ends, although his description made it seem like a bleak existence.