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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Story Wednesday October 4, 2017

    She leaned against the wall forcefully. The "Thump" does make it look like it was her head hitting the wall, but there really isn't anywhere else it could have gone to indicate it was her back making contact rather than her head.
  2. Story, Monday October 2, 2017

    Yeah, it's still structurally sound, there wasn't any rebar showing, but I would expect no one would want to just leave it as is and patch it up just so that it didn't look like no one cared about the state of the mall, but as I said before, they could also turn it into a monument and attract customers.
  3. NP Wednesday October 4, 2017

    /me * hands you a box of cookies. *not to be confused with mlooney's /me
  4. Story, Monday October 2, 2017

    Or better yet, the pillar turned into some sort of display. "Site of live Griffon attack" with people taking pictures of the claw marks.
  5. Story, Monday October 2, 2017

    The mall itself would enough. What would actually be worth more, 6 or 7 classic cars on display, or a couple hundred different vehicles parked in the mall parking lot? ... Actually, I gotta wonder if Dan will show us whether or not the damage Tara caused has been fix, yeah they've had a week to do so it probably was fixed, but it would be cool if we saw Susan and Diane walk by that pillar and it looks different from the others.
  6. Story, Monday October 2, 2017

    I've been to a mall that had vehicles parked in the corridors as well, but at best there was 6 or 7 of them, not really enough to call a car show. the Moperville mall doesn't strike me as a large mall either.
  7. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=674 What? Just gonna take a stab at this and say Ashley's somehow involved.
  8. Story, Monday October 2, 2017

    In the middle of winter? Doubt it, everyone owning classic cars and living in the northern US will very likely have them in storage with all fluid lines filled with anti-freeze. And I don't think Moperville has an indoor venue that could support a classic car show. If anything, all car enthusiasts will either be at or watching on TV or Live Streaming the International Auto Show in Detroit which incidentally probably is happening at this moment in comic (the 2014 NAIAS went from Jan 13-26 so Sister III would be taking place during the first week of it, if the comic is currently in 2014) OR, they'll be in Scottsdale Arizona for the Barrett Jackson Auction (Jan 12-19 in 2014).
  9. Star Trek DS9 versus B5

    Walter was amazing as Bester, it really showed how much he had grown as an actor and that he could play both sides of the coin.
  10. Np, Monday October 2, 2017

    Actually, his spell can only permanently change HIS gender (or her). Although he DID mentioned he will be probably able to make wand for changing gender permanently. It would fit the pattern, but I think she will only get such spell AFTER the possibility of Tedd doing it will be explored. I would think that it would have been covered in the Ellen Demo series if she already had the ability to do so. To be honest though, I don't see any reason why Dan would want her to have that ability either, I can't remember where he mentioned it, but I do remember mention of wanting each character to have their own set of spells themed to them. While there may be some overlap due to transformation spells being a fairly common ability. I think Tedd's ability would be unique to him, and really, the only time the form is made permanent is when he uses it on himself. Of course he's now made a wand that can make it permanent for others, but I'd still like to think that it's Tedd's shtick alone.
  11. Story, Monday October 2, 2017

    Yeah, but as you said, since she knows aberrations can't be cured and are the worst of the worst, one would hope that she has learned proper techniques to go along with the statement of "I shouldn't hold back." Lifting cars can only go so far before it happens to be George's car that she uses to kill an aberration.
  12. Story, Monday October 2, 2017

    Well it did scare her how savage she was, she effectively lost control and let her animal instincts kick in, and it could have been much worse for Dr Scuiridae. If she were to learn how to use her abilities without having to go berserk, she would be a force to contend with.
  13. Story, Monday October 2, 2017

    I would expect Grace's claws in her Omega Form would be very strong. I'm not sure how far I would go with how strong they'd be though, considering we've seen Tara take out chunks of concrete, Grace could probably strengthen her attacks with telekinesis, reinforcing the claws with Uryuom Power? She might have been automatically doing that while fighting Damien, but would of course need to learn how to do so without going into berserker mode.
  14. Np, Monday October 2, 2017

    It was an "unwaking wolf" meaning it didn't have a human form to turn into during the day.
  15. Np, Monday October 2, 2017

    She also said she didn't like just getting a taste of something and they get cut off from it, she didn't want to be teased with having something fun for a day. I can't think of anything that would apply to this situation, but there might be something. And I don't remember seeing Dan mention holding off on revealing what it was for the main story, so I would imagine he's free to reveal it whenever and wherever he wants. The difference between aberrations and werewolves is that aberrations chose to become what they are, they don't want to be cured.
  16. Np, Monday October 2, 2017

    No, Pandora risked her son's life for petty revenge.
  17. Np, Monday October 2, 2017

    That's why I said "somehow" I'm not entirely sure how myself but I can only think that since Ashley's the last person Hanma needs to talk to, then this would have to be a lead up to it. I did make a guess on Discord that maybe Dan's about to confirm that Elliot can now transform other people since Dan confirmed that everything Rhoda did earlier was stuff she can do in canon. But now that I think about it, maybe Dan's going to confirm that Liz got marked after all and that this transformation was her doing? Dan could easily either have Ashley with Elliot which would open up some callbacks to the first Goonmanji NP, since Elliot was involved with that, he could be the one to encourage Ashley to participate in Hanma's game. But Ashley could also be with Liz doing things.
  18. Story, Monday October 2, 2017

    I'm not entirely sure that Susan actually recognized her, she could easily just assume that it was Diane from the fact that Diane recognized her. Diane does have the advantage of seeing Susan in the review show. I'd say they're equally nervous which emphasizes how alike they are even more. Yeah, and thinking about it that way would likely cause an infinite loop of nervous second guessing. Still, Susan's mistake was that she assumed that Diane would already be inside waiting so all entrances were expected to be clear. I'm not sure we'll see the date in this story arc, I thought Dan had mentioned that Justin's and Sarah's respective dates would get their own stories after Sister 3 is done, so that Sister 3 wouldn't drag on longer than it needed to. I'm really want to think that Magus has something to do with that, or maybe Sirleck trying to draw Ellen and Elliot away from where the aberrations are going to attack, note that Elliot is driving Ellen there as well. That seems like that's what they plan on doing, but that might change when Elliot and Ellen arrive at Charlotte's. We haven't seen Rhoda or Catalina at all in this arc which is really strange considering their appearance in "So a Date" had them learning that Elliot was Cheerleadra, they're either playing it cool because of their own magic, or they're nervous about approaching any of the Main Eight about it. We don't even know how they reacted to Edward's fake Cheerleadra sighting. As for Adrian and Noah, Adrian's probably getting things ready for when he takes down the dam, though considering he's the target of the aberrations, it's likely he'll be out somewhere instead of at home. Noah might stay at home, or he might go out with Adrian. Yeah, now that Diane and Susan are together, he'll be able to watch them both easily, though he won't be able to so much if things get crazy as he's still a baby by Immortal standards, having recently reset. Or looking for Vampire Hunters. We know of 2 that are possibly capable of doing so, Susan for sure, but maybe Adrian has some magic that can harm aberrations. Tara and Andrea were capable of killing vampires and they didn't need to use magic summoned weapons, maybe Adrian can enchant his cane-sword to be more effective against vampires.
  19. Story Friday September 29, 2017

    She would have been old enough to watch Voyager when it was airing in prime time. In my experience though a lot of the time there was an episode of TNG followed by an episode of DS9, and later, DS9 followed by Voyager. even if the former series was in reruns while the latter was still in prime. Still it is just as likely her first experience with Trek was with reruns, but my point was she does own copies of the movies and series and will try to get friends to watch them with her at every opportunity.
  20. Story Friday September 29, 2017

    The quote from Justin was a Yoda-ism, I was speaking of Star Trek though and couldn't think of an equivalent Trek way of saying it.
  21. Story Friday September 29, 2017

    Not sure about Contact, but First Contact is repeated in TV quite frequently. Gotta remember Susan is a big Trekkie and owns all the series and movies on DVD. And while she doesn't like them per say, I imagine she does still have the DVDs and does include them in marathons especially if she's showing them to friends for the first time. She probably has the same philosophy as Justin. "Horrible, they may be, but much to talk about, there is"...I'm not sure if there is a more Trek way of saying that though.
  22. NP Friday September 29th 2017

    Might want to fix the date on this, it's the 29th, not the 15th. And I guess Dan fell sorry about the second place choice. Or he was wanting to do it anyway, either way it's a bonus.
  23. Story Friday September 29, 2017

    Since Susan's involved, it should be titled "First Contact".
  24. Story Friday September 29, 2017

    Gemini is May 21st to June 21st and we had comics run through that time period so either Dan skipped Elliot's and Ellen's birthday (though technically Ellen's is January 30th), or Elliot's birthday was during the timeskip. Grace is a Pisces (March 9th birthday)
  25. Story Friday September 29, 2017

    Plenty of reason for Diane to be there. She was likely also trying to build up the courage to go into the mall, she might have assumed Susan was already in there waiting, hence the surprised look on her face. She gets to see that Susan was also very nervous about meeting and it might be a good icebreaker for them.