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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Awakened and Dreaming

    How else would you exercise your magic? Nanase, Elliot and Justin exercised their magic through ASMA training. Through whatever techniques Greg taught, they were able to start dreaming with basic illusion magic. And in regards to whether Greg is awakened or not, take Edward's explanation of Not_Tengu, "just some average jerk who, when younger, stumbled upon a way to gain use of magic that almost anyone on the planet can use." So was Not_Tengu a wizard who found a spellbook that taught him how to do magic? Was he guided and empowered by an immortal? Or maybe he was a hardcore D&D player who, while LARPing one day, accidentally managed to cast lightning bolt for reals. I wouldn't be surprised if someone LARPing would stumble on the ability to use actual magic, which would probably be the equivalent of Greg watching a 1 week long anime marathon with the desire of being able to do the stuff the anime characters did and then actually being able to.
  2. Awakened and Dreaming

    Judging by the fact that Tedd was able to resist the wand as a baby, my guess is Seers don't have awakening like other wizards do. So the whole dreaming and awakened stuff just doesn't apply to Tedd. Now Tedd being marked is proof that he can be given a spell, but does that mean that he's dreaming? According to Pandora, Tedd's a well of power which should mean that he would meet the power requirements for awakening, but it doesn't seem like he can in the traditional sense, so would he be in a perpetual state of dreaming, or is this some sort of fluke that Pandora was able to mark a Seer.
  3. http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2373 So...I guess this means Mama Kitsune opted to not follow the family tradition. Not sure if this means she hasn't awakened or just that she hasn't bothered build up her spellbook after awakening. Sure, she's got the potential, but I can see the possibility of her just not being interested in it and letting her sister take the reigns, much to her regret later, I bet. Also, I guess Grace did tell Tedd that Adrian taught his parents, but possibly that was all she said? Although Adrian wasn't specific to what career he encouraged Noriko to follow so Grace could have mentioned that Adrian blamed himself for Noriko putting her career ahead of family and running of to start a travel agency in Europe. Still, Tedd knew that he was subjected to the magic analysis wand often as a baby, he must have thought that his mom was involved with that.
  4. Awakened and Dreaming

    She would still have to train in order to awaken that potential though. And if Mama Kitsune didn't train, then she wouldn't have learned any spells.
  5. Story, Monday July 17, 2017

    To be fair as well, if he didn't know about Seers (or maybe knew of them but not a lot of details) he wouldn't have had any reason to think that Tedd not registering on the wand was due to extreme resistance, and that Seers could exhibit such power even as an infant. It could have been assumed that Seers manifest their abilities when they were older. Yeah, Sarah comments were probably the closes to getting Tedd to realizing the truth back then. Basically "if you can resist this stuff easily, what if you were resisting the wand?"
  6. Story, Monday July 17, 2017

    She'd be speaking from experience though. She can't excuse her actions, but she's at least trying to make amends.
  7. More Speculation.

    I would think that she possibly would anyway, even if Tedd can't create the new system, he could still teach people whatever the new system becomes, so she could still see that as enough reason to come back.
  8. Story, Monday July 17, 2017

    I think Pandora is also thinking the same though, like "this doesn't excuse how your mother treated you." The fact they they didn't know that Tedd was a Seer, and that even as a baby he had the power to resist scary sounding wand, doesn't instantly relieve them of wrongdoing. Edward might have just scanned once and left it at that, but Noriko basically tormented Tedd. It'd be like a nature photographer trying to get pictures of animals acting naturally while being in their face the whole time, they're not going to get natural acting that way.
  9. Awakened and Dreaming

    Stating that she "could have been equally powerful if she tried" doesn't necessarily mean she is a wizard though, yes she has the potential, but we have no evidence that she is a wizard. Adrian could have told her that he could help her awaken and she could have passed on it for all we know. I wasn't disagreeing with Mama Kitsune's placement in the list anyway, just Akiko's because I feel its making an assumption strictly based on association with only half the info needed to make an informed opinion. The fact that we don't know if Papa Kitsune has magic potential should give Akiko a question mark as to her potential.
  10. Awakened and Dreaming

    It's definitive that Pandora saw something that might be useful, and while the next strip might have been a half hour later or so, her dialog suggests that she was only scouting and was planning on going back after to mark the best ones. Good Tom is an exception because Pandora noticed him before she started her survey routine and she just couldn't pass up the chance to give him the ability to sense puppies in danger. Considering Liz was not originally intended to be anything more than an extra to have with Ashley, and judging by the commentary for that page, I can see Dan thinking not only how Liz would answer the question, but how Pandora would react to it, but leaving it entirely up in the air whether she actually did anything about as a red herring. I don't think that's definitive of Carol using magic though, I saw that as Carol sulking at the fact that she missed the action. Yeah, Noriko is confirmed wizard, Mama Kitsune is implied to be potentially a wizard as well, Nanase is a magic user but not a wizard, but if Papa Kitsune is not a magic user and has no affinities for anything, there's potential for Akiko to not be a magic user as well, hence why the jury is still out for me until we see actual evidence of Akiko having the potential.
  11. Loudmouth's Journey Inside

    I dunno if this is the same, but the last cat we had, when she was a year or two old she would growl and swipe at us if we got too close to her food bowl while she was eating. We unintentionally got her to stop by hand feeding her bits of deli meat, my mom and I had a habit of just taking a couple slices of ham or something at eating it as is, and the cat would come over and we'd give her pieces of it, she'd growl as she took each piece and covered them while she ate until it was gone and then she'd look up expecting more. At some point she didn't cover her food but still growled a bit, then later stopped growling as well. I dunno if being hand fed helped or she just grew out of it, seems like she got used to us being in close proximity while she was eating.
  12. Awakened and Dreaming

    Liz we know Pandora was looking at and had said that there was something that could be useful that she could mark Liz with, but we don't know if Pandora actually got around to marking her as it seemed like Rhoda and Catalina distracted her, and then Kitty and Felix. I'd say at best Liz should have a question mark next to her. Carol seems to be assumed marked because of her relation to Sarah, like "if Sarah can be marked, Carol might be marked too!!!" and I don't think that should be grounds to Carol being in this list. Akiko being in the confirmed potential list irks me a bit too. I understand that considering her family is built around legendary monster hunters with great magical skills, it would make sense that Akiko has that potential as well, but I don't consider it confirmed until we either see someone look at Akiko and go "Yep, she's got it." or we see her actually use magic. Considering the fact that people who are wizards or have magic affinities and such are supposedly descended from Immortals/Fairies, that makes it possible that a large chunk of the cast has the potential, Tensaided, George, Duck, Bill, Drake, Mr and Mrs Dunkel. We can put Carol in this category due to her being Sarah's sister as well as Mr and Mrs Brown because Sarah had to get her affinity from one of them. Mr and Mrs Pompoms too for Susan although it's possible the ancestry with Immortals is quite close in this case.
  13. Crazy Counting Guy

    There is a difference between main character, secondary character and the Avatar of God (Dan's the creator of EGS after all).
  14. NP, Friday July 14, 2017

    Oh yeah, that one. But I wanna say that doesn't really count, because that was intentionally done as a joke, while the recent ones weren't intentional. Of course the results were the same with people correcting Dan, but in the case of the 22 meter joke, at the time he was probably thinking "Saying 5'8" equals 22 meters is so ridiculous that everyone would have to see that I'm joking."
  15. http://www.egscomics.com/?id=2372 I guess Tedd doesn't need to connect any dots, Pandora just laid it right out for him.
  16. Just wait till you get into a freighter. And for non haulers, a Titan, having just aligned for warp, then you get bumped by a frigate.
  17. NP, Friday July 14, 2017

    Which miscalculation? If you mean the previous comic, that's not a miscalculation, that's FV5(sort of) at work. I know Dan called it FV4 but I coulda swore the female variants had different design rules compared to the male variants.
  18. Story, Friday July 14, 2017

    He's not blocking people that broadly, he's responded to my tweets on a few occasions, not all the time though. He has made it a point to not respond to people while he's working on comic related stuff so you pretty much have to figure out when the best time to tweet at him is.
  19. Story, Friday July 14, 2017

    Yeah that's gone through some pretty big changes as well.
  20. Story, Friday July 14, 2017

    I'm not entirely sure the two comics can be compared like that, for Schlock Mercenary, the art evolution was fairly subtle over the years, yet today's comic still has that hand drawn, newspaper style look to it that it did 17 years ago, with the only major differences being the shading and colour. EGS has had very noticeable leaps in quality over 15 years that today's comic is not even in the same league as the first comic.
  21. Story, Wednesday July 12, 2017

    EGS Prime doesn't have to have been specifically chosen as Magus' destination, it might have been one of those "I don't care where he ends up, as long as he's gone" situations.
  22. Story, Wednesday July 12, 2017

    Voltaire did seem conversant with Ancient law as well as Immortal law. Certainly if Griffins can travel from one side to the other, so should Immortals and Ancients. Yeah, but we're talking Alternates in terms of Magus and Terra's or Lord Tedd's universes which are completely separate coins. It'd be like if you had a stack of coins, each coin has 2 sides so maybe there are alternates of Tara and Andrea elsewhere, the stack itself would represent the fact that they all share the same space and time but no coin is identical.
  23. Story, Friday July 14, 2017

    He'd have to be considering he's Tedd's dad. Pandora admits there was a falling out between him and Adrian, it's apparent that she originally blamed Edward for it, but she seemed to regret trying to get Edward to kill Abraham. She might also feel obligated to go to Edward and tell him what she meant by the Egg and Hawk. Pandora seems to be done with the games and is serious about setting things right, that has to include apologizing to Edward about how she treated him directly or indirectly.
  24. Story, Friday July 14, 2017

    Heck if she worked for an Airline, she could just bump someone from the flight, she certainly could force them to leave herself too.... Er... is it still too soon to mention the United fiasco? If Edward doesn't walk in on them talking, I do wonder if Pandora is planning on having a chat with Edward. That'll probably be a fun conversation
  25. Story, Friday July 14, 2017

    It's obvious she knows more that she lets on, but she can still know about her family being monster hunters and the existence of magic and probably even Adrian being an Elf, but she could still have refused to take part in any of it. In the page you linked, Mr. Kitsune has lighter hair, but he does have the same eye shape as the rest of the family, which Dan uses for Asian descent. Based on that, I'd guess he's part Japanese. There's also this sketchbook, while having everyone genderswapped, still indicates asian descent for Nanase's father, also it's apparent that Nanase get's her hair colour from her dad. It was stormy-looking that day, could have been just a coincidence.