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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. What Are You Ingesting?

    Got a Hawaiian (actually Canadian) pizza in the oven.
  2. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=542 Hijinks! Also, I actually approve of Diane upping her order because of that comment, despite the fact that she's only on a date with him so that he can buy her stuff. And Lucy in back with that wavy hair, also taking offence to that comment while apparently ignoring the guy swooning over her.
  3. NP Friday November 25, 2016

    Man boobs. Or, more elegantly referred to as moobs. But, considering this IS EGS, I wouldn't completely disregard the possibility of a TG effect either. Also, does Lucy's skirt look like it could belong on a Roman soldier? We know Lucy likes to RP, is she a LARPer too? I ask because she is wearing the skirt in the previous canon comic though it didn't look as obvious as it does here.
  4. NP Friday November 25, 2016

    I don't believe that Lucy has put on any weight, she could still be offended by the comment though. Diane was certainly offended and her comment was basically "you're paying extra for that one" I do. She put on few extra pounds, which is impossible to see except on boobs but she's still sensitive to it. While this isn't canon, I still find it amusing that Dan posted this "comic" when we're talking about whether Lucy had gained weight or not.
  5. NP, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    I don't believe that Lucy has put on any weight, she could still be offended by the comment though. Diane was certainly offended and her comment was basically "you're paying extra for that one"
  6. Story, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    Well I know a bunch of us had different usernames prior to the great forum death/rebirth earlier this year so we were fortunate to sync some names up. For example, looking at the Grrl Power comments, Don Edwards uses the same for there and here now but was previously Warrl here, and then MLooney here uses Mike Looney over there. Over on the Dumbing of Age comments, I've seen a couple EGS related avatars, but none of the names associated with them ring any bells, it is possible that they don't post here but I dunno for sure. Yeah, my choice of username make it more difficult to keep it the same for everything I do, and some people get lucky and think of a unique enough name to carry everywhere. I had thought I had a unique names for some of the MMOs I played Halbor and Mallakor being a couple, but not after creating those in WoW, I stared seeing them popping up as player names all over the place
  7. Story, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    That depends on if Diane uses the same username on everything, the IM system they all use and video site would be two separate systems, and as you pointed out, a username she picked for one profile might have been taken for another. There is also the whole "there's soo many people with the same name but different extra characters tacked on that it can't possibly be the same person" mentality so unless Diane had told Lucy her username for other sites, Lucy might.... ...No scratch that, even if Lucy didn't know Diane's username for the video site, she'd still know it was Diane strictly by the context of the posts defending Elliot, Lucy did know that Diane had her sights on Elliot. Hmm...you know, I wonder if Ellen does know that it was Diane that made those posts as well, she is aware that Diane watched the review show, and she did tell Diane that Elliot had recently broke up, while we don't have actual evidence that Ellen has made that connection, it's quite possible she did.
  8. Story, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    Even if Ellen had mentioned Diane's name before (which seems to not be the case since in the previouse page it seems like the first time they've said her name in front of Susan) Diane was probably under a different username online. Actually, aside from Rhoda, no one else knows that it was Diane that was defending Elliot, so it'll likely be Diane that mentions it to Susan when they finally meet.
  9. Story, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    They're at Elliot and Ellen's house so I doubt they'd be worry about Mr and Ms Dunkel hearing or seeing anything, they would already know about Elliot's adventure in the mall from the news, and he probably didn't go into too much detail but at the very least he would have mentioned helping the griffin that tried to kill him find her wife and things working out for the most part. I don't think Susan would 100% know about Diane, though she has made contact with her through youtube's (or EGS' equivalent) message system, but she wouldn't have known it was her sister she messaged. I think Susan might have at least considered the possibility that if the woman she caught her father with wasn't the first time he cheated, then there's a possibility that he one of them might have gotten pregnant by him. I don't think Ellen's texts about Diane triggered it though, but then Susan was too preoccupied with other drama so it would have been the last thing she'd want to think about, but after her revelation during Grace's birthday, once the crap about the uniforms subsided, she might have revisited that journal and pondered it.
  10. NP, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    What parental support? She got some houses and several millions as her half on divorce. Mr. Pompoms forgot to make premarital agreement. ... ok, the way she behaves makes more likely she was always rich, but there ARE people capable to get into this mode in just ten years. She's influential, some mothers would make the ex pay for some of their children's activities, take Amber's dad in Dumbing of Age, it was his money putting her through college and he wasn't happy about it. I think in this case though, both Susan's parents probably had wealthy backgrounds, we haven't heard about what Mr Pompoms has been doing for the past several years after the divorce but I think that says a lot about his current involvement in Susan's life, it's possible that either he weaseled his way out of having to pay child support, or more likely Mrs Pompoms didn't want to even see his name again and so didn't pursue getting him to pay. The remote was for the couch to lower the back of it, though I'd be more inclined to believe that was a one time thing considering Dan did it to correct the fact that he might have drew the couch too tall to begin with: " This comic was a result of my deciding the back of the sofa was way too high and thinking of the most ridiculous way to correct it. " He did flip-flop a bit on whether he'd keep that couch if he ever did another scene at Susan's or use a more fancy couch (with 90 degree turns!), so I dunno.
  11. Story, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    Yeah, after mentioning seven vampires, she'll need to assure Susan that they've already been killed by Andrea and why Andrea was even involved in that. We certainly know that Nanase believes that it was the same Immortals that recruited her and Susan and she wasn't too happy about it, can only imagine how Susan would take it considering she was affected by the ordeal in France more. I'm not so sure that Elliot is at the top of her priorities anymore, it's a close second, but after talking with Nanase about the possibility of Susan being her sister, Diane's gotta be thinking about the possibility of meeting Susan soon and wondering how that will go.
  12. Story, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    That part is understandable, the idea of a vampire in Moperville shocked her. The whole reason that Susan's been involved in magic shenanigans is because of a vampire, she probably had been mentally preparing herself for the possibility of having to deal with one again because of what Tedd said though she might have expecting vampires sooner and got complacent, so she would be thinking about that more at the moment. The idea of there having been seven vampires in the area would be even more shocking so yeah she would likely have reflexively summoned the sword, but she wouldn't be completely oblivious to it and Ellen's question was unnecessary because of how obvious it was. Susan's eyebrows were arched in panel 6 when she was surprised, but then they were leveled in panel 8, the hesitation would have been to consider the absurdity of the question and then gave an appropriate answer. Also the glow is probably the effect of the summoning and that's the same sword she summoned back during the goo fight, which was before she awakened so that probably negates the theory that it's a new spell. The sound effect was associated with the bloodgrem holding the broken broom handle like a sword.
  13. Story, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    That's a big magic pointer.
  14. NP, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    Yep, back during Ellen and Grace's first day at MSHS. Dangit, should have read the other response, then I would have seen JML had answered that.
  15. Story, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    At the very least it's a deadpan snarky joke.
  16. NP, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    I don't think she's getting physical with any of them either, considering she has a similar aversion to germs as Susan, I don't even think she would have kissed any of them, but carrying on multiple relationships simultaneously is still what her and Susan's father did. I don't think we really have to worry about Diane getting to the same level her father did though.
  17. Story, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    I wonder if that's what Ellen was about to get into before Nanase mentioned there were seven vampires. "Though you should be surprised by the fact that Diane is likely your sister." It's not hair trigger, 7 vampires is not "hair". I think her reflexes are optimal. I also think Susan's "... No" might have a more sarcastic tone to it, like "You just saw me do it, why did you have to ask?"
  18. NP, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    Maybe, it's also possible that he was very willing to spend money on her too for that time. I'd rather believe that she stuck with one person until she felt they weren't worth keeping than think that she juggled multiple relationships, although that would be indicative that she'd be following in her biological father's footsteps without knowing. I wonder how she'll react to finding out her father was a cheating cheater, she already seems like she might be getting tired of stringing boys along, finding this out might disgust her completely.
  19. Story Monday November 21, 2016

    Of course, wizards these days don't do bags of holding, that have briefcases of holding.
  20. EGS Strip Slaying

    You were missing something in that slay.
  21. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Ahh, I had thought that the boats had metal hulls, but they were plywood, my mistake.
  22. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    I wouldn't be surprised if the PT boat could just plow through a good number of them.
  23. NP, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    Huh...You know...I think the guy that Diane's with is Derek, The face is really similar and the hair has similar aspects to it as well, the messiness, little sideburns, I can see the original Derek being updated to the current art style like this. That means Diane would have been towing him along for a couple months before switching her attention to Elliot.
  24. Story Monday November 21, 2016

    Yeah, but Edward needed the area investigated for anything that could explain Pandora's appearance there, and while searching for anything that could produce a hologram doesn't necessarily require agents with magic abilities, it would likely take them longer to search the forest for anything, so agents with magic can probably do it faster.
  25. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    There's currently a case up here where a mother is fighting for continued child support for her son who is essentially a 2 year old mentally, but the ex husband and father believes that because the child just turned 21 that he's free and clear of any more responsibilities.