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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Unsolved Mysteries of Susan and Diane

    It's more likely that Susan was mentally blocking his face, but was unable to block the woman's face because it reminds her too much of herself and she refuses to be that person.
  2. NP Wednesday August 17, 2016

    Ok, maybe I should have filed that part under "Wild Theories", but Pandora's had all week (comic time) to observe Ashley's and Elliot's fateful meeting, plus I did say that Pandora could have been aware of the relationship issues Sarah and Elliot were having, Sarah had made at least Grace and Susan aware of them way back in April, and then brought it up again with Grace in June. A lot of people also thought Ashley was Pandora.
  3. The Association Game

    That the same Some_guy_who_won_the_card_tournament?
  4. NP Wednesday August 17, 2016

    I'm not saying that Ashley isn't capable of being mark, transformation is something she's been into for years, so all intents and purposes, Pandora could be seeing huge "mark me" signs over Ashley. On the other hand, Pandora could be seeing something that says Ashley is destined for something else. Pandora has to have watched Elliot enough to know what he's like, and she's probably seen Elliot and Sarah's relationship struggling. Maybe she saw Ashley as a perfect match for Elliot and decided to play cupid?
  5. NP Wednesday August 17, 2016

    Either Liz is the one that gets marked, or Dan's teasing us like he did with Larry and Rich and Ashley won't end up getting marked. the visor breaking could mean anything.
  6. Story Wednesday August 17, 2016

    I think Tara was already questioning Voltaire's motives just prior to his appearance there. If not, I would think that Helena would have still made her appearance to make sure Tara was informed of Voltaire breaking Immortal law and being forced to reset. Helena did say that Voltaire was pushing the "guide and empower" rule as far as it would bend, so it's likely that Voltaire is doing the same as Pandora in that if he believes he's not breaking the law, then he isn't.
  7. NP, Monday August 15, 2016

    Well Elliot apparently did between Tedd zapping him and touching the diamond.
  8. Story Monday August 15, 2016

    Even harnessing the power is disgusted authors spinning in their graves wasn't as successful as hoped.
  9. What Are You Ingesting?

    I haven't had it in ages because my mom is gluten and lactose intolerant, but we used to cook pork chops or chicken in mushroom soup. We would normally also have rice with this so I'd pour some of the mushroom "gravy" over the rice. Was soo good. Candied butternut squash is good too, cut the squash (after peeling of course) into cubes and fry it up in butter and brown sugar.
  10. Story Monday August 15, 2016

    Well to be fair, she isn't trying to look hot/cute there. Could, but it's not really implied. She could be referring to what she would have felt in her previous incarnation when the last system change occurred, she would have seen the horde of magic users rushing in and felt that no one could stand a chance against it, and agreed that that system change was for the best. Now though it seems like the opposite, she feels that mankind has developed conventional weapons that rival or maybe even surpass the kind of destruction and chaos that magic could do, so she feels magic users are at an unfair disadvantage.
  11. Story: Friday, Aug 12, 2016

    When Tedd recalled the day Elliot rescued Tedd from Tony, it was 4th grade, so Elliot would have had to have seen Tedd in the classroom for at least a year before the fight with Tony. If you considering Ellen's second life stuff, Tedd was there from the first day of school and was able to get to him before Tony had a chance to bully him, Elliot likely didn't really take notice of Tedd until Tony started picking on him and it might have been a while before Elliot couldn't take seeing Tony do that anymore. Another thing to note is Tedd's behaviour when Ellen first met him in the second life, he didn't think he was any good. Edward and Noriko were apparently divorced in that world as well and he felt it was because of him and he would have been 5 at the time.
  12. NP, Monday August 15, 2016

    Pandora had decided she could give them the spells, but what they said after turned her against the idea. Considering their behaviour at the card tournament, Larry's acceptance of the possibility of Tedd being able to transform into a girl and Rich apparently still being in denial, looks like at least Larry learned.
  13. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    The issue with the whole Susan/Elliot prospect is that they didn't really know each other at the time of the France trip, sure they would have known OF each other because of being mutual friends of Sarah, but they never hung out together because Sarah would eat lunch with Susan and Elliot would be on the other side of the cafeteria with Tedd and up until nearly a year ago (comic time) Tedd and Susan despised each other.
  14. Story: Friday, Aug 12, 2016

    It's also worth noting that Tedd has no idea that Noriko is a legendary monster hunter, he just stated that the last he heard, she was in Europe and apparently couldn't afford to come see him even at Christmas, we do know that Tedd was subjected to the magic analysis wand fairly constantly when he was a baby and conditioned a response from him when he heard it years later, so it's possible that even at the age of 4 if Tedd was within earshot of any arguments about him, he might have developed a sense that there was something wrong with him even if he didn't exactly understand why. Of course over the years he would have asked about his mom and Edward likely made up some excuses trying to minimize the damage. The conversation between Noriko and Adrian may have lost all context to Tedd since he was just a baby at the time, but that doesn't mean no emotional scarring occurred.
  15. NP Friday August 12, 2016

    Yeah, he'd just finished scanning George and confirmed he didn't have any magic, he probably would have scanned Sarah if he didn't get distracted by Grace kissing Tedd.
  16. Story Monday August 15, 2016

    The fact that Magus refused to get Edward to kill Abraham is a good indicator that he isn't really a bad guy, he's just desperate to get out of his predicament, he even despised the idea of having to go back to Sirleck for help after Pandora left and said he'd have much to atone for because of it. I said before that I believe Magus' relationship with Terra is similar to Elliot's with Nanase when they were dating, the magic duel felt very much like Elliot and Nanase's sparring matches where they taunt each other strictly for dramatic effect. Terra wasn't expecting Magus to just vanish after firing her beam, which might have been similar to Ellen's beam in that it probably would have transformed Magus rather than actually did any harm.
  17. Story: Friday, Aug 12, 2016

    I was under the impression that Noriko left Edward when Tedd was around 4 years old, Nanase is the same age as Tedd and while we don't know when they're birthdays are, the fact that Nanase hasn't compared her and Tedd to Diane and Susan, likely means they were born months apart. Nanase would have been 10 when Akiko was born which would have been 6 years after Noriko would have left. Now I can't remember if it was actually said that Tedd was 4 when Noriko left, I'm mainly basing it on the fact that her leaving was the main cause of Tedd being withdrawn for years. Ellen referred to Noah as being "third grade Tedd awkward" meaning that Tedd would have been in that state when he was 7-8 year old, so it's possible he'd become withdrawn around that time as well, but the fact that Adrian hadn't seen Pandora for 14 years before she visited him at the hospital suggests that the event that Adrian blames himself for causing Edward and Noriko to split up likely happened 14 years ago as well which would place Tedd at roughly 4 years of age. It makes sense really, Adrian had for years ecouraged Edward and Noriko to focus on their training and such, Noriko, knowing about her family lineage, becomes obsessed with carrying on that tradition, when Tedd apparently seems like he's incapable of doing so, Adrian attempts to steer Noriko into being a mother for Tedd rather than being master to apprentice. This comes to a head a when Tedd's 4. There's an argument over magic potential and stuff between the three of them that Pandora overhears, she slows the magic flow to the other half of the world in order to bump up the ambient energy around moperville in the hopes that it would give Tedd an advantage.
  18. Story Monday August 15, 2016

    Well despite Disco Wizard saying that Tedd wouldn't cause a system chance, he may have at least indirectly influenced it. Unless Pandora had felt this way for a while before Tedd started thinking it and put into words that made sense to Pandora. Yeah, I'm thinking this represents her maturity in terms of being ambitious but maybe still a bit nieve. Child Pandora: "I'm doing this because it's fun!" Adult Pandora: "I'm doing this for family." Teen Pandora: "I'm doing this because I want to help people!" Also for Dan's commentary, it sounds like if there was a room full of Immortals and one of them happens to break Immortal Law, the others would be made aware of that one Immortal and deal with them, but still could likely be unware of each other.
  19. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Probably not, it's likely that they were reset in France just shortly after giving Nanase and Susan magic and guiding them to the vampire. The fragmented memories they had because of it probably had them confused enough that they figured that because they were in France at the time, that they must be french. It probably took them a bit to figure out they needed to get back to the US and find Elliot.
  20. More Speculation.

    I linked a page showing Nioi creating a portal back to her universe, granted, she appeared to be using a magic item to do so, but Tedd's insight should extend to enchanted items as well, like seeing a wand in action would tell him about the spell it cast.
  21. Who else thinks Magic is a d*ck?

    Luke believed that Immortals might be Q's, of course Tedd's more like a Q.
  22. NP: Wednesday, August 10, 2016

    Could the act of dividing in the process of conquering be seen as violent?
  23. Unsolved Mysteries of Susan and Diane

    It's possible that Diane's adopted parents are decent folk, probably both have jobs, one of which could be a work from home type job that they were able to do while still raise the kids. Adoption agencies usually look at a number of factors when determining if a couple are able to adopt, income is a big one. So they have to be financially stable. They would have adopted Rhea first so the agency would have looked at how they were raising her to determine if adopting a second child would be acceptable. Susan's parents were obviously financially stable. It's likely that Susan's father might have started the affair days to maybe a couple months before Susan found out. Or maybe depeneding on how long Susan's mom was away, he could have just picked up some girl at the bar to satisfy his urges. Any relationship trouble likely would have started after the adoption took place, or he did really well hiding the fact until Susan caught him. The fact that Diane was punished for underaged drinking on her 17th birthday by having to be at Rhea's New Year's party for her 18th doesn't suggest that she was spoiled. I don't think they were overly strict, but it might have been a case of her parents wanting Diane to be a certain way and Diane rebelling, kinda like how Nanase for a while hid the fact that she would change from the clothes her mom saw her leave for school with, to something Nanase would rather wear. Heck, considering the fact that Nanase dated around a lot at school before dating Elliot, the way she dress, and the fact that Diane kept trying to get Nanase to sit at the table with her, Lucy and Rhoda, I wouldn't be surprised if the behavior we saw from Diane wasn't her trying to emulate Nanase to a degree. Of course Nanase never dated guys to make them buy stuff, but considering Diane seemed to have a similar aversion to physical contact (at least in terms of physical hygiene) that Susan has, it's possible that having guys buy her stuff was a substitute for letting them touch her.
  24. More Speculation.

    So I was rereading "End of an Era" and the scene where they're talking about Susan's birthday and it requiring cake somehow made me think of "The cake is a lie." Then it got me thinking: Portals are possible with magic in EGS. Tedd can read magic and learn how it works and possibly make wands with that knowledge. Tedd knows the ins and outs of the TFG enough to build and program more, and can make watches and stuff programed with spells. So...Tedd is basically short of seeing a portal being made from being able to make his own portal gun. I'm wondering if the creation of such a portal gun would lead to running into Lord Tedd, dealing with General Shade Tail, and Ellen getting to meet Kaoli in person finally.
  25. NP: Wednesday, August 10, 2016

    Considering "divide and conquer" promotes violence.....