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Everything posted by Vorlonagent

  1. What Are Your Brushes With Fame?

    I was involved in the development of Sierra On-Line's ill-fated Babylon 5 game. At DragonCon '98 we demoed a very limited pre-alpha version of our game. I got to: Watch Phil Foglio setting up his booth on Thursday while wandering around the con after setting up our PCs in the hotel basement. He's a big guy. I was too timid to say hi or offer to help. Have dinner with Pat Tallman (Lyta Alexander) and her boyfriend Jeffery Willerth (the human who animated the Kosh suits). She was gracious, while he snubbed everybody except our producer. Was in an elevator with the not-yet-late Jonathan Harris and as Harris was going up to his room. When asked (by someone else) to say his iconic line from Lost in Space, he replied, "Only if you paid me." Be on a panel for the B5 Game. I pushed right to the edge of revealing things I shouldn't about the game, and got some worried glances from my producer and eventually had to shut myself down. When we compared notes later, Nothing I intended to share but wasn't able to would have gone over the line. demo the game for a pretty animae boothbabe in a skintight outfit. That's not a brush with fame, especially since I didn't know what character she was supposed to be, but it was nice to be holding down the fort in the second basement of the hotel tending our PCs when she + entourage stopped by. .At Vorcon 1 (and IIRC Vorcon-only due to some scandals) I got to attend an exclusive meet-n-greet with the cast and ended up talking to Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin) and Jeff Conaway about the game. It always stuck with me the way Biggs chewed over the idea of possibly working in the game. It was apparently the first he'd heard of it. All I could do is refer him to the game's Producer. The way he said 'work?" was evocative of someone always hungry, always looking for what's next. I also got to spend some time at the actual soundstage for B5 while they taped cut-scenes for the B5 game. I hung out in the rafters of a part of the Zocalo set watching them do scenes on the bridge of an Omega destroyer. A highly placed fan who knew the studio well took me on a tour of the back areas and workshops. I also flubbed an interview with a fan publication reporter. We were doing fine chatting casually but I froze up when he started his mic and recorder. When B5 was in the process of hiring a continuity cop, The rest of the team tried to put my name in front of JMS, but no go. I was doing that role for the game as it was. I had an encyclopedic knowledge of B5 backstory technology and continuity at the time.
  2. Things That Are Just Annoying

    True enough. Deleted and reposted to the proper thread.
  3. Things That Make You Happy

    This should need no further introduction...
  4. Story, Monday July 17, 2017

    I'm a bicyclist and I approve of this statement. Sometimes I'm even one of them.
  5. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    I'd suggest asking just to be sure. Even if your age doesn't qualify you, your condition might.
  6. NP, Friday July 14, 2017

    There's a high probability that the enchantments would get entangled or fused and continue or fail together similar to "escape from the mall"
  7. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    I apologize for the obvious question: Are there friends you can lean on for rides? Can you put out a call and see who responds?
  8. Awakened and Dreaming

    Key phrase is "might not". Pandora does not touch on your point and her exposition is all we have to go on. If we treat being a Seer like any other magical aptitude, awakening is still an option, even required for some stuff, albeit easier. As far as we know, wizards have to awaken like everybody else and Tedd is a specialized subtype of wizard. It may be that being a seer doesn't always include Tedd's power and degree of magic resistance. Tedd might have auto-Awakened since he was that far off the charts but another seer might not be so lucky.
  9. Awakened and Dreaming

    Not-Tengu is a magic user. There is not canon to suggest he is also a wizard. His origin is unclear beyond the sketch given us by Ed Verres. Greg, if he is Awakened, had a minor angst-induced awakening, By comparison, just wanting to cast a lightning bolt at a LARP session is not going to cut it. How else to exercise? Make devices? Tedd's ability is defined as being a wizard that doesn't get spells. There's nothing that suggests that Awakening is either automatic or not needed.
  10. Awakened and Dreaming

    Can you awaken but not get spells?
  11. Story, Friday July 14, 2017

    I struggle with artistic limits I put on myself and don't want to see you do the same.
  12. Story, Friday July 14, 2017

    That makes things clearer. Not having an interest in creating visually is a whole different thing than thanking you can't. You can but if it's not your thing, there's no point.
  13. Story, Friday July 14, 2017

    He wouldn't want our ideas for many and varied reasons, most of them legal.
  14. Story, Friday July 14, 2017

    Every artist, no matter how good or talented, once scribbled like a kindergartner. The Freaonomics podcast I linked to upthread tells, among other things, about a researcher to decided to test how well the idea of anybody being able to learn just about anything by digging up and trying to achieve her childhood dream of being a power-ballad sort of singer. It took her a year and a half of practice, maybe vocal lessons, I don't remember, but she achieved it. If you want to do the webcomic and you're willing to work on the art-side of things, you CAN do it. No matter how bad your starting point.
  15. Story, Friday July 14, 2017

    The largest art evolution between inception and today that I know of it Questionable Content...
  16. Story, Wednesday July 12, 2017

    That's *a* way to bet but not the way *I'd* bet. I'm pretty sure he was shanghaied, not ejected.
  17. Story, Friday July 14, 2017

    Howard Taylor's (Schlock Mercenary) advice to you would be to not wait until you find an artist. Teach yourself how to draw. Taylor had the idea for a SF webcomic in 1995 but waited on an artist friend who was never ready. He finally decided to be his own artist and launched the comic in June, 2000. He now makes a living for himself and family from it. Skill if as much a function of enthusiasm and practice as it is "talent". Go back and look at the very earliest Schlock Mercenary comics. The art isn't great. neither is the art for the earliest EGS strips. But both are pretty nice today. Edit: Freakonomics: How to become Great at Just About Anything. 2nd Edit: Writing Excuses: S5 Ep 12. Time Travel! (advice the podcasters would give their past selves)
  18. Story, Wednesday July 12, 2017

    But the context is the question "who made Magus a specter and sent him to EGS-Prime?" Alternates to EGS prime villains have no obvious motivation (we can speculate motivations all day. Dan hasn't remotely explored this terrain). If magus could be sent to EGS Prime, then it stands to reason that an Immortal from EGS-Prime would be capable of going out and getting him without the need for adding still more characters (and close-to-identical duplicate characters at that) to the story. I think we can agree that we have enough characters as it is.
  19. Story, Friday July 14, 2017

    The fact that she was willing to use ED Verres as a means to an end suggests he isn't considered family. Or wasn't at the time.
  20. Story, Friday July 14, 2017

    Is Ed Verres "family" in Pandora's mind?
  21. Story, Wednesday July 12, 2017

    Voltaire did seem conversant with Ancient law as well as Immortal law. Certainly if Griffins can travel from one side to the other, so should Immortals and Ancients.
  22. Story, Friday July 14, 2017

    ...which means not only does Mrs. Kitsune not want that life for herself, she doesn't want it for her daughter either. I like that thinking. I'm not sure I'd have the fortitude to do it, myself mind you.... Hopefully Tedd would volunteer his information source. Once he comes out of shock, he would need to validate everything Pandora told him. Given the amount that Tedd and Ed are butting heads Tedd might use other means than telling his dad "hey, Dad? And Immortal told me my mom is a monster hunter and everyone thought I was gonna be a wizard when I was born?" but might research the stuff himself and confront Ed Verres with the truth when he's sure. I'd expect she does. She might even have been watching as it happened. Every good superhero needs a day job. Noriko might be a great monster hunter because it works off the frustration of dealing with muggle problems all day. Including, if she indeed looks very like Nanase, getting passes made at her regularly and not being able to kill the men making them. That begs the question though: If she has had kids since Tedd, which seems the way to bet, where's the father for #2 and possibly more? I know man-works-woman-stays-home is frightfully old-fashioned, but man-works-wife-goes-out-and-fights-monsters seems in keeping with the times. Working a mundane job suggests single-motherhood and I'd expect Noriko would want more help raising a next generation of avenger in the night than a sperm donor.
  23. Story, Wednesday July 12, 2017

    Then who did? Pandora alerted Ed Verres' group to something coming down the line and was well aware of when Magus entered the world of EGS.
  24. Story, Wednesday July 12, 2017

    Tedd was old enough to talk when Noriko left for good and old enough to understand she wasn't coming back when she did.. He knows what Noriko looks like. Tedd may have blocked conscious memory of his mother similar to how Susan has blocked the memory of what her her father and his lover looked like. That may be why Tedd used to call Nanase "ugly cousin". It would be a way of unconsciously distancing himself from how much she resembles Noriko.