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Everything posted by Vorlonagent

  1. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    Except the phone voice specifically says the Immortals (plural) aren't watching "your boy" 24-7 anymore. Why possess magus when Magus would be in his debt? Sure it's a backup plan, but why *not* possess Elliot? Win-win.
  2. NP: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    I noticed them. I just never heard them called "duck faces" before...
  3. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    Nanase at least, though she's hot to trot for Elliot's feminized version (Ellen). One wonders she thinks of baseball looking at Cheerleadra... Sarah would have probably done the horizontal mambo with Elliot. Might still have after their breakup, up until she met Sam. Elliot was just moving too slow. The thought of Sirleck possessing Elliot really does creep me out. Perhaps because I strongly connect with Elliot.
  4. Watch Firefly in shooting order, not the order in which the network aired them. 2-hour premiere movie first.
  5. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    This is the first time in a long time I have felt genuine dread and horror...
  6. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    What if the voice on the other end is The Colonel? Everybody wants Elliot's body. he's just a piece of meat to them...
  7. Story: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    Occam's razor says "no". There's at least one big known reason for wanting Elliot out of the way: Reembodying Magus.
  8. Story: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    OK, agreed. Jerry is a 4th side. As I was writing a reply disagreeing with the idea, I talked my self into it. I was thinking... So yeah. Jerry, perhaps unwillingly, is in the thick of it. Side #4
  9. if we do that, then we could cast Elliot and his three secret ID characters as different Firefly characters...
  10. Story: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    I'm not counting Jerry as being on anybody's side, actually. My side count for Immortals: Pandora's Demetrius and Helena (I am SO glad my browser spellcheck knows how to spell "Demetrius") Now we have the Colonel
  11. A better choice for Mr. Universe would be Charlotte if you're going outsider the main 8
  12. EGS Strip Slaying

    She's never heard that before...
  13. Story: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    OK so The Colonel is working--more or less--on the side of the angels. Or at least working at cross-purposes to Pandora. But in an unprincipled manner. But he didn't recognize Helena and Demetrius so he may not have been working with them, even though they, too, are a bit unprincipled in the way they uphold the good. It's possible they look and/or feel sufficiently different as to fool "immortal senses" whatever those are. While they are interested in Elliot's welfare, they don't seem interested for the reason Pandora would be. So we have a minimum 3-sided conflict of Immortals mixed into this.
  14. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    If Ed Verres was seriously worried about TF Gun abuse, he wouldn't have let Will and Gill give him the thing in the first place. Tedd (Tedd 2.0) was a bit of a jerk. I believe that can be directly traced to him getting bullied. Those of us who have been abused are often twisted in such a way that we risk becoming abusers. (Sad fact of human intelligence) Tedd's only defense with Sarah, which is rather thin, is that he thought the TF Gun wouldn't fire when he pointed it at her. I don't think he was laughing when Sarah was catgirl-ized.
  15. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    Tedd is not to blame for being genderfluid. He is not to blame for choosing to freely use the TF gun to shift forms including gender. It is possible that Tedd took emotional refuge from bullying playing with the TF Gun. It's also possible that this need for this sort of safe zone (driven by bullying) could have accelerated Tedd's willingness to experiment with gender-bending and discover that something "clicks" sometimes when he's female (by comparison to a hypothetical Tedd that was not bullied). I'm not sure where there's anything negative to say about Tedd in any of this.
  16. Story: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    One thing to note about our Kentucky Fried Immortal: He didn't name Plan A "Plan A". He didn't name Plan CM "Plan B". Someone else did. If an Immortal is acting on someone else's plan, they probably wouldn't bother with plans by anyone besides those of other Immortals.
  17. Story: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    Our consolation is that Pandora is probably playing him. The only question being directly or indirectly...
  18. nothingcangowrong.png

    Nobody has ever said that before...
  19. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    Tedd only learned the word "genderfluid" yesterday. He's known what he was for years. He thought it was something unique to him. Grace just told him there was a name for it.
  20. What Are You Doing Right Now?

    I'm editing photos and videos on my phone, reading this forum while waiting for a test machine in my automation lab to finish updating.
  21. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    I find harsh judgments on myself or others to be an impediment to fixing the less-than-perfect attitudes I've picked up. We all do the best we can today. We make amends for yesterdays when we were less than today as long as those amends makes the situation better. My own judgments against myself have added much unneeded misery to my life.
  22. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    I don't think Ed Verres needs to be told what "genderfluid" is. What he needs is to be told in terms he cannot honestly dispute (he almost-certainly will try) is that Tedd is genderfluid and judging him simply by masculine terms hurts. It's the denial that needs to be pierced, not knowledge to be imparted. Ed Verres is a decent man. He'll come around. Once he has no choice.
  23. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    Pandora. Actually Will and Gill would be very good choices. Gender ambiguity is built into Uyouom genetics. Someone would have to tell them there was a problem however because they wouldn't perceive it otherwise.
  24. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    Yep. No Sam because Sam hasn't been told anything. Luke, yes, but not his friends. I consider Noah to be a special case. He's not a part of the Main-8 Circle, but he's already "in the know". Same for Raven, if we're going to be pedantic about stuff like this...