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Everything posted by Drasvin

  1. Magic: The Gathering colors of the cast

    An interesting idea, though it does run into the problem of needing a personality quiz to answer a question for a personality quiz, as the colors of Magic cover a broad range of personalities and philosophies. Tiny little nitpick, but black is usually abbreviated as B. Not really important, and using K avoids potentially confusing people not familiar with Magic's abbreviations, but it might cause a knee-jerk reaction in some Magic players. For the most part looks alright, though I'm mostly going of general, relative values in my assesment. Some of it possibly good use some tweaking. For one, I think Ellen's Red score should be 1-3 points higher. She's definitely had instances of action based on emotional impluse (like when she shot a transformation beam at Not-Tengu) Noah would be a good fit for black. "If something is a foolish shortcut to power, I have been talked out of it." While there is overlap, or "bleed," between the colors, Power at All Costs is very much exclusive to black.
  2. NP, Wednesday December 14, 2016

    I get the feeling that, because of the link caused by the shared enchantment, their other enchantments are going to start to bleed together, which will certainly be interesting.
  3. Story Wednesday December 14, 2016

    I'm going to bet he just looks at her disinterestedly and then goes back to sleep.
  4. Story Wednesday December 14, 2016

    I can see Adrian attempting to call her out on it, she gets confused as to what he's talking about, and then Adrian being flabbergasted at finding out she doesn't know the pithos/box detail of her own namesake. Pandora knows what her namesake means, we know because of her choice of the name "Box" for Sarah to call her. What she wouldn't likely know is that Dex was given that pendent and guided and empowered further by another Immortal. Pandora might have been taking one of her naps during that time and missed the whole thing. I imagine she'll be shocked when Adrian confronts her about it, but she already knows another Immortal has been messing around with things so she'll be more shocked at the possibility that the other Immortal has been doing so for a while now. Either that or we find out that Pandora was the one controlling Dex and Voltaire lied about his involvement, which wouldn't surprise me either but is probably less likely. I was alluding to the fact that in the original myth, the vessel that Pandora opened was a pithos, which is Greek for jar. When the original myth had been translated, the translator thought it had said pyxis, or box. I'm extrapolating that Pandora might not know about that little bit of trivia, because she asked Sarah to call her "Box" instead of "Jar" fdsa , which is greek for jar
  5. Story Wednesday December 14, 2016

    I can see Adrian attempting to call her out on it, she gets confused as to what he's talking about, and then Adrian being flabbergasted at finding out she doesn't know the pithos/box detail of her own namesake.
  6. Story - Monday December 12, 2016

    Yeah. I agree with Susan. Family is important, but family is much more complicated than genetic relation.
  7. Story Monday December 5, 2016

    This would be the best course of action, if Jerry has enough composure and skill to stay calm and keep the conversation calm. If he doesn't have enough stuff, and it seems like he would doubt that he has enough, it would be better to let events take their course for now, but keep an eye on things.
  8. Magic: The Gathering colors of the cast

    Did you even read that article, or did you just skim it for a keyword that you could try sum up a complex meaning in to one word????? Black being about the individual means it a me first mentality, which Ellen does NOT have. Black is about selfishness and greed. It is the most self-centered of the colors. Red also has strong individuality in its flavour. I have been playing MtG since just before Homelands was released, I have read enough of the lore to understand that each color is complex and can not be summed up in 1 word, I did read the article and I understand that the colors are complex philosophies. Black represents selfishness and greed, but it also represents more than that. To quote Mark Rosewater's article again, "As I’ve explained in each segment, a color’s philosophy revolves around how that color sees the world. Black’s view of the world is quite self-centered. In essence, black defines the world by how it affects him or her. Thus, to black, each individual has their own purpose in life: making their life as good as it can be." Does this mean that black tends towards selfishness and greed? Yes, but that isn't everything in the color, especially when combining with other colors. Aspects get diluted or tempered (though some aspects get amplified when combining colors) Red's individuality comes from it's focus on emotions and freedom. Emotions are often a very personal thing, but they can also be shared, as can be seen with lovers, or a massive rock concert. And Red wants freedom for everyone to be able to choose what they want. Red doesn't care about standing out from the crowd and defining the self as much as letting everyone follow their passions. I would agree that Ellen is much more strongly Red than Black, but I don't think that Red's expression of individuality covers the deliberate effort she took to define herself as her own person. I think Noah has, or at least had, a strong Black streak to him, with his desire for power at all costs. He certainly wouldn't be pure Black. Maybe Black/White (Desire power to set things right)?
  9. Magic: The Gathering colors of the cast

    I wasn't using the cards as a guide. I was using the articles from Mark Rosewater that I linked in the first post. And to quote the Black article, "For example, black is the color that stresses the importance of the individual." A big part of Ellen's identity has been about defining who she is as an individual, especially in defining how she is not Elliot. Arguably black might be added to others as competitiveness (the desire to prove oneself better than others) is also a black trait, though that would depend on whether or not said competitiveness is a core driver to the character's actions. I could potentially see blue as part of Ellen. She can be a bit of a trickster. I guess that's a possibility. Though I'm not sure if she just wants to be on-par or to exceed her friends. Her wizard Sarah dream certainly had her extremely powerful (then again it was a fanciful dream). I guess it will depend on how far she pushes herself once her training with Box is complete.
  10. Magic: The Gathering colors of the cast

    While Ellen doesn't have the absolute depravity associated with the Rakdos guild, she does show strong traits in the component Colors. Though I would like to hear what Colors you think she would fit.
  11. Story Friday December 2, 2016

    I hope Jerry actually tells the girls this bit of info, instead of just hiding in the spirit plane out of fear. And then we would get to find out what he chose as his new name.
  12. NP Friday December 2, 2016

    ...how many spells does Rhoda have?
  13. Story, Friday November 25, 2016

    I'm not sure how close of scrutiny her forum would have been under. The internet is a big and deep place with quite a few dark pockets in it. There probably was/is someone keeping on eye on it, if it's a forum that gets indexed by search engines at least, but since it just seems to be a fairly innocuous information sharing forum that possibly includes some people in the know on the secrets of magic among the typical rumors and ghost stories there likely wasn't a lot of resources dedicated to it. Probably one or two desk agents that are charged with looking over several forums of minor to moderate significance for something untoward while adding additional false rumors to the rumor mill. Though after it comes to their attention that Not-Tengu was an active member of her forum, it's scrutiny level is certainly going to be increased.
  14. Story Monday November 28, 2016

    Well I hope Nanase is right that it will be better in the long run, but on the other hand, if it doesn't, it might shake some sense into her. I'm mildly to moderately worried that if it does turn out alright in the end, she'll be encouraged to kick the 'Tedd's mom' bombshell, and that won't be pretty, especially after the big bombshell he's already been dealt.
  15. Story Monday November 28, 2016

    While Susan has seemed kind of lonely at times, that appears to be more of a romantic longing than a familial one. And it is possible that Nanase is projecting her own values onto the situation, but there still is the big looming problem of Susan's issues and emotional baggage. While Susan tries to be rational and logical, she's only human. And her emotions have already been on a little bit of a rollercoaster in this scene with the vampires and everything else Nanase and Ellen have told her. I'm not sure how likely it is to happen, but there is a possibility for Susan to associate Diane with the affair on an emotional level, and if that happens, it's not going to end happily for anyone. I can see that, but it means she not considering the consequences of her actions (or at least not considering them seriously) which can be hurtful to her friendships and potentially dangerous with the knowledge she has.
  16. Story Monday November 28, 2016

    Susan knows where this subject is going. Susan does not like where tgis subject is going. Also, other than fulfilling curiousity, what purpose does Nanase hope to achieve by pursuing the possible link between Susan and Diane? Both are fairly happy with their loving families as is. Nanase knows (or at least she should know) that Susan has a lot of emotional baggage. And she's presenting a person that looks identical enough to be a twin that is quite possibly a product of the affair that ruined Susan's childhood. What good does Nanase think this line of inquiry will accomplish?
  17. Story, Wednesday November 23, 2016

    Maybe Nanase was a little too blunt there. Though at lrast Susan's anti-vampire reflexes appear to be adequate.
  18. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Wouldn't necessarily need to wait for bad weather. A trireme doesn't have enough room for the supplies needed to stay at sea for more than a day. They would run out of fresh water to keep the rowers hydrated and have to head for shore. I'm not so sure about that. Both are wooden ships and the trireme is specifically designed as a ramming ship while the PT boat is designed as a torpedo platform. It would be a very risky manuever anyway, as smashing through a trireme would risk either damaging the PT boat or one of the trireme crew members getting aboard(if nothing else, falling onto the boat as it tries to smash through the rowing banks that run the length of the trireme)
  19. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    A fighter might be harder to hit than a trireme, but damage it recieves is going to matter significantly more. A shell through an engine or into the elevation controls is going to make it difficult to impossible to stay in the air, causing it to crash or retreat in short order. A hole in the side of a trireme might cause it to start raking on water, but the trireme is a very light ship with a relatively shallow draft. 140 men can lift the 40 meter boat out of shallow water and carry it onto the shore. The ships were estimated to have the top of their hulls at a little over 2 meters above the water with about a meter draft. It will sink if it is taking on water, but it might take it a while. The better tactic, in my opinion, would be to aim for the rower banks to try to disable the main propulsion. Though it is unlikely the triremes would be able to do much to the PT boat. A trireme had some archers and marines on board, but they were there to protect the rowers if someone tried to board the ship. The trireme's main method of attack was ramming to bash enemy ships apart. And a trireme simply doesn't have the speed needed to catch the PT boat. A group of researchers recreated a trireme and got a group of 170 volunteers to row. They got a top speed of 8 knots with a cruising speed of 4 knots. This was with an imperfect replica and an untrained rowing team, so a proper greek trireme might be faster, but not the 40+ knots needed to catch the PT boat. All-in-all, I think the PT boat would win the fight due to simple endurance. I doubt the PT boat's engine would run out of fuel before the rowers of the trireme fleet exhausted themselves.
  20. Story Monday November 21, 2016

    Yeah, but Edward needed the area investigated for anything that could explain Pandora's appearance there, and while searching for anything that could produce a hologram doesn't necessarily require agents with magic abilities, it would likely take them longer to search the forest for anything, so agents with magic can probably do it faster. True. It's very likely that all offices/divisions of the DGB's CSI has magical capability in some manner. It would be difficult to examine and investigate a magic-based crime scene without some sort of magic, though a lot of their operations could possibly be done with a basic toolkit provided by a bag of (well labeled) wands.
  21. Story Monday November 21, 2016

    Edward's boss is identified as Assistant Director Liefield, which means, Depending on where in the FBI orgchart the DGB fits, he might be in charge of all of the US paranormal investigators or just the Illinois part. Also those two unnamed agents are Crime Scene Investigators, which is a different position than a field agent. Each paranormal investgation office should have it's own CSI team and other support staff.
  22. EGS Strip Slaying

    While I really want someone to punch Voltaire in the face, someone giving out this advice would be good. (At least the parts aimed at Nanase and Edward. I personally don't see a problem of siblings sleeping in the same room or being bare-foot in one's own home.)
  23. NP Wednesday November 16, 2016

    Not-Tengu was defeated by exhausting the ambient energy he was feeding into his various enchantments.
  24. NP Wednesday November 16, 2016

    I don't think being okay with an effect causes your resistance to boost the effect. Instead, being okay with an effect causes you resistance to impact the enchantment less. As seen with Not-Tengu and the guardian forms, enchantment duration is significantly affected by energy supply. So the enchantment pulls in energy to increase length and resistance(along with the expenditure to maintain the resistance) decreases the energy bound into the enchantment. How much the affected individual is okay with the effect would determine which percentage of their resistance is applied to the enchantment in question. With this model, Rhoda's and Catalina's resistances would both be acting on both enchantments. There's also the fact that Pandora is expecting that whatever the mistake is will end in an incident. So if the mistake follows her expectations, things aren't going to go well for Rhoda's and Catalina's plan. Their resistances combining to increase duration the duration of Cat's enchant wouldn't fit that pattern.
  25. NP Wednesday November 16, 2016

    I think the rookie enchanting mistake they're making is related to this. Having clothes close to your body (like when wearing them) lets the clothing benefit from your magical resistance. So logically, having a tiny person close to your body would let said person benefit from your magical resistance (and maybe vice versa).