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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. I have had soom weeks that was my guiding principle in life.
  2. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    I very rarely rate pain at above 5. When asked about this I tell them I have been hit by lighting, been nearly killed by a 25kg volt line behind turned on while I had it in my hands and I've been the subject of a rabid dog attack. I know pain. A migraine that put me in a hospital bed for 4 days I never rated over 7. I do make sure that who is asked knows my history.
  3. What Are You Ingesting?

    I made a sauce less pasta dish using the leftover of two boxes of pasta, two packages of tuna, some lime juice, horseradish and some soysause.
  4. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    All stones, a total of four in the last 24 hours have passed. Biggest one of about 1.5 mms and two were so small all I really got was a blood clot in the strainer.
  5. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    I went for a walk. Must have jarred something loose. My left side feels like I'm about to pass a stone. And it feels big enough that I'm going to filter my piss so I can see what I passed. I am not gruntled about this at all.
  6. What Are You Ingesting?

    Some small leaf Assam tea. Damn that stuff is strong.
  7. Story Monday June 26, 2017

    We don't know, as in can be used in court level know, that elves aren't sterile yet. The Dan could be putting us next to the beer, you know, behind the red herrings. Not likely, but still possible.
  8. NP Monday June 26, 2017

    Sayeth The Dan I tell ya, he lurks here. Saw my comment of "more blonde Rhoda" and there we have it. Ego? What ego? I don't have an ego problem \ldots
  9. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    The pain issues has resolved. I have a freaking kidney stone, right kidney, feels big. I am not a happy camper. I'm also not on the device where :my_cup_of_joy_overflows: would work, but yeah...
  10. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    I woke up this morning feeling like I had been beaten by sticks and a mild migraine. Drugs sort of working. Bleh.
  11. Greasemonkey forum scripts

    Hmmm. Needed to do a reload of Firefox, but I think we have decided that is what happens any way. very much gruntled.
  12. Greasemonkey forum scripts

    Seriously, however, is the original smiley. The OG of Emoji as it were. |-)
  13. Greasemonkey forum scripts

    Hmmmm. Looks like you missed a few Key Points. :-) Good Work.
  14. Things that make you sad.

    Stewart Wieck, one of the founders of White Wolf died. While the Storyteller system wasn't my chosen RPG style, it was an important part of the background radiation of my life. Mr. Wieck wasn't on my face book friends list, but he was on about half my friends list.
  15. What Are You Listening To?

    Heaven and Hell This is a duet album of Meat Loaf and Bonnie Tyler. And it's as epic as you think it might be.
  16. Things You Find Amusing

    That depends on how you have the "advanced" setting set on you browser, of course. Back when I gave a damn about a select set of web sites, I had my browsers1 set to "do not cache, anything, any time, any where". Drove other people nuts when they tried to, oh, play a youtube video on my machine. You didn't get a video as much as a slide show. The Pointy Haired Owner once told me to turn the cache back on because I was using another machine to watch some mandatory "training" videos. When I explained why, he grunted. Next day I fond I had a 2nd machine on my desk and a note attached that I was not to muck with the settings on it. Of course it was a G4 iMac, so it wasn't that big of a win. 1I had every browser that would run on OSX Tiger loaded on that machine. Something like 15. And another dozen or so in virtual windows machines. Ah, good time. No, wait, not good. Strike that.
  17. NP Monday June 19, 2017

    That song always triggers "The Fighting Hamsters of Calontir" to me.
  18. What Are You Ingesting?

    Green tea. Because I'm out of sugar.
  19. Things that make you go WTF

    The worse termination notice I ever got was when they set my email account to bounce with "Mr. Looney is no longer with the company" and killed my password. Also no notice.
  20. Things You Find Amusing

    For this trick, I need a special keyboard and at least one extra hand. And sorry, some of you might have to leave the internet for a while.
  21. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Thanks both of you. I'm in postdrome now, so life, if not good, is better.
  22. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Again, not in Prof's class, but today was a bad migraine day. Not that it was that strong, just damn persistent. And only reacted about half as well as it should have to my drug ladder. Right now I'm in "under control due to drugs, but not postdrome" which, frankly, sucks. Because when the drugs start to fall off, life gets ugly. And I have 2 hours until I can take my next dose. :not_gruntled:
  23. NP, Friday June 23, 2017

    Spells aside, blonde Rhoda? Can we see more of her, please Mr. The Dan?
  24. Things that make you go WTF

    Only because we don't have a "Things that make you rage against the heavens" thread.
  25. Greasemonkey forum scripts

    Wait, testing what might as well be my default OK Rage works, what about happy, happy, joy, joy? So close. How about my standard stuff? :/me: :the_list: Oh, wait There we go. :gruntled: :less_than_gruntled: :not_my_happy_face: OK @HarJIT, you see what you need to fix now Plus :my_cup_of_joy_overflows: All kidding about my mutant brain aside, good work dude.