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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I have to worst kind of writers block. I have a ton of things that need to go in this section but I am at a loss as to how to start. I am thinking that a cup of tea and just start putting stuff down in the now empty file ena.tex in the way to go. Still am less than gruntled at my brain right now.
  2. Story Friday April 7, 2017

    According to `define:seer` in The Google, seer has psychic as a synonym Fun fact: For the first time in many years I used the "Dictionary List" HTML tags for what they were made for.
  3. Story Friday April 7, 2017

    If he knows that telling Tedd is neither guiding nor empowering, that will cause him to get blasted into a reset, at the least. Couldn't happen to a better immortal. He needs to get all the immortal blasted anyway. I want to know what his theory on causing hell to rain down on Moperville and/or killing Elliot is either guiding or empowering. Freaking butt wipe.
  4. What Are You Ingesting?

    Tea. And I am about to make anouther mug. This one didn't fully wake me up. Just enough to get out of bed, but not enough to make dealing with LaTeX easy.
  5. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it does. Seriously, get better. I hope some one finds what is wrong with your back and fixes it.
  6. What Are You Listening To?

    Other than the parrot part, that sounds really close. And it would be an electric tractor, based on the noise. Might have just been their garbage disposal unit.
  7. What Are You Listening To?

    Not that kind of noise. I almost put that in the post. Looks like I should have.
  8. What Are You Listening To?

    My upstairs neighbors. They are not normally awake this time of day, but they are doing something that is making all sorts of noise and going up and down the stairs.
  9. Things That Make You Happy

    Getting a reply from the author of a RPG PDF that is obviously derived from the d20 SRD but has no OGL, and finding that the whole thing is OGC. I has a happy! Hmmm maybe I can get another TLA in that...
  10. NP Wednesday April 5, 2017

    Grace in her worker's uniform is always fun. A catsuit should be awesome.
  11. Story Wednesday April 5, 2017

    Yes, yes he has.
  12. What Are You Ingesting?

    Just had another bag of salad with bleu cheese dressing. I don't normally like iceberg lettuce, but some times I sort of want that watery sort of tasteless crunch.
  13. NP Monday, April 3, 2017

    This was what I was thinking as well. My former Pointy Haired Business Owner was way too paranoid to let something like that go by. He wanted to see a daily report of what I did, and would check up on it. Part of the reason why I decided to quit fighting my brain and start on disability.
  14. Things That Are Just Annoying

    While it might feel like MacDinking, making sure that all your '&' marks are in nice vertical line in LaTeX document's tabular environment will prevent you from screaming at your poor little laptop. Both the Fox and the Civets1 give me a bad look when I do that. 1Wall papers for the laptop screen and the external monitor, respectably.
  15. Story Wednesday April 5, 2017

    So, just out of curiosity, did you know that or did you wiki dive? I hit the great wiki myself... A being that isn't an "Immortal" but is lowercase i immortal. Aren't I helpful?
  16. You take that back. Pig in no way what so ever applies to ANY member of the primary cast nor the secondary cast1, much less to The Hero and Captain, Susan. 1I'm sure we can all agree on at least one person in the 3rd or 4th level cast that does apply to.
  17. NP Monday, April 3, 2017

    People write in COBOL? I suspect this was a "back in the day" sort of story. I'm going to tell you to get off of Mr. Edwards' lawn for him.
  18. NP Monday, April 3, 2017

    A bit of extra job security I can imagine. Need to be careful about that sort of thing. Write enough scripts to make your job easy and all at once they don't need you any more, just some monkey to run the scripts. Then, of course six to eight weeks later they discover that not all of what you did was done by scripts. Good for a couple of bucks an hour increase in pay to return.
  19. Things That Are Just Annoying

    About 10 years of so I was legit unemployed1 and the state of Oklahoma had me attend a "new to the workforce" training session. When the first question was "have any of you had a job other than fast food or at a gas station" the "teacher" didn't know how to handle the 3 of us (out of 30 some odd) that raised our hands. He let us go after an hour or so, but still pain in the butt. 1Vs. taking a break for a couple of weeks or having a mental break down. EDS downsized my department.
  20. Things That Are Just Annoying

    We are starting to sound like the "Four Yorkshiremen skit" That aside, migraines come and go. That is a major difference in pain.
  21. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I will grant that all I had today was my normal aches and pains that come with weather fronts. I don't have any real long term chronic pain issues, just frequent migraines and bashing myself due to lack of coordination. I am not in your class of pain most of the time, for which I am very grateful.
  22. Things That Are Just Annoying

    It's here. And I think a tree in the Riverparks close by just took a lightning strike. Damn thing was freaking loud. And of course I had a power flicker. On the plus side, my pain drugs are working so far.
  23. Things That Are Just Annoying

    We have a front rolling in. Already getting the joint aches and what feels like a migraine Prodrome. Going to take my mid range pain meds and hope for the best. If I still feel like le crud in 4 hours it's the good stuff and a 6 hour nap for me.
  24. NP Monday, April 3, 2017

    I did also, but Air Defense officers need to know "things" about what is going on.
  25. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    It's our major household appliances. I tell you they are plotting.