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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. Things That Make You Happy

    At one time I had a "life events" set of tables that I ran against all the major and a lot of the minor NPC in the game (plus cities etc). The players went nuts when the big bad died from a hunting accident. Spent 3 months game time (about 3 full sessions) trying to find the "bigger bad". To this day, some of the players from that campaign will mutter, "the giant boar, in the forest, with the tusks" when a "strange" death happens.
  2. Comic Dec 7, 2016

    As much as I love the movie version, Joan Jett's punk rock version of "Science Fiction" is my favorite from RHPS, all versions.
  3. Comic Dec 7, 2016

    Which is why I make her a passive partner in an Ashley+ Elliot pairing.
  4. Things That Are Just Annoying

    My brother and I were going to go out last night and have a cider or two. We didn't but somehow my body didn't get the notification. Feeling more than slightly hungover right now. Drinking a liter or so of water.
  5. Things That Make You Happy

    I've been to two of those. Had to sit one out because I owned the kit it was based on. I had bought it to make a "realistic" murder mystery in a D&D game. The hosts gave me what amounted to the same as first prize for telling them as soon as I knew what was up. I got to "play" one of the drunks at the bar. The refined one who drank German white wine, of course. Not actually in the script, I just stayed at the bar and killed off two and a half bottles wine. Total failure in the other one. Based on my years of experience being a DM and game designer, it was a home brew with nothing like internal consistency, but I could be wrong, I don't know that much about the Canadian gold rush era.
  6. Forum officialness

  7. Forum officialness

    Nope, Firefox on Android.
  8. Comic Dec 7, 2016

    Which is why Susan+ Elliot+ Ashley is "The Other OT3"
  9. Word of Dan Discussion

    Never underestimate the power of a bored programmer and a personal project. That gave us Linux.
  10. NP, Wednesday December 7, 2016

    This is true, I was just expanding on my feelings towards the cardboard that mall "cookies" tend to be.
  11. NP, Wednesday December 7, 2016

    Plus, in my opinion, Mrs. Fields' Cookies suck rocks. Akiko is used to quality home made cookies, so she may share my objectively rational and reasonable thoughts on the quality of mall cookies.
  12. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    I have a wrong side of the head headache that I suspect is a sinus headache. I've taken a decongestant and my first dose of analgesics, and I am waiting for them to kick in. Not only is on my left side, which is not where I get migraine headaches but it is too far forward. I think I maybe know too much about my headaches. Late breaking news. While I was entering this on the tablet the analgesics kicked in. Still have trouble breathing out of the left side, but that's minor.
  13. Story, Friday December 9, 2016

    It is canon that Susan is known to not be adopted. While it is possible that Edward is wrong I don't think so. All that being said, this is a very powerful strip. As the kids say "the feels, all the feels"
  14. Things that make you sad.

    Oh God. I've had Metamucil with "orange fruit drink". You should get a medal if you drink that.
  15. Pinup Single Dec 8 2016 - Sarah

    But boobs man, boobs. Isn't that important?
  16. Things That Are Just Annoying

    It's the fact that 4 or 5 people per comic that it's in DON'T READ THE OTHER COMMENTS then post "hey, did you see the $!@% code? It's wrong!!! or words to that effect. We here at least say "ninjaed" if two people make the same comment. Not so much else were.
  17. Forum officialness

    It's still gone, 12:25 PM, on Firefox for OS X
  18. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    No problem. Had more than a few of those of late myself.
  19. Forum officialness

    I'm not seeing yours right now. (7:40 AM, CST) on o mobile device.
  20. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Aren't you just a bundle of joy.
  21. Forum officialness

    Odd, I see mine. Let me try doing it again
  22. Things That Are Just Annoying

    My first major web based forum was Television With Out Pity. One of the rules there was you will read all the comments before you make your own. Failing to do so could get you banned. Why am I bringing this up? Two things. Konami Code Grrl Power comic comments. In the current story arc there are a series of banners, one of which has the #$&+#@@! Code on it. Sometimes right, sometimes wrong. It gets mentioned at least two and more likely five or six times for each page that it shows up on. And each poster acts like they are the first person to see it. In the history of the comic. The damn thing has been in about half of the last two months of real time comics and people are just now noticing it??? WTF I don't play video games, but I know that a series of arrows pointing up, down,left,right etc, followed by A B or other low order letters is normally some sort of computer game reference smile a bit and read the content of whatever it was I found this in and don't feel a need to be the nth person to say something about it, when I can plainly see that someone before me has seen it and commented on it. This applies to a larger set of things than just the konami code, but in general. Pointing out something that other people have pointed out means that you didn't read their comments so why should I read what you posted? I know I not perfect on this, but at least I try, which seems to be more than a lot of posters do. Snap, snarl, grunt, growl, etc.
  23. Things You Find Amusing

    The tail is high on the list, but the breakfast cereal takes the prize. Might fix a few side effects of my drugs. In my personal experience all psychoactive drugs that work result in you living on the edges of the Bristol stool scale. Normally the lower numbers.
  24. What Are You Watching?

    The Grand Tour S01E04 This one really hit the sweet spot. Felt almost exactly like an old school Top Gear say series 15 or so. That being said, PETA members and people easily grossed out might want to give this one a pass. Clarkson rebuilds a Land Rover body with bones and leather, then ends up using raw meat to repair it with. Granted it was filmed in Wales, but it was summer and the effects on leaving meat out at room temperature were fully showing. Extra points to Richard and Jeremy for doing Stairway to Heaven as a conversation. It makes sense in context.
  25. NP, Friday December 9, 2016

    Cat looks Rhodaish now. Not being in color means we lose an important bit of data here, Cat's hair color.