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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story Friday May 4, 2018

    At least as far back as the American Revolutionary War. Which is nowhere near as far back as the library fight. ... however, considering that magic never appeared in second life universe ... I mean, sure, maybe just Ellen never found it, but it's also possible there was no library in that universe, or maybe Uryuoms WON and destroyed the library.
  2. Story Friday May 4, 2018

    Starships can't have the paperwork physically on paper, unless they use that paper as propulsion system. Newton's laws, combined with fact that unlike airplanes, starship would need to carry most of that paper trail onboard. Actually, the absolute limit on length of travel is the fact that travel log needs to fit into onboard computers. While I meant the design, I'm not surprised the numbers hold even for individual plane. And thanks to this, airplanes rarely fall. Many applications have similar number of parts like the airplanes, but most of those parts don't even get mention in documentation, much less signature. And that's why applications fall all the time. Also, explains why application development cost less than building an airplane.
  3. NP Friday May 4, 2018

    Well the previous page, at least Lucy shrinking was Rhoda's doing, not sure about the guy turning into a bunnygirl though. Pretty sure that Rhoda doesn't have spell to turn anyone into bunny.
  4. NP Friday May 4, 2018

    Sure nobody complained. Question is: would Lucy complain if she wouldn't be hit by mental effect? I'm not sure if it's funny but it's definitely weird. Unless she's supposed to be POV character.
  5. Story Friday May 4, 2018

    I meant more like folk legends as opposed to actual written records, but yes it could have been covered up as well. I find hard to believe that any civilization is capable of interstellar travel without paper trail. Metaphorically paper of course. I would wonder if a group that still held a grudge might have been the source of the Damien Prophecy. Dunno exactly how that would work unless that group decided that in order to get the power that Humans had, they needed to breed with them and their Seyunolu offspring would then crush their enemies. ... that actually sounds like pretty logical thing. Like, less prophecy, more plan supported by scientific research. Something like Kwisatz Haderach - sure, that one was predicted, but predicted in universe where the prediction have scientifically verifiable results.
  6. Story Friday May 4, 2018

    Note that Uryuoms don't have hive mind, so even if there are records, it may be top secret with no Uryuom we know knowing about them. And they may be more friendly because those are different Uryuoms. However, I did already raised the question if there may be some group of Uryuoms still holding grudge. As I said, only option which would keep the golem for questioning is if someone the golem will recognize as his superior will appear. Some Uryuom ... or Seyunolu. I'm pretty sure the golem will recognize Voltaire as enemy. There may already be group of Uryuoms with antennae existing at that time and just not attacking the library. Except we've been told before that Grace could learn magic, it would just require a lot of effort; also Noah can use magic. So maybe the Uryuoms in the flashback backed off, or maybe it the magic change didn't completely block their access to magic, or maybe a more recent magic change restored some of their magic access... Or perhaps (and this seems the most likely to me), full-blooded Uryuoms couldn't use magic (besides Uryuom Power) between the time of the flashback and the final magic change, but part-human chimeras inherited the ability to use magic from their human sides. Seems most likely to me as well: as part-uryuom part-native-earth Seyunolu, Grace is able to use both of her sides - her Uryuom side will give her Uryuom power, shapeshifting and telekinesis, while her human side could give her spells, but she would need to suppress the Uryuom side first. The magic change however can mean she will be able to learn magic easier, without suppressing her Uryuom side. I'm not sure if they are supposed to be able to hide their antennae without object oriented programming. Of course, maybe this is the group of Uryuom who DO use object oriented programming. Who escaped to Earth because they were persecuted for their religion on parent planet. (I agree that it's easier to explain their change of look than in case of Klingons.)
  7. Story Friday May 4, 2018

    And I though the PREVIOUS page raises more questions than it answers. So, Uryuoms were on Earth at least TWO resets ago, because last reset was due to horde of fireball throwers. And they did have access to earth magic and apparently got little power hungry with it. Also, they used to have hairs? Is this some heretical sect using object oriented programming? (Is that the same Mantle of Heka we know? Why is he not using some "showing himself bigger" trick?) ... is CURRENT Uryuom government still holding grudge? Probably not wizard per EGS definition ... even if Uryuoms can be wizards, it would be as rare as between humans. But she can became magic user. As if her telekinesis wouldn't be enough. Not speaking about what Noah can do. However, what about other Uryuoms? This could also be start of interplanetary war ... waaaait, does General Shade Tail have access to this magic? Maybe Lord Tedd's empire is even bigger than expected ... Or at least more angry. Also, he definitely lost my sympathy. As a member of group which tried to rob humans of their destiny, I don't believe his reasons for denying anything to Ellen are in any way good. ... depends. How tough are those dragons on magus world? Wait. The golem now remembers lot of important stuff ... if Magus will destroy it, no character will know. But this really doesn't seem like something which can be solved by talking. Unless Grace will appear for some reason and the golem will recognize her as his superior. (Also, the language probably IS uryomoco and Elliot should be able to understand him.) ... wait. Is Ellen stronger now because she was awakened by FV5 which was based on uryuom power? Tomb raiders. I mean, someone stole it from Egypt and stored in America, possibly with bunch of other artifacts recognized as magical ... EDIT: Just realized. The golem - OR Magus - might be cause of big crater Arthur was feared of. Then: Edward: This time it's not my son fault! Arthur: It is, however the alternative would be worse. Assistant Director: There is a mile wide crater where our facility was! Arthur: Yes, I know. I stand behind my words.
  8. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=764 I'm not one of "some people" Dan speaks about. Also, apparently Lucy met Rhoda first time outside canon, or she would already be USED to this. And ... does she wear more make-up ouside canon? I fail to see the joke with the boyfriend, but he looks sexy as bunny so I'll let that pass
  9. http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2493 ... who is that shadow? Does it mean it wasn't Ellen? Or it was Ellen and that shadow is independent? Or was Ellen shooting the beam and the shadow was doing the Groar? ... is the shadow one of the half-dragons we speculated about recently? And Ellen definitely doesn't feel well. ... and her hair is green? Damn this would be good comics to be in color. Is that related to the thing humans can't have? It wasn't green just moment before ... And where is Magus? Does he deals with the golem? ... this is definitely one of those "raises more questions than it answers" comics. In fact, did it answered ANY question?
  10. Story, Wednesday May 2, 2018

    Ashley STILL has green hair color! There was no color canon comics disproving that! Ellen's is light green, Ashley's was dark green, of course it probably doesn't matter if Ellen's colour isn't permanent. Also yes, it's totally different shade of green. It's sort of hard to show when you need closeup on someone's face for it. Sigh. Why he's always stating things where I don't read it? Unless it's magical, it wouldn't matter. The amount of energy you get from photosynthesis is minimal. That's why cows, instead of being green, eat grass ... from area much bigger than their body. Of course, with magic, you can get enough energy from photosynthesis to grow several meters of branch in few seconds and then move it as if it has bones and muscles in. ... still, I would prefer Ellen being part dragon to part plant.
  11. Story, Wednesday May 2, 2018

    Does it have to be an Angel though? It could easily be a variation tailored more toward's Ellen personality, and after experiencing what it was like, she could have wanted her own. Guardian form PROBABLY doesn't need to be angel ; however, Ellen wouldn't know that and even if somebody told her, she would subconsciously gear towards another angel, I think. It would be interesting what changes could she get compared to Nanase (my first idea was that her angel will be more skimpy clothed, but Nanase's guardian form doesn't actually change shape of clothes at all), but getting demon guardian form would be counterintuitive for her.
  12. Story, Wednesday May 2, 2018

    I recall that some people speculated that, after copying Nanase's guardian form, that Ellen would get her own version as well. It's also been hinted that Ellen hasn't read her spell book in a while either, so maybe the form's been available and she didn't know it? If that would be result of copying Nanase's guardian form, why it wouldn't be another angel? Or Monday. Or next Friday. Or ... actually, this could take long to resolve, this arc can easily end up without ANY mention of this. She doesn't look like werewolf. That's almost certain, yes. Question is where they put him. Assuming you're not being sarcastic or something, your search-fu is very good (or very lucky), as that image you posted was of someone cosplaying a character from the Gargoyles tv series I (and Dan in that link) was referring to. It's from wikipedia. Second link in google after searching for Gargoyles. I suspect that there is just one noteworthy series about gargoyles ... there are obviously multiple movies, but only one series. However, if there would be some space for mistake, you would probably know better than me. Until someone mentioned it here, I actually hadn't noticed. (But then I have a bad habit of reading so fast I miss things; I usually don't even realize I'm doing it.) She's slouching AND she's pretty big even normally. Alternatively, maybe she accidently FV5 herself again ... but her hair length looks normal.
  13. Story, Wednesday May 2, 2018

    Dragons have usually bigger body. This might be half-dragon ... or gargoyle. I like dragons too. However I must admit gargoyles looks dragon-ish as well. (It is possible we wouldn't be sure if she's more like dragon or gargoyle even when we would get much better look at her form.) Or demon. Remember: typical demon looks however it wants to. Still, Ellen JUST got out of one possession ... and behaves much more like herself now. So, I don't think it will be full possession. The diamond didn't caused any higher amount of trouble than expected from something enchanted by amateur. I still didn't gave up on Ashley. BOTH could end up with old system magic. If you're referring to the 90s "Gargoyles" cartoon which Dan has referenced before, no, they were a separate species from humans. However there was one episode where the entire population of New York (including the Gargoyles' friend Elisa) were temporarily transformed into gargoyles by magic. You probably know better which gargoyles Dan referenced before than me However the related sketch is here. In which case Ellen's hair color change might be from her burning out. I like this idea; it's a lot less troubling for Ellen's future than my initial guess that Ellen absorbed some of the energy (and possibly one or more spirit) from the Diamond and it's changing her in unknown ways. Unfortunately the golem was pretty certain she absorbed some of the energy from the Diamond. .... ok, that would also be possible explanation. But I think something new happened to her and triggered the new form.
  14. Story, Wednesday May 2, 2018

    The background doesn't seem to completely match, but it's true the fog is only show around the shadow and around Ellen ... seems possible. And explains why noone is seeing the shadow afterwards ... and it could be interesting ... and would explain why the golem didn't wanted humans to have that. However, the gargoyles Dan was watching aren't transformed humans, are they?
  15. NP Monday April 30, 2018

    Why? He only senses puppies in danger, noone here is in any danger.
  16. Story, Monday April 30, 2018

    On this topic, the operative word in "cold fusion" is "fusion", not "cold" ... I might hold a grudge against certain movie pretending to be Star Trek ... I see he was related to someone more competent. At least I HOPE he would be just fired otherwise.
  17. Story, Monday April 30, 2018

    Wouldn't they need to go over WATER to get into Canada? I think they would notice that. Look, that was all just a big misunderstanding. Sauron actually wanted to occupy the lands to the far south but he got the map turned upside down. It was a mistake anyone could have made. He was calling himself "Lord of the Earth" and "King of the Men" few years later. I'm sure he wanted to occupy all of the lands. Although he might get the order wrong. Personally, I also think somewhere along the line Sauron ate a power source bigger than his/her/its head. No he didn't. He was maia, that comes with enough power included, he never used another source of power and in fact, One ring was powered by him and it existing but not being on himself was weakening him. Columbus put on his map of what turned out to be the Caribbean, an island which he did not claim to have ever been within sight of. There's an island pretty much where he put it. He got the shape of the island about as close to correct as he did the islands he had actually explored, except slightly rotated relative to a north-south line. Columbus named this island Saint Brendan's Island. Brendan was an Irish monk from a couple centuries earlier. He disappeared from Ireland, and several years later returned with a story (which he wrote down) about being out fishing in a coracle when a storm came up and swept him out to sea. Surviving by fishing and trapping rainwater in the coracle, he (claimed) eventually came to a tropical island, where he lived for a few years before another storm launched him on a repeat of the process taking him back to Ireland. His story described the island in some detail. This is one of several reasons to think that Columbus *knew* he would reach some sort of land well before reaching China. But the promise of riches, that would be believed, would be from a safer trade route to China, not from exploring unknown islands that most people didn't believe existed. Meaning, he did believed he will find some islands to replenish fresh water. He just didn't expected whole continent. It is possible he lied to his sailors and investors because if he would say he plans to travel as long as China actually was and hope he hit enough islands to replenish water and food he wouldn't get any sailors nor money. However, it's also possible he really got it wrong.
  18. NP Monday April 30, 2018

    Dan's already made the joke about characters being in a non canon NP, just think of this as Dan going into the extras' break room and asking everyone if they wanted to participate in some TF shenanigans and instructing them to act surprised when it happens. Also there was this moment as well. Nono, no room and no acting surprised. It's like before they get near the action, they must go through fence (that movable stuff used when someone is working on street) where someone explains that non-canon EGS is being shoot there and if they go there they need to agree with random transformation (or, obviously, they can go around or wait till the scene is finished). But they still don't know when exactly and what will they be transformed with, so the surprise is genuine. Also, the mental transformation can be resisted, as shown with Susan.
  19. NP Monday April 30, 2018

    "Everyone just goes along with the mental effects" ... well ... there is element of surprise ... and then there are pretty girls in skimpy clothes petting them. I know that in such scenario, I wouldn't be resisting either. Wait. Does this mean the three card, one-card-per-type limit is not in effect?
  20. Story, Monday April 30, 2018

    That was their own fault. Remember, they totally abducted the guy and hauled him there. If it had been me, I'd have done the exact same thing. Abducted? He surrendered without fight! It was trick, a trap. Also, he totally hold grudge from the liberation of Eregion earlier. (That was when Númenorians helped Gil-Galad liberate Eregion from Sauron's occupation.) Weak organisation. Typical of CEOs who try to do everything themselves. Exactly.
  21. Story, Monday April 30, 2018

    'Lose' it? That is an interesting interpretation of having some Numenórian punk MUG YOU AND CUT IT OFF YOUR HAND. During a home invasion, no less. Some people. Yeah. They should've remained on their island oh wait they couldn't Sauron was teasing Valar from it so long they sunk it. "Sees everything" ... well, yeah, but just one thing at once. Delegation and redundancy, that was missing. ... fantastic idea. And it means the golem will want to kill half of main cast for same reason, so perfect reason for conflict spawning hundreds of pages - oh wait this is supposed to finish quickly. WAIT. If we combine the "Uryuom inspiration" theory and "blasphemy" theory ... the golem is from the same religion which passed laws forbidding the CMD which was reworked into TF gun on Uryuom home planet. And we though it's just throwaway joke! Instead, we will now get the full explanation of issue, just like hammers were explained in hammerchlorians. That's so good idea I would almost excuse it for the inevitable "both Uryuoms and fairies were influencing ancient legends as if only one wouldn't be much more reasons for it than necessary". ... maybe there was even war. We don't know if Uryuoms are protected by immortal law, do we? And fairies DEFINITELY wants sex change shenanigans ... Edward: "You mean you KNEW about immortals"? Lavender: "You mean immortals are fairies? They are still around?" *picks communication device*: "Code 31, starts evacuation immediately, I repeat code 31!"
  22. Spontaneously changing hair colour is a medical condition. ... and this might not even be spontaneous. It was what, eighteen years? MY hair color changed in last 18 years too.
  23. Story, Monday April 30, 2018

    Sounds most likely to me as well. DEFINITELY more likely than Kevin. And BTW, no, this won't save Ellen from headache. She will have headache because being woken up too soon after Sirleck possession, no matter HOW she was woken up. It's not about what we want. The golem seems sturdy enough. It wasn't destroyed by the beam itself, I doubt the fall would destroy it, especially looking at final page showing the asphalt being scattered, not the golem. ... Elliot would understand, but so far only Ashley (and Kevin) was hearing what the golem was saying, so ... yes. We currently can't be sure it isn't Uryumoco. We also can't be sure it isn't Japan or French, given Nanase is not here. Not the same diamond from the wizard? Abraham just enchanted the "diamond", he didn't created it. Possibly his master did, but more likely it was even older. To be fair, he did lose it in a rather public way and didn't start looking for it for a long, long time. That wasn't Saruman. Sauron lost it in public, but he was having health issues and really started looking for it as soon as he could. Isildur lost it totally not in public. And he also had health issues. Fatal ones. Saruman started looking for it quite soon after his arrival to middle-earth, but he never found it so couldn't lose it. That was accident! Frodo was totally going to bring it back, but then Gollum tried to steal it and they fought and ... well ... seriously, accident. Noone wanted to dump it there. Also, Sauron's fault, in fact - the volcano wasn't OSHA compliant. There should've been railings there. Yeah, that's it. Remember, the volcano was where the ring was forget in first place.
  24. NP, Friday April 27, 2018

    This is probably where it gets tricky, but leaving the pendant out for Dex to see might have been a kind of invitation, and the moment Dex put it on could be taken as giving consent. Voltaire could easily say "he didn't have to put it on, and I didn't force him to do so, so it's his fault." While that could be how it works, consent was never mentioned in immortal rules, which makes me think it's not related ... Note specifically how Susan needed to tell Hanma about "informed decision" and how the game would be evil without players giving consent. Given that immortals CANT break their rules without knowing, it seems obvious that making such evil game WOULD be allowed by immortal rules. And then we have the what makes the game okay with immortal rules. Again, nothing with consent, at least not the informed one. The game is automated, as it probably wouldn't be allowed for Hanma to cast some of those spells herself, but ... uhhh ... actually yes, this is somewhat similar to how Dex put the pendant on himself. It just seems it's less about consent and more about making the effect indirect.
  25. NP, Friday April 27, 2018

    Jerry used a spell on Susan as well earlier, but I imagine he was able to justifying it in some way that it wasn't breaking immortal law. Maybe it would have only broken Immortal law if he hurt or killed Susan, but using the serenity spell to calm her was still considered guiding or something. Yes, this kind of spell must've count as guiding. Magus's "Calm" likely as well, not sure if his "Sleep" would be safe for immortal to use. Also, he might have some additional leeway in her already being under emotional-changing magic. Voltaire, meanwhile, needed Dex to get suggestible really easy, some hypnosis-type spell likely wouldn't be allowed.