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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story, Monday March 5, 2018

    The question is whether Magus's possession means him (and, thus, his existing soul) will become the new Elliot duplicate's default soul, or not. And how body-snatcher aberration possession also works in regards to souls (though I think in that case, Sirleck's ability to keep his host's body alive after its death might come in handy, though he'd be rather miffed to get himself a shiny new body only for it to die too). Note that there is still quite high possibility Nioi's theory was not exactly firmly founded and nothing would happen to Ellen ... and even if there would be something, it wouldn't need to result in death. Magus's plan, maybe. Sirleck's plan is to possess Magus. Think Abraham's gonna have another moral dilemma about killing Ellen after being convinced not to do so was the whole point of the previous Sister? Magus is probably fine, desperation and all that, but the problem is Abraham has to kill a body-snatcher aberration without killing its host and the option to do so may not come up. Exactly: Even if Magus is the duplicate and Ellen is just observer, Abraham is likely to realize the one he should kill is Sirleck. Now how will he do it without killing anyone else ...
  2. Story, Monday March 5, 2018

    So the diamond was STILL left in PTTAOLUTASF, despite Abraham. Or at least Sirleck and Magus thinks so. Wait ... where will be Abraham? Next to the diamond, just in case? ... predicted there will be SOME artefact like this. Didn't expected the building might easily be FULL of them. Hmmmm .... will Nioi have enough souls for everyone? Wait ... is some other artefact going to connect multiple universes? We can get the classical "building full of two people in multiple versions" then ... For one, Elliot and Tedd weren't trying to leave with an artifact, so that busts Magus' belief that they'll be able to get out this. They were not exactly trying to escape fast. ELLEN got out without problem. Better question is if he will recognize Elliot and Ellen being left there while Magus will be already gone. It definitely won't. It can't go according to Magus's plan and Sirleck's plan at the same time, so ... Elliot KNOWS the way back if he was paying attention where Hedge was heading and Ellen might still REMEMBER those instructions. It's the SAME building so the way to Moperville will be same as last time. ... we still can. Maybe they run out of gas or something. Wait ... was it gas station?
  3. Or Sarah in Susan form. Or Nanase ... hmmm ... wait, that doesn't make sense, why would be Ellen transformed to Catalina? Actually, from "being in character" angle, it being Rhoda is almost sure, as Susan would never lose control that much without Elliot being involved and Sarah doesn't even KNOW Catalina - wait there were both in feminist club she must know her ... hmmm ... While I'm not going to grade it, I definitely agree. EDIT: On second though, this being Susan and ELLIOT makes totally sense. Elliot wouldn't want to make Susan pregnant and Susan might choose Catalina as girl form Elliot should be in ... of course, fearing about pregnancy might be premature at this level of physical contact, but Susan might not really believe her ability to stop herself (or prefer to not being distracted by such worry), so ...
  4. Story, Friday March 02, 2018

    Dan spent a whole series of NP comics showing us all the other options besides FV5 that Ellen has now. Given that Magus/Elliot is now blonde, it seems most likely that Sirleck/Ellen used Ellen's beam to turn Elliot's hair blonde. Magus and Sirleck may have had a chance to address which beam to use, or Sirleck, being a sexist asshole, may have just assumed Magus wouldn't want to be female....hmm, but being a sexist asshole, as well as evil, maybe that would mean he would have turned Magus into a busty female just to mess with Magus....no, not if he's intending to steal Magus's new body. Okay, got that sorted. Sirleck used a "blonde hair" beam because he wanted to be able to take over a male body. Assuming blonde hair beam will work for Magus, which it probably does as is still based on same idea, yes ... Sirleck would totally prefer male body. It's not just impression. Dan specifically said it was FV5 beam and was altered. Which doesn't answer why - wouldn't using blonde hair be simpler? Definitely. Not redundant, actually. Elliot can freely turn into blonde female, but so far had no spell to turn to blonde male. Elliot, as original, should get ability to turn to Magus himself ; Magus should get ability to posses others. What exactly that would mean is of course unclear ; it MIGHT give Elliot some of Magus's abilities, though ... FV5 would be the most useless spell to be used, as Elliot ALREADY HAS IT. Probably none ; Nioi was using her own magic to change herself, meaning she already HAD those abilities ... well, ok, if the spells were only working on her, Kaoli will have version working on others as well (possibly even ranged, but unlikely ; Ellen has ranged version likely because original FV5 is ranged). I don't think it would be POSSIBLE for this to happen to Tedd. In worst case, it would happen to the wand. Also this, yes. Again: it happened anyway. It makes no sense for her to worry it will happen faster with the wand if she didn't do anything to prevent it happening with Ellen. Yes, this is the only working angle. She doesn't want Tedd feeling responsible OR blame her for anything Magus will do. Note that while Magus becoming major villain would obviously be more to be responsible for, Tedd can feel responsible for ANYTHING Magus will do - remember he's not exactly stable, although she seems more stable than her father thinks ... who knows how hard it may be for her if, say, Magus would kill some guard (by mistake, likely, as with his magic it shouldn't be necessary ; killing one guard definitely doesn't make him major villain, especially if by mistake).
  5. Story, Friday March 02, 2018

    Magus is definitely not from "third side", however hard to say what are the requirements. It's possible that his home universe magic would NOT work in correct way, or it might be that all kinds of "earth-like" magic works and just Uryuoms CMD don't. We only know for sure than EGS universe earth magic works. And yes, Aberrations, Elves and all magic users are using the same magic, and griffins probably too. Maybe even immortals: remember that Pandora didn't said she's not ABLE to do it herself. Although it may be against immortal law as it's hurting Elliot.
  6. Story, Friday March 02, 2018

    I see basically following possibilities: 1) Pandora is afraid Magus will do something stupid in attempt to get his goal. Which is spot-on. He did. .... which means that not putting that spell in the wand wouldn't change anything. 2) Pandora still wants Magus to "win fair". But that doesn't really seem like something to be concerned about. 3) There WILL be some differences between the wand and Ellen's spell which could make it more complicated. But why? ... so, basically, Pandora is concerned that Tedd might think she did that intentionally? ... well, ok, not exactly straightforward, but trust is hard to build, so we can't rule that out. We already saw that Magus, for some reason, is NOT female now. Generally, seems that Magus have some control over which curse to remove. Also, again, all those concerns seem to be equally valid for Ellen as the wand ... it's not like Pandora somehow sabotaged his chances to succeed with Ellen. Note: the "removed his ability to use spells" ... well, maybe he technically still could cast them, just not to physical plane. The thing he did to escape Helena and Demetrius DID seemed like spell. And yes I'm also interested in what will Elliot get left from Magus ... and Magus from Elliot.
  7. NP, Friday March 2, 2018

    More likely something from later times, like teen movie frat parties. Or, knowing who designed the game, some sort of anime version of a teen movie frat party. Ok, I write it long way. It seems like something from anime inspired by teen movie frat party inspired by EARLIER times of Roman Republic. Of course Hanma doesn't remember the original.
  8. Story, Friday March 02, 2018

    Voltaire didn't seem to be aware of Helena before she appeared. Sure, it IS possible he was just not paying attention ... ... do I need to remind that ability to SEE usually doesn't include ability to HEAR again? ... but yes it would fit. And I suppose there would be way to make awkward moment from Elliot just seeing someone others don't see.
  9. Story, Friday March 02, 2018

    That could give Elliot the long sought ability to sense immortals when they are hiding . And if that is a sufficiently spell-like ability, Tedd may be able to observe it and turn it into a wand. Oh how this could really ruin the day for a certain Kentucky Fried Immortal if he now must contend with magically armed human law enforcement agents who can find him even when he isn't on the mortal plane. Remember that ALL immortals are on spirit plane, but only the young, inexperienced ones are seen by other immortals. Older learns how to be hidden from everyone. Therefore, Elliot's ability will show him Sirleck and would show him Magus if he wouldn't already have body, it will also show him young Pandora when she appears, maybe even Zeus, but experienced immortals like Voltaire and presumably Helena and Demetrius will still be hidden.
  10. NP, Friday March 2, 2018

    Toga STARTED as relatively practical clothes. It became bigger, more complex and costly and increasingly unsuited to anything but formal and ceremonial uses with time and growing decadency. Regardless, I don't believe it has to be hold in position all the time ... of course, you needed to be careful to not make abrupt movements. Ashley's toga is NOT that big, so it's probably inspired by something from earlier times.
  11. Story, Friday March 02, 2018

    Wouldn't take long. Sirleck is going to drop Ellen and go for Magus. Not really. Do you think both Magus and Elliot knows sign language? I would expect neither, meaning ability to see him without ability to hear him wouldn't be that useful. She was worried about a wand that cast the FV5 spell because she worried that Magus might be nearby when it was used on Elliot. That danger still exists, so far as she knows when she resets, so I think she'll have passed that information on to her new self. Whether any of the guilt over how she behaved carries over is another question. True. Also, she MIGHT chose to remember the whole episode with Abraham so she can apologize to Adrian properly.
  12. Story, Friday March 02, 2018

    But remember she will be unconscious for some time afterwards, and it's not like she's that good at tracking to begin with: if she one awakens when already on way back with Elliot driving, she'll probably accept when Elliot says he disappeared without trace. Yes ; for hanging in the shadow, we still have Lord Tedd ... AND Voltaire.
  13. NP, Friday March 2, 2018

    And there is the bonus of James Bond villain vibe on it ... ... yes, seems we can't really be that far from winning. Unless there would be chain of them taking space from the one playing next, which is unlikely to last long. Commentary explicitly explain she is now having dish towel folded around her as toga.
  14. Story Wed Feb 28, 2018

    Hmmm ... right. I though she wanted revenge because he hurt her son, but this dialogue suggest she wanted revenge even before that. Right. Which raises question of if the diamond really did something to give the werewolf means to spread the curse if the werewolf already had it ... Note: Based on Pandora wanting revenge, I suspect the wolf WAS the kind created by Abraham, as why else would she want revenge? The funny thing is that when Ian Fleming originally came up with a name, he wanted a name that was nothing like what you would expect a secret agent or spy to have. He chose 'James Bond' because it sounded so utterly boring and bland. Like someone working in an office. A travel agent, for example. Nowadays, of course, whenever anyone says 'James Bond' people instantly think of the action superspy. It STILL doesn't make sense James Bond introduces himself with that name every time. Well, we know Seers can see magic and analyze spells when they are cast, but he hasn't glowed when doing that. But the glow occurred when he analyzed Magic itself and he felt energized. The other times he felt the glow was when he felt intense love. In fact, the love glow seemed almost like a different effect. These latter two things I don't believe were mentioned as being part of being a seer from Heka or Pandora (at least as far as I remember). The first one could be part of being a seer, but seems to me like something more; it is an ability that with experience and practice could let Tedd actually intuit how to heighten the average person's magic resistance. His ability to see magic doesn't make him glow, but I would say that his intuitive leaps is like stronger version of analyzing and STILL something all seers have. On the other hand ... originally I believed it's necessary for them to discover magic after reset, but it may not be if they are simply TOLD. I see I didn't say it clear enough. I wanted to say that Tedd subconsciously activated his ability to analyze magic to help him solve his relationship problems. Which is weird but not impossible, given how his love is part alien and likely something even his seer abilities are not able to analyze ... Alternatively, the thing he pulled from his tenchcoat is entirely nonmagical, but his spell needs SOMETHING to transform into weapon, can't work just on air. In any case, good point: Abraham is not summoning the sword or shield, he is transforming something into them.
  15. Story, Friday March 02, 2018

    Unless they are following from distance ... which doesn't seem likely. In that page with Voltaire, commentary directly says that if he would know hoe the reset would backfire he would also be nettled. And in comics, he's surprised there are more than two seers. So he DEFINITELY doesn't know the true number. Pandora doesn't knew what seer is, but noticed the signs. Voltaire might've remembered what a seer is, so when he saw the same signs he realized Tedd is seer. I'm pretty sure too since Tedd's on the basement couch, alone, and no one has put a blanket over him. I'm also pretty sure that Tedd's going to check the news soon on TV or on the web or by calling friends, or by going upstairs to ask his dad if he thinks his Dad is at home--which Edward might not be by this point even if he was just before Tedd went to sleep. Yes. Too late, it's already canon. And yes, Tedd is unlikely to call Elliot because 1) he wouldn't want to disturb him on date 2) why would he want to speak with Elliot anyway? I dunno, maybe, but for all we know Sirleck might have made the forum post himself. Either way Ellen not showing up should raise suspicion about the credibility of what she told Nanase, and Charlotte could still come out and say she doesn't know why someone would post that since she hadn't heard of any real reports from anyone and Charlotte would likely have done some preliminary info gathering before Nanase and Ellen arrived. While Nanase didn't seem to verify the post, Sirleck couldn't rely on it. So yes, I would assume he made the post himself, and maybe even orchestrated some sighting. And Charlotte doesn't know the school and all people in it SO well she would be sure noone saw anything just because she only hear about it on forum. ... so I would assume that Nanase wouldn't arrive soon enough to see any action, if she would be able to find them at all. Note that Magus is unlikely to be testing Elliots new power either, so if that ocular power is not red herring, it means Elliot will use it AFTER being split from Magus. And considering Sirleck is not going to leave Ellen before that anyway, I really don't see what could go wrong before Magus is split. Afterwards, yes ... Now, there is also great opportunity for some OTHER artefact, one which wasn't working before, to be involved. Hmmm ... would it be possible that Magus does some stupid self-sacrifice thing making Elliot promise he will avenge him? ... ok, probably not. And yes, Sirleck has point with those powerful enemies: if he escapes, with or without Magus's body, main eight probably won't try too hard to pursue him unless he hurt Ashley, Elliot or Ellen. Which, on the other hand, points to him NOT escaping with Magus's body. He might escape without body and decide to get revenge later, but that doesn't seem like him either. In general, with the change of magic, I don't think Dan needs to make any additional plot threads to be solved later, so this is probably going to be resolved, possibly with Magus returning to his universe. His magic seem little OP for him hanging around anyway. I don't think Pandora bothered to remember Magus.
  16. NP, Friday March 2, 2018

    The comics seems already changed to her saying two. Meanwhile, the commentary is still talking about small being two-type, but small is one-type. I'm sure Ashley would still want to be transformed after the game as well. Possibly with wardrobe malfunction, although she already got the "improvised clothing" bit.
  17. Story Wed Feb 28, 2018

    While this makes lot of sense, Pandora directly said it's HER bloodline having the affinity for magic weapons. Susan and Diane have it from Pandora, not Blaike. There is however another possibility: Maybe getting "stoned" to attune for his sins was not Abraham's own idea. Maybe PANDORA insisted he will do it. Maybe contagious werewolves only roamed earth for ten or twenty years - makes sense, they would spread quite quickly - and Abraham was still alive when Blaike was killed, and maybe Pandora found him, taught him some spells and used him to eradicate werewolves. Then helped him with following dewitchery diamond through time.
  18. Story, Friday March 02, 2018

    Probably. That WOULD be way to make the "news" part of it having personal element. Yup. She definitely should. Now, how much will she tell him? Will she try to focus on the job offer from Arthur? Or will she also talk about gender identity, Pandora or Noriko? ... why would Adrian be opening door on Saturday? ... wait, wouldn't Adrian be able to sense Tedd now when Tedd is full of magic? Maybe Tedd will consult this with Grace first.
  19. NP Wednesday Feb 28 2018

    Are you trying to imply you don't trust that information? It's even on wikipedia. Yes, I believe this information is deliberately not mentioned in standard education. Not that it would be only interesting trivia about animal sex which is not discussed.
  20. Story Wed Feb 28, 2018

    I don't think either of them would considered trying to convince Noriko that way, and it wouldn't work anyway.
  21. Story Wed Feb 28, 2018

    That's an odd bit of trivia to not know about considering Pandora knows about plumbers rescuing princesses, the TV shows of Scrubs and House, and dressed like Anna from Frozen singing an altered version of "Do you want to build a snowman?", she also knew who Nancy Sinatra was. If she knows about all the pop culture references there has to have been some references to travel agents among them. See the "not cared" part. Either there is no pop culture reference to travel agents funny enough, OR Pandora realizes that her pop culture references might not exactly give her reliable information about reality. (Or, obviously, I might be mistaken and Pandora is just not sure how much the Travel Agent is just disguise and how much real job for Noriko, as previous posters speculated. I just wanted to add this funny possibility of Pandora having gaps in trivia as an option.)
  22. Story Wed Feb 28, 2018

    Noriko could have also been simply referring to both her's and Edward's families having a history of wizards and/or monster hunters, there doesn't need to be knowledge of Immortal ancestry, at best guess Noriko's family might have passed down a legend of their family being "blessed by the gods" that would have been open to interpretation, but not concrete, until now of course. I think it's history of wizards ; monster hunter is just job, wizards are genetic. Also, we KNOW what talent people descendent from Pandora have and it's not showing in either Nanase nor Tedd. Come on, not everyone needs to be related. Maybe Noriko used the Travel Agent career as a cover to keep her being a monster hunter hidden from the public. Obviously Edward told Tedd she was a travel agent but maybe it wasn't a complete lie to keep Tedd from knowing what she really was. Pandora's response could have been based on it what Edward said being half true, like Edward saying she's a travel agent, but in reality she's an agent that travels? Or if Noriko had a legitimate side job as a travel agent then Pandora would be simply acknowledging that as true. I read Pandora's reply as "I'm not really sure what travel agent is because I never cared". But yes, Noriko is unlikely to introduce herself as monster hunter to random strangers or clerks, and especially not customs officers, and we don't know if she's being PAID for monster hunting ... so her official job probably IS travel agent. Note that Connor MacLeod usually don't introduce himself as immortal, in fact not even as Connor MacLeod - he introduces himself as Russell Nash, an antiques dealer, and with his experience he may actually have steady income from that job.
  23. NP Wednesday Feb 28 2018

    (Imagined the kingdom yawning and stretching when woken up ...) Evolution, or more exactly breeding. The ones who didn't weren't considered good pets.
  24. NP Wednesday Feb 28 2018

    I would think that many people believe it's an anomaly, but the number of cases is a clear contradiction to that belief. Number of cases doesn't prove anything by itself. You need to compare to number of cases where cats and dogs DON'T go along well.
  25. NP Wednesday Feb 28 2018

    People are posting those examples BECAUSE it's anomaly. Of course she wouldn't be UNIQUE. But considering the game is supposed to explicitly contain rules about cat and dogs ...