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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story, Friday June 30, 2017

    Pandora MIGHT be getting close to revealing that. Just now, she told Tedd that he is NOT just engineer, that without his magic his devices are useless (except watches). Now, if there is still at least some technology needed, he would be Technomancer. If it doesn't actually matter what he build the stuff from, he would be Enchanter. Note: TF tech is Uryuom technology and works without Seer or any other powers. And Tedd can actually work with it, presumably without using any magic. Presumably. I remember computers without HDD. As I said - closer. Also note that your phone has 32bit or maybe even 64bit processor. IBM PC had 16bit processor. Smartphones are more powerful than the mainframes used by NASA for Project Apollo. Yes. And that's MAINFRAMES. Computers on board of Apollo were even weaker. On the other hand, were capable of surviving much more radiation. Not so fresh and yes, it may be way how to get Noriko back. Tedd wouldn't be the ONLY one who can teach her, also presumably he doesn't need to teach her personally, but she's certainly going to find out: there is no way Tedd would be able to hide his abilities from Edward after reset, and other seers are likely to take more time to be discovered. Unless he elope - I mean, escape, although the wedding might be involved - and Noriko will be using her non-magic tracking experience to bring him back. (It would be much easier to explain AND safer when someone asks about his parents if he just points they didn't agree with the wedding than to say the truth.)
  2. Story, Friday June 30, 2017

    Well, only thing we know about the glove is that it's not the gauntlet, and while the gauntlet definitely looks like technology, we don't have confirmed it contains electronics either. Still, Tedd works on technology and interfaces with computer ; I would consider noteworthy if he would somewhere between working on TF gun and now STOPPED using electronics. (Obviously, glove HAVING electronics doesn't mean it NEEDS it, which is what I'm speaking about ; and yes, there may be some other component which IS needed - possibly some crystal, those were known for long time - so that "duct tape and stick" theory may not be entirely correct.) Yeah .... (TV tropes warning). Smartphones are closer to current PCs than current PCs to original IBM PC. MUCH closer in some regards, especially if you look at amount of memory.
  3. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=636 ... oh. Right. Shorter and taller Wait. Can Ellen really make person STRONGER, or just BEEFIER (that is, looking stronger but without greater strength)?
  4. NP, Friday June 30, 2017

    Well, I'm sure that if you can use magic to make yourself stronger without adding extra beef (or cheese), this can be redundant, but beefing up someone that's not a magic user should probably have an effect other than pure physical appearance. Yeah ... SHOULD.
  5. NP, Friday June 30, 2017

    Considering magic is involved? No it doesn't have to. But, ok, apparently it does.
  6. NP, Friday June 30, 2017

    Obviously, nothing. Hence the "Sorry, Susan! Wasn't sure what I was expecting."
  7. Story, Friday June 30, 2017

    Right, the "intuitive leaps" might be involved and those would match what O'Neil was doing, but if Tedd's intuition would tell him he needs just duct tape and stick, he wouldn't believe it. It would actually be very interesting for someone else to go over Tedd's experiments and verify what actually works (besides watches, Sarah already tested those) and what was just made work by Seer abilities. You mean Tedd is already working on after-reset rules? That was because Uryuom technologies were secretly used to speed up research, nothing to do with magic. Are you referring to the fact that in winter, they wear clothes which covers belly buttons?
  8. NP, Friday June 23, 2017

    I'm not convinced that Tedd learned how to build the second TFG by using schematics of the original. I think he reverse engineered it by way of taking it apart and putting it back together again numerous times. I meant that as a proper scientist, he should be making notes. IMHO Sydney had pretty good reason. You might notice Krona didn't had much choice and she was actually member of other organization. So, without knowing how common supers are, her worry made sense. But, yes, I already mentioned that Tedd might not evaluate the situation correctly. Hmmmm ... I think that such treaty being applied on stuff which is forbidden to sell but not own doesn't make sense, BUT 1) while Edward asked if it's illegal, the hope part might be related to it being stolen or connected to other crime than "just" this law 2) the treaty might just been worded in way that covers this by mistake ; it would still be violation of treaty. (Also note that Edward said "I hope", not "I can't help you if it's illegal" ; it's possible he would help even with illegal device, either by keeping it secret from Uryuom authorities or by using lawyers to make it ok, but he definitely would need to know what the problem is.) What he said suggests that Edward might get away with that if not for the possibility it will repeat. But, yes, the possibility was clearly there, so yes, Liefield might not need anything more. It's just that it seems Arthur Arthur had already plan ready when he was taking that position, which brings question if he would try to do something to ensure he gets to the position ... ... and, technically, suggestions might happen even if Liefield didn't needed them.
  9. Story, Friday June 30, 2017

    Yeah, I'm definitely seeing intentional foreshadowing here now, but no indication that Sarah tried or even asked Tedd about it, I imagine Tedd would have assumed that Sarah might not have enough energy or something to use it. Or be stumped, Tedd was stumped by his ability to shrug off enchantments for a while as well, and avoided thinking about it too much because it brought on the angst. Thinking about parents being wrong brought on the angst. I'm sure he was thinking about the stuff he shouldn't be able to do, especially when he found out he is only one who can see magic. I mean, the idea that the other weird stuff was related to it is very logical. Not sure how much Stargate you might have watched Not sure either. They keep adding more, I think. Hmmm ... ok, I think I saw this one, although I don't remember it so clearly ... The problem is that seers were using their abilities just fine hundreds years ago without all the technology Tedd has, which suggest that any electronics he is putting in the glove is not actually needed for the functionality - that only purpose of it is to convince Tedd it will work. So, basically opposite of what O'Neil was doing?
  10. Story, Friday June 30, 2017

    I would still considered it not confirmed it can work on normal magic user. It's possible only seers with their undetectable magic can be marked despite already being awakened. (... until reset will make everyone non-awakened and therefore markable again ...) ... I agree that Tedd could have ability to mark people with spells just like immortals. I still don't think it means he's immortal, larval or not.
  11. Story Wednesday June 28, 2017

    ... considering Helena and Demetrius directly said they can awaken her because of the ASMA, yes. She must have already some ASMA abilities before awakening, just like Justin and Elliot had. I wouldn't go that far, but negative feelings aren't PTSD. It's good question - did she get the idea that them being only one who can stop the vampire was lie before she was told about Jerry? Note that her not having PTSD might also be influenced by 1) the ASMA training, which while not military is still preparing for fight 2) the fact she didn't actually killed anyone.
  12. Story, Friday June 30, 2017

    Sooo, not only is his magitech research something he can only do due to his seer abilities, but some devices he's working with wouldn't work for anyone except seer, just like seer is only one capable of seeing magic and he just assumed everyone can do that ... ... Grace though she can't operate the glove because she's Uryuom, but Sarah wouldn't be able either ... did she never tried? Will Tedd make her try now to doublecheck it? Considering Tedd was constructing the glove and the gauntlet, they probably contain enough components to convince him they can work on their own. But, maybe those components are not really necessary, while HE certainly is necessary. I wouldn't expect the glove as-is would be capable of re-teaching Nanase how to fly, but Tedd likely will be able to make device which could. From more common stuff than MacGyver - unless MacGyver was actually also seer, we can't rule that out. He may be able to build it just from some sticks, duct tape and conviction it will work. Oh, and he will need to build it AFTER reset, of course. And I suspect it WAS technically spell which gave him ability to see the Whale when he activated the gauntlet. ... damn. DGB must be furious they can't replicate Tedd's research. Or maybe they are not paying as close attention as I though. Great Fairy Godmother. Not exactly same, although I agree that it includes the privilege of calling him Teddy. She may also be actually related to him, but I still disagree with the theory he's Adrian's son.
  13. NP, Friday June 23, 2017

    Actually what he said sounded definitely like DGB as whole confiscating it. They do. Tedd now has two TF guns and is capable of building more. Unless he was deliberately hiding how from his own father, the instructions are on file in DGB. If it didn't worked, they would be more likely to "strongarm" Tedd into building more than just confiscating the two he has - two guns wouldn't be enough. Of course, Tedd may not realize that. Or, it's possible the reason they confiscate it wouldn't be they need it, but because with the spell-based identification not working, they can't afford such technology not be under tight control.
  14. NP, Friday June 23, 2017

    This point does raise the question of was there another motive for Edward's "promotion"? Does Liefeld know what Arthur was talking about in the last meeting? Did he know about it before the incident at the school and felt that Edward could be an issue and needed to get him out of the way so to speak? Did Arthur manipulate Liefeld into transferring Edward because he may have been a threat to whatever plans he has? Or was it truly a concern that Edward was too emotionally attached to people in Moperville to be an effective agent and that Arthur was just unlucky in his acceptance of coming out of retirement to suddenly have to deal with the stuff happening? Yes. Exactly what I was implying. Doesn't even need to be complicated. If Arthur Arthur talked with Liefeld about his concerns with Edward behaviour and maybe suggested that diplomacy position, it could be enough to make Liefeld decide he replaces Edward instead of just giving him dressing down for his inappropriate behaviour. Will wouldn't be prosecuted. Still, if his parents are or parent planet, talking about stuff like this might not be in their best interest. Interplanetary communication may not be as private as expected. Yes again - religion is involved, so someone could take it personally and do something despite them not doing anything illegal. Just casting some slur on them might be hard to deal with, as it could expel them from Uryuom community. With Edward, they might at least assume he is not member of that Uryuom religion. Probably nothing - Arthur would just not help them. Maybe he would confiscate the CMD just to be on safe side (and to research if it can be used for DGB.) Sure, they didn't mind leaving the device to Tedd, but it was because they know they can come when they need it. (And yes, that research happened. I'm sure someone in DGB went over what Tedd did with clone form and compared it with other options they have for changing look.)
  15. Story Wednesday June 28, 2017

    I'm not sure how such connection with Susan would appear, but that doesn't mean there can't be any. Alternatively, what they did with Susan was just something they usually do BUT they were doing investigation for Edward at same time AND the investigation was reason for their reset AND why they didn't helped Susan more or at least thanked her after she killed the vampire. Definitely. Even without connection to Edward, they may be other reasons in the full story why they were less malicious than they seemed to. The PTSD was still there for sure, we saw it with Susan in Hammerchlorians when she was recalling the events of the trip, she refused to mention that it was her that dealt the killing blow to the vampire, and her angst induce awakening was due to finding out that one of the weapons she was given to fight with was nothing more than a cheap gag item. With Nanase it didn't show as much until this past Saturday (comic time) when she learned that the same two Immortals were apparently still stringing people into fighting vampires for them. Oh yeah, Susan's reaction to hearing about there being vampires in Moperville was definitely a PTSD reflex. Susan definitely has PTSD and yes that reaction to hearing about vampires was not normal, although her being relatively calm about it suggest she's mostly ok now (after Jerry). Or, well, not ok, but with the trauma from her divorce being worse than the vampire stuff now. Nanase? I would think her reaction for hearing about the immortals was perfectly normal.
  16. NP, Friday June 23, 2017

    That's rather like taking the HHGTTG approach isn't it? "It was on display, sure it was in the basement behind a bunch of stuff but it was there for you to see if you happened to find it." HHGTTG didn't INVENTED that. In that case we are not in conflict. This thread started with you saying DGB made it Edward responsibility. I was just pointing out that while technically true, if was Edward making the decision (as part of his director position) and if you don't count the detail about his son being involved there was nothing exceptional about it. Sure, he wrote report about that (and possibly was asked about details if his superiors though he omitted something), just like he wrote report about all those other cases. Of course, Assistant Director Liefeld did noticed that Edward is being more and more personally involved and it was the reason he removed him from that position later. Or at least the stated reason. I was mainly talking about the TFG, and it would likely apply to the Gauntlet as well, as for the watches, yeah Tedd can probably get everything he needs for those from arcades, radio shack/circuit city, or cannibalizing video game peripherals, and only the soldering gun would get used. He's combining. Even the TF gun might have some "normal" parts from radio shack/circuit city, although obviously the key parts are Uryuom design and Edward brought him those. Not necessary. He MIGHT be putting something inside, but it's also possible he only needs to cast spell on them - I mean, that the programming he's doing with his glove is technically using one spell catalyst to cast spell on mundane item to turn it into another spell catalyst. (Dan DID called the glove glove of enchanting recently ...)
  17. Story Wednesday June 28, 2017

    Susan definitely. Nanase ... hmmm ... ok, it's possible that unlike Tedd, who knew lot about his dad's work even before the comics, Nanase was not informed. Still, she wasn't so discreet in school, it's weird that Edward didn't noticed she awakened and didn't wanted to talk with her about it. Although he might've expected her mother will do it - and she instead pretended to not notice. (Also, he still didn't noticed Justin awakened ... he may be overworked or something.) They might also though that if they dealt with it whole time they don't need help. Nanase possibly didn't, it's obvious Susan was still influenced by it and only got better after Jerry, but she might not believe in external help in general ...
  18. NP, Friday June 23, 2017

    As I keep saying: the homeworld law might be relevant not because it applies to HIM, but because it applies to OTHERS - namely, Uryuoms who might be able to help otherwise, but are on Uryuom parent planet, not on Earth. For start, he can't just buy "finished" CMD with similar parameters as this one, because he doesn't have connection with Uryuom illegal markets and the official markets can't sell it. But he has this one, which he knows can do it, but only with some additional programming he is not able to do. It would be harder to explain why he can't ask some Uryuom programmer (from parent planet - there are none on Earth) to help with that, but it's possible that they either are not allowed to work on this under the terms of the law (because it can be seen as building device in violation of the law despite being just upgrade) or because they would reject work like that based on suspicion it's related to future building of illegal devices. Because they are not personally interested in the case so much? I suspect that Vladia's handlers are not THAT much used to Uryuoms. Wait: there is Grace's father between them. Ok, HE should know better. Unless he is personally interested TOO MUCH and looking at Vladia he decided she will be better like this without the additional question if she wants to try CMD. What community? Damien didn't find anyone. Grace and Vladia may be only greater seyunolu on Earth. Because the number of Uryuom on Earth is too small to be interesting for some middleman. I don't think the safeties from other CMDs would be compatible. Wait: what if Will's parents were working in some company ON building more general CMD, but the company stopped the project when the law passed and made actually selling the product impossible? The CMD Will had could either be official prototype which they still owned due to how Uryuom law works around that, or something they build themselves using the software from the project. (I suspect this wouldn't work under US law, but Uryuom law may be different.) The CMD was close to finish, so most (if not all) stuff expected to be in official product were already done, BUT it wasn't actually being sold yet - the law might've actually been passed as reaction on this project to prevent it being finished. It would explain why they couldn't upgrade it - they build the hardware, but the software was from someone else who they lost contact with between creating the CMD and their son needing it. I just figured that if Edward was concerned about the issue of national security, hiding the fact that he's in possession of a CMD like that from his superiors wouldn't be a good idea. Pandora told Sarah that Edward has been giving full disclosure of what members of the Main Eight are capable of, at first I thought she could have been lying about that, but when she repeated her concern about Sarah telling Edward about her spell after we learned more about her motives, I'm pretty certain she was telling the truth. So I really do think that Edward would have filed something stating that he was in possession of a CMD for the purpose of creating human forms for the Uryuoms William and Gillian. If he didn't and his superiors found out later, through something that Tedd might have done, Edward could be in serious trouble. At least if his superiors knew about it, they'd have made sure Edward had some plan to deal with anything that might happen. The events of Sister would surely have had serious repercussions if that was the first time Leifeld heard about Edward's son playing with a CMD. Of course he's not hiding it. I keep repeating that he DID wrote reports about that BUT it was afterwards. On his position, it's not "ask what to do", it's "decide what to do and be ready to justify it in case some superior reading the report afterwards would find the decision incorrect". Also, I sort of suspect that there are few things his superiors may not know about, BUT if they point that out, Edward can just say "I clearly reported about this in this report, that report, here and here, not my problem you just skimmed it and didn't read it". But obviously, the major stuff like his son being in possession of experimental CMD technology is not this case. I'm sure all Tedd progress with gun is clearly written in the file "Uryuom CMD research, civilian researcher 324" and the list of civilian researchers clearly states that civilian researcher 324 is named Tedd Verres. Of course, those two files have different clearance, but Assistant Director Liefeld have access to both and probably even asked Edward about why he listed his son as researcher - and was satisfied with answer. Tedd doesn't need a 3d printer if he has access to other types of fabrication method, like a metal lathe, CNC machine and a soldering gun. That shell doesn't have to be plastic. I don't think he has any of that in his basement. On the other hand, he may have ACCESS to it - without the Uryuom technology inside, he can likely get the case done by someone else or like lend the machine and make it, nothing secret about that. Only after putting the technology inside it will turn into something top secret he can't show to anyone not checked with his father. Note that he is not MAKING his watches. He's buying them. They are supposed to be gadget watches for prizes at arcades. And he's using hacked game console accessories for research.
  19. NP, Friday June 23, 2017

    I'm just saying Edward was describe as the head of the paranormal division, but is that for the whole country, or just the upper midwest US? We don't know for sure, but Assistant Director Liefeld comes across as the point at which the paranormal division attaches to the rest of the FBI, and considering he had to make a new division to transfer Edward to, I gotta believe there are other divisions that work alongside the paranormal, Edward did seem to separate paranormal from aliens when Wolf questioned it, so maybe there's a separate alien division that has called upon Edward's expertise a few times. Technically, it might be just Moperville, but yes I would expect bigger region. Considering Edward was dealing with the scientists who created Grace, unless he was transfered from aliens to paranormal, I would say his division covered both. BUT agent Wolf might not have the clearance to know about it at that point. I'm not sure how would you divide the divisions anyway: finding out if something is extraterrestrial or magic would often be major part of investigation. Also, his new diplomacy position seem to involve dealing with armies which definitely seem alien. Considering the necessary secrecy, the protocol for finding out potential problem for national security certainly isn't "hop on phone and inform at least ten people". Also, TF gun is apparently not seen as serious problem, which might mean he usually deals with worse. Therefore, it's quite possible that all his reporting about that was in writing and to be stored in archive. Of course, if something serious would happen, he would need to report it to superiors, which likely include Assistant Director Liefeld. But part of his job is to identify what is serious and not bother superiors (who have lot of other work to do) with trivialities. Publicly as "human" american citizens they are subject to US law. Correct. Privately as uryouoms, they might also be subject to Uryouom law or some limited parts of it. I disagree. They would be under some additional laws provided by secret organizations with knowledge about aliens (possibly DGB, or maybe the non-regional variant of it), but those are unlikely to be directly copied from laws of Uryuom parent planet. Unless William is lawyer, he may be concerned just because he himself is not sure how it legally works. You may have to explain how that works. It's hard for me to understand how a fanatic can hear "this thing is bad" and then go out and build one of them. Of course not. I was explaining how they might not hear "this thing is bad" until it hit the news around the time the law was being made, because while the religion position on the programming language is based on the religion, it is probably not directly written in main holy book or something so lay believers might not know about it. There is a need for CMDs on Earth because Earth hasn't had First Contact and Uryouoms (among others) need to blend in. If there's no market for CMDs on Earth it's because some other mechanism is filling the gap and providing relatively easy access. The people taking care of Grace's siblings should have that access for Vladia if it were needed or even wanted. Will says CMDs are "common" which should equate to some kind of easy access. Technically Earth DID had First Contact, just not the official one If every Uryuom on Earth already HAS the CMD (because he or his parents brought it from parent planet), there may be no need for filling mechanism. If Uryuom on Earth will want new CMD, he will just visit parent planet and buy it there, or maybe order it from parent planet online. People taking care for Vladia meanwhile are part of organization and if they would need CMD they would need to fill some forms and explain why, because bureaucracy. There is no official trade between Earth and Uryuom homeword, therefore no exports and no exports restriction. Any item moved between Uryuom homeword and Earth is already in ownership of person who lives on earth or organization from earth (like DGB). That works. Got one hot off the assembly line he worked on. Or got the parts from work and made his own. Or maybe building devices that work off Uryouom energy is like building a PC is on Earth. Maybe Will's parent had an unrelated job that got him discount CMD parts. Given that Tedd was able to work on modifying the TF gun without factory equipment, this is sort of given. The device certainly contains at least some microchips, some sort of battery and the beam generator (probably lot of other stuff as well), and all of these are possible to obtain separately, either by buying them or by working in the field. Tedd wouldn't be able to create any of those in his basement, his limits are likely combining the parts and soldering them on board. I'm not sure what he made the case from, actually (the original device looked different) - but maybe it was water gun or some other toy. But that wasn't what I was speaking about. People building illegal CMD are using existing parts as well. There are certainly ways how you can build something dangerous from existing parts - for example, using battery with higher voltage would certainly make the device dangerous. So would using battery with not enough energy to finish transformation, likely. Overclockers are raising voltage for PC components all the time, it's just that with PC, it's hard to do anything worse than damage some of the component. (It's worse with phones - Li-ion battery can explode). Williams CMD was actually loaded with HUGE amount of safeties, including not transforming pregnant people, but those were certainly part of SOFTWARE and therefore not included in one of the parts. I would assume Dan has more political opinions than is apparent from the comic.
  20. Pinup Thu 29, 2017 Single, Sarah

    So, Sarah is naked but less is actually shown than in several other pinups, INCLUDING several with Sarah. https://www.patreon.com/posts/double-casual-7174133
  21. How much more than a "normal" cat could a cat with narcolepsy possibly sleep? Not more. Just faster.
  22. Story Wednesday June 28, 2017

    I think that if Edward knew who it was that appeared in the forest, he'd had gone directly to Adrian, but it's apparent they weren't on good terms then so Adrian likely wouldn't referred to under "some friends of mine". Adrian hadn't seen his mother in 14 years prior to her hospital visit, if Edward had told Adrian that he suspected Adrian's mother of playing games, Adrian should have said something about it during the visit, he certainly shouldn't have been surprised by her sudden appearance, sure he hadn't seen her in 14 year, but if Edward had talked to him about the incident 2 years prior then Adrian would have known his mother was still around and causing trouble. Agree, although note that he may still know Pandora - or ABOUT Pandora - and just didn't recognize her child form. Which doesn't mean he knows her child form. It's his job NOW to be the official "Hi! We are humans! Any you are?". Head of Paranormal Diplomacy. Despite the game of the that name, Diplomacy tends towards at least acting like friends. I suspect that he officially knows and deals with on a day to day or at least month to month basis several Immortals other than the hand full we have seen. I don't think immortals are showing that often. He may be dealing with covering stuff immortals did on daily basis, but regarding actually seeing (and talking to) immortals, might be even less than monthly. However, DGB certainly has files on lot of immortals and Edward would be knowing at least about the active ones. He knows enough to not talk about Noriko in front of people who know Tedd, but yes, that may not mean he knows Edward personally. This is one of the most obvious gaps: Susan apparently didn't get any therapy/counselling, but neither did Grace ... so, does it mean Nanase and Susan were quiet enough not even Edward found what happened in France? In any case, the Magus incident was several months before the trip to France, so he couldn't know about it yet.
  23. NP, Friday June 23, 2017

    Edward would have likely had to tell Assistant Director Liefeld who is Edward's boss Not necessary - or at least not beforehand. (Assistant Director Liefeld might be one of people reading Edwards reports.) I mean, he obviously didn't (unless he contacted him by phone while Tedd was waiting), but he likely didn't break protocol or anything by not doing that.
  24. I think Brownie IS normal cat (not counting her narcolepsy). Alternatively, it may be real Tedd - he would also require shrinking to match the role. BTW, how do we know this is NOT simulation?