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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story, Friday June 23, 2017

    But they aren't EXPERIENCED AS MEMORIES. They are EXPERIENCED as SOMETHING READ IN A BOOK. The EMOTIONAL CONNECTION IS NOT THE SAME Yes, exactly as if you would actually read it in the book. I still don't see any difference between immortal reseting and human writing biography and bequeath it to his grant-(grant-)son who happens to look similar to him. Possible, I was just guessing because Tedd seemed to remember more about the divorce and thinking that crap hit the fan with Adrian first, then Noriko finally went through with the divorce later. I dunno. Even if they already weren't on good terms, I think blaming him for Noriko's divorce would be reason enough to call him. Right. Just doing something tent to look like good idea when you can't sleep because too many thoughts. ... I should've check commentaries ... I still think even without this, it would be clear that the watches are already done, but it's nice having clear proof like this. (Note that it's possible Tedd really CANT just ADD some spell on watch - that he must put all in together.)
  2. NP, Friday June 23, 2017

    Not necessarily, we know Rhoda cares about Diane as well, Diane's already been attacked once, and there are still more vampires out there, someone suggested that Diane might have an angst induced awakening if she were to witness Susan's life in danger, but what if Rhoda witnesses Diane's life in danger? Are you implying that it's ok to hope Diane would be in danger? (Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if EVERYONE would be in danger, but it still seems not ok to hope for that.) It's true that Diane would be primary target for any vampire. Well, she and Susan, but Susan can defend herself. Meanwhile, Diane is unlikely to get closer to awakening in one week. That depends, what if the vampires can resist Rhoda's shrink spells? Not_Tengu easily resist Ellen's beam (and it's possible that it wasn't even an FV5 beam she used). Actually, It would make sense if Ellen tried shrinking Not_Tengu, even half size might have made him easier to fight hand to hand. Probably not all vampires, but yes some might be powerful enough to resist it. And good point. We didn't known about other options when we read the story, but now we can say Ellen had several options which would make more sense to use on Not-Tengu than FV5 and copy. Starting with shrinking, yes, but maybe heavier could make him unable to fly ... ok, shrinking sounds like best option. PS: Are we sure vampires won't be dangerous when small?
  3. Story, Friday June 23, 2017

    Humans CAN write their memories to normal books. It's pretty popular, some books are read by millions of strangers. Meanwhile, Immortals are free to edit their "journal" as they want, even directly lie in it. So, no. I think reset is fate EXACTLY as death. (Also, that "your physical apparence" is more like less ... young Jerry didn't looked particularly similar to old one.)
  4. NP, Friday June 23, 2017

    Personally, I would prefer if she wouldn't, because I like Catalina. Yes, she probably will be capable of getting Guardian Form. But she will likely only get it if she would really like to protect others. To be willing to die for them. Guardian form can only be cast when someone's in danger. So, most likely, you are hoping that Catalina would be attacked by vampire and Rhoda would need to go in extreme measures to protect her. Actually, the "straight" size change spell might somehow cheat and not need the adapting. You are however true about all more complicated spells, like making person taller or enlarging just part of body. And, yes, the TF gun compensates for that ... not really so novel
  5. Story, Wednesday June 21, 2017

    Noah, similarly as Grace, is part human and part Uryuom. Therefore, he can use Uryuom power OR Earth magic, but Uryuom power is easier. He needed to learn to suppress his Uryuom power to learn spells. He was also never transformed by TF gun, never trained shapeshifting AND is not part Lespuko, so his transformation abilities are much more limited than Grace's. There are few problems with this division: 1) Affinities are based on (diluted) fairy genes. It would therefore make sense that humans with affinities would "work" very similar as Elves. 2) Griffins may easily be "mortal". Not being royalty, they seem to have LESS magic than royalty-level magic users - they basically said they are less powerful than Nanase. 3) Dan directly said that rules on the other side of world are different. The explanation for buildups was actually suggesting that magic users GENERATE magic and that outside Moperville they don't really have ambient magic to use - or absorb. (The exact term Edward used was energy regeneration.) It was just a guess base of Dan's description that the Will on the other half prefers magic to be open to everyone, if that's the case why would it need to reset? I said that: maybe it had other reasons for reseting. Like ... to many magic creatures? Not enough magic creatures? Magic used for evil too often? Magic used for evil too sparingly? Options are unlimited, really. The existence of "reset" option suggest that Will of Magic is not omniscient enough to get the rules right on first try. Isn't it traditionally time of month? I was actually suggesting that Merfolks are dolphins transformed to gain opposable thumbs and few other cool things humans got for free. Actually, Pandora's not being able to pin down what changed suggests it's something DIFFERENT than Tedd's rarity. I think that immortals counts as not humans and are using different kind of magic (would explain why it can't be sensed) and only use "normal" magic when casting on humans. Meanwhile, Tedd will actually be able to say what changed. I don't like the idea of Tedd turning into immortal but it's true based on the little we know it may work that way ... maybe all immortals are seers from previous resets ... ... but if Tedd's second purpose is supposed to shake up the Immortal realm, I think it would need to be something MORE than just turning him into immortal. I still think he is able to influence (partially) how the new rules will work, but can't do it consciously and that's why he can't know about it. The usual magic user route is Lots of study till you make it. Considering how easy would be for Pandora to trigger it in Adrian instead, I think Adrian only needed to study the specific spells.
  6. Story, Friday June 23, 2017

    I think she realized she's doing harm and tries to change. She didn't tried it before, IMHO. Of course, this process CAN result in her deciding to reset, either when she would think it's not working or due to realizing that it's the correct thing to do, but I doubt she reached that point yet. Hmmmm ... tired and depressed is masculine? (I don't think he looks like Elliot, but he does look differently ...) I think that he DID talked to him after Noriko left. Specifically, I think he accused him of it. That might be last time they talked. That WOULD be useful. I think it's more likely she wants to tell him something about being seer, though. Thanks to Steam now hosting Crunchyroll anime, I learned that Nanase is a gender neutral name as well. I don't think one counterexample makes name gender neutral. She already left with that watch. He wasn't promising to do it sometimes in future. He was asking what other things which can be quickly included, then just make the watch and gave it to Nanase for making fairy. Presumably, Nanase gave it to Susan before she got the Grace watch. But maybe he's working on watch for Nanase which he promised?
  7. NP, Friday June 23, 2017

    Freeze ray? I would assume Rhoda is still limited to transformations (enchantments). She probably can't summon magic weapons like Susan or fly like Nanase, not speaking about avatars with persistence. Of course, this page suggests Rhoda got more spells since the Mall, and she IS S-rank talent, so ... Here. Her disguise spell can change hair color. And hair shape and eye color and shirt color and jacket color and remove freckles. We didn't saw her change someone's sex yet.
  8. Story, Friday June 23, 2017

    He may want to do some additional experiment? Maybe the "what's the point" question is why he's not exactly enthusiastic about it. I think she wanted to talk with him, so yes she intended to reveal herself. PS: Anyone having link to where it was said? I though it was sometime around Susan mentioning she's Tiffany but seems it wasn't. I think it was mentioned once on "lunch" in school and once much later Grace used whole name addressing Tedd. PPS: Found it.
  9. Story, Friday June 23, 2017

    Exactly. And personally I would suspect Tedd is NOT aware. Although ... wait. Tedd doesn't like to think about his mother. Maybe he is repressing some memories but when Pandora mentions it he will remember. Wait again. Tedd is named Tedd Drew Verres ... does it mean "Drew" was Adrian's idea? I don't think EGS is THAT kind of comedy. Not enough people slipping on bananas, for example.
  10. Story, Friday June 23, 2017

    Of course she wouldn't be talking about details. But just mentioning he's her grant-godson implies she has child. The alarm doesn't need to be audible. And she was invisible in all other cases. Yes, obviously, wards detecting magic wouldn't detect her. Doesn't mean those are only wards Edward installed. ESPECIALLY after Voltaire showed up.
  11. Story, Wednesday June 21, 2017

    Is that really that obvious? Maybe the way Uryuom power (which is technically magic, the analyzer wand is mistaking it for magic for example) works for Uryuom IS in the list of possibilities Earth magic may work for humans after reset. Like, not the possibility most likely to be chosen, but Uryuom might get to where they are only due some reset. What makes you think the other half of world didn't had any reset? Maybe it wasn't always so ok with being public, or maybe it had other reasons for reseting. Of course, that makes both systems being same LESS likely, not more. And I already mentioned: Griffins obviously can use spells and are able to research magic ; they may be magical creatures, but only regarding their flying (and possibly some other aspects of their bodies), not their spells. They can loose that if their magic resets again, but it's unlikely it will AND the last reset was probably even more in past than last reset on "our" half of Earth. Agree. Griffins still being able to use magic - and not even complaining about something working differently - is another argument (first being the magic flowing between halves) for the "core" magic being same and just the interaction with "humans" changing. Our only disagreement is how strictly "humans" should be taken. I think that it would include any other earth-native sapient animal (like, maybe dolphins? Maybe they can awaken just as humans? Angst-induced awakening because whalers killed their parents? Where the legends about merfolks came from on EGS? Is apologizing to dolphin magic users for coral reefs destruction something Edward is now supposed to do, as part of his diplomacy job?) ... and, more importantly, I think that aberrations, former humans, still work by same rules as humans. Oh, and werewolves would too, if Pandora didn't killed them all.
  12. Story, Friday June 23, 2017

    Question is if she deliberately decided to risk Tedd will connect her identities or if she just didn't though about it. I would suspect the later. I mean, it would totally look weird if she would appear as child and talked like this and possibly declared herself his grant-godmother - wait, is she going to tell him about having son? Hmmm ... will Edward's wards alert him of immortal being present in house? ... they probably can't detect immortals when invisible, but maybe when visible?
  13. Story, Wednesday June 21, 2017

    Uryuom? I know, unlikely, but it IS separate set of rules, meaning there doesn't see to be shortage of rules. Still, I think the rules are not per "species" but per "home". That Griffins don't have different rules than other creatures on their half of Earth (assuming there ARE other creatures - maybe it's inhabited just by Griffins, at least when only counting sentient creatures). Immortals (and ancients) ARE something different, yes. We know magic is out in open on other half AND royalty have strong magic. She definitely doesn't need to hide. Dame Tara has official title! She's not hiding, she's documented. Sigh ... if it's Magus's home, then all theories about him being Elliot's alternate are much less likely. Also, it would suggests he is much closer to home than he believes. Is creating and recycling magic connected to the two halves universes or it's completely separate question? What is the reason magic is flowing between the halves?
  14. Story, Wednesday June 21, 2017

    Andrea is convinced EVERY universe have two sides and she may have several pages of Greek symbols to prove that. Yes. However, it does NOT imply second half can't be reset. It just doesn't have any reason to AND it would be separate event, not part of this half's magic reset.
  15. Story, Wednesday June 21, 2017

    And the other griffins will like you better. Which has some potential to be good for your health. Well if that griffin you decide to measure will be Andrea, then definitely.
  16. Story, Wednesday June 21, 2017

    Looking at Andrea, I would guess she is not in risk of not being able to fly, BUT she can lose her spells. IF she wouldn't be using rules of the second half of universe anyway. It's question if there ARE any other earth species capable of using magic. Or, if they are, if Disco Wizard knows about them. I repeat that it's very likely aberrations still counts as humans for purpose of magic reset. Similarly how Nanase still counts as human even when fairy and/or angel. If they could be targeted separately, then vampire attack at moperville might cause THEIR magic to reset instead of humans one. Would be consistent both with how Disco Wizard talks about it and with the fact that second half of universe is using same magic but different rules. (BTW ... what if there are no humans in second half of universe? Not in the "never existing" sense, but maybe those two halves used to be closer, then humans concentrated on one half and other magic-using species like griffins and dragons on other half ...)
  17. NP Wednesday June 21, 2017

    ...and maybe corrupt an innocent Grace I think that that attempt at giving PMS speech was not that much popular. The stories about corrupting innocent Grace meanwhile might spread. Also, with Nanase's popularity, I think lot of people would know she's Nanase's newest attempt at dating. And finally, them solving mysteries made them local celebrities. Most people wouldn't know much details about the cases they solved, and they probably didn't used much magic anyway, but they would be known. Probably not as much as Elliot and Susan the movie reviewers, though.
  18. Story, Wednesday June 21, 2017

    I don't think there are separate Wills of Magic for squirrels, hedgehogs, owls, cat, snakes ... Uryuoms are from different planet. Griffins are from different half of universe. Meanwhile, aberrations used to be humans. I think that all earth-native species will be affected affected. (Note: biggest question is if this includes fairies ...) I wouldn't be completely sure about that ... their wings are fairly large, if they would be really light, they MIGHT fly on physics alone ... although, yes, unlikely. (Eagles can have 2m wingspan and weight over 6kg ; domestic cats can weight around 5kg if not fat ; tigers weight over 150kg ...) That would be not only unneeded, but counter-effective. We can learn everything needed from measuring live griffin, we can get bone structure from X-rays for example. And with live griffin, we can make some motion capture as well.
  19. NP Monday June 19, 2017

    Looking closely at your bullet analogy, the main point would be she stopped him safely, while his eventual endpoint might stopped him flat and cooked.
  20. Story, Wednesday June 21, 2017

    Edward himself said "whatever his goals might be, covering up the truth about this incident isn't among them" - he didn't said he's acting strange, he suspected him of some hidden motivation. Of course, being possessed IS one possible source of hidden motivation, but not ONLY one. That sounds nice except there is high probability the magical reset will affect former humans (therefore, aberrations) as well. And, unlike humans, it may KILL them. (For "why", think about what is Will of magic motivation behind magic reset. It makes no sense to take magic from humans and leave it to monsters - outcome will be clear, where would be the drama? And it WILL mean magic going public, although not the WAY to get magic, unless you count becoming aberrations a way to get magic and that, again, doesn't seem like the point magic which made transformations ridiculously safe would like to be making.)
  21. Story, Wednesday June 21, 2017

    I'm stll not convinced they're jerks. I'm actually neither, but I think Edward would agree with Jerry on this. (My working hypothesis is that they just didn't noticed 16 years old are no longer considered adults.) It's not that this knowledge would be so dangerous. OR that getting information from immortals would be so easy. Her having summoning affinity is totally sufficient reason to mark her. No need for more. Seems more likely recruiting people (in wide sense) to fight vampires is their usual modus operandi. I don't think they already rediscovered (or remembered) enough to understand DGB chain of command. IMHO only reason Arthur won't do anything is that he is waiting for reset. But unlike his previous behaviour, where he can justify his inaction by need of secrecy, I'm sure if his superiors knew about multiple vampires in Moperville and him not doing anything with it he would be fired. And possibly fired ON as well. (Also, it's not like he's knowing what Sirleck plans ... maybe he WILL do something if he realizes what will happen.) He ASKED. Doesn't mean he assumed. Maybe if she didn't, he was going to suggest some convenient half-truth to tell. Or maybe he would say the same as with Tedd. Also, did you notice Grace did NOT answered the question? I mean, we know she told Ellen, but ADRIAN might still not.
  22. NP Monday June 19, 2017

    Nanase wasn't really deafened, but the sound waves were such that they threw off her center of balance and caused her to lose consciousness. I though she was ALSO deafened temporarily, but maybe not.
  23. Story, Wednesday June 21, 2017

    Yeah, Edward had an opportunity to ask Adrian if he knows what his mother is up to when Adrian called him asking for help with the boar. It's probably the best evidence that Edward either doesn't connect the creepy girl in the woods and on TV with Pandora, or Adrian's never introduced him to her. Even if he didn't connected it, he SHOULD ask for help unless he had some other immortal friends except Helena and Demetrius, who at that point he should already know are out of commission. But maybe he just don't like Adrian so much. It's possible they had found out about Pandora. But were unfortunately forced to reset before they could report back to Edward. It's weird that Edward would rely on such jerks. On the other hand, he might not have much choice. She was, until Adrian found out she was dating Tedd and insisted she tell him. It's possible that after the fact, it didn't matter anymore, Adrian knew that his true identity was known by more than one student, Grace never said who exactly, but I imagine Adrian could guess later on that Ellen and Nanase would likely know. Adrian told her to tell TEDD, noone else. It's hard to say if she still considered it secret ... even if Adrian wouldn't mind anymore, I think Grace would at least ask if she can tell her other friends ... Of course, while Sarah may not known YET, Grace is likely to tell something when Sarah tells her about this. And it makes SENSE for her to tell her, considering Grace is the one who knows Adrian best ...
  24. NP Monday June 19, 2017

    "I caught him in my wings" doesn't seem like she didn't do anything, but yes, it can be that he arrived on his own and she just helped him afterwards ... The Vulcan salute is described in book, although she apparently tried lot of gestures before finding out what it means. If there would be another modifying gesture, she would know at least that there is another modifying gesture. Again?
  25. NP Wednesday June 21, 2017

    Do you also have the feeling that Dan only got the idea with Vulcan salute AFTER he decided resize would resize clothes as well? It's probably true. Except Diane with copy beam. Ellen is already supposed to be Elliot's evil twin. She's not good at that, she's too good - I mean, uh ...