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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story, Friday Jun 2, 2017

    Can she? Or can she just PRETEND doing it? Inside the simulation, no problem :-)
  2. Story, Wednesday May 31, 2017

    ... almost epidemic.
  3. Story, Wednesday May 31, 2017

    1) There would be no difference in reactions no matter if Ellen would be in car. 2) Depends a lot on WHAT street. Sure, on highway interchange the probability of accident is high, but on normal street in city (with speed limit, I assume that's normal even in US) the reactions would be different. Sure, some might completely panic, and some would cause accident because they stop be able to reach pedals or stop being able to see the street, but I'm sure there are drivers experienced enough to realize they CAN'T panic behind wheel and that no matter what happened, chain reaction crash would be worse. And while lot of people will stop as soon as possible (for different interpretation of "possible" depending on people), some would definitely decide the best reaction is to get away quickly before it gets worse, not realizing it can't get worse (for them). Some might even notice someone else transformed and not realize they were transformed as well. She wouldn't actually encourage her (at least not in way she would be able to hear) but yes, of course. Only after she realized the risk of magic reset (which was long after Ellen got that spell) and decided she needs to reduce the ambient magic she changed mind ... except, that's the thing: before finding out about reset, she wouldn't need to reduce ambient magic ; after that, she wouldn't risk public exposure.
  4. Story, Wednesday May 31, 2017

    Worst case scenario, the "anyone near me" has a range of a few yards and she's in a moving vehicle on a busy street. So anyone in a vehicle that passes her going the other direction gets zapped, and continues toward wherever they were going while incidentally zapping lots of people they pass... That might work faster than parade/festival (and it's more likely to occur ; on the other hand requires bigger range), but it still wouldn't affect more than Moperville ... simply because outside the higher ambient magic the energy will quickly be exhausted. (And we assume the higher ambient magic field is roughly the same size as Moperville. We know Ellen got outside just few miles out of city.) Note that she doesn't need to be in vehicle herself: it will be enough if she's next to read and people in cars counts as "near her".
  5. NP, Wednesday May 31, 2017

    She was created by magic and have a natural advantage over most people regarding ANYTHING magical. And Dan even linked that page commenting she has more innate magic power on start of this storyline. Not necessary, and remember that she spammed her spells deliberately before when she wanted non-hiding spells (of course, she MAY be doing it again). And she was without magic until quite recently. On the other hand, she was without magic until quite recently and is now likely trying all those ideas she had meanwhile. Mostly with Ellen. And Fox is likely spell with better "training" effect than other spells she had. And ... she created four dolls and then Tedd noticed she had clothing upgrade for them. Maybe she overlook it in the confusingly written book ... or maybe she just got it. So, question isn't how many new spells Nanase got - not many due to her being burned out. Question is how quickly she will be getting them now. ... also, why is Dan spending so much time showing us the spells if there will be reset "soon"? ... oh wait, BECAUSE there will be reset soon and he wants to show us all his ideas before they stop being relevant.
  6. Story, Wednesday May 31, 2017

    Yeah but remember Sarah's got a high end, high energy requirement spell that's like 99% working off of the ambient energy at the moment, a spell like Ellen's AOE could run similarly, maybe even indefinitely if each person affected pulls energy from the area, if the energy has to go through Ellen though it'd just be until the local energy levels drop similarly to when Not_Tengu used up the local energy to power his form/flight/enchantment on the college students/etc. I imagine if it's localized to Ellen, then the transformations would probably be brief, with everyone affected returning to normal shortly after the local energy ran depleted. ... daaamn you're right. What I said would be true in normal case, but in Moperville hight magic area, spells like this can be almost completely powered by ambient energy ... which is likely reason Pandora did it, after all ... so even freshly marked person could use high energy spells like this. And yes. Worst case scenario, it doesn't need to get the energy THROUGH Ellen, meaning she would actually be able to transform whole Moperville if enough people wouldn't be isolated inside buildings but outside and moving, like say in case of some parade/festival ... (or demonstration).
  7. NP, Wednesday May 31, 2017

    She's magic - she was SUPPOSED to have more spells than Elliot. And she MUST've used her beam a lot to get rid of magic buildups. And yes she totally played with Nanase and Fox a lot ...
  8. Story, Wednesday May 31, 2017

    I know how you mean it, but "dodged a bullet" feels like talking about something affecting her personally. This would be bad for magic secrecy (although it might not directly cause reset: the investigation how it happened, on the other hand ...) but she could easily pretend she has nothing to do with it. DGB MIGHT suspect her, but would not prosecute her openly, and if it would be due to buildups they might even label it accident. ... of course, this is Ellen we talk about. She's better than Elliot, but there is high chance she would fail the pretence. Definitely, but I suspect that it's not sort of spell which is available as first spell. Also, the "until it runs out of energy" can easily be after two people in case of newly marked person. So, while Pandora would still love it, it wouldn't actually be as dangerous as Ellen casting it.
  9. Story, Wednesday May 31, 2017

    Or the people around her dodged the bullet. SHE could just transform herself back, but if those others would need to be transformed back one after one, it would be hard to keep them all in queue until Ellen recharges ... (... on the other hand, might not have that long duration. At least if she really unleashes it on school assembly.) Probably FV5. Or blonde FV5. Still looking forward to it. Between this, the Mall Form Epidemic and the Catsplosion Catalina was afraid of, yes. Also, catsplosion MIGHT became reality ...
  10. NP, Wednesday May 31, 2017

    Nnnn- only if he would really need to sell something. Exactly. You have it backwards. The goal obviously is to teenagers to learn the hard lessons of fiscal responsibility before they get old enough to lose home over that. .... I didn't said it's working. Regarding comments: seriously Ellen has THAT many spells ... which are all just variations on single topic? Hmmm ... although maybe she has so many of them BECAUSE they are just variations. Also, she likely had the same problem as Elliot with the magic not really getting what part of her spell reflects her personality, she just didn't complained so much.
  11. Story Monday May 29, 2017

    Paul Taylor (Wapsi Square) had Fae down as well. He even handed one over to a Sub-Titan for sensitivity training, as it were. Either I'm reading just "correct" webcomics or most webcomics are getting it right. DMFA, Chasing Sunset, Darwin Faeries, Earthsong, Rogues of Clwyn Rhan, Key Shadilyn, Castlevania RPG, Nikki Sprite, Foot Loose, Rusty and Company, Public Humiliation, Puck, Blooming Faeries, ... not even Dreamland Chronicles have this problem, although it's not so obvious as they are on main characters's side. Note: Wanted to add Peter Pan, but that webcomics is following original book. Where Tinkerbell wasn't as nice as in Disney. They are cute. And wonderful, marvellous, fantastic and glamorous ... but not nice. Definitely not nice. Although they have nice smile.
  12. Story Monday May 29, 2017

    Don't worry, they don't show in either. Those are from Silmarillion. Therefore, the fairy tales would be likely more relevant. Unless he bases his fairy knowledge solely on Harry Dresden. It is of course possible, but more likely, even in case of author who read so little as Dan, everything has multiple sources of inspiration. Are we talking species or individuals? (Ok, I'm bluffing, I don't have time to count neither.) Without quotes, zero. With quotes Immortals (5), Ancients (0, but were mentioned) and whatever the Heka Mantle Holder is. You ask as if it was your choice ... the major source of stress is that it's THEM who decide to deal with mortals ...
  13. Story Monday May 29, 2017

    Right ... what we see outside the continuum can be just projected avatar. Her name was Amanda. Maybe that was inspiration for Amanda in EGS? While we are at the searching for possible connections between EGS and Star Trek. Assholes. Q can play with Picard as he wants, but when someone decide to just live peacefully ... It might also be inspiration for Lúthien, who gave up her immortality for Beren ... oh wait, that's little older than BOTH EGS and Star Trek. And there are even older examples in fairy tales (I'm surprised I didn't found it as a trope on tvtropes). Not speaking about fact that Pandora's restriction was completely arbitrary, she wasn't FORCED to actually not help him using magic, we don't even know if she woved not to. (Little Mermaid is also related. The original, I mean, before Disney.) This one might've also be inspired by one flood ... but ok, it seems more related than the Lúthien bit.
  14. Story Monday May 29, 2017

    That wouldn't help them if they leave it.
  15. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=622 ... ok, now we can be SURE that Rich lost pants. And it seems that at least in double FV5 version Larry too. And the text is really getting in the way ...
  16. NP Monday May 29, 2017

    Exactly. Without seeing what are we missing in versions with text, I wouldn't know how badly it's getting in way. I would say it wasn't kind to Ellen's shorts, but who cares about some shorts. I wouldn't object if they would tear apart completely, but considering this is EGS, it would likely just attract the censor bird, fog or something.
  17. Story Monday May 29, 2017

    Q would be if Immortals didn't have the 200 year reset guidline. Ancient, powerful, several had superiority issues, and some had severe boredom, and the civil war that ensue after Quinn's suicide disrupted reality, causing supernovae and auch. I can see Dan taking some inspiration from the Q when coming up with Immortals. "It's not a [superiority] complex, Dear. It's a fact." Considering Q are not ancient but prehistoric, I would argue that they seem MORE stable than EGS immortals. Like, maybe similar how would EGS immortals be after few thousand years (if the rate their power grows and sanity vanishes remains same). Note that in EGS, time travel seem totally impossible. Q, meanwhile, can travel in time as they want and are apparently shielded from paradoxes even more than everyone else in Star Trek. (And that's still nothing compared to Prophets, who surprisingly influence events in very linear way for beings who has problems understanding linear time.)
  18. Story Monday May 29, 2017

    Yeah ... I preferred how captain Hercules Hunt and his girlfriend was solving it (although I think that planet wasn't THAT primitive). HUNT: Loose weapons. Secure the perimeter. ROMMIE: Loose weapons, aye. ERIK: You're killing them! You're just like Tyr. ROMMIE: No, I'm better. But there is important difference: Ellen doesn't have power for more direct solution. She's not the one who made up the rules, she just says how it is. Hercules Hunt was in position to make rules as he wanted. Surprisingly, Pandora almost surely is NOT playing with immortals now. She has more important things to do now.
  19. NP Monday May 29, 2017

    That's how Nanase sees them. Others may not consider them so polite (but still suggestions).
  20. NP Monday May 29, 2017

    Canonically, no. If Uryuom power can change mass, more wild earth magic can certainly do that too. Also, Rhoda was able to pick up Catalina, I'm sure she's not strong enough to pick her normally. So, no matter how much physical laws it breaks, the mass - both gravitational AND inertial - is NOT there. And remember, it's still breaking less laws than Nanase's persistent avatar.
  21. Story Monday May 29, 2017

    Yes, Q would fit right between EGS immortals with his attitude. He seem stronger, on the other hand he got in problems for abusing his power so it might be just that Q are not so quick in inflicting punishment. ... interesting, I wasn't thinking about this third problem. Meanwhile, Ellen apparently don't consider the risk that even if everyone would keep the secret, Magic might be annoyed just based on number of people with marks. Considering how many transgender people is in world. Also, yes, not sure which immortals could they actually convince to do something so boring. Jerry would refuse for sure, Pandora might accept if it would be Tedd who asked but twenty marks later snap and do something really bad.
  22. Story, Friday May 26, 2017

    I hope not. Being careful even for what you wish for seems like very sad and frightened kind of life.
  23. Story, Friday May 26, 2017

    They didn't seemed to believe anything like that. Also, Jerry don't consider them nice. Right. Important distinction. There may be other reasons while their reset was improper. As if being Seer wouldn't be enough.
  24. Story Wednesday May 24, 2017

    I never realized it, but apparently I do You mean something like what would happen if William the Conqueror conquered England and make most of nobility Norman oh wait that happened (Fletcher Pratt actually described it as "second Norman conquest" ; I don't think it would result in complete absorption, just like the first one didn't. Obviously, there WOULD be consequences, but hard to say how big - maybe most of them would be reverted after Napoleon.)
  25. Story, Friday May 26, 2017

    Dan's commentary suggests we will have at least one another page with Ellen mentioning some of those problems. We might still get scene change before Elliot decides what he will do. Aaaand another page would give Dan another opportunity to get Helena and Demetrius (IF they are watching Elliot now) to make some comments. I think Dan repeatedly stated that his planing is not precise enough to allow having the "friday-ish" comics on Friday more often than randomly. Although maybe he got better in time ... They certainly remember so little because of improper reset. But I don't think it was because of Susan and Nanase - at least not directly ; while what they did wasn't nice, it wasn't against immortal rules. EDIT: Improper ; we don't know if forced.