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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. There IS sort of mind altering effect in case of Heidi. That's why I used her as example.
  2. If Elliot had this dream, he would be so wracked with guilt that someone would literally need to drag him out of bed. Only if he remembered it clearly enough. Compare his dream with Tedd. I find quite likely she literally dreams about having less problems with touching people ... especially Elliot.
  3. Well, if you still consider Heidi to be Elliot ...
  4. Actually, coffee only brings performance back up to where it would have been originally. Coffee drinkers in the original trials would be told to stay off caffeine for a day or two before getting the baseline no-coffee performance level, so they were in the throes of caffeine withdrawl when they did the no-coffee tests, which dropped their scores. Their scores once they were allowed their caffeine fix were naturally better. Non-coffee-drinkers never had that drop in the first set of scores. Once someone figured out to control for whether a subject was already addicted to caffeine or not, they found that the with-coffee scores of the coffee-drinkers were no better than the baseline scores of the non-coffee-drinkers. Rather than giving themselves a boost with their morning coffee, coffee-drinkers were impairing their performance without coffee, and then crediting the coffee for an improvement that was really just taking away that impairment. 1) We have some data about how coffeine affects people, but not how it affects squirrels. 2) Coffee does help with MOVING the top performance time. The tests were likely not done too much in the morning. Non-coffee-drinkers need some time (I would guess hour or two based on my own experience) AND breakfast to get to their normal performance, coffee drinkers can get there faster.
  5. It's not. In some cases we can speculate, but this is obviously noncanon. Also, the spells can be described confusingly but not THIS much confusingly. And I'm not sure I like the idea of Susan using spells to solve her problem with personal contact, but I definitely don't like the idea of Elliot using spells like that on her. As a dream scenario, however ...
  6. I like Ruby. It's definitely not best yet, in fact I'm not sure if it's out of beta phase already (author's claims notwithstanding), but one day it could be great language ... if they keep it off rails. Theoretically. I didn't actually follow the demo scene and still saw several simple 3D engines fitting into unbelievably small space. But note that those are generally optimized so extremely there is no way to change anything. Real programs needs to be modifiable. And, again, interpreted languages generally allows easier modifications. (Java being exception.)
  7. Story: Monday April 3, 2017

    I think EGS took the turn for the weird with the phrase "Oh, and in case you can't tell, Tedd's a guy." How can you take turn for the weird if weird was the direction you headed since the start? Unless it's 360° turn. Digital pictures. Analog won't last. Did it ever occurred to you that your high priests might not always be sincere to you?
  8. NP: Monday March 27, 2017

    A different issue would be either loss of or damage to one's voice, potentially locking the actually authorised person out. Or what if authorised person mutates into different species? Or does this only happen on Enterprise and Voyager? Also, it's not like Data was surprise to them. He spent four years on academy ; were they not able to develop ANY countermeasure in that time? It's not about complexity. TOS-era consoles have almost no displays. Most of space is covered by buttons, switches etc. To quote from the book (took me some time to get google display it ...):
  9. NP: Monday March 27, 2017

    That wasn't code for lowering the shields. It was PREFIX code. Kirk basically send "Reliant, 16309, lower the shields", or possibly 1864-16309-4703 with 4703 actually meaning lowering shields but Kirk didn't needed to remember it as I suspect he just entered the prefix code and then pressed the button normally used for lowering shields. I think the limit is 7 ... oh, wait, that was short term memory. Anyway, I don't think anyone was supposed to memorize that and Kirk looked for Reliant in database or something. That might be possible, although that part of authentication was also shown to not work so well against Data ...
  10. Story: Monday April 3, 2017

    Your good, but that "on time" answer was also funny - AND correct I suppose. No. Yes. This guardian has seen too many mortals seeking, and forgot about immortals. I'm looking forward to his reaction when he notices his error. I know for sure that's not true. There is also that french girl with book in harbor, some skyscrapers (two less than 16 years ago) and big letters HOLLYWOOD. And the famous Mountains of Illinois (warning, tvtropes link). And some waterfall, unless that's in Canada. (I hope it's obvious I'm not seriously thinking that's all.)
  11. Also, they had less memory. Some optimization might've been skipped on C code because it would effectively trade speed for memory and they needed to be careful for both. The division of work between GPU and CPU might've also needed to be different. (I'm saying might, as I never looked at Quake code.) Their own bragging page claims they are getting closer but didn't match C yet. Getting better performance is getting harder and harder the closer you get to optimum. Current JVMs are likely better at running bad code, but may have similar performance on hand-pre-optimized code Jake 2 is using. Also, even ten years ago it was JiT compilation. Without JiT, your only chance to get reasonable performance from ANY interpreted language is if most work is done by a) GPU b.) library code which was written in C or assembler and hand-optimized c) completely different program (for example, database server) Compiled languages are and must be always faster than interpreted ones. The JiT was an attempt to compromise which ended surprisingly well ... in some cases, JiT can get better performance than compiled code because it has access to performance data normal compiler doesn't. It can never be as good as hand-optimized code of course, but hand-optimized code is extremely hard to make and even in "state-of-the-art" programs, only the parts which consumes most CPU are really hand-optimized. (Was different when the whole program fit into 64KB with data of course, but that wasn't case of Quake. Also today, you can't optimize so much as in past, simply because the CPUs got more complicated and less deterministic.)
  12. NP: Monday March 27, 2017

    It's because of the differences in budget that we get such glaring differences in stuff like set design and make up, ST: The Motion Picture gets around it by giving us the Enterprise 1701 Refit. It was pretty strange when the Enterprise series came out and we saw the NX-01 looking more advanced that the TOS 1701 despite being 100 years before TOS and we're likely going to see a similar difference when the new Trek series comes out that's set about 10 years before TOS. IN-UNIVERSE EXPLANATION. The out-of-universe explanation is obvious. BTW, I've read books about Romulan war which tried to explain THIS one. Basically, the consoles on NCC-1701 are looking more primitive because Romulans were using some sort of remote control weapon and when they developed countermeasures they ended with this more primitive look which was much more resistant to it. While the difference seem too much, it has at least SOME logic. Similarly to why computers used by NASA in space are generally more primitive (although not that much) than the ones we have on tables because older technology is more resistant to cosmic radiation and stuff like that. Maybe they had the right idea and just overdid it. (Note that the possibility to remote control ship was mentioned in The Wrath of Khan when Kirk entered prefix code 16309 and lowered Reliant's shields. I suppose people developing those systems learnt from the people who though four digits is enough for PIN and 16 enough for credit card number. Well ... autodestruct codes seems to be similarly short. Only one with decent password was Data.)
  13. Story Friday March 31, 2017

    Well, this is Elliot. And Elliot does not do things by halves. No. He always overcompensates at least thrice.
  14. NP: Monday March 27, 2017

    Actually 1/2 mass x velocity2 wouldn't be so bad and would be definitely less than antimatter. The correct equation is Yes. The way Klingon looked in TOS and in movies would still allow alternative explanations, although it's debatable if they would be better. TNG didn't changed that. But Trials and Trible-ations made most of them unworkable, so it forced solution like this. ... yes, it would be sort of unrealistic to expect our instinct will be able to adapt in mere few centuries. This sort of change takes thousands of years ... if beneficial from evolution standpoint. For lot of people launching a nuke is EASIER than killing someone with knife, even if that someone is tied or something. In fact, ESPECIALLY if tied - tying someone makes easier to kill him physically but harder psychologically.
  15. It may also explain why Susan is doing it. She has been told she will get bonuses but not what bonuses. Especially not the blonde hair one. (Although the "it's just someone's daydream" explanation is still more likely ...)
  16. NP: Monday March 27, 2017

    Probably meant to apply to humans only due to the Eugenics Wars. I doubt the Federation feels nearly as threatened by genetically manipulated superintelligent sheep. Actually, related article specifies that DNA resequencing of sentient beings for any reason other than repairing serious birth defects was illegal in the Federation ... but I suppose the genetic manipulation Phlox done on Klingons wouldn't be problem ... ... (Because he wasn't in Federation while doing it.) Yes, definitely. ... but that would be hard. Earthers are notoriously hard to demoralize and even harder to make unable to fight. Lot of us tend to fallback to suicide attacks when morale is down. Yeah, they don't know what they are against. Yes. In fact, at velocity high enough, any payload you could put in the missile, including antimatter, is insignificant to the kinetic energy released by impact. ... although the relative velocity in that Uplift Universe case wasn't nearly as big.
  17. So, is this confirmation Catalina can transform someone else than herself? Also, why panicking?
  18. Story Friday March 31, 2017

    And probably "backed up" on Grace. We know the male needs to be female for about a month. I don't think it was specified how long female needs to be male ; it would be logical to assume there is some time needed but it may not be whole month. Of course, even just week would be impractical. Also, we don't know what effect would enchanted cells have on embryo. Yes, that definitely doesn't seem like method they would use. That, and the video evidence might still exist. Sure. I'm certain Tedd was planing to keep it. Not only yes, but also the stem cell templates needs to be Uryuom for the reproduction to work.
  19. NP: Monday March 27, 2017

    Some may argue that despite us having technology, we lack intelligence to use it wisely. Definitely not true. We totally have enough intelligence to use it wisely ... sure, not on first try, but that's not due to lack of intelligence. If there are enough samples of the DNA left you could even use cloning and gene therapy to replenish the genetic diversity with the original genome. Though in Star Trek the issue was needing them now, not in the couple decades it would have taken to recreate the species using scrimshaw and other remains as a genetic basis for cloning It's possible genetic engineering was only forbidden to apply to human. Maybe we should ask someone who knows more about how totally forbidden genetic engineering is ... like Dr. Julian Bashir. Makes sense. Although I would expect the bird watchers would then intervene. Hmmmm ... isn't neutronium normally unstable in "normal" pressures? Well, perhaps it would be better if we let the experts from exotic matter industry compute if they need exotic matter or not. I wouldn't be so sure that warfare requires more than the machines expected to be used for terraformation ... but it's true that by using the elements for warfare would mean you won't have them for original purpose. They would probably want to steal resources from us, yes. So, first attack will likely be on something they can use to build more war technology. This reminds me the Uplift Universe again. In at least one instance, dolphins in supposedly unarmed ship needed to attack actual warship ... they used water. The idea being that water was probably not showing well on sensors but with the high relative velocity was still dangerous ...
  20. NP: Friday March 31, 2017

    So, we still didn't get the answer to WHY androids dress that way. Unless the "it's cute" is supposed to be the answer. Also, wouldn't plaid be visible even in greyscale? Unless it's plaid but with colors specially chosen to translate to same grey ... Probably more than T-800. Hmmm ... would GR4-C3 be friends with 5C4RL37, V10L37, 4M83R and J4D3? Would they be jealous of that hyphen? Sooo, rainbow?
  21. Story Friday March 31, 2017

    No, we still have them all in OT14, and I would have said OT4, but Elliot has the "like a sister" thing with Sarah, so that would be "one big awkward moment", so we end up with 2 threesomes, that have to check their day planner as to who is to be where, when. Well, there was already issue with Elliot and Ellen not being "in it" at same time, so ... It might be first relationship having problem with one partner wanting the OTHER being more open HIMSELF ... I think having eight parents would be lot even for Uryuom (not record, sure, but lot over average) but I can totally see Grace not wanting anyone to feel excluded, yes ... I think that while using syringe is possible, it's not SUPPOSED to be done that way. But, maybe someone would consider it less awkward ... (Also, while it may not be SUPPOSED to be done that way for Uryuoms it may be preferred option for humans.) There is also question about time window. It's possible you can keep adding DNA for whole hour or even more, which would allow less awkward options even if nakedness would be required. ... right. She wouldn't hear the first comment there but even this might be enough for her to guess correctly. Note that while only her short-term memory is perfect, even her normal memory might be better.
  22. NP: Monday March 27, 2017

    ... apparently, I didn't payed attention, as I certainly watched several seasons of StarGate but didn't realized this. I though Naquadah is just hard to obtain. No. We discover small amount enough for TWO expeditions - and we would still be unaware that it's relatively common. Two expeditions will depart in different directions (I would say opposite but 60° makes more sense - or perhaps opposite in circle sense, one clockwise and other counter-clockwise) hoping that at least one of them will be lucky. BOTH will be lucky - because relatively common and because it's not like fuel but more like catalyst - but both will also get into some trouble which would prevent them from returning immediately. The finale including the answer to which expedition will return to Earth first will be part of last will of author. Funny is if you take into account that even aliens with better technology might only ASSUME and not really know how common intelligent life is ... That wasn't Greenpeace. They only liked the singing. Also were stupid enough to assume two is genetically diverse enough to preserve population.
  23. Another reason may be that I left that post in edit mode, for reasons I'm sure made sense at the time, or I forgot to push the save button. What likely happened was that you copy&pasted part of Grammarly markup into the post text (maybe when copying the quote) and send it to server.
  24. NP: Monday March 27, 2017

    It's not like the US doesn't talk with the other nuclear powers. In terms of numbers there's the US, Russia and everybody else in the margins. With only 2 major players, there's minimal duplication of effort possible even if there is no coordination between the players at all. China. By allowing to install the neutronium inside without tearing the core? Or maybe you don't need the exotic matter itself, just that every person who understand neutronium is already employed by exotic matter industries. The question is how the information gets the remaining 4950 light years back to the aliens. Unless the probe is going to invade earth by itself, the information isn't going to do the aliens any good until it gets back to them and they're still 5000 light years away. If the probe can only send the information back using normal lightspeed communications, the aliens do not get information on Earth's condition any faster than it's coming to them anyway. That's where quantum-entanglement communication would come in. With quantum entanglement, the alien race is seeing what the probe sees as the probe sees it. Now the only problem is how to get them 5000 LY to Earth. Yes, I was thinking about probe with FTL communication (it may even be slower than quantum entanglement, just 1000c would suffice). Yes, that sounds like good topic for book or several: war between technologically advanced aliens with little or no military training versus top earth strategists. Here where the replicators came in. Well, sure, even the data space might be used for something else, like another season of their longest soap opera, but captain had relatives in congress and they insisted of taking weapons. Not that captain was that afraid, she just hated that soap opera. Just one of them. It's very likely that the other three would be aborted by the first one anyway.
  25. I don't see any censorship. Wait ... when I look into source code, there is some "data-grammarly-reactid" inside the quote ... that may be it.