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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!

The Old Hack

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Everything posted by The Old Hack

  1. Story Wednesday March 23, 2016

    It is so in every human society I have ever heard of. They all have rules and these may all too often be treated in a manner that follows them to the letter while utterly breaking them in spirit.
  2. NP Friday March 25, 2016

    EAT .44 MAGNUM MARSHMALLOWS! Such as the plot of the first Half-Life game. Extremely popular FPS, but the plot is somewhat... incoherent at best. Ross Scott's excellent serial Freeman's Mind spends a good deal of time making fun of some of its worst inconsistencies. (If you should happen to try it, the first three episodes are the slowest due to basically being the very long trailer of the game, but after that it speeds up and never slows down till the end. Be warned: it is LONG. Also, you may risk laughing. A lot.)
  3. Story Wednesday March 23, 2016

    A completely random thought of mine. I have for a while been wondering if Sirleck has a disgruntled ex out there named Madamleck.
  4. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    The Moderator: I believe that whether suicide bombers are courageous or not is not a political issue per se. Therefore, I request that this topic be dropped. ~tOH.
  5. The next NP story

    It is more heinous than that. They know perfectly well that most transgender people are already under tremendous social pressure. To quote Cerberus from the Dumbing of Age patreon:
  6. Story Monday March 21, 2016

    The Grant Morrison run? That one was rather surreal. Also one of the very few 90s comics I really liked.
  7. NP Wednesday March 23, 2016

    Sports Illuminated July Tour de France Special: How every single rider in the Tour is on performance enhancers and the men and women that make it happen.
  8. What are you reading right now?

    I just thought of how amazing the main character's power would be for disease prevention alone. Take the Zika outbreak, for example. She could shield an entire city from it, or alternately, by moving from area to area, vastly reduce the possibility of spread by making all the mosquitoes in a given zone suicide or something. Like making them all fly into a confined area with an insect toxin in it.
  9. NP Friday March 18, 2016

  10. The next NP story

    I have long considered this a supremely offensive notion in so many ways. That it is a large part of the mindset that makes it possible to blame victims for being sexually assaulted does not precisely further endear it to me.
  11. Story Wednesday March 23, 2016

    Compared to this time, I think she was only mildly annoyed. I think the last time we saw her this angry was when she was dealing with Not-Tengu. We still do not know everything about them. But they are certainly not looking good right now. Except possibly to those who would otherwise have been victims of the vampires. What truly makes what they do problematic is that they seem to have alternatives -- other mages, the DGB, the French version of the DGB -- and for some reason they are not making use of them.
  12. NP Friday March 18, 2016

    You mean, at this point, Tedd still hasn't had a bunch of the revelations about himself that he's had by the furthest-forward times we've seen, and so here we see little bits of inner conflict welling up and out? Yeah. The Moderator: Ahem. I just realised that I did WR...S an injustice when I initially posted a remark speaking out against his post. I misread it as a rather rude criticism and now I see that it clearly was not intended so. My apologies to both WR...S and the forum at large. ~tOH.
  13. Story Monday March 21, 2016

    I really like this theory. It may even make sense in that the whales are actually incapable of feeding in an oversaturated area -- the food is simply too 'rich' for them.
  14. STORY: Friday March 18, 2016

    Sure I am. Moperville is close to the Canadian border, isn't it? You aren't shifting this one to the Mexicans, Canuck.
  15. The next NP story

    It is hilarious (read: creepy and disconcerting) how this narrative tends to be propagated by men who clearly give the impression that they think it would be a really cool idea if they could get away with it.
  16. STORY: Friday March 18, 2016

    Why not. We already have magic-eating whales, magic-damming beavers is not that large a stretch.
  17. NP Monday March 21, 2016

    The Monkey Island series. Arrrr!
  18. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    The Moderator: I locked it, there was really nothing important in it. Please proceed as usual from here.
  19. Political Thread

    Locking this thread to avoid confusion now the new one has been started.
  20. The Weather.

    I thought it was supposed to cool homes down, not turn them into bake ovens.
  21. Courtesy Rules on these forums

    The Moderator: All posters are urged to read the forum courtesy rules, which may be found here. They will be enforced to the best of my ability. Please note that ignorance of the rules will not be accepted as an excuse. In case any posters should be unhappy with my decisions, you may appeal to @Robin or @Thom Revor or other senior mods or admins as they are appointed. Respectfully, The Old Hack
  22. NP Friday March 18, 2016

    The Moderator: This post changed to reflect the fact that I made an unfair criticism of WR...S here. I apologise for that to both WR...S and the forum at large. ~tOH.
  23. Forum Courtesy Rules & FAQ

    To our gentle forumgoers, here follows a set of rules of behavior we wish our posters here to respect to the best of their ability: Please stay polite to each others even when you disagree. Try to keep your comments aimed at the opinion of other posters instead of commenting on the posters themselves. Remember that it is much more likely to result in productive dialogue if you phrase your questions and opinions with respect for your fellow posters. Avoid deliberately inflammatory language as it can only have destructive consequences for forum mood. Even if some poster angers you, please think of the rest of our posters who hopefully do not deserve to have their discussion interrupted with angry words. Keep criticism polite and constructive. It is fine not to like a given page or storyline but explain why rather than use dismissive or derogatory language. If at all possible, also describe what in your opinion could have been done better. It is also fine not to like a given character but again do not use derogatory terms or nicknames in connection with it. Avoid bald unsupported claims and leave room for others to have their own opinions -- anything that implies that "if you disagree with this you must be stupid/have no taste" is unacceptable. I believe that most of us are reasonable people and that while mistakes and missteps may happen, they can be quietly settled once they occur, either with an appeal for more restrained commentary or with a notice in private messages. In such cases where this is not possible, however, I may have to resort to unapproving posts or even placing posters under temporary posting moderation. But I trust that this will not often become necessary. In addition, it is also not acceptable to argue moderator decisions in the open threads. If anyone is dissatisfied with moderator decisions, that is what private messages are for. For example, arguing in the open threads that 'I do not understand why it is discourteous to...' [insert example of questionable behavior] will merely further derail proper discussion. Do not do this. Certain topics are highly volatile and/or triggering for some people. Examples would be abuse, self-harm, sexual molestation or predation, serious injuries or illness, among others. It is not forbidden to discuss these but it is requested to add a content warning or note to the posts or threads these might appear in. (Example: [CN: self-harm].) Please add such a warning to either your topic or the top of your post in such a case. If you feel it is potentially upsetting material, you might also put it in a spoiler box. Of course, there's always private messages if you want to be completely sure and there is only a few who may be interested. By the nature of EGS, it may from time to time provoke discussion of homophobia and transphobia. This is fine. What is NOT fine, however, is to in any way or form promote homophobia or transphobia in the form of either hate speech, apologia therefor or through attempted erasure of viewpoints that do not conform to cisgender or heterosexual standards. All three are serious offences and will result in immediate action from the moderator. While creating a truly safe space is complex and may well be beyond my capabilities, I am nonetheless striving to make these forums as safe for the posters here as possible. That most certainly extends to those who have been harmed by cisheteronormativity elsewhere. I will come down hard on any attempt to persecute them and I have seen enough of this done under the pretense of 'reasoned discussion' that I will not accept that as an excuse. Or in less flowery language: Being transgender, genderfluid, agender and so forth IS a thing. We've people here who identify that way. They get plenty of crap for that in other places and we don't need any of it here. Don't try to tell them that how they feel about themselves isn't real. Don't try to explain their identity away as a delusion, a fetish or some other slur like that. If you do, you're way out of line and you'll be dealt with. For the sake of completeness: homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, ableism and religious/racial intolerance have no place on these forums. Keep them all away. Necroposting: As a rule of thumb, any thread, especially all threads in the Story forum and its subforums, should be considered decently dead if it has not generated responses for a time of about two weeks. If you at this point wish to debate a point raised in that thread or from that comic, do it in a new thread in the General forum or possibly the 'Things I noticed upon reread' thread. The JML Exemption: Certain threads are directly exempt from the necroposting rule. These mainly include the 'Things I noticed upon reread', 'Wild Theories' and the Fanservice threads in the General forums but also the 'Things that make you...' and 'What are you...' threads in the Off Topic forums. Other threads may also belong here and may be added here over time. Thank you for reading this. I trust there shall be no problem with respecting these rules. -- The Moderator
  24. STORY: Monday March 14, 2016

    Quite likely. It would explain his 'to **** with keeping a low profile' comment just before he pulled out the bombs. Of course, afterwards Dame Tara set him up the bomb.