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Everything posted by Sjmcc13

  1. Awakened and Dreaming

    Considering that being a wizard is something you are born with, and not something you train for. Having the same potential pretty much means she is a wizard.
  2. Story, Monday July 17, 2017

    She was literally torturing her infant child because he did not turn out like she had hoped, left the continent and likely never came back causing said son to have abandonment issues so bad that 2 of his friends breaking up triggered them. Heck, given Mrs. Kitsune's hatred for her I half think the "to expensive to visit" line is Edward covering up the truth, as there is no way that is true unless she is living in poverty. This would be akin to a mother abandoning her kid because he had brown hair instead of blond. Noriko deserved allot of abuse, and that she still has not tried to mend the gap after at least 15 years, probably 17+, means it is not just the Noriko of back then.
  3. Story Wednesday June 14, 2017

    My first thought is that he might have had a wife and broke up with her accusing her of cheating when she got pregnant with "someone else's" children causing him allot of heartbreak. with Susan and Diane descended by those kids (it would take at least 2 generations for Adrian's black hair to be replaced with blond) possibly sharing a father. EDIt : Though with regards to immortals lying to themselves if that lie is Elven sterility then it only makes sense if to prevent the birth of elves in some way, or if all elves are male. as it would only take 1 girl elf getting pregnant to shatter the lie.
  4. Story Monday June 5, 2017

    Are you saying she gets aroused by people speaking in french?
  5. NP Monday June 5, 2017

    Either that or chest envy...
  6. Crazy Counting Guy

    I am more concerned with the low number of Demonic Duck appearances. Though how do the numbers stack up if (canon) NP appearances are factored in?
  7. NP: Monday May 22, 2017

    He had a good run, I liked him in Canonball Run for some reason.
  8. NP: Wednesday May 10, 2017

    I think so.
  9. NP: Wednesday May 10, 2017

    There is always THIS for wacky dice I have a green one. I might have had a clear one 20 years ago.
  10. NP: Monday May 8, 2017

    I was trying to figure out what you meant by more hippy until I saw it. Gained in her Sir Mix-A-Lot approval rating?
  11. But not that much being THAT close to a male while female.
  12. That would come with all the female transformations if his magic works like the gun. Justin was just the first person he noticed it with who was not androgynous enough to not realize it was a reaction to male qualities.
  13. Story: Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017

    As long as they do not start forcing cross-dressing...
  14. Story: Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017

    To me it seems more like it is writing so there is only 1 valid interpretation, but going into excruciating detail, and using words with more specific meanings. Sort of like a pretentions snob writing in such a way that when something does not work the way the user thinks it did, they can point to how that was not a valid interpretation of the text. Using simpler text could easily lead to multiple valid interpretations, causing people to use spells in the wrong way and create unwanted side effects.
  15. The Justin/Susan Dynamic

    If she visits regularly...
  16. Story: Monday May 1, 2017

    He knows how much of ellen's personality comes from his after all.
  17. Story: Monday May 1, 2017

    Am I the only one hoping the new spell is a modification of the super hero secret identities to create one of the recent pinups, you all know the one
  18. We're getting Goonmanji 2!!!

    The way I look at it, we need to think about what roles each character plays in story. We need someone who is enthusiastic about the games effects, and Ashley would fit that I think we also need someone who it hesitant/reluctant about the effects as a counterpoint for this, Liz would be a good choice as she is depressing enough, and fits in as Ashley's friend. For gender balance (not that it will last) the other 2 should be guys. But I think we should want someone to mess with the game (it can not just have its way) so one of Grace's brothers, Will, or possibly Noah (if he really is part alien) For the last I am torn between Tony, or Bad Tom to get some comeuppance, or Good Tom because he needs more screen time
  19. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Sorry, I stand corrected, not certain how I typed the wrong name.
  20. NP: Monday April 24, 2017

    The cards in the counter did not, that I can tell, the comics in the rack Tensaided is looking at appear to be the same as well. though the wall beyond looks swapped from left to right.
  21. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    that was susan when she was talking to Nanase about "Just Friends"-ing Elliot. http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1569
  22. Story: Monday April 24, 2017

    Kind of feels like someone should just link to a TVtropes page for a list of nominees I always thought Jerry was the real mastermind there... I need to re-watch the show.
  23. Story: Monday April 24, 2017

    The time at the top probably means that a few hours have passed, and Pandora could easily be back in town. We can not be certain due to immortal shape shifting, but the nails make the hand look female to me, and Pandora is more likely to get involved with Susan then Helena.
  24. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    I think allot of people make the mistake of treating episodes 2 and 3 as individual movies, and not 1 continuous story. Same with the matrix sequels. Though I will admit to finding the clone wars cartoon more satisfying then the prequels, though I do tend to skip Jar-Jar episodes on my DVDs.