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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!

Pharaoh RutinTutin

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Everything posted by Pharaoh RutinTutin

  1. Comic for Wednesday, Dec 13, 2023

    Somtimes I miss that annoying little guy who would interrupt whatever you were doing to say "you've got mail".
  2. NP Comic for Tuesday, Dec 12, 2023

    She barely exploded. And we can control that with medication.
  3. NP Comic for Saturday, Dec 9, 2023

  4. Comic for Monday, Dec 11, 2023

    If someone other than Sybil (ie Bishop) saw his uncharicteristic rant, Arthur will find himself vulnerable to bureaucratic shenanigans unless he proves somthing quickly.
  5. Comic for Friday, Dec 8, 2023

    Maybe the same way the bank transfers those little minus signs into my account?
  6. NP Comic for Saturday, Dec 9, 2023

    If you must protest, may I suggest Dutch klompen with stilletto heels.
  7. Comic for Monday, Dec 11, 2023

    It was aliens. I don't know what it was, therefore it was aliens. Don't try to rationalize or tell me about somthing I don't already know. It was aliens.
  8. NP Comic for Saturday, Dec 9, 2023

    This is America. Shoes are required!
  9. NP Comic for Saturday, Dec 9, 2023

    If shrunk always equals adorable, most Moperville residents will end up four feet tall.
  10. What Are You Ingesting?

    Just had a Polish sausage with sauteed onions and fries. Not crazy about the poppy seed bun. And I wish they would use a hearty brown instead of American yellow mustard. But still a pretty good lunch deal.
  11. Comic for Friday, Dec 8, 2023

    I get the impression that the audience has incomplete info, and the three wise guys are relying on incorrect info. We in the peanut gallary will need to wait. But for straw, stick & stone? Was it just a series of their own mistakes or has somone set them up to fail?
  12. Comic for Friday, Dec 1, 2023

    It's Schrodinger's diploma. They have and have not graduated.
  13. Task Avoidance Thread

    i'll procrastinate later.
  14. NP Comic for Thursday, Dec 7, 2023

    Asgley is not effective with thrown weapons. She should have kicked Kevin at the golem.
  15. Sad news

    Back in the day of 3 networks, thoughtfully & tastefully discussing controversial subjects with humor took courage.
  16. Comic for Wednesday, Dec 6, 2023

    Mist may be from the long anime tradition of boys who look like girls. . . . . . Another attempt to communicate through dreams? Is the Emmisary of Magic available for technical advice? Can Grace bring an end to the Punic Wars?
  17. What Are You Ingesting?

    The flavour I most strongly associate with Boston is molassas. And Boston cream tastes nothing like that.
  18. NP Comic for Tuesday, Dec 5, 2023

    Yet another reminder that half size does not necessarily mean half height. I am guessing Dan is throwing out this reminder because shrinking will feature significantly in the main story arc. . . . . . Could half size Nanase pass as a child Akiko's age for an under cover disguise?
  19. Comic for Monday, Dec 4, 2023

  20. What Are You Ingesting?

    I thought it involved string theorv
  21. What Are You Ingesting?

    Having some experience avec der Hut, what is stuffed in the crust is called "string cheese". I never asked how to milk string, or how string milk gets turned into cheese. I was afraid understanding the answer would be hazardous to my already damaged mind.
  22. NP Comic for Saturday, Dec 2, 2023

    Elliot's closet is a wormhole nexus that connects, across n dimensions, any closets Elliot has ever used. Unfortunately, T-shirts are the only things that can be transfered.
  23. Comic for Friday, Dec 1, 2023

    Are we getting several comics with a brief update on what the cast has been doing since the last arc? Jeremy & Max will need at least nine pages each.
  24. NP Comic for Thursday, Nov 30, 2023

    Probably a good thing Ashley was not in that lab last summer when Sarah, Grace & Tedd were often without clothes.
  25. Comic for Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023

    Sarah is back. And this arc will be about restoring the honour of Nancy Sinatra's boots.