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Pharaoh RutinTutin

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Everything posted by Pharaoh RutinTutin

  1. NP Thursday, May 7, 2020

    Actually, being unable to get something you had previously bought is something that happens too often in real life One that comes to mind, Wendy's had a bbq pulled pork sandwich as a promotional item a while back and my dad became quite fond of it Then my dad went into the hospital When my dad got out of the hospital, the first thing he wanted was the Wendy's pulled pork sandwich, but that promotion was long over ... Now I want a pulled pork sandwich
  2. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    You forget that the most important rule for Cats is to always keep the human guessing
  3. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Bah Humans are novice amateurs in the art of the nap
  4. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Ducks and Pelicans, as well as most of the other swimming, wading, and diving birds, tend to tolerate each other as long as they remember one thing EVERYONE hates the Seagulls
  5. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    And way way back to sometime in the late April, Ducks were swimming in my parking lot
  6. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    https://satwcomic.com/welsh-smash Wales is a land of beautiful music, but the written language is perhaps the most random collection of letters ever
  7. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    I didn't realize EtC could write Welsh
  8. Story Monday, May 4, 2020

    Susan and Tedd have annoyed each other for as long as they have been aware of each other No matter how many mutual friends they have or how much they may grudgingly respect each other, annoying each other will still come first Is there some way we can prove they are actually siblings?
  9. NP Tuesday, May 5, 2020

    I for one would not want to be shot back to a pre-adolescent state However, it would be useful being able to chose how to develop with the benefit of experience a second time And I wouldn't waste that money on tickets to Jimmy Carter's Re-Inauguration Ball
  10. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    I say the same thing to myself every day before I go to work
  11. The Weather.

    Just as long as she doesn't respond to "Thunder, THUNDER, THUNDERCATS, HO!"
  12. Story Monday, May 4, 2020

    This year's Olympic Games are scheduled for Tokyo IF they manage to hold the games this year, the traditional Japanese Futon is quite a throwable object Imagine thousands of Futons, overused from months of Couch Potato Isolation, being thrown into a live volcano by athletes from all over the world... Should points be strictly awarded for distance, or should this include artistic impression as part of the throw?
  13. Story Monday, May 4, 2020

    Sarah should not be leaning on the couch Sarah should be throwing the couch It has been too long, Sarah We need more couch throwing I comment on the couch because I know more about throwing couches than I do about how to change English adjectives and pronouns
  14. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    If I am reading that look correctly, she seems to be making some sort of demand "I am in this box" "I want to be in that box" "Why is there junk in that box?"
  15. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Ok, Thanks Sometimes it is difficult to recall all the details correctly Just like I can't always remember how many animals Moses and Joan put on the Ark But a thought does occur to me What if the Seer rules were among the things that did change in the slight change?
  16. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Then again, Can't wizards, including seers, learn spells from other spell casters? Or was is explicitly stated that Seers can only cast spells they learn from others through the wands they make?
  17. The Weather.

    And yet no superpowers? Have comic books been lying to me?
  18. The Weather.

    Priorities, please
  19. NP Sat May 2 2020

    I've previously compared this NP arc to a Shaggy Dog story Check out Weird Al's Shaggy Dog story, Albuquerque https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE37e1eK2mY
  20. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Because you are an informal social gathering for celebrating the life of a recently departed person and giving emotional support to the survivors?
  21. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    She would do anything for love?
  22. Story, Friday May 1 2002

    Now I am envisioning a Sketchbook with Grace literally spilling a big pile of beans Beans and franks Pork and beans Boston baked beans Green beans with bacon Lima (Peru) beans Lima (Ohio) beans Red beans with rice Navy beans Refried beans Jack's giant beanstalk beans and a Casablanca Hill of Beans
  23. NP Sat May 2 2020

    Her panel two expression reminds me of the child who just ate something because mom said "It's Good For You" The stuff my mom fed me, however, never produced panel four level results At least she didn't force feed me Sauerkraut until I was twenty six and a half years old
  24. The Weather.

    I remember "Knock Three Times" and "Tie A Yellow Ribbon" by Dawn I don't recall "A Needy Cat"
  25. Story, Friday May 1 2002

    Just make sure there are 52 cards in the deck Any other number, leave the table