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Don Edwards

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Everything posted by Don Edwards

  1. NP for the week of Feb 11-17 2024

    On Thursday's strip, I want to compliment Ashley on her self-awareness and honesty. And for Friday, a loud "no" to the wink-activated magic. People blink too much, usually without even being aware of it. But sometimes consciously deliberately, to clear something out of their eye.
  2. Story Wednesday January 31, 2024

    Well, Putin appears to be using something.... psillocybin, maybe.
  3. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    That sounds like crucial information that didn't get passed on when it should have been passed on.
  4. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I do that fairly often - I'm rather a night-owl. Unfortunately, I'm in Earlybird City. Seriously, I think they start rolling up the streets for the night at 1 PM.
  5. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I've been dealing with a much smaller annoyance: trying to find a thermostat setting on a space heater that will cause it to produce heat at night when the temperature in here is 65 degrees, but won't cause the thing to produce heat during the day when it's nearly 80 degrees.
  6. Story Wednesday January 31, 2024

    According to one definition of the word, it also sounds like they're trying to create a tyrant. (That would be a definition that includes one of the connotations the word acquired while passing through Latin: a usurper. It also acquired the connotation of a cruel or abusive ruler. In Greek, it just meant an absolute ruler.)
  7. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Oh, such hard choices that poor cat has to make.
  8. Sketchbook January 22, 2024

    Well, I believe there are health-code regulations about the restaurant workers' hair or fingers in the food - but not about their fur or tail.
  9. Comic for Wednesday, Jan 17, 2024

    Odd thing is, an actual broken record usually doesn't sound like a broken record. But a scratched record often does.
  10. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    Well, IMHO for decades the US's major political parties - the top dozen or so, and including the one I consider to usually be the lesser evil of the lot, not just the two biggest names - have been competing to see who can nominate the least suitable person to be President.
  11. NP Comic for Tuesday, Jan 16, 2024

    She's very good at it.
  12. NP Comic for Thursday, Jan 11, 2024

    I'm one of those weird people who think there is no peanut butter, and no chocolate, so bad that they can't be made worse by combining them.
  13. Comic for Wednesday, Jan 3, 2024

    The price of anonymity.
  14. Who in the cast has met an immortal?

    Some years ago I read an estimate that if we eliminated all contagious, genetic, and lifestyle diseases, plus the debilitating effects of old age, human life expectancy at birth would be... um... I can't recall if it was 600 years, or 800. Due to accidents, murders, and suicides. Rather short of eternal life. Imagine, though, with this many-worlds theory, a world where nobody dies. In our world, out of every human that has ever lived, somewhere under 1 out of 10 are alive today - exactly how far under depends on exactly how one defines "human" and thereby which species other than H.sapiens are included. Does this "nobody" include chimpanzees, whales, cattle, ants? Could be a rather crowded world.
  15. Task Avoidance Thread

    Yeah. My lady has to use the clear bandaids. The regular ones cause a rash after an hour or two.
  16. NP Comic for Tuesday, Jan 2, 2024

    There's also the matter of knowing just where Ashley's center of gravity is. With her being essentially horizontal, that's a very important bit of information that the average person wouldn't know about themselves let alone any other adult.
  17. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    She's going to try out napping? I would have figured she was rather experienced at it by now.
  18. Comic for Monday, Dec 11, 2023

    Arthur neglected to mention that he'd never been in that coffee shop before, and hadn't received his order yet?
  19. Other Random Comics

    She is a canid. Several years ago we saw a fox going through the RV park we were in. It had stolen a toy that the folks and dog in another RV had left outside. The fox was throwing the toy (about as ineffectively as you'd expect) and then chasing it. Four or five times that I saw.
  20. Other Random Comics

    Oh, she reached that conclusion quite a while ago.
  21. Comic for Monday, Nov 27, 2023

    In-world, no telling. Meta, yes she'll get to Moperville, probably pretty quickly. Unless most or all of the Main 8/10/however-many suddenly decide to go to college in some other ONE city, then she'll show up there - but that seems unlikely.
  22. What Are You Ingesting?

    The RV park we're in did a pot-luck. We brought deviled eggs and cranberry sauce. Deviled eggs, I did a half-dozen eggs in each of three varieties. Regular with pickle relish, spicy, and curry. (I put signs on the latter two.) There were none left to bring home afterward. My lady mixed some cinnamon into the can of cranberry sauce. Someone else brought two other varieties: one plain, one with orange juice mixed in. Any one of the three containers would have been enough.
  23. Holidaze

    It's not an official index. However, it is used, in part because it's a very easy and quick test - one brief phone call per Waffle House store in the affected area.
  24. Holidaze

    To be fair, the Puritans were dicks to everybody. Including each other, on the slightest excuse. The Pilgrims came for freedom of religion (or at least of various forms of Christianity - don't know if they went further than that). The Puritans had just lost a war over which version of Christianity would be mandatory for everyone in England, then learned that being refugees in Holland didn't give them the power to make their version mandatory there, and came to North America to establish a place where they could dictate everyone's religion. The first European settlers in at least two states adjacent to Massachusetts were people escaping from the Puritan regime. (I still don't understand how anyone can take seriously a cleric who preaches hatred in the name of a loving God.)
  25. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    I remember one time when we were visiting a friend, a sudden ruckus came from down their hall. Which I was in position to look down. So they asked "What's that noise?" I replied "Your cat is fighting with a box. The more intelligent one is winning." Immediate response: "Oh, poor Misty, is that box beating up on you?"