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Don Edwards

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Everything posted by Don Edwards

  1. Comic for Wedneday June 14 2023

    I was expecting one of Tedd's friends to say something like "I don't get it. How can a hair style I've never seen you in before, make you look even more like yourself?"
  2. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    There can be some interesting legal fictions. For example, four rooms in an Ottawa hospital were part of the Netherlands - and not part of Canada - for a short time in January of 1943. That legal fiction meant that when Princess Margriet was born in those rooms, she was not Canadian and officially did not have divided loyalties; therefore she would be eligible to inherit the Dutch throne. (She still is - 8th in line according to Wikipedia; her oldest sister's son is the current monarch.)
  3. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Have you mentioned to the docs that when you use gabapentin you gain weight? They may have something else that is almost as good for the intended purpose but doesn't have that side effect.
  4. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    My dad's job during WWII was aircraft quality control across multiple factories. He was not only exempted from the draft, he was kicked out (and sent back to flying his private plane over the western US and Canada making sure airplane parts from factory A connected properly with parts from factory B ) all four times he enlisted.
  5. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    "a dear bought victory; another such would have ruined us" - General Clinton, British Army, after the Battle of Bunker Hill in the American Revolution. (Setup: Bunker Hill had a commanding view of Boston Harbor; if the rebellious Americans could put artillery there, they could deny the harbor to British ships. The land approaches to Bunker Hill, however, were similarly challenged by Breed's Hill. The American forces, then generally regarded as not amounting to much, were therefore entrenched on Breed's Hill, and the British decided that could not stand. In the end the British won, but in the process they lost nearly half of their forces in the Boston area - more than twice as many casualties as the Americans took - and 1/4 of all officers lost over the course of the entire war.)
  6. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    While the extent of our destruction is clearly and significantly non-zero, it is frequently exaggerated. There are people out there under the impression that life on Earth will be severely damaged by atmospheric CO2 levels less than half of what was normal when the giant dinosaurs were at their heyday. Somehow this does not greatly concern me. On the other hand, there is debate over whether humans are about to be a mass-extinction event, were a mass-extinction event starting a couple hundred years ago, or were a mass-extinction event starting, in North America, about 23,000 years ago (earlier on some other continents, a bit later in South America). I think at least one of those sides is probably correct, and it's past time to stop doing that.
  7. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    Allegedly, Prime Minister Winston Churchill did... at least once. "This is the kind of tedious nonsense up with which I will not put." Then there's the time a father went upstairs to read his son a bedtime story, only to have the child express disapproval of the chosen book. "What did you bring the book I don't like to be read to out of up for?" (Ending a sentence with five prepositions.)
  8. Comic for Wednesday, May 24, 2023

    We arrived here late last week and had several sunny days with temps in the upper 80s. Followed by four consecutive days of rain with temps topping out in the lower 70s at most.
  9. What Happened?

    A search for "Thom Khatt" revealed that he (or another person using that name) had some medical & financial issues in 2018 that resulted in a GoFundMe campaign. Unfortunately, I use a standards-compliant browser rather than a Microsoft-compliant one, so my attempt to send an inquiry to the campaign organizer didn't work. You might give it a try, if you haven't already. https://www.gofundme.com/friend-needs-help-for-medical-issue
  10. NP Comic for Tuesday, May 23, 2023

    The pushing wasn't the problem. It was the poking.
  11. What Are You Ingesting?

    It looks like wasabi, but doesn't burn the mouth.
  12. Comic for Friday, May 19, 2023

    If you deliberately blab secrets that don't matter, with the intent of earning a reputation of being unable to keep a secret, it gets easier to keep the secrets that do matter - because nobody believes you're keeping any secrets.
  13. NP Comic for Saturday, May 20, 2023

    A few days ago, at both sunrise and sunset, I heard what sounded like three animals with loud, high-pitched voices, saying "Meow". No, not meowing, more like they were saying the word. (After some thought and comparing to sound clips from the internet, I decided they were probably foxes.)
  14. The Weather.

    So the front gives you trouble, and so does the back?
  15. Other Random Comics

    Well, it's a koala. Thinking is quite an accomplishment. And near-starvation is probably a prerequisite.
  16. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    Yep. In the real world, the problem with anarchy is too many governments exercising strict control over very small areas that overlap with no agreement about how they do so.
  17. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    Hey, /me is busy thinking. Leaf him alone.
  18. Comic for Friday, May 5, 2023

    Just want to mention that, at least in the US, it was common during the cold war to say "Russia" when one technically meant "the USSR". Two syllables rather than five...
  19. Comic for Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023

    Bumping into them?
  20. Comic for Monday, Apr 17, 2023

    Wildspec: it wasn't Zeus, it was Zaqo. Which is Deus, minus 4 on each character.
  21. Comic for Monday, Apr 10, 2023

    I have a feeling that the Immortals are less than 100% free to rewrite their laws any way they like - that there are some constraints they can't violate, or maybe they can violate a little bit over on this edge if they are careful to stay sufficiently clear of that edge over there. And that the "can't go through walls" is a side effect which they discovered after agreeing to new rules.
  22. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    I bet the bed usually wins...
  23. Pennsic 50

    At one time I could have blazoned that*... don't remember enough now. * described it in proper heraldic terminology and format
  24. Comic for Friday, Apr. 7, 2023

    Why would she think that it can't? And what other sort of change might Jerry/Zeus be warning her of, that he'd (think he should) try to be secretive about?
  25. Comic for Monday, Apr 3, 2023

    Some of the word salad that most conspiracy theories consist of, should do.