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Everything posted by CritterKeeper

  1. Things That Make You Happy

    A client recognizing my necklace as Circular Gallifreyan. :-)
  2. NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    Hmm, will Block be making a daring jailbreak, and go on the run to prove they're innocent? Or will there be a twist ending where it turns out Block really did do it?
  3. Monday, May 9, 2016

    There is *always* math. Psych is biology. Biology is chemistry. Chemistry is physics. Physics is math.
  4. The Association Game

    Adopt A Canadian
  5. More Speculation.

    I just re-read the bit of Hammerchlorians in the cave, and when Jerry vows to repay the Immortals' debt to Susan and Nanase, the first thing he does is confirm that Grace and Sarah are her friends and she cares about them, then try to do what he can to protect them. It would be consistent for Voltaire to try to hurt Pandora indirectly through the people Tedd and/or Raven care about.
  6. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    Hmm, compared to his more recent "gender-meh" attitude, it was interesting to see Elliot state outright he's mentally male even when transformed, in the immediate aftermath of his first outing as Cheerleadra.
  7. Story Friday May 6, 2016

    The general theory is that if Ellen hits Elliot with a beam, and Magus is standing between them, the beam will carry him into Elliot's body. If the combined/possessed/commensal/whatever Elliot then touches the Dewitchery Diamond, it will separate the two of them and give Magus a new body. Personally, I'd really like to see the gang decide to help Magus voluntarily once he can find some way to explain this to them, either through an intermediary (possibly a glove-assisted Tedd being able to see and hear him), or once he's gotten inside Elliot and can use his voice.
  8. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Is this pain something new, or suddenly greater than before? If so, it could be a sign of a problem with the equipment in there. I've seen plenty of cases where a pin migrates, or a screw loosens, or an infection develops around an implant from years before. It might be that there's something they could take out now, that would allow further healing and eventual reduction in pain. Not saying it *is* but it's definitely worth looking into....
  9. What Are You Watching?

    It was named for the Earl of Derby or somesuch, and not for the hat. It was on the radio this morning.
  10. Last Post Wins

    Unless you're a snake.
  11. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    Current research indicates that the population of the Americas was many times greater before Columbus arrived, and early European settlers often arrived to cleared lands and cultivated forests which had been abandoned recently enough to still be extremely useful to them. The Mayflower settlers were greeted by a village with a sole survivor who welcomed them because his entire community had been wiped out by disease. The Americas weren't unspoiled wilderness with a few little villages, they were a vast array of civilizations which had been greatly depopulated by illnesses brought by the early European explorers. The first explorers would report thriving communities, and the next people through the area would say they must have been exaggerating because there was nothing like that anymore. There's a whole book, 1491, which summarized a lot of this a decade ago, but I first read about it in an online article of the same name. Really makes you wish you could travel back in time and see for yourself!
  12. The Association Game

  13. NP, Friday May 6th, 2016

    You'd have to milk an awful lot of Maltese to get a bottle of milk....
  14. I Want This Car

    I dunno, KITT was pretty cool....
  15. More Speculation.

    Wild Theory of the Day: Diane and Susan had to be separated for magical reasons. The idea of twins developing their own private language is well-known. Twins often share talents and encourage each other to develop them. Well, what if, together, Susan and Diane started manifesting their magical talents at a very early age? Neither one on their own was able to do it, but together they could create magical objects. And, like most toddlers, they had very little sense of what is and isn't appropriate behavior in public, so they started making magical objects appear in public whenever they were together. It might even have become dangerous -- again, toddlers don't know *what* not to summon as well as *when* and *where* not to summon. So, for the twins' own safety, they had to be split up.
  16. NP, Friday May 6th, 2016

    Yes, they do.
  17. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    Any disease will be most devastating the *first* time it hits a naïve population, that is, a populatin that has never seen that disease before. The first plague will kill off all the most vulnerable genes, leaving behind the more resistant genes to spread throughout the population. The next time the disease hits, there are fewer vulnerable genes, and more resistant ones, so the disease isn't quite as devastating. The longer a disease exists in a given population, the less severe it tends to be, and the fewer severe cases develop. The diseases that ravaged the natives in the Americas had already ravaged Europe, they just did it many generations before. By the time they crossed the ocean they'd developed resistance to them, by virtue of everyone *not* resistant dying off.
  18. Story Friday May 6, 2016

    I wasn't assuming, I was speculating. Just seemed like everyone was ganging up on what I'd thought was a pretty cool speculation. Besides, once it occurred to me, I just couldn't resist sharing the mental image of young-looking Elf Adrian wearing low-slung breeches, riding a wolf and weilding a crescent moon short-sword with a feral grin on his face. ;-)
  19. Story Friday May 6, 2016

    Sounds like a pretty complicated, high-risk, low-yield endeavor. Sirleck was having a hard enough time finding a regular human host to transfer his ill-gotten gains to and take over. Seeking out an elf to possess would likely be too difficult to be worth it. Having the identity of an elf handed to him on a silver platter, right at a time when he is in need of a new host, on the other hand, well, that would be awfully tempting. Yes, but most Immortals reset every couple of hundred years. That close emotional tie would be replaced with a more academic knowledge that this person is technically their offspring. I suspect that Pandora keeps a much closer eye on Adrian than most Immortal parents do by the time they're a few hundred years old. Well, sure, we're not sure that Adrian doesn't spend his weekends doing Elfquest cosplay, either. You can speculate all sorts of things into existence. Has there been any indication in-comic that elves can resist or sense body-snatchers? That's quite true, and the self-defense clause would also come into play.
  20. Story Friday May 6, 2016

    Hmm, he can sense there's *something* there, but he was still surprised by Adrian being an elf later on. So if you went looking for an elf by such means, you might have to sort through who-knows-how-many other creatures of various sorts. That could be more of a problem. However, I suspect Sirleck would think himself clever enough to avoid triggering such restrictions and still get what he wanted.
  21. Story Comic for Tuesday, May 3, 2016

    When asked about it, their reply was, "We're adopted," not "I'm adopted."
  22. Story Friday May 6, 2016

    Maybe because he didn't know of any? They likely do not advertise their heritage. Recall, in the confrontation with Abraham, Adrien took it as given that revealing he was "the bastard son of a human and an Immortal" would lead Abraham to want to destroy him as much as he wanted to kill Ellen. It would probably make them targets for a lot of other stuff, too.
  23. Story Friday May 6, 2016

    Poor Magus may find that Sirleck suddenly doesn't need him any more.
  24. STORY: Wednesday April 27, 2016

    The main incompatibility between NTSC and PAL was not frames per second, it was the shape of the screen. One had more lines per frame than the other, and I think they had a different number of pixels width, too. That's what made for wonky pictures. To show one type of image on the other type of screen, you had to compress or stretch to make to one match the other. Do you know whether both regions now use the same size and shape screen? I'm betting they do, but that would be the main source of concern.
  25. Story Friday May 6, 2016

    Holy crap! The mental image of Adrian seeing that....thing....coming for him, or worse yet, not seeing it untl it's already surrounding him.... Let's hope there's a way to get a body-snatcher off their victim without hurting them, 'cos one of the few things we know about Sirleck is that his current host is brain-dead and he's hoping to possess a powerful wizard next. A virtually immortal one, who can live hundreds of years without needing to reset, would be irresistable....