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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by CritterKeeper

  1. The Weather.

    At least it was only one room, and not one that you live in. But, I know stuff in "storage" can include precious memories -- my parents' basement flooded last year, and we spent quite a bit of time sorting through damaged photos and books and papers, seeing what could be saved and what couldn't. It was fun sometimes, seeing things that had been put away and forgotten, but it was heartbreaking too. A little tip, the damage to books comes from their drying unevenly. I got this from some book experts, talking about how libraries deal with things like a fire setting off the sprinklers. It's actually better to soak a damp book completely and then spread it out to dry, rather than let the soaked bits and damp bits and only sligtly damp bits all dry at once and end up dry at different times.
  2. Word of Dan Discussion

    Dan regularly interacts with fans on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook. Interacting with fans here would be no more or less of a legal problem.
  3. The Association Game

    Bananagrams! (Did I mention I spent all weekend playtesting games?)
  4. Sketchbook: Tuesday April 19, 2016

    This is very well done....the expressions on their faces speak volumes!
  5. The Association Game

  6. More Speculation.

    Why would Edward make any connection between an encounter that happened almost three years ago and came to a dead end, with Elliot apparently being possessed (semi-possessed?) by his duplicate from another universe who is only trying to get back home? Unless Pandora makes a personal appearance specifically to blow his cover, I find it unlikely. And none of the other Immortals involved would even know about that woodland encounter.
  7. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    *hugs* I'm very sorry you're having such a tough time right now. I hope knowing you have friends and support here helps, and I just wish there were more I could do!
  8. What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Uh oh....that doesn't sound good. I sincerely hope your misgivings are misplaced, and/or that the arbitrator/judge/other authority sees it your way quickly.
  9. What Are You Watching?

    I have to wonder if there wasn't at least some hesitation and (mental) pause for thought as runners approached the finish area....
  10. NP Monday April 18, 2016

    Nah, Elvis has been hanging out in Louisiana. Just don't call him by that name....
  11. Story: Monday April 18, 2016

    "Blow that for a game of soldiers"?? Never heard that one before! I dunno, I thought he might be the amorphous blob, for seeing auras.
  12. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    Yes, it would involve lying, most ikely sticking to lies of omission rather than outright falsehood. Only question would be how good he'd be at it, and how long he could get away with it. So far as I can recall, Les Immortals haven't actually seen much of Magus, just felt him using his power once (but likely not knowing what that power was) and saw him fleeing when they showed up. At worst they could give away that he'd been watching Elliot longer than he'd said, to which he could reply that he didn't want to creep them out by admitting he'd been watching them for years.... Exactly. I think Magus would try to leave out the fact that he was responsible for Ellen's creation, that he manipulated their emotions (twice that we know of), and that he had been working with Pandora and Sirleck. He'd tell them about being stranded in a strange world, unable to communicate or interact except with these scary monster things, some of which look more human than others, some of which chased after him (explaining why he ran from Les Immortals if it comes up). He hasn't actually done anything all at bad. Even if his relationship with Sirleck comes to light, what is the practical upshot of it? Sirleck's host is already braindead, there's no helping him, and working with Magus had actualy delayed Sirleck moving on to a new host. Magus could argue that was his goal, and that one reason he wanted to be able to communicate is so he could warn the Good Guys about Sirleck before he moved on. Or, more important, sharing Ellen's room....
  13. Sketchbook: Thursday, April 14, 2016

    Who says it wasn't deliberate sabotage? One of the main theories is that TNT wanted out of their contract, so they deliberately interfered with the show until it was, well, a mess, and then argued JMS hadn't delivered what was cintracted. Agreed about the people running cable networks. The "Sci-Fi Channel" seemed to make a habit of cancelling their second-most-popular show every year or two for a while there. Said they were too expensive to make because of all the special effects. That's right, people running a science fiction channel were opposed to their shows having special effects. It got so bad that for a while they were showing WWF/WWE "professional wrestling" shows, which granted would fit the 'fiction' part of the name, but 'science'?
  14. The Association Game

  15. The Weather.

    Gorgeous day Sunday, too bad I was indoors for most of it. Monday is supposed to be lovely, too, with a forecast high of 78°F. I have a lot of built-up stuff to do at home, but hopefully I'll get outside at least a while, and I'll open windows as much as I can while working in the house.
  16. What Are You Ingesting?

    Falafels from Trader Joe's.
  17. More Speculation.

    Thought this was the appropriate place to put this idea, as it seems to be the successor to the old "wild theories" thread. :-)
  18. Story: Monday April 18, 2016

    How long before a Li'l Abner joke shows up? Or is his appearance already a reference to the black-haired perpetually-19 character?
  19. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    Okay, wild theory here, or maybe it's the opposite of wild? Magus has seen enough of Elliot and his friends to know they're good people. Once he gets zapped into Elliot's body, what if he just comes clean and *tells* them about how he got stranded in a strange dimension, and has been stuck invisibly watching his duplicate there? He wouldn't have to tell them exactly how long he's been there, or about his ability to amplify emotions, or his working with Pandora, or any of that. Just tell them that he's been watching Elliot, and when he saw Ellen about to zap Elliot, he had a flash of insight and realized he might be able to ride the beam into Elliot's body and be able to communicate with them. Then he'd ask them to please help him. He might even let them come up with the idea of using the Dewitchery Diamond on their own, once he explained his problem and asked for help. If they're too slow to come up with it on their own, he could ask whether Ellen was also a duplicate from another dimension, as he had no twin back home. (Most people seem pretty sure that Magus and Terra are alternates of Elliot and Tedd, but even if they aren't, if we believe it, why wouldn't they?) Does anyone really think our Main Eight+ would say no? Or would they head for the Dewitchery Diamond to help the poor stranded alternate-Elliot regain form and get back home? Even if they took the matter to Mr. Verres, I could see him agreeing to it as long as he was convinced no harm would come to Elliot and that Magus's intentions were honorable. So, instead of wild hijinx as possessed-Elliot makes a run for the DD and his friends try to stop him, we get a nice, calm, fully-approved trip to where it's stored. Might even help keep Sirleck from double-crossing him, as it would be difficult to get into the facility and take possession under the watchful eye of Verres and company.
  20. Three Word Game

    former astronaut replied,
  21. The Association Game

    Launching balls from the Illini Union patio and getting one stuck on the roof of Follinger, way at the other end of the Quad. :-D
  22. Sketchbook: Thursday, April 14, 2016

    To quote Spider Robinson....Boy, are you lucky, to have all that ahead of you!
  23. Three Word Game

    floating magical girl
  24. NP: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    Well, shoot. I was happily oblivious to the whole idea of a "duck face" in the comic, other than the long-absent and much-missed Demonic Duck. Now I'm looking for them even when they aren't there! I hope this effect wears off soon, or I'm going to have to do SeriousJupiter some serious harm.... *grumblegrumble*
  25. Story: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    Funny, I was just thinking the opposite, that the fact that he preferred a plan with "only" one murder was the first sign we'd had that this Immortal might actually have a conscience. After all, we've seen Pandora engage in plans involving murder, too. She tried to get Edward to kill Abraham, and she almost had Dex kill everyone in the dojo. The white immortal has acted like a jerk, but I am not yet convinced that he'll turn out to be truly and completely evil -- there could be broader plans and/or motives we haven't seen yet. Not my first bet, but not off the table either.