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Comic for Saturday, Jun 10, 2023

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Here is.
So Nanase has a plan and Ellen thinks she knows what it is.  From a D&D perspective throwing a rock is a improvised weapon, which means you don't get your proficiency bonus and does more or less minimal damage.  Of course we don't really know what game system they are really using.  A thrown rock may be a dangerous attack for all we know.

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18 hours ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:


Does the comics authority still censor issues where the characters get stoned?


Like EGS would pass Comic Code at all.

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On 6/10/2023 at 11:43 AM, mlooney said:

From a D&D perspective throwing a rock is a improvised weapon, which means you don't get your proficiency bonus and does more or less minimal damage.  Of course we don't really know what game system they are really using.  A thrown rock may be a dangerous attack for all we know.

I seem to recall halflings getting 'throw rock' as a proficiency. Maybe in 3.0 or 3.5?

A bigger question is, "Why does the dude have a rock handy to throw?" Did he stop, bend down, and pick it up? Nanase put some distance between them. Was he carrying it in a pouch or pocket? He had to fish for it. He had it in his hand? In that case he might be experienced throwing rocks.

Throwing takes practice. We practiced with a softball all throughout elementary school age. Do they still do that any more? I'm not seeing that as a medieval activity.

His rock is not terribly unbalanced, but it is not an ideal throwing object. Rocks in particular, you want heavy (hence bulky) for damage, but that works against being able to throw it especially for distance. He does not look particularly buff. Nanase is continuing to move. This should fail.

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