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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. More Speculation.

    Well, the only time we saw her not in flashbacks, she thought being homosexual was insanity yet wouldn't be opposed to Susan being one as she wouldn't have to deal with men. As for Mrs Pompoms knowing about Susan's magic... I doubt it but it's true we haven't seen her lately. We do know that Susan was worried about having to sneak in all the dolls she got during the Playing With Dolls arc and that was the day before the current story so I think it is safe to say that Susan believes her mom doesn't know and is trying to keep it that way. The only parent that we know of that knows about their kid having magic and hiding the fact that they know is Mama Kitsune, and she probably knows that Ellen and Susan has magic, heck she probably concluded herself that Nanase awakened in France, of course she probably didn't realize it until the incident with Abraham but she might have always thought there'd be a chance that Nanase would awaken at some point considering what she knows of her family. It is clear that she knows what Edward really does and she probably even knows Adrian's true nature as well, I think maybe Mama Kitsune and Noriko used to be closer which let Mama Kitsune be privy to the stuff Adrian was teaching Edward and Noriko, or maybe Mama Kitsune herself is also skilled in magic which Adrian help train her in, but hasn't used it since falling out with her sister, the fact Adrian's her least favorite would certainly be related to Noriko leaving Edward.
  2. More Speculation.

    Ok, this might be a bit of a stretch, but in Dan's description for the Mall Elliot+Mall Ashley pinup: " 1 - He liked his mall form enough that it had become its own special form with its own abilities. " This actually seems like something that could, and may have actually happened in canon. Why couldn't that apply to Susan's fairy summons, it started off as part of the "summon what I have in a box" spell, but she loved summoning Nase and did it pretty much constantly, enough that Sarah even joked around about it. It would totally make sense that it would eventually become it's own summon spell with it's own abilities.
  3. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    I wasn't trying to imply otherwise, sorry if it did. I certainly know that it doesn't as I know someone who's trans-female and is still attracted to females. And yes, I have her reading EGS and even she just a few days ago messaged me on twitter pointing out that she thought that was Sam in panel 4 as well.
  4. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Maybe Sam is still attracted to females despite not identifying as female. He didn't seem against the idea of going on a maybe date with Sarah, just worried about what Sarah might think if she found out that Sam is transgender.
  5. Last Post Wins

    No, sorry if that was confusing. Drones in the Heavy Gear game could be controlled 2 ways, either let them go on their own AI which would be considered a level 2 pilot and gunner with whatever bonuses/penalties applied by it's movement system, weapon accuracy or whatever special auxiliary components it has. Or you have someone controlling it remotely which would then take the piloting and gunnery skills of the person controlling it, which in the setting we played, drone controllers were genetically bred superhumans that had been specifically trained for drone control and so would likely have level 5 skill in piloting and gunnery for drones, plus would have their own bonuses to add to or offset the drone's bonuses or penalties. Basically how it worked was the higher the level in a skill, the more 1d6s you rolled, and since the result is based on the highest singular dice plus or minus bonuses/penalties, you would want to have a high skill to have a better chance of rolling a 6. Also rolling multiple 6's has it's own benefit in that each 6 after the first one adds 1 more to the result. So someone with a skill of 5 that applies a bonus of 2 to the skill, then rolls 4 6's and a 3, would get 6+2+3 for a result of 11, if the drone was running on AI alone, it would have at best rolled double 6's for 6+2+1=9. The difference between a 9 and an 11 makes a big difference when dodging and firing as weapon damage is a multplier of the difference between a successful shot and failed dodge. So say I rolled a 10 on my gunnery skill with a weapon that does x20 damage, that 9 would have resulted in the drone taking 20 damage and most drones that was enough for a light damage roll. The 11 from a drone controller would have saved that drone's arse.
  6. The only issue with that, is Tedd's got another ear peeking from behind his neck. Otherwise pretty good.
  7. The first image, the outfit looks like something Nanase used to have to wear because of her mom, second image outfit looks like something Ashley should have worn in the chance that she was going to leave her coat in the car in the middle of winter. Images 3 and even 4 outfits would probably be a common style in the summer and wouldn't be too out of the ordinary. 5's outfit certainly would cause a few fender benders on the street.
  8. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    Yeah, Bad Tom might have known about Sarah, Elliot and Tedd, and considered them not a threat to his plan and he'd be right, neither of them were fully aware of what Susan was going through, mind you Bad Tom didn't know the exact reason Susan was feeling that way when he approached her but it was close enough. Justin however, not only was from another school so Bad Tom wouldn't likely have known he existed, but him and Susan have had a special bond since Grace's birthday that they're close enough that they can tell each other things that they normally couldn't tell anyone else, because of that, Justin was able to pick up on things that were bothering Susan and help her deal with them.
  9. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    Diane was probably the only wild card of the four of them, she wasn't supposed to drink the punch, but if Jerry hadn't interfered, she would have been enchanted as well. Then again Jerry's interference was something Not_Tengu could not have predicted. He apparently had been observing Susan long enough to know the right things to say when he first approached her. Of course it wouldn't have been hard in Susan's case considering her reputation as Hammer Queen and the review show, but still, I'd say he did it with all the girls he dated before Susan.
  10. I meant it as in I'm not sure if Elliot has ever kissed Ellen, and I mean that as in a sibling affection kind of way, peck on the cheek or forehead, not the lips. I had in a previous posted suggested that Ellen could be affected if Elliot HAD kissed her, and in the more recent post suggested a course where Ellen could still have been affected if Elliot HADN'T kissed her. Sorry it wasn't clear.
  11. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    I think anyone if they spent enough time observing a person, would learn enough about them to predict something with a good degree of accuracy. If Not_Tengu had been observing Nanase long enough, which considering the Meddling Teenagers were minor celebrities and probably have a few interviews and newspaper articles from the cases they solved, he might have learned enough to predict that even if Nanase regretted agreeing to no alcohol, she'd still be honour bound to not drink. Same goes with Ashley. If you didn't know her already, you could probably observe her long enough to learn that she's into manga with transformation antics in them, you could then deduce that she has strong interest in transformations and guess that she would think it'd be cool if she could transform. Other observations of her being helpful to others would imply that she's good natured and wouldn't intentionally do anything to harm people, so you would expect that if she did have the ability to transform people, she likely wouldn't use it on people she didn't think would appreciate it, so no transformation sprees. It's stalker level observations for sure, I think Not_Tengu would be stalker material though.
  12. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=534 Looks like my question about how Rhoda uses the spell on herself is being answered, she's got her eyes closed as she's about to cast it, but her hands are at her sides, so it looks like she can just will the spell on herself rather than use her hands to target her. Hmm...can her spell selectively grow parts? Or is she going to turn her pocket into a TARDIS?
  13. I did comment that the actual epidemic would have been if the transformation spread from anyone that Elliot's kissed to everyone they've kissed and so forth, meaning not only would Ellen be affected if Elliot had never kissed her, but many of the boyfriends Nanase had in school and then anyone they kissed, and so on.
  14. NP, Friday November 4, 2016

    Being out of continuity doesn't mean they never lived in Moperville, Lisa could have got her law degree from Moperville College.
  15. I suspect Elliot and/or Ellen would have said something, at least once to either Tedd, Grace or Nanase about it. Not sure about Elliot, it would take him some time to close mouth, but Ellen, yes, definitely. Elliot would be like "We had to break up before I could see you naked?" And then Ellen would say "Don't you dare break up with Ashley for that reason!"
  16. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    It's a common sense though, Ellen agreed to abide by Mama Kitsune's conditions for being able to go to the party and Nanase asked that Ellen keep to that agreement, if Ellen went against that, I wouldn't blame Nanase for being mad. Also it is canon that the hair incident had an effect on Ellen that continues to this day. I should add though that I think both Nanase and Ellen learned something from the hair incident that neither want to repeat again, and are going to be more open with each other about stuff, so no I don't think the relationship is going in the direction you thought I was implying.
  17. NP, Friday November 4, 2016

    Either it's fantasy, or it's not really Lisa and Amanda, they just look similar. Or ... maybe that happened in the past. Wait, they have same school uniforms as current cast ... I wasn't really being serious about that bit, though I was serious about the out of towners doing the Q&As being odd part.
  18. Actually, no. Her walking around nude doesn't confirm there is any relationship present. Doesn't disprove it either, of course For all we know, Sarah could have gone to visit Elliot like that.
  19. The image link worked, the Message link went to some other page with a video about the unveiling of women in Iran, soo unless that was your intention, I don't think it worked. I just use the actual page link https://www.patreon.com/posts/double-casual-7174133 As for the canonness of this, Tedd may believe that it was the wardrobe malfunctions and experiments that caused a personality shift, but we all know it was Grace's fault.
  20. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    That's irrelevant to what Not_Tengu would believe, he would have known the legal drinking age and knew that Nanase and Ellen were underaged for it. If Nanase wasn't going to drink, chances are high that Ellen wouldn't drink. After all, we know Ellen wouldn't want to make Nanase mad again after the hair incident, if Nanase said no to drinking, Ellen would go along.
  21. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    This was certainly talked about when the comic page was released, and I don't think anyone could think of any good reason why it couldn't be. Sam's employer could have a strict policy for what employees can wear to work and Sam likely couldn't have checked off "male" in the application for fear of losing his job later if someone found out that he "lied" about it (I'm not saying Sam would be lying, but people who are transphobic likely would and make a huge fuss about it).
  22. The original was an entirely blue outfit though which Dan said would be what Elliot would default too if he wasn't focusing on clothing, though from the look of the commentary there, Dan almost went with an entirely yellow outfit too which brought on the idea that Elliot would look like Fluttershy. I'd say recent pinup schemes are a cross between the two.
  23. Story: Friday November 4, 2016

    I totally expect this to be used in the "annoying" thread at some point.
  24. Thatoneguy beat me to it in the patron comments, but yeah that one would make things potentially very awkward. Lets see, who all would Elliot have kissed at this point: Parents, because everyone would have done so when they were children. Any family members possibly, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and this is all assuming innocent peck on the cheek kisses in greeting counts, I don't recall if Elliot has ever kissed Ellen either. Nanase Sarah Catalina Carol also assuming a peck on the cheek is good enough to count. Anyone else?