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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. NP, Friday November 4, 2016

    I think she would have looked to see why it worked when she thought it shouldn't have, although I do expect to hear what Pandora has to say about it soon. Does the fact that her and Lisa made an appearance as sqeeing students count? Also it would seem pretty odd for out of towners to handle Q&A stuff. It's all subjective. Fine, I got dibs on Susan.
  2. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    Even he doesn't consider the mark spell counting as his own. And we don't even know if it's still possible for him to awaken because of this or if he'd even get new spells if he did. Although, maybe his dangerous rarity isn't just that he'd be able to decipher how a new magic system works, but maybe he's already equipped to learn spells in the new system, but just can't learn new spells in the current system. That's where the mind control aspect of Not_Tengu's enchantment comes in, hit em with that first and suddenly it's like "these are not the droids you are looking for" for the rest of it. Doubt it, like I said, if he did his research, he would have known enough about Ellen that if Nanase wasn't going to be drinking, Ellen likely wouldn't be drinking either, he didn't really expect Charlotte to have been drinking as well, though he was probably still a bit disappointed that she didn't. Well, yeah, it would have been much more difficult if Ellen and Nanase were forced to fight off the students as well. And yeah, Tedd would have had an even more psychological impact on Noriko, but wasn't practical in the long term for Not_tengu.
  3. NP, Friday November 4, 2016

    ... would explain it quite nicely. I was going to suggest that, but I can't think of any reason Pandora wouldn't notice that, I know she said she hasn't paid much attention to Rhoda, but she at least knew that Rhoda had become aware of her mark and spell, and told Catalina about it. I would think just looking at Rhoda would have told her whether she had awakened or not. We can't assume that all of Moperville has a fetish for short busty girls. Amanda must turn lots of heads as well and she's tall and even bustier, well, when not shrunk that is.
  4. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    Still, Tedd didn't believe that he should have been able to resist even his own spells, note he even resisted whatever it was that happened to Nanase's hair that affected Sarah's hair but not his. He was convinced that of the three of them, Sarah should have been the most likely to have resisted it. So his being able to effortlessly resist and end enchantments would have to be related to his rarity. Also, the first case was an enchantment applied by the TFG so it wasn't really his own enchantment, so being able to end that enchantment would imply that he would be able to cancel enchantments applied by other mages, unless of course the enchantment had a mind control effect that made him unaware that he was enchanted. Changing his default form was definitely the mark spell though. That makes it a passive resistance which is what I was trying to get at, there's 2 ways to resist an enchantment, passively and actively, passive resistance is just natural resistance, it affects the natural duration of an enchant and can be lowered if the person wasn't expecting to be enchanted, that's basically what happened to all the students, they didn't expect it so their guard was down, even if any of them had some natural resistance, that they didn't see it coming meant it was even less. Active resistance would come from "Oh! There's a mage, they might try to cast a spell on me!" and bracing themselves for it increasing their natural resistance. Not_Tengu, in doing his research on Nanase, likely expected Ellen to have some tricks so he made sure to be prepared for anything, and therefore easily resisted the beam. If they drank the punch, Ellen's and Nanase's guard would have been down, they likely would have fallen victim to the enchantment as well, it may have required more energy to keep them enchanted but considering the ambient energy levels... Mind you Not_Tengu wasn't counting on that happening, he wanted to confront Nanase, fighting and killing her would have been revenge on Noriko, heck making the students look like Nanase might not have been intended to do anything to Nanase, but "I killed your niece and remade my new flock in her image" would have likely had a huge psychological effect on Noriko, and...well, her entire family.
  5. NP, Friday November 4, 2016

    If Rhoda ends up taller than planned, yes. But even if she ends up "just over six feet tall" (which is not tall enough to draw stares just from the tallness if they don't know it's not her natural height), anybody who knows Rhoda might recognize her . . . I don't think it'd be "people are not that tall" that draws attention to Rhoda. It'd be the fact that she'd be even sexier taller that does it. But yeah if someone recognizes Rhoda in that state, that'd be how rumours start.
  6. Story: Friday November 4, 2016

    Edward also had no idea what angle Arthur was coming from with his appearance on TV after Cheerleadra's first appearance, it's possible that despite being a VIP in the paranormal world, Edward might not know all the intricacies of what the agency is doing. He was probably appalled to learn what Arthur told Cranium about "occasional casualties", and I have no doubts that Cranium told Edward about that.
  7. NP, Friday November 4, 2016

    Actually, the one palm looks to be facing forward more, safe to assume the other palm is doing the same. Also if she is going to do something to her jacket pocket and needed to use her hands to do it, wouldn't it make more sense to have her point her palm on the jacket? We'll see on Monday.
  8. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    Yeah, the first case was definitely Tedd disenchanting her self as Tedd believed she needed to zap himself back to normal. The second case was two parts, there was the disenchanting the extra girly form which was the same as the first case, Tedd just resolved to end the enchantment, no concentration, no trying to resist, just the though of not being enchanted anymore was enough. The second part of Tedd turning back into a male, wasn't disenchanting, it was changing his default form back to male. I can't even begin to think about how resistances work for spells that change default forms, it's possible that it would be harder to resist a default form changing spell and probably would require assistance to revert the changes. I was referring to the bottle being enchanted, not the liquid itself. Of course the liquid would carry the enchant as well but as long as the enchant on the bottle is maintained, then it would continue to work. There isn't any evidence that there was any type of resistance but plenty of evidence that none of them were aware that anything was wrong, even after the enchantment was broken, none of them were aware that anything had happened and Rhea believed that Diane had the punch after all.
  9. Story: Friday November 4, 2016

    Possible, Sarah would at least know that if she opens a door and there's an outline or a shadow, that there's someone there, she wouldn't be able to tell who it was though or interact with them in any way and trying to fill in the gap would alter the accuracy of the simulation. What if DGB has grown dependent on the high ambient energy, yeah they're experienced, powerful mages, but what if Arthur Arthur has learned to exploit the high ambient energy? It's a stretch, sure, but there's gotta be some people who are benefiting from the high energy that if they learned that it was going to be gone soon would go to lengths to make sure it stays.
  10. NP, Friday November 4, 2016

    The problem with trying that approach again is that it might not work a second time, she didn't think it'd work the first time either and from the sounds of it she had tried before. I'm not sure she'd want to risk doing something that's probably had a 10% success rate so far. Rhoda seems sure about what she's about to do as she didn't say that she would "try" to do it, she said she "can" make her pockets bigger, but that it isn't exactly how Catalina thinks she'll do it and implied that it's something she hasn't shown Catalina yet.
  11. Story, Wednesday November 2, 2016

    Yeah, I had made one a while back to ask Dan about something, I forget what it was, but I don't remember it being answered. I had been considering asking this question during our previous discussion but had talked myself out of it because I didn't think I'd get an answer. This time I convinced myself that I definitely wouldn't get an answer if I didn't try to ask.
  12. Story: Friday November 4, 2016

    Noticing that a spell was used, would depend on how sensitive a person was to magic and it likely still wouldn't tell them what the spell was, Adrian's sensitive enough to know that it's either sweet or spicy, to others it might be a tingling sensation, a slight chill, etc. To get more details they might need an active enchantment either on themselves or provided by an item. Yeah, I'm sure that mages would notice a drop in ambient energy levels as Sarah used the spell, and might be able to triangulate the origin of the drops...hmm...Ok so we already have vampires that can potentially interfere with Pandora's plan to remove the clog, what are the chances of mages that have grown dependent on the high ambient energy interfering?
  13. NP, Friday November 4, 2016

    It sounds like she's done what she's about to do before, so it's likely she knows whats she's doing. I can't really be sure about what Dan said about having foreshadowed what Rhoda's about to do. I can really only think that Rhoda's mark might be a clue (better look at the mark here) and that the spell could have 3 effects, there's the obvious "make stuff smaller" part at the top, "make stuff larger" part at the bottom, but then there's that middle part that I thought indicated transition between the two, but the fact that it's hollow... Might it indicate the abilty to manipulate the size of interior spaces? Like my TARDIS reference, could Rhoda be able to make it so something was "bigger on the inside"? I would suspect that Bags of Holding could exist in the EGS universe.
  14. Story: Friday November 4, 2016

    Maybe, i dunno, I'm sure there's probably a method for detecting if someone attempted to use a spell to spy or look inside something. But as for the person themself...well Tedd might see the wave radiating outward, Adrian would probably taste it though I don't know if he would know what spell it was, but anyone else would need to have a similar innate ability for detecting magic like that. Of course someone could have protective items that would shield and alert them when someone attempts to use a spell.
  15. EGS Strip Slaying

    That's the point, every time Elliot's left town was a bad experience, mind you I doubt he regret's Ellen's existence but even she admitted that day was the worst day of her life.
  16. EGS Strip Slaying

    Actually, the last time he left town, it was by force from a half hedgehog man.
  17. Story: Friday November 4, 2016

    Ok, I kinda figured that there would be some magical defense that would prevent the spell from scanning someone or something. It would make sense that if it was possible for people to be able to look inside a locked cabinet or something without opening it that there'd be spells to prevent that. Still doesn't answer the question about computers though.
  18. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    The boar wanted to stay big, so he wasn't trying to resist the spell by starving himself. Also animals can't resist spells the same as humans. Also the main part of Not_Tengu's enchantment was mind control, that's where the obliviousness comes it, it's not that the students were ignoring the fact that they were enchanted, they had no choice because they were gradually slipping under a mind control spell. Rhea and Rick were having a normal conversation without noticing that the guys around them were turning into girls. Everyone else seemed to be acting normal even though they were changing, so there was obviously something about the enchantment that made them unaware and therefore unable to try to resist. The part about making them all look like Nanase was Not_Tengu's idea for driving the point home that this was revenge for what Noriko did to him. It could, as long as it's not the liquid itself that needed to remain enchanted. Maybe he's a Jays fan and their loss to Cleveland in the ALCS hit him just as hard as the Lucky Bunny Bounty Show being cancelled. I know it did me....
  19. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    Yeah, her watch enchantment ended first because she had higher natural resistance, but Tedd's tests prior to that basically stated that the duration of an enchant wasn't static, that you could tell someone how long an enchant should last, and it would last that long, or not say and it would last half as long. Tedd also stated not being sure if resistance could be completely counteracted for someone who doesn't want to be enchanted, as in forcing someone into a form and telling them that it would last a day but because the enchanted didn't desire to be enchanted, they could resist it to a shorter duration. I don't think anyone else would be able to resist it like Tedd would though. It does seem that psychology plays a part as well though, but I think actively desiring to end the enchant would lower the duration more. Why not? if you don't know that you're enchanted, how can you resist it? There's even an NP story related to oblivious enchantments. Yeah, he was channeling the power. And yeah it's known that rendering someone unconscious is enough to break the enchantments, but Nanase and Ellen had to cause Not_Tengu to use up all the energy around the appartment in order to do that, and if there's not enough energy to power Not_Tengu's magic, then it makes sense that he wouldn't be able to maintain the enchantments on the students. Would you want to keep a bowl of punch around indefinitely? Or use something that wouldn't stink up the place after a while? I wasn't listing those abilities as separate things, they're all using her telekinesis, but I was separating them based on their ease of use for Grace, she had stated that making herself fly was easier than moving objects, and using the shield is tiring too.
  20. Story, Wednesday November 2, 2016

    I think I'm having memory issues, it's pretty late here, hehe. Anyway, I still find it odd that he's only used books as examples of things Sarah could read and have actually asked Dan about it on tumblr if the scan is detailed enough to let Sarah view files on a hard drive, or if it's limited to what was displayed on the screen at the time the spell was cast. That should be clear enough to get a satisfactory answer. Just hoping Dan does answer.
  21. Story, Wednesday November 2, 2016

    Actually, this was another case where I should have read the commentary before making an assumption, of course in this case my assumption seems correct: " As for what Tedd is referring to in that last panel, it's actually very possible to logically deduce, and here's a question one can consider to help with that: If Sarah's spell creates an accurate simulation of a time stop inside of her mind, what would it logically have to do first? " The answer, obviously it scans the area that it's going to simulate, and of course: As you pointed out there, Dan said that it generates a spherical wave that takes detailed notes of everything it encounters. It still doesn't really confirm whether electronically stored information is accessible though as Dan has only used books as examples...
  22. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=533 You know what? I ain't even mad that it won't be canon canon, imagination canon is just as good for me.
  23. NP, Monday October 31, 2016

    Tedd's research into enchantment duration suggests that there are 2 factors that determine the duration of an enchant, a person's resistance to magic, and the amount of energy available. For resistance, a person's natural resistance affects the natural duration of an enchantment, but a person can actively attempt to resist it and end it sooner, or will it to last longer. For example, tell Nanase, who has a high natural resistance, that an enchantment on her would last an hour and if she doesn't actively affect the resistance, it might end after 45 minutes, it might also make it easier for her to actively resist and end it after 15 minutes, but harder to actively make it last 2 hours or more and then if might start taking her energy or ambient energy to keep going, which segues to the energy aspect, someone with a high energy pool can effectively make an enchant last longer if they desired, the excess ambient energy from the clog would potentially allow for an enchantment to last indefinitely which would account for the 15 hours Tedd spent in "Grace" form though his resistance (or rather, willingness) was also a factor but Tedd would have needed the energy to keep it going for that long. The enchantment that Not_Tengu used on the college students made them oblivious to the fact (it also made them highly suggestible) so they couldn't resist it and they would have had lower resistance naturally, Not_Tengu implied that he was providing the energy with his statement that killing him would break the enchantment but that was kind of a false statement as the power was mainly provided by the excess ambient energy that was channeled by Not_Tengu and killing him wasn't necessary, just starving him of energy was enough. I suspect that if the energy clog didn't exist, it would have taken him a lot longer to gather enough energy to enchant that many students, and it would have required maintenance of said enchantment. He probably would have shifted the enchantment from the punch to something more appropriate and then siphoned a bit of his energy into it every day or so, kinda like Jerry powering the hammer artifact. Grace generates her own energy and her forms aren't enchants. I suspect that her energy is only used at the moment she shapeshifts and isn't required for maintaining the form, in fact the form seems to determine the rate at which she generates energy as Greg found when observing the energy levels in the Verres house while Grace was weighing herself in different forms. Grace's telekinesis though does require Grace focusing her energy for a period of time, flying seems to use it at a lower rate and creating a shield to block with or when manipulating objects remotely seems to use much more, how long and how well she can do that also seems dependent on her form, but she is also training to be more effective with it.
  24. https://www.patreon.com/posts/single-be-quiet-7143183 Wow. Now there's some fantasy fuel for everyone.
  25. so, aren't all of them formulated by Dan with us (well, $5 Patreon backers) just voting which will be drawn? We give the suggestion in the surveys as well as "like" other people's suggestions, Dan then takes the top 4 liked suggestions and makes a poll, then we vote and he takes the top or top 2, so while yes that can be taken as a formula for narrowing down what Dan draws, we are still the ones making the suggestions and voting. I've made several suggestions in the surveys since the "What if Ellen zapped herself in the MV5 NP" that never made it into the polls because people didn't "like" them enough. I'm sure Dan reserves the right to refuse a suggestion that gets a lot "likes" if he feels it's too explicit but I don't think it's happened yet. I would also expect Dan to take a low "liked" suggestion as his "My Choice" if he was particularly interested in it, can't recall if he's specifically done that either.