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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Story Wednesday August 17, 2016

    Grace's telekinesis is multi-range, it can be self to allow her to fly, short to long to move objects, definitely short range projection for the shield. Justin's spell is more of a self buff with a visual effect, he might even be able to turn that off like Nanase could with the glow when she first used the fairy avatar spell. Tedd's genderswap spell, is both a self spell, and a touch spell since he can transform others by touching them. Ellen's guardian form was gained by using the copy spell on Nanase, and the copy spell is short range spell that affects herself.
  2. NP, Friday August 19, 2016

    Unlikely. Not sure how monogamous she is with partners, but she certainly wouldn't be mono with targets for transformations. Liz would just end up as target for being near. We're not sure if Liz still has her poser boyfriend or is single, Liz probably just isn't into girls and so Ashley never bothered asking her out. Still wouldn't stop Ashley from thinking it could be fun to transform her that way if there was no risk of backlash. ... I think Tedd is not nearly as good. Tedd said so himself that he sees going around transforming people and stuff without consent as harming them and thus wouldn't go on such a spree. Ashley sees it the same way. That could be, but it still wouldn't result in any transformation sprees which is really what Pandora wanted.
  3. Story Wednesday August 17, 2016

    That's Adam Jensen from the Deus Ex series. Person that Grace was portraying in the NP series of her second "pacifist playthrough" game.
  4. Story Friday August 19, 2016

    Whenever she wants, for however long she wants apparently.
  5. Story Friday August 19, 2016

    They haven't spoken french in a while so I doubt they're Quebecois.
  6. Story Friday August 19, 2016

    For Animalia's comment, she might have cut the sentence short because she didn't want to say exactly who Cheerleadra was, though that was made moot when DW finished the recap. It might also be that she wanted to get the rest of the details quickly. For the rest, if Pandora does care about the well being of Tedd's friends, then that seems to throw a wrench in the idea that Pandora was behind the bulldog dragon. Unless she knew that it wouldn't kill Cheerleadra. Voltaire's attempt to kill Elliot using Tara was referred to as Plan A which would logically mean it was his first attempt to kill Elliot, of course maybe he had Plans 0-9 first, and then got into the alphabet? Also, I believe this chapter should be nicknamed "The Many Faces of Chaos" because I think we just saw pretty much all aspects of her right here.
  7. Story Wednesday August 17, 2016

    Nanase would have told her mom about Grace since she's already mentioned her being Tedd's girlfriend. I imagine Mama Kitsune would have wanted details after Nanase got back from their double date. Of course, if you meant Mama Kitsune has no idea that Grace is a shapeshifting hybrid alien/human/squirrel/lespuko, that still remains to be seen, but we know that she knows more than she's letting on.
  8. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Sirleck's host and Arthur are 2 separate people.
  9. Story Wednesday August 17, 2016

    If she can transform, she's certainly been able to keep that a secret.
  10. Story Wednesday August 17, 2016

    Thanks for linking that, because the previous page, Catalina asks "so how's hero boy working out" why would she refer to him as "Hero Boy"? Well she probably is well aware of his fight with the goo and and the "evil monkey" plus all the bullies he's fought. Now Elliot didn't seem to go out a Cheerleadra much during the 6 month timeskip aside from showing up at the video store for Tensaided. But when Catalina saw Cheerleadra with Ashley, she could have started putting 2 and 2 together "Ashley's supposed to be on a date with Elliot right now but is with an unknown girl, girls just transformed into a superhero, Elliot acts like a hero in school, what if he can transform?"
  11. Unsolved Mysteries of Susan and Diane

    Like I said, if looking in the mirror reminds her of the woman that she caught her dad with, it'd be impossible to block out that face. In that page, we see Susan in a rare moment of happiness about how her hair looks, but then is suddenly reminded of why she was dying it in the first place and the happiness goes out the window.
  12. Story Wednesday August 17, 2016

    I read Catalina's remark as more realizing that the girl with Ashley was Elliot, Dan's commentary of that did state that Catalina likely would have known about Ashley and Elliot's date, she'd probably seen Ashley around in school, and then when she saw her in the mall would have been like "Isn't she supposed to be on a date with Elliot? who's that girl that just turned into cheerleadra?" I honestly believe that Catalina will keep quiet about it, she considers Elliot a friend and after what happened earlier in the week, she'll probably want to think before leaping. My guess is she'll want to talk to Elliot on Monday.
  13. NP Wednesday August 17, 2016

    Ok, I'll give you that one, it was more like "big boar's gonna kill me!" I doubt she would keep any of her magic secret from him, Elliot was willing to share stuff about his abilities, she should have been fine with sharing stuff about her. I still refuse to believe Ashley has a hidden agenda for dating Elliot. I agree it'll be hard for Ashley to "play dumb" about what happened in the mall, but she can still limit how much she says, she can even just say "I'm sorry, but it's not right for me to say more".
  14. NP Wednesday August 17, 2016

    We only know of 2 prior cases, Ashley's internet relationship that she broke off because of distance issues and the low chance of them actually seeing each other, and Bad Tom and either she broke up with him after catching on that he's a manipulator, or he dumped her when he decided to target Susan. Though knowing Bad Tom, he probably manipulated Ashley into dumping him so he'd be free to go after Susan, which would certainly make him worse.
  15. NP Wednesday August 17, 2016

    Pandora was hoping for something that would produce a large effect of noticable magic, her reaction upon seeing Ashley and Liz suggests she either found what she was hoping for, or something entirely different but still enough to shock her. She had time to think about how to get Tara to stop chasing Elliot, mind you a transformation spell probably wouldn't have helped like a well aimed soccer ball to the face did. Still most of the accidental uses we've seen from Justin, Rhoda, and Tedd weren't fully thought out things, they were emotion fueled with the hint of intent. Justin under attack from a hostile fire golem, needing to do something to stop it. Rhoda scared of a big bad boar coming at her. Tedd having the revelation about genderfluidity and the rush of feelings there. For Ashley, there's been plenty of moments where she's been excited about transformation, and if she had known about her spell for a while now, why keep that a secret from Elliot, they'd be kindred spirits, she'd be like "You can do that too?!?" when she saw Elliot in the stairwell. Also, I doubt Ashley will go into details about what she's seen to Liz, if Liz did see the news and ask about it, Ashley would probably attempt to say as little as possible, she's already been established as someone that didn't want Elliot betraying anyone by telling her about magic, and also told Nanase she wouldn't pry despite having so many questions. The only time Ashley did ask about something was when she was trying to help Nanase reach Elliot with the fairy avatar. So yeah, I don't see her saying too much about it to Liz.
  16. Story Wednesday August 17, 2016

    Pandora appeared to shrink herself down and physically enter Grace's dream though. Also, Nanase's fairy avatar spell seems to have a pretty good range on it since she's been able to reach Elliot/Ellen's house from the Dojo, Susan's house on the way to school, where ever it was that Abraham took Ellen, and more recently from Charlotte's apartment to the wooded area that Elliot and the griffins went to. The spell Disco Wizard has been using to contact Grace was given to him, and Pandora said it wouldn't be difficult to locate his physical body, if it was Edward disguised as Disco Wizard, Pandora would know that and call him out on it.
  17. NP Wednesday August 17, 2016

    Grace doesn't have any special "I can see if people have marks" ability, the only reason she had those moments when she saw Rhoda and Justin were because of her discussions with Disco Wizard in her dreams, she was likely told that Justin and Rhoda were marked and where the marks likely were, seeing their backs triggered an "I saw this in my dreams for some reason" feeling, it wasn't until she saw Dex, whom she knew had a mark on his chest that she realized why she had those moments with Justin and Rhoda. Note, she didn't have that moment with Luke when he showed up, but then she never met Luke before so she wouldn't think that he was marked. At best, having Grace look at Ashley will let her relationship senses tell her if Ashley and Elliot are good for each other.
  18. NP Wednesday August 17, 2016

    That would actually make a fair amount of sense, especially in comic logic. One would figure though that with Elliot showing off his transformation abilities, and then all the crazy stuff that happened after, Ashley would have accidentally used the spell. It's too bad Tara apparently didn't look at Ashley's when she was telling everone of Elliot's, Ellen's, Nanase's, and Diane's magic potential. She would have noticed if Ashley had form of magic, heck, she should have looked for any potential in Ashley immediately after getting soccer balled to the face.
  19. What Are You Ingesting?

    With the sauce it probably would have been adequate.
  20. NP Wednesday August 17, 2016

    That was pretty much proven when they hijacked the enterprise to go back for Spock.
  21. NP Wednesday August 17, 2016

    I'm thinking for total equipment, like the conn station on a starship would be the touchscreen panel which would require power, the circuitry inside would need to have power running through it, there's probably some in console processing that needs power, if the consoles were all dummy terminals then yeah all that would need to be powered is the screen and the network interface, but then the console itself would have a lot of empty space or a lot of redundant circuits.
  22. NP Wednesday August 17, 2016

    I can understand that starship control panels would need to have fast response times and no loading screens to be able to operate a starship properly, so it would likely use more power than today's tablets, but plasma conduits do seem like overkill.
  23. NP Wednesday August 17, 2016

    Why should that prevent her from marking Ashley? If she saw Ashley's potential for being with Elliot, that might be enough to generate a desired effect (IE getting Elliot to transform more often) that she wouldn't need to mark her. I admit this falls into Pandora being nice to someone which is something she didn't really decide to do until after marking Tedd.
  24. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=499 Yep, apparently giving them magic would be too awkward for Pandora to enjoy.
  25. Story Wednesday August 17, 2016

    I'm more inclined to believe that Disco Wizard was pushing Pandora through several excuses for wanting magic for everyone and now got to the truth of why she did it.