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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. The Association Game

    Europe I believe. You can try Greenland though, it has more space to stockpile.
  2. What Are You Ingesting?

    Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jam Sammiches.
  3. Softwares & Hardwares

    I dunno if this is the same as what you're talking about, but over the years I have gone from using an SB16 soundcard, to SBLive! card, to SB Audigy2, and now just a realtek integrate sound processor on the motheboard as well as gone from using speakers, speakers with a subwoofer and now just headphones. And for a lot of cases, audio files, either videogame music, midi tracks or music discs did have a noticeable difference between the various types, I'd listen to a music track that I'd heard numerous times on one system, then hear it on another and be like "I never heard this high-hat sound before." or "It sounds like there's more bass than I remember." For the most part though I've figured that it's either just the new system having an equalizer feature that adjusts the bass and treble so I can hear everything clearer or the track itself was encoded in a way that the new hardware doesn't emulate properly. Best example is Sim City 2000 for DOS, I played the crap out of it when if first came out, I remember just sitting back and listening to the jazzy music. Not to long ago EA was giving away SC2k for free with DOSBOX to be able to run it, I was like "Yeah I can listen to that music again!" but instead what I got was not a smooth sax or clarinet but fingernails on a chalkboard.
  4. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Yeah, Greg was still working out of his ASMA Dojo when Elliot took Grace for her first session. Likely just using it for her private sessions until the lease ended. And then when we saw Ellen training with Grace, it was likely in the Dojo that offered to take Greg on as a teacher.
  5. Sketchbook: April 12, 2016

    The party could be at Ashley's place, she would certainly invite Susan because Ashley thinks she's cool, and Ashley's gesture could be seen as "Hey Susan, glad you could make it!" A number of other factors could have been considered when choosing the costumes, like the size difference between Ashley and Elliot. I have a feeling it would have been Ashley's idea to dress up like that though if she recently learned about Elliot being able to change into a cat-man. Otherwise I think Elliot might have suggested going as a pair of superheroes. If it was Rhoda and Catalina, I would kind of expect Catalina to take the role of predator because it's Catalina we're talking about, at the same time though I would think that on occasion Rhoda might play the role just for funzies.
  6. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    No I'm not saying that, I'm saying that if Tedd wasn't bullied about his appearance, he probably wouldn't have felt he needed a reason to escape by transforming himself, so it could have been years before he started to show signs of being genderfluid, despite the fact that he got the TFG at the age he did, he may have been more responsible in it's use if he wasn't motivated to use it on himself. He'd likely use it occasionally for fun, but it would be a more gradual buildup to the realization of being genderfluid. Like Elliot for example, he was originally annoyed by the idea of being transformed and for a while felt it was an inconvenience to have to routinely transform to keep his energy buildup in check, but as of his date with Ashley we know that it's grown on him to the point where we've even wondered if he's genderfluid as well. If Elliot is genderfluid then it took longer for that aspect to surface in him than it did Tedd. Heck, if Tedd wasn't genderfluid, and yet still bullied about his appearance, it would have been more likely that Tedd would have used the TFG to make himself look more masculine. So the bullies are the cause of Tedd's genderfluidity surfacing when it did, but it is by no means the cause of Tedd being genderfluid.
  7. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    Maybe, maybe not, I don't know. All I know is Tedd's continuing to transform himself after the realization, which is guaranteed to have Edward continue to make off-handed comments about it. The only way that has any chance of stopping is if Tedd tells him to. I still don't believe that Edward's aware of the bullying that Tedd's gone through growing up. Tedd likely never mentioned any of it out of fear of being called a tattletale and getting even worse treatment, so Edward wouldn't be able to make the connection that Tedd's "vacations" were because of the bullying. I'm not saying the bullying is the cause of Tedd's genderfluidity, but it probably was instrumental in it surfacing when it did and Tedd would possibly have not realized that aspect of himself until later if he wasn't bullied about his appearance. Another thing that bothers me about the situation is way back at Grace's birthday Tedd does seem to make a promise to tell Grace whats going on in that head of his in the future. Fast Forward to after the tournament and we see all the things he could have told Grace to answer her question about why he shouldn't tell his dad about his mark, but all Tedd says is "I just don't." So that means that Grace isn't aware of Edward's behaviour, She certainly heard Edward's comment about being disturbed seeing his son as a girl, but if she never saw any of the other incidents then she probably wouldn't think there was an issue. Tedd's refusal to tell his dad about the mark should have been a red flag that there is an issue but it didn't seem like Grace saw it. I'd like to think I know what Tedd's going through because I went through similar growing up, not the genderfluidity stuff, but being bullied and feeling like I was the one being punished for trying to do something about it, numerous times in school I'd tell a teacher that one of the other students was bothering me and I would end up getting moved to the back of the classroom, if they were doing things visually that bothered me, my desk would be turned around so I couldn't see them. I was constantly told by some people that if a bully took a swing at me to just swing back, and told by others to just ignore it any they'll go away. And most of the time the bullies would do things while the teacher's back was to us and so when I did react there was at least 5 people that said they did nothing to me. It wasn't until high school that I found a couple teachers and even a vice principal that were sympathetic to me and encouraged me to stick up for myself. There was one incident in particular where a bully kept kicking at my book bag as we walked down the hall from the classroom to the library I kept telling him to stop but he wouldn't so I pushed him away from me, he pushed back and I clocked him one across the nose. I ended up getting suspended for a day for fighting on school grounds but bully got 3 days for provoking me, the bully never bothered me again and the vice principal even congratulated me for standing up to him. Looking back on all of that, even though I did eventually make progress, there are still many incidents where I wished I had done things differently, like not caving so easily when told not to tattle, or be more assertive when people tried to outnumber me, the results of what I did do were less than ideal for the most part but maybe I didn't do enough. Maybe that's why I feel so strongly about Tedd keeping this stuff from him dad, even if the outcome of it is less than ideal for Tedd, it should still be attempted. I can't claim to know why Dan's writing the scenario out like this, I get the feeling he's drawing from experience either from his own life or observations of others, so what Dan knows could be very different from what I know, but looking at Tedd as a real person, knowing what I know, his method of handling this situation just feels wrong and could very well end badly for everyone involved. Now that I think of it, I did use "fault" in the wrong context and I apologize for that. But I can't help but feel Tedd would likely blame himself for his father's behaviour if things keep going like it is.
  8. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    It's because neither Tedd, nor Edward have really tried to communicate with each other over this, early on since Tedd didn't know what he was, he didn't know what to tell Edward. Now though Tedd knows he genderfluid and yet he's still won't go to Edward and be all "Hey dad, this is what I am, do you have a problem with it?" I realize it would be hard as **** for Tedd to go up to his dad like that, and there's probably a 50/50 chance that maybe Edward is truly transphobic, but if he doesn't find out for sure, it's going to eat away at him and probably do more harm to him and those he cares about in the long run.
  9. Sketchbook: April 12, 2016

    This could also be a Susan dream, we know she likes to watch, so what if the dream started off with this image, but then ended up a little more intimate?
  10. NP: Friday, April 8, 2016

    In Oblivion and Skyrim, an unkillable NPC is most likely unkillable due to being connected to the main quest line, at least until such a time during the quest line that requires an NPC to be killed or prevented from being killed. Most other side quest NPCs could be killed and there were times where you either couldn't complete a quest because of a random dragon attack killed half a village or didn't get the opportunity to get a quest because the NPC died to bandit as you were coming up to them.
  11. Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    Edward was referring to a sketch when he mentioned it, he knew about Grace's history because he knew Dr Sciuridae, and the concept sketch he saw would have been of what Shade Tail should have looked like if the egg was given the intended human DNA. And knowing that alternate realities exist, when Edward saw the picture that had a shade tail that looked like what the sketch he saw shown, it was easy for him to assume that the Grace in that reality didn't die so her DNA wasn't used to make Shade Tail.
  12. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    I'm not comfortable with the idea that Noriko has an MO of marrying, having a kid, then taking off and repeating, I don't consider her a pathological deadbeat mom. If she does have other children she either was pregnant with Edward's second child before the divorce (possibly just a few weeks pregnant and Edward didn't know), or she remarried once and had a child with her new husband. I'm having a difficult time believing that she would ever remarry though so if she had another child and Edward's not the father then she either had a one night stand with someone, or she was artificially inseminated. I kinda get the feeling though that Noriko would be rather picky about who she'd have father her child though since she'd want to make sure that the child was worthy of being an apprentice. I'm not sure how she'd go about doing that though.
  13. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    I didn't see this after I made my previous post, but I feel I need to clarify a bit more because I don't want to appear to be defending Edward in this, but I have to wonder if Edward if even aware that what he says is wrong. Like you said yourself, you grew up surrounded by those behaviours and prejudices and it was later that you came to realized that they were wrong, Edward may not have reached that point yet because either he hasn't realized he's perpetrating these things or simply hasn't been told he's wrong, I don't believe that makes what he'd doing easier to forgive, but I wholeheartedly believe he needs to be made aware of his behaviour towards Tedd, either by Tedd or by someone close to Tedd that Edward couldn't ignore. Edward would still perceive her as child. Adrian Raven might be better, but I'm not sure if he would really consider it important enough to talk with Edward about it - remember, they don't have best relationship, and it could easily sound like him trying to educate Edward about how to educate Tedd. Edward also knows that Grace thinks of him as a father and he made a promise to take care of her, as naive as Grace seems, she's shown to have a way with talking to people about tough subjects. If she can convince Adrian that the world could never be better if people didn't at least try for better outcomes, she should have a good chance of convincing Edward that Tedd needs his father's support.
  14. Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    Um, why would Grace NOT have mentioned Diane looking like Susan to Tedd, especially when she saw what a big deal it seemed to be to Ellen and Nanase? Maybe Tedd just wasn't interested in finding out if Susan had a twin sister she didn't know about for some reason. Probably for the same reason that Ellen never tried to push the subject after her initial attempt. She had no idea of the implications of telling Susan she had a relative she might not have known about or else she wouldn't have texted her in the first place, Ellen could have asked again the next time she saw Susan but I guess it didn't seem that important. I'm guessing they all just came to the idea that it's just a coincidence that they looked alike and forgot about it until New Years. Agreed. I admit that those kids have some reasons to not confide in Edward as much as they should, but they really should realize that everything he does is to protect them. However, I doubt he can do anything to protect Elliot's secret, especially since Elliot was already known as the guy who punches monsters and talks to griffins before tonight. Looks like it's time to "adapt or die" for Edward as well. Let's see if he's better at it than Arthur. There isn't much Edward can do to salvage Elliot's secret that I can think of aside from hope that only a few people actually made the connection between Elliot and Cheerleadra and if those people really care. I fully expect Catalina to offer to "help" salvage his identity btw. Quite possibly even Tensaided as well.
  15. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    I don't think its the judging Tedd by masculine terms that's the issue, because Tedd's constantly swinging from one gender to the other. It's the fact that Edward doesn't know exactly what Tedd's going through and just making assumptions that's the issue, and it's really the fault of both parties that this is happening, Edward hasn't asked why Tedd does this, or if he has Tedd's made up some excuse like "claims it's like a vacation" and yes I know what Edward says after that would seem hurtful but can you honestly think that Edward would know that after casually being told "it's like a vacation"? He'd just think Tedd has some strange habits, this is understandable early on when Tedd didn't even know genderfluidity was a thing so he didn't really know why he did it and couldn't really communicate that well enough to Edward. Now however, Tedd knows what the deal is, but still feels he can't communicate with his dad because of all the past stuff and Edward's just left to believe that his son has developed some sort of festish. I think Grace would be the best option actually, she's the one that figured out that Tedd is genderfluid, and Edward's got to have seen the impact Grace has had on Tedd's life since she arrived, so she should be able to get him to understand what Tedd's going through and that he needs his father's support.
  16. Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    While it might be possible that Arthur is being controlled by something, it's probably more like Arthur is working on a more literal interpretation of the paranormal division's duties. The whole "the accessibility of magic has always been the real secret" bit supports that keeping magic a secret was secondary to the main mission, and now the the secondary objective is busted open, the primary objective needs to be maintained at all cost.
  17. Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    Diane may not have heard Not_Tengu's exact speech, but it's apparent that Charlotte filled her in after she caught up with her. The "So that thing IS here because of Nanase." sounds like a response to Charlotte updating her and answering the question Diane had asked Nanase earlier about the bad guy having some connection to her.
  18. Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    You make it sounds like a bad thing, but are you SURE the paranormal division would deal with them quickly enough under Arthur Arthur's orders? Helena and Demetrius are obviously much better at finding those aberrations. It may go further back for Helena and Demetrius, maybe their motivation is to protect people and they feel that the various government agencies move too slow or don't act at all until there's an incident, Helena and Demetrius could rather find the danger before it has a chance to strike. That would also fit why they recruited Susan and Nanase in France, and yeah it's been argued that doing so was wrong and that they should have gone to the government agency for help, but Helena and Demetrius might have felt that doing so would leave Susan vulnerable to a second attack considering the nature of her innate talent. I guess it depends on how you look at it whether it's good or bad, DGB would probably consider Helena and Demetrius rogue Immortals, Jerry certainly didn't approve of their actions, but Andrea, while she felt killing the aberrations was a job for the people of the main eight's half of the world, was still happy to do it because aberrations are bad and killing them prevented innocent people from getting killed.
  19. NP: Monday, April 11, 2016

    In most Bethesda games it is. from what I've seen with Fallout 4 though, if it's not nailed down, it's free game, I think certain locked containers are still tagged, but for all the bits and bobs scattered about, the NPCs won't bat an eye if you take em. the main issue with FO4 though isn't "do I need this?" but instead because of the whole settlement feature, it's "I need ALL OF THIS!!!"
  20. Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    As long it was just between him and the aberration no witnesses, sure, if a civilian was involved, he might be obligated to report it. Yeah, he might be alright with going after 1 aberration in his spare time, but if there's more than one he might not be able to find them in time before they take any victims. We should also consider what spider vamp said about low profiles, and that the aberrations in Moperville are trying to draw as little attention to themselves as possible, it's obviously not helped some of them as Helena and Demetrius have been able to root some out for Andrea to kill and spider vamp likely hadn't had a fresh meal in a while and let temptation get to him when he sensed Diane (get a meal and prevent a vampire slayer from awakening, 2 birds with 1 stone). Otherwise, and as someone pointed out, Edward and the paranormal divsion don't seem to be aware that there's anything going on. It's almost like even though the paranormal division is supposed to keep the public in the dark about magic and such, Helena and Demetrius are taking it one step further and keeping the paranormal division from finding out about an aberration convention in Moperville, by having them killed before they cause trouble.
  21. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Yeah if Susan and Diane were even a small part Immortal, I would think another Immortal would notice, although I do wonder if Adrian did detect Diane's potential, but her attitude at the time prevented him from grouping her with Nanase and Justin, I do believe that has certainly changed though and we'll see Diane spending more time at the lunch table at school.
  22. Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    Sorry, I disagree with the statement that Adrian wouldn't consider having to kill several aberrations in a year noteworthy.
  23. Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    I disagree, 1 aberration every couple years or so, maybe, it's bound to happen, but several in a year would be worrying, either implicating that there's a rise in the aberration population, or a large migration event. What's going on now could be considered a large migration event if they're drawn to the magic in the area, but if they really are being organized by someone or something, then that's even more worrying.
  24. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    D'oh! Catalina would have been an obvious one to look at. Though Dan pretty much from her introduction wanted her to have cat-like appearance and personality so of course she'd have them.