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Everything posted by Vorlonagent

  1. NP Monday January 22, 2018

    Who said anything about "fair"?
  2. Story, Monday January 22, 2018

    Ill agree that someone is likely keeping Tedd's status secret from someone else. It could be Ed Verres holding out on the DGB or the DGB holding out on Verres, or even both. Tedd has been written off as a magical dead-end. He's smart, yes, but it's well-documented that Tedd has "no magical ability". Ed Verres could report everything Tedd is doing accurately as long as he "forgets" to mention that Tedd's watches use earth-magic not uryouom energy. That does assume that Ed Verres knows what Seers are and that Tedd is one. But Verres has to know how hard it is to work with magical implements like wands and staves. If he knows that Tedd is creating them easily, he has to realize something strange is up with Tedd whether he knows what Seers are or not. he might also choose to not report Tedd working with earth-magic to his superiors until he knew what was going on himself. Verres would have to be faithfully reporting that Tedd is working with earth-magic for Verres' superiors at the DGB to realize there's something special to Tedd. Alternately, they would have to have the Verres house under surveillance and under such good surveillance that Ed Verres wouldn't notice, to learn about Tedd independently from his dad.
  3. Story, Monday January 22, 2018

    The next step would be a programmable wand or even staff. it's entirely possible that the DGB would arrange a non-Seer (who doesn't know about Seers)to duplicate Tedd's work just to confirm that Tedd's watches are the product of a Seer. It's big stuff either way. A non-Seer wandmaker or a bona-fide Seer who knows what he is doing. Assessing a negative is always difficult. What points to the DGB not knowing Tedd is a Seer? The only thing I can think of is that they haven't taken him into custody. There could be other reasons for that. The most prominent of which being they *don't* know Tedd is a Seer because Ed Verres reports faithfully on everybody else, leading them to think they know everything, but leaving them in the dark about Tedd. If Ed Verres knows the full extend of what Tedd can do, there's really no way he shouldn't realize Tedd is a Seer. The only way he wouldn't is if Verres himself didn't know what a Seer is.
  4. Story, Monday January 22, 2018

    Tedd's watches don't work outside Moperville's elevated ambient magic. IIRC it's only a magical energy input question not a "must be within x miles of Tedd's House" question. A competent mage with enough personal energy storage, say Ed Verres, Wolf, Cranium or any other magic-user on the DGB should be able to use a Tedd watch anywhere. Even Susan, Justin Elliot, Ellen or Nanase. Agreed that the DGB wouldn't be able to reproduce Tedd's ability to program a watch unless they have a Seer on the payroll.
  5. Story, Monday January 22, 2018

    Agreed. Maybe they run into each other and Tedd says "hey Dad, guess what just happened?!?!" or something more Tedd-ish than that.
  6. NP Monday January 22, 2018

    That would certainly mean center-of-mass of the dice would exert its maximum effect on the roll. I've seen people rattle the dice around in their hands and flop them on a game table with little or no rolling around, too. I never said anything but that always bothered me a little
  7. Story, Monday January 22, 2018

    I'd like to see a Father-child moment where Ed Verres gets a chance to give Tedd a rare moment of praise and appreciation.
  8. NP Monday January 22, 2018

    My family likes boardgames and some of them use dice as well. We've been using the game box lid and a thickness of 2 or 3 paper towels. But I also work for a tech company that sells mobile devices and started noticing the foam on the box lid insides. I'm starting to build up a collection...
  9. Story, Monday January 22, 2018

    If magic items remain a part of Magic's new ruleset, Tedd would be the person to know how they work or figure it out, both because he's consulting on the change and because he's a Seer and this is his home territory.
  10. NP Monday January 22, 2018

    Some mobile devices come in boxes with a thin layer of foam on the inner-top making the natural dice-rolling boxes. They're low clatteral damage as well if the game takes place where there are children who are supposed to be sleeping during the game.
  11. Story, Monday January 22, 2018

    Tedd programmed the TF gun. That shows some promise. Then Tedd reverse-engineered the TF gun and built his own. That's a bigger deal. It's Tedd's magitech research that would be the big thing. He's making wands (in the form of watches) with spell slots that he can program and reprogram. Even if the DGB knows how to do that, Tedd teaching himself would be a big deal. Odds are good the DGB *don't* know how to build programmable magic items, which makes Tedd's self-taught discovery a super-huge mega-awesome big deal, topping someone with a 'time stop" ability by an order of magnitude.
  12. NP Friday Jan 19, 2018

    Walking to off Catalina.
  13. Story, Wednesday January 17, 2018

    One thing we can be certain of. Wherever Helena and Dimitrios (one day I will slip and call him "Doritos") are, they aren't anywhere near Elliot or Sirleck would have made an ash of himself.
  14. NP Wednesday Jan 17, 2018

    The big thing is how to make the power of a given form or card easy to understand. Printing a number on the card is an easy way to telling a player how "good" a form or multi-form card is (some forms might have a bonus in TF fights or get the ability to win what would otherwise be a tie)
  15. NP Wednesday Jan 17, 2018

    A card could have a number on it for an inherent power or go by the number of effects a card has.
  16. NP Wednesday Jan 17, 2018

    There needs to be a transformation battle mechanic in this game...
  17. Story, Wednesday January 17, 2018

    I got this image of an Old West Immortal. "Low down horse-thieving varmint. Resettin's too good for ye...."
  18. Story, Wednesday January 17, 2018

    ...so you're saying resetting's too good for him?
  19. Story, Wednesday January 17, 2018

    And now, the moment you've all been waiting for (at least if you're Voltaire...)
  20. NP Monday January 16, 2018

    But her girlfriend's like right there!
  21. Story: Friday 12 Jan 2018

    Maybe she's finding someone...Like Voltaire?
  22. Notice: Unplanned absence

    I thought you had that whole "mummification/resurrection as your puppet muhuhahaha" thing planned to cover it all up....
  23. Notice: Unplanned absence

    Nobody's killed anyone else (that you can prove) while you were gone so I think it's all good.