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Everything posted by Vorlonagent

  1. Which Moper Are You?

    It's why you have it perfected...
  2. Video Game Discussion 4

    ...so they're giving us just an inkling of what Splatoon 2 will be like?
  3. Which Moper Are You?

    But...you have that perfected. What is there left for the rest of us?
  4. Story Friday 9, March 2018

    Dan hasn't just put a gun on the mantle. He's put a BFG on the mantle. And that's not a reference to Ellen.
  5. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    We have a much more pressing deadline than that. The Sun goes nova in only a handful of billion years. We've to to get off this rock by then or evolve into beings of pure thought with no corporeal form. ...which, come to think of it, ought to solve the problem.
  6. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    I don't think a different formula to "melting pot" is needed. Maybe more time is to integrate a greater more obvious difference, perhaps. I don't think "melting pot" is even being tried at the moment. Not intentionally anyway. Great emphasis is being put on demographic differences between people and creating elaborate, often government backed schemes for "equalizing" those differences. (if equality is ever actually achieved, these schemes will by definition all need to be dismantled). We are far more alike than we alike than we are different. I believe emphasizing differences between demographic groups in order to end different treatment is self-defeating. I think looking upon the differences between groups as trivial to a common identity is superior.
  7. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    There isn't an upper limit per se, but all things end eventually.
  8. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    I think it is inevitable. The US "melting pot" has done it for previous racial and cultural divisions. There's no reason why it won't work with women and the current set of protected minorities. The big difference is the current set are trying a different strategy. For reasons you state, that strategy may not be successful. If not successful, equality may not occur until sometime after failure is understood, accepted and some other approach emerges. maybe even what worked before.
  9. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    The topic of how bad things are in the US is really something for the Politics thread, so I'm going to leave it alone. The multi-generational problem of cleaning out the "isms" embedded in the collective mind of a nation is what I am referring to when I say, "clearing it out is going to take time". You would be lucky if turning deep societal perceptions are only as hard as turning a battleship or aircraft carrier. Gains and losses are going to be the order of the day too, unfortunate as any losses would be. It's all a process of trial by fire. The harder the goal, the hotter the flame, the better the results. Maybe what looks like a loss is just taking a piece back to the fire to burn some dross off it. The really important stuff will stay, even if it doesn't look like it sometimes, especially if anybody can make money or further their political career by claiming things are worse than they are. But we'll get there. Denmark will get there. The US will get there. It's inevitable. Civilization just has about 10,000 years of mommy and daddy issues to work through.
  10. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    Only because there's still some misogyny still abroad in the popular subconscious and clearing that out is just going to take time. Women will have to establish what female "strength" sounds like. That's going to be a problem, certainly in the US because US politics so strongly caters to emotion and attempts to elicit emotional responses. True decisiveness often speaks with a calm voice.
  11. The Album, and Other Music

    drumroll please....
  12. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    ...so how do so many people with poor self-control make it into public office?
  13. NP Wednesday Mar 7, 2018

    So definitely agreed...
  14. Which Moper Are You?

    My avatar sort of is. I connect most strongly with Elliot, but male-Elliot. Female-Elliot. even when when the form isn't a decoy form has a distinctly different mindset.
  15. NP Wednesday Mar 7, 2018

    This being EGS, a Rhoda-chasing-Ashley scene would have to turn into a Tom and Jerry cartoon.
  16. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    ..so if you want to learn more about people get them to yell at you...
  17. EGS Strip Slaying

    Maybe balsa...
  18. Story, Monday March 5, 2018

    Depending on the transformations and length, I may have to get a toaster...
  19. Story, Monday March 5, 2018

    You always have to keep an eye on the toaster as well...
  20. Story, Monday March 5, 2018

    Hostages are always fun. I know. Sirleck probably has as much or more resistance as not-Tengue. It seemed like there was a question about whether magus releasing a host is fatal. I was agreeing with you more than anything, though I could probably have made that clearer.
  21. Story, Monday March 5, 2018

    Especially if they are desperate and low on options. If Ashley were to touch the Dewitchery Diamond there would suddenly be a second Ashley there capable of casting a "calm" spell... There's also a whole lot of other artifacts she could get into especially if Elliot and Sirleck-possessing-Magus square off. Ed Verres was pretty clear on Aberrants/Vampires and return to humanity. To humanize them again would kill them. I imagine FV5ing Sirleck would be like FV5ing not-Tengue's monster form. I expect you'd only be able to hit Sirleck when he's corporeal (i.e. between bodies), which is rare. If he's possessing someone, the effect would probably hit the host body not Sirleck. Question through. What happens if Sirleck possessing Ellen touched the Dewitchery Diamond? Ellen is instantly free, Sirleck gets a new body. His ability to "pass on the curse" could well be to grant the the ability to posses people Sirleck-style which would probably mean turning people into Sirleck-like Aberrants/Vampires. That would be pretty terrifying. Sirleck possessed and released the school custodian without killing her. It shouldn't be an automatic death sentence, but having Sirleck latched onto a non magic-using human body looks to be very draining. Probably would be for Ellen too.
  22. Story, Monday March 5, 2018

    Agreed. magus-Elliot is male and as long as he's male when touching the Dewitchery Diamond, his new body should also be male. I guess it's possible that there's something of Ellen's original handbeam left in the enchantment-like effect that allows Magus to possess Elliot but Elliot being male argues against it. The only way Magus ought wind up being female would be if the change in Magic's rules gave the Dewitchery Diamond greater freedom to act. Pure speculation here: maybe the DD makes a female magus (Femagus?) because Elliot stands out to the DD as one of the few, perhaps even the first, repeat customer for its service? So hey, throw in a FV5 for good measure. Or maybe it does pick up on the FV5 beam by which Magus "curses" Elliot's body. Magus would receive the ability to spread the curse of being able to incorporeally possess Elliot? Possess their own dimensional doppelgangers? And maybe Femagus gets handbeams too? I don't know. I do not pretend this is anywhere in the same zip code as "likely"., just remotely possible.
  23. NP, Friday March 2, 2018

    It sure looks like Ashley's outfit has changed as well...
  24. Things that make you sad.

  25. NP Wednesday Feb 28 2018

    Ashley the accidental therapist...