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Everything posted by Howitzer

  1. Story: Friday, April 1st 2016

    Well, when stuff is going on in the comic, you can easily have a day of comic time take place over half a year of real time. On the other hand, when stuff isn't going on, you can have things like six months going by in the space of one comic. We'll just have to see how it plays out.
  2. Friends and countrymen (and $5 Patreon supporters), it has come to my attention that non canon Susan is edging past werewolf Nanase in the transformation polls. Should she win, it would be a sad day for Moperville. The new magic set, which is set in the gothic horror wored of Innistrad, is being released next week and, as such, this is the perfect time for the werewolves to show their mettle and demonstrate how they will protect the forest and us all. There is still time to right this grave injustice. If you haven't voted yet, please do so and, in doing, show your support for the forest. Show your support for freedom. Show your support for Nanase. This message has been paid for by friends of Nanase 2016.
  3. Specifically, her index finger. It looks about 15 or 20 percent wider then the other fingers. It not horrible, but once you spot it you can't not see it.
  4. I'm actually more concerned about Grace's right hand. Did she get her fingers caught in a door?
  5. Now we just need a 5 second animated video starting with last month's pinup, and ending with this one.
  6. Story Monday March 28, 2016

    Am I a bad person for immediately going through Charlette's entire rant mentally before I looked at the second panel?
  7. Story Monday March 21, 2016

    Someone like a literal super hero. (But only when not in school.) Too bad Edward doesn't have the job anymore. I'm sure he'd clean up the town.
  8. NP Monday March 21, 2016

    Hmm. Has Dan tried Undertale? Grace definitely should.
  9. Ellen.mp3

    I've had this lyric sheet held in my email inbox since December of 2010, and I figure after more than 5 years, I'd better just record the thing. Kind of wanted to do the whole story as opposed to just the first part, but whatever. Enjoy! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/57274384/ellen.mp3
  10. NP Friday March 18, 2016

    Ok, I had Fritz 13 analyse the position overnight. With White to move, it likes the sequence: Bxf6 exf6 a7 d4 Re1 Bd5 Qxd4 and White is up by 12.28 pawns. When it's Black to move, there are a lot more variations, but it deems the main line as: ... Nd7 a7 Ra8 Ra6 Qb7 Rb1 Qc7 and White is up by 8.63 pawns. Note that being up by more than a pawn or two is clearly winning, so both of these give an ENORMOUS advantage to White, as we already stated.
  11. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=433 OK, was that sweater due to Grace quickly running out and back, or due to someone (Ellen, apparently) giving it to her?
  12. NP Friday March 18, 2016

    Well, I don't know if it's White or Black to move in the diagram. If it's White to move, I'm pretty sure Black is doomed no matter what he does. If it's Black to move, the only thing I see is Nd7, with the idea that after Nb6, the promotion square is defended by another piece. Black's in pretty serious trouble regardless however. Even after doing that, all of Black's pieces save the bad Bishop are stuck trying to prevent the promotion, while the White Bishop and Rook on f1 have free reign to basically do whatever they want. EDIT: Actually, I'm a moron. Black can just move one of his pieces right onto the promotion square at a8, and the pawn will be stopped from getting to it. It still ties up a piece, but that's way better then tying up three of them. Black's still quite doomed. :-D
  13. NP Friday March 18, 2016

    The thing is, it's actually pretty darn hard to Queen a pawn in chess, at least against a competent opponent. If you manage to get to that position, you're probably winning anyway.
  14. NP Friday March 11, 2016

    I notice that Sarah has gotten used to Nude Grace. She's not blushing nearly as much as she was last month. Of course, it's probably just that the shock has worn off.
  15. STORY: Monday March 7, 2016

    I hope not. This seems like the sort of problem that magic shouldn't have anything to do with.
  16. NP, Wednesday March 9, 2016

    I read this comic, and I was thinking to myself, "It looks like Dan's started to realize just how long this story's become, and is trying to cut it off." Then I read the commentary and found I was totally correct. Not that I would have minded a bit more. It's an interesting topic.
  17. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=430 Panel 2 reminds me a little bit of SNL's Pat.
  18. STORY: Monday March 7, 2016

    It can be both!
  19. STORY: Monday March 7, 2016

    You heard it here first, folks: if you want distortion levels so low as to make a brave man weep, all you have to do is magically merge with your cell phone.
  20. Story: Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

    Until and unless all the previous posts come back, we defiantly lost more than we gained. The forum software doesn't matter nearly as much as the content it contains.
  21. Story: Thursday, March 3, 2016

    They Might Be Giants, "Contrecoup"
  22. Story: Thursday, March 3, 2016

    Nanase said something of the sort one time, but the way she said it implied that it's not actually making words up, it just uses words that aren't in common usage. you know what's wrong with me; you know phrenology you saw my injury and you can tell just by looking at my skull. contrecoup on the rebound. Contrecoup hurt me again and the second was worse by far then the first 'cause it left me limerent You know, language like that.
  23. Check in here -- Welcome back!